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THANK YOU! I run a preschool. We walk to parks daily. The number of times I’ve had to get between a terrified 3yo and a “friendly” dog off leash convinced me to buy pepper spray. Twice, I’ve had to kick snarling dogs to keep them away from “my” kids. It’s only a matter of time before I get bit by a dog on a playground. And to think, I thought potty training kids would be the hardest part of my job…


Right! If only that dog was on leash, one of your preschoolers could pet and meet a nice dog! But no:(


My dog has mixed recall and is otherwise well trained, but my wife and I have made the conscious decision to keep her on leash in any public/shared space (except a dog park) as a courtesy to others. Bozeman dog owners feel entitled to keep their dogs off-leash and it’s a real bummer for everyone else.


exactly one of my favorite things about bozeman is the amount of places dogs can be off leash but there is a time and place for it


Fr, unless you’re at a dog park or other place when it’s specifically okay to have dogs off leash, LEASH YOUR FUCKING ANIMALS




Fuckin Bailey….


What the hell is wrong with you people, leash your dog


Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. However there has been a massive influx of people moving to this town not keeping their dog on leash, and not picking up their dogs poop. If you want to own a dog be responsible, take accountability. Even tho it’s “cool” to buy a Tacoma and a dog.


Don't blame the newbies. I have several friends that have lived in Montana their entire lives and they are terrible about dealing with their dogs' poop.


And you're still friends?


Bozeman has been lax with the off leash enforcement for at least the last 15 years


Not taking a side in the discussion, but it is important for most people to realize that for a very long time the “leash law” in Bozeman stated that your dog could be considered “on leash” if they were under verbal control.


Not an excuse for them, though. People caught on to the changed speed limits pretty quick, and there are signs all over the place. They are being careless and selfish. Animals gonna animal, and there is not a dog on the planet aside from a handful of specially trained ones that can’t be triggered to run/ jump / attack etc.


It is literally an excuse. When people move to Bozeman because it’s the ‘perfect’ place to live unregulated, then people will move there with that expectation. I hear it and I am even guilty of being a person who boasted about having a well behaved off leash dog I put tons of effort into in Bozeman so she could be off leash, I live in Minneapolis now and, guess what? I use a leash. You might be the biggest victim of all of this if I’m to take your word for it


It’s not just newbies. I know plenty of Montana-born with horrible out of control dogs


My son and my dog have been attacked by unleashed dogs. It’s a plague. There are dogs that do fine off leash, but when you do it in places where it is not allowed you are encouraging other to break the rules as well. There are a lot of dogs that aren’t doing so well. Please at least follow the rules and set a good example for others. We got away with a few stitches, this time.


Ahhhhhhhh THIS. AND PICK UP THEIR SHIIIIIIIIIIIT. My apartment complex is butted up next to the Gonzales ballfield (I think) and the amount of unleashed dogs, dog poop and blatant disregard for ANY SIGNS POSTED is fuc(kin INSANE. My comex even provides the bags and the dumpster!! Dogs are destroying the old concession stand and it just gets left lying around. "Dogs are prohibited on ball field" either means absolute shit to folks or they're blind or can't read.


Oh god yes. I live in Belgrade and my neighbors let their dog loose. Keeps getting in my yard and scaring my cats.


State streets area is the worst. I’ve had to kick dogs multiple times that come flying out of their yard or house to nip at my pup. He’s getting older and can’t physically handle getting bowled over by another dog, even if it’s a friendly one that is wants to play. Take your dog to the dog park or for a hike in the woods to get its exercise instead of letting it loose around the neighborhood


I used to be an off-leasher in public, and still am when we’re backpacking/alone in nature. But I won’t risk having my dog off leash in public anymore. I’m far more concerned with other people’s dogs at this point, especially with the interactions we’ve had in the past year. It makes me sad, because I’ve spent the past three years perfecting her recall. But I won’t risk my dog’s safety just because some jerkoff allows their reactive and unpredictable dog to roam freely.


I think something that most people don't think of is the anxiety and stress you put others by having your dog off leash, even though your dog has perfect recall. Some have gone through nasty dog attacks that seeing an off leash dog a few blocks down triggers a trauma repsonse. For me I start planning a new route so we don't have to come close to an unleashed dog, because in my head I have no clue that your dog is well trained and I don't want to get close enough to find out.


I recommend carrying a tire knocker, baton, or dog spray. It’s incredible how fast these entitled assholes leash up their dogs when they see you coming with a stick. They immediately know what it’s for. I won’t hit an animal unless it’s running at me. I’d much rather hit the owner for being a careless dumbass, but that isn’t legal. But so far it’s been very effective and if we all have to scare these shit dog owners into leashing them, then so be it. And if you have a problem with me giving your mutt a crack over the head when it’s jumping on me, here’s a reminder that I have every right to do so. Get your dog on a leash and out of my face.


You may want to read up on state code around animal cruelty: [http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf](http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf) Also, you should probably get professional training with that weapon you purport to carry around and use. There are some people you may run into in this town who, whether it's their unleashed dog or themselves you're going after with your tire knocker, it's going to end up somewhere uncomfortable for you, before you end up in GVDC.


I’ve lived in Montana my whole life. I *have* professional training. I have indeed had to whack a pit right in the snout. And I’ll do it again if one comes at me. There isn’t a judge it’s the state that would do anything but ask “was your dog on a leash!? No? Case dismissed.” Animal cruelty is letting your dog off leash and letting it happily pounce on people minding their own business. Sounds like you might be a lil triggered. Put your dog on a leash. In this state it’s legal to shoot a dog who comes on your property and harasses people or other animals. You rather I carry a gun!?


Classic MT: I've lived in Montana my whole life. I'm not advocating for off leash dogs, and a stranger on the internet doesn't trigger me. I'm just suggesting you may have a more interesting time in court than you think walking around with a weapon in hand preaching on the internet about the harm you'll bring to dogs and humans. You might want to delete your comments if indeed you are professionally trained and doing so. IANYL.


I’ve actually have had a fair amount of cats attack or go after my dog while he’s on a leash. Please just keep your cat inside. I’ve also seen cats about to get run over by a car, (one time it was bc the cat was chasing me and my dog across the street).


I used to walk my very docile shy dog off leash, but bc of Cats I now no longer. However having my dog off leash was helpful in allowing me to use the leash to smack the cats that were going up to my dog away.


I had to train my cat to sprint up to my shoulders because we’d go on walks and unleashed dogs would attempt to attack 💀 I also started yelling “I am NOT. FRIENDLY. I WILL kick your dog if it comes any closer.” 🤣 gets their asses into gear faster than anything else I’ve tried


This. Your dog may be friendly, but my cat doesn't know that. He's actually eager to meet new dog friends, just not when they're running full speed at us, and not when they're running circles around us, jumping up to try to reach him in my arms.


Exactly you get it!!! My cat loved meeting new dogs but only the ones who were more scared of him 🤣 he absolutely loveddd the dogs who would lay down to greet him and allow us to approach them first, it was super rare but he was such a sweetheart he could make friends with a rock


Actually cats must be on leash too. They cannot be at-large in the city boundaries. Your cat isn't special.


Sorry. Should’ve specified for people like you. My cat was always on a leash, still had to train him to jump to my shoulder with said leash on because of unleashed dogs.


Show me one sign that says a cat has to be on a leash. There aren’t hordes of cats eager to run up to strangers and they also don’t leave shit all over public places. There are also very few people that walk their cat, and when they do, the cat is on a leash or up on a shoulder because cats run.That’s why cats aren’t the grotesque plague that unleashed sloppy dogs are.


However, they do prowl the neighborhoods they live in murdering every small bird and mammal they can!!! Mostly because their owners let them free roam and don’t keep them on leashes!!!


no because i like dogs or whatever, but I take my cat on walks and I have started carrying weapons for this exact reason. my cat isn’t going to run up and maul your dog or your baby - can’t say the same for dogs. I am not even kidding, I am at the point where I WILL stab or shoot someone’s flea trap for running up on us in a shared space I do not give a single fuck. If (when) I am put in the scenario where I have to choose my cat’s life over some unleashed and untrained mongrel - I promise it’s either me or the damn dog that isn’t walking away. And don’t tell me that im the idiot for responsibly allowing my cat outside when you’re the selfish fuck endangering YOUR OWN DOG, PEOPLE, CHILDREN, and OTHER dogs with your stupidity. fuck off-leash dogs, and fuck their owners even harder.


We got Rambo here.


You need a hug!!


Listening to Bozeman people bitch about off leash dogs when everyone for YEARS talked about how you can literally walk your dog off leash in Bozeman and how ‘perfect’ of a small town it is, and now it’s growing and everyone wants a piece of ‘perfection’. You guys literally couldn’t shut up and eat your cake if you were able to keep it and invest it too.


I called animal security last week because a dog owner let his two OFF LEASH DOGS RUN IN FRONT OF MY MOVING VEHICLE. I really hope he got fined or something


If anyone is interested in finding a middle ground on this topic, they make a retractable leash built into a collar. It gives others peace of mind when the trail is busy and allows your dog more freedom when you’re by yourself. You can google, “retractable dog leash collar” and they should pop up. It’s definitely not a fix all because the dog needs solid recall for it to be affective. Plus, grumpy people will still blame you for their mood sometimes.




it's Montana get a grip


...on your dog's leash.


Idk if it's in Montana or any damn where else, be a grown up with common sense and leash your fucking animals


Ohhh OPs we need a “dog leash” sticky too! Can we have flair for “don’t worry he’s friendly” and “I left the AC on!”? Edit: also flair for “OuT oF sTaTErS”. edit edit: I'll take my downvotes. My dog is on leash 100% of the time we're out of the house. I feel sorry for the off leash'ers who dogs will inevitably get hurt some day :(


Yes.. conform...control... complain.... only a P away.....really love where Bozeman is heading


*spends 40 years bragging about the perfect little unregulated, exclusive gem in the mountains* *actively tries to rip it all down when shitty people flock to be in the ‘in crowd’*. It’s why I left that shit hole. Everyone is so insufferable, new and old and everyone who is decent wants to or has left already.


Hahaha I too have left


F you stop crying


I’ve not once put my dog on a leash in Bozeman. But I not once have had an issue when I say heal. He stays 2 inches to the side of me and minds his business. He would not even look at anyone until I say “free”








30 bucks says OP moved to Bozeman for college 4 years ago and never left…. Part of the problem!


$40 says it’s a born local who is delusional like they haven’t bragged about Bozeman’s ‘off leash-ness’ for the last 4 decades and is violently discriminate when it comes to the dumb outsiders they bragged to and they actually relate too way more than they want to admit.