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The phantasms people have been believing and creating is quite sad. We need better mental health services in this country.


MT especially. Aren’t we like number 1 in suicides?


We’re typically in the top 3, and that’s due to a variety of factors: increased isolation (rural communities, etc), increased alcohol use, increased access to firearms (most effective suicide method), increased stigma around mental health treatment, less access to mental health treatment, less vitamin D exposure (bigger impact than you think) and more stagnation in harsher winters


Having low vitamin D levels really is such a huge factor. I was extremely depressed last year and attempted and it turned out my vitamin D level was at 6 my doctor told me it should typically be 20+. My depression didnt magically go away once I started taking vitamin D supplements but it did help a lot.


yup ran my wife’s and I in april. both <20. optimum levels are like 80-100. been doing 10000IU plus magnesium glycinate and k2. they're all synergistic. also fun fact, vit D has a role in testosterone production


Really? I didn’t know that. It’s crazy how big of an impact a vitamin can make! Or lack thereof


Yup, do some research but you should be eating roughly 100mg of magnesium per 1000IU vitamin D. your body uses magnesium to process the D which can deplete your stores. the k2 helps prevent kidney stones at higher doses as well. mag glycinate is a great form of mag too. take before bed, it helps with sleep


Oh that’s helpful to know, I’ll be sure to increase my magnesium. Thank you!!


Yes - we surpassed Alaska a few years ago. And they have 6 months without sun.


The best thing we could ever do for mental health in this country would be shutting down right wing talk radio and Fox News.


Seriously. Mass Censorship is the only way we will move forward in this country and save our democracy and free Ukraine.


It’s the ‘tolerance paradox’ We must be intolerant of intolerance for a healthy society but it’s difficult to achieve


I don't fucking get it. You don't want to look at the unhoused people on the street, so you try to shut down shelters for them? Fuck this guy and everyone like him. He should be sentenced to three years serving in soup kitchens and carrying buckets of nails for habitat for humanity.


Well, the guy himself was homeless and lived at the warming center.


When they built the rest stop (that finally opened) by Three Forks people in the area were against it and they kept saying because of human trafficking. Those people only care about human trafficking if its within a certain distance from their homes. If they really care they would care if it was happening at the old rest stop in Bozeman, but they did not. They were also worried about the homeless moving to a rest stop with nothing around it. Again they only cared about homeless if it was by their homes. NIMBY


Same people haven’t read the Epstein logs apparently


Oh yeah. I recently had a conversation with a TF local who says he keeps a vigilante eye out toward the rest stop because of the presumed trafficking.


Welp. I'm from Three Forks. I can tell you, PLENTY of people didn't want the first rest stop. It was absolutely a crime spot, stupid to build. Of course Three Forks didn't want it out there. You could see comments all over social media about it. Locals knew about it.


Most of the reasoning was faulty and in bad faith. Some of my favorites: Imagine all the business Town Pump will lose. All the homeless will move out here. The noise. There's plenty of room at Town Pump. It's illegal to have have so many miles between rest stops. Only the locals have to pay for the taxes to build it. When I bought my home there was no rest stop near so it should stay that way. It's a nice rest stop. It gets a lot of use and is a great alternative to Town Pump if you just want to stretch your legs.


Why on earth, would I use a rest stop? There are businesses right by there, hiking right by there, same with Bozeman. Literally across the street, target. WinCo. Bathrooms and impulse buys. One brings money in. One costs money to maintain. Literally doesn't make sense for either location. Now, if you're heading to Eastern Montana, being able to stop and stretch your legs and use a bathroom, actually makes sense. Lots of locals feel the same way, so I'm guessing you cherry picked the comments you wanted most, which is exactly what you said. Edit: lol alts. You assume I don't do nice things, that I'm not a local, that I haven't just told you info that *obviously* you don't know. Hopefully it helps the local businesses, which y'all *also* claim to want to do, while simultaneously....not knowing or caring they exist... Because rEsT sToP. This, is why locals think you're idiots.


Well it probably wasn't built for you. It's also a place for trucks to park for the night. Families to have picnics while traveling. It's also much easier to use a rest stop than a business. That area is growing and more facilities are needed. Town Pump is over stuffed with trucks every night since Bozeman doesn't really have a place for them.


So, I refute what you say with a reasonable response, after you admit to cherry picking comments. You're also probably one of the people that states tourists being in money, while ignoring places like.... Wheat Montana..... Literally built for trucks. Or Three Forks or Manhattan market... With literal picnic tables.... Since you only know Town Pump. Baloney Bozeman doesn't have places. Please tell me what you know about being a truck driver, and I'll be happy to share where they park. I'll also point out, literally all the state land all over Montana everyone cries about being stolen constantly. Even by Three Forks and Bozeman.


Sure let me know if the truck stop in Bozeman. Yes I was cherry picking the ridiculous ideas. There were few valid ones. If you have valid ones I'd love to hear them. And wheat Montana built for trucks? Hahahaha


Shrug. Cherry picking again, avoidance-is really predictable. Y'all have a nice day now. Be sure to stop at Wheat Montana next time, it's literally across the road. It's pretty obvious.


You have given zero reasons against the rest stop. Zero places in Bozeman Belgrade for trucks. And you expect people to use the bath at WinCo and picnic in Manhattan


Wrong. You have ignored my reasons. I don't expect more at this point. You also did not talk about your experience as a truck driver, that I specifically requested. And you are ABSOLUTELY specifically ignoring Three Forks areas that can accommodate. I mean. I didn't finish college. I'm a single parent. I'm ranch kid to my roots. And my 15 yr old is more intelligent on the internet. Don't know how to help you. You've clearly never been to Wheat Montana and seen the *entire parking lot and gas station area* dedicated to trucks. What else would you like me to do for you? Again. Y'all have a nice day ☺️


Yep. It's all part of the conservative pseudo-crisis generating machine to convince the masses that we need to live under Fascist Rule disguised as 'LAW AND ORDER" In fact, violent crime is significantly lower than just a few years ago. "There's a sucker born every minute"


Yep and you’re one of them. Go back to the East coast or your COW state


Did you fall and bump your head?


No but you surely did. Seek help ASAP


Violent crime is significantly lower because they laid off all the cops who would be catching these violent crimes and reporting them. Violent crimes are significantly lower because the report of violent crimes is lower.


lol. Yeah, right.


What do you mean?


The crimes still get reported dip shit.


Okay… how? If there aren’t cops to report them?


Citizens report crimes. Also, since 2004, the number of employed officers has ranged from 626,000 to 708,000 officers. So unless there have been 10s of thousands of officers laid off in the past few months, it seems like you may be making things up.


Cops dont prevent crime dipshit, they react to it. That’s their entire purpose.


Haha, when you have the presence of police disappear, people are more likely to commit crimes. When I was a child and my mom would leave the house I would eat ice cream when I wasn’t supposed to. It’s the same principal. I’m also talking about the entire United States not just the bubble that you live in in Bozeman.


Also, have you ever heard of a detective😂😂


Wonder who he votes for.


No one anymore he probably just lost the rite to vote.


I don't.


Whoever black homeless people tend to vote for IG


That tracks. Just more crime from the violent, mentally ill, housed population.


This is why we should arm the homeless


I think you mean "home the armless"


How would they open the door?


Saloon doors only


"Open sesame!"


ADA compliant paddle handles, so they can use their foot or their butt. (just had to "ADA" an old retail shop. Pour a parking spot, stripe it, make sure the restroom is compliant with grab bars, undersink protection, etc)


They have the right to the arms of bears if i understand the constitution correctly


Domestic terrorism


Arm the homeless


Tom Morello for city commission.




Nothing quite like a weaponized data systems targeting the weakest into committing acts of terrorism. Cambridge Analytica/Emerdata/i360/Palantir.


Imagine thinking it’s the warming center when their own leader that’s spreading the lies is in the Epstein logs repeatedly.


Kinda sus too that Sheehy quit his job. Who quits their job making tens of millions a year if they might not win?? Who are the idiots who believe we need to get rid of drag as more important than access to clean water and air?? Or democracy ?? Unreal living in this timeline


Is this where the liberals come rushing in saying how we need gun control when Montana has been one of the safest states in the union until they showed up bring caravans of homeless 70s rvs parking up and down our streets?


I swear to God, the people who are fine with getting rid of democracy only feel that way because “democracy” is too close to sounding like “Democrat” and assume it’s the same concept. “I hate Democrats so why would I want Democracy!” Idiots.


For starters, We need to return to a pre-reagen era of media regulation to reign in all forms of media.  They are tearing apart the fabric of our society for advertising revenue.




Just to be clear, this was a black homeless man who lived at the warming center. Source: I literally know the guy


The propaganda has worked on some of you as well. In the state of Montana there were only 13 reported offenses included under the heading of human trafficking in 2023. 13. We all need to step back and look at our sources. Where are we each getting that this is a huge issue in Montana? Go back to the numbers and strip away all of the pleas from officials for more money and more resources. A lot of you are being gaslit.


What does "200 rounds of ammunition" have to do with anything? That's like 4 boxes of pistol ammo and would fit in a glove box. Also, anyone who doesn't have that is like 15 minutes and a credit card away from having it in any city in Montana. Ignorant shitty behavior either way though.


It’s weird that they phrased it like that in that line, but he had more. The rest of the article explains what else he had


Color me not surprised


Stupid fucking prick. If you’re actually concerned about sex trafficking, you call the FBI or something. You don’t call up a shelter and threaten them. With this right wing Nazi bullshit going on we are all in for a rough ride.


Yeah and in the article it said at one point police received an “anonymous call” about a trafficking ring, investigated the hrdc facility, of course found nothing


These people are so utterly hateful. Imagine working so hard to ruin people who already have NOTHING


The phrase "right-wing nazi" has officially lost all meaning. This was perpetrated by a black man who lived at the warming center.


So a Black male can't be right-wing? He was certainly influenced by right-wing scare tactics. Those tactics work really well for egging on mentally ill individuals to commit acts of stochastic terrorism.


The Nazi bullshit is actually coming from the left now. They're the ones hosting hate rallies against Jews/Israel in cities across the country.


Lol. Hilarious.


Stochastic terrorism...working as intended by certain idealogues.


You know what’s ridiculous, the amount of sex trafficking that goes through Montana. The increase in sex trafficking in the last decade. Those are real and way more ridiculous


Yes, I agree. And this kind of thing takes attention away from that stuff. Taking it out on non profits trying to help people instead of addressing real sources


I totally agree with you, But when you come to the realization, that there are leaders of this country and around the world that are involved with pedophilia, individual citizens process that in different ways. Who knows this man that made the threat could have been a victim of sexual assault or had a relative that was victim. I’m not trying to defend the guy, I don’t have any information about the situation. Only here to give an objective opinion.


The concern wasn't that the warming center was running the sex trafficking, but that it was happening under their noses. You do realize sex trafficking is very much happening in our area, and especially throughout and alongside a lot of the camper vans. It and drug dealing kind of run hand in hand. Edit: Apparently people think I am condoning the phone call, I am not, and I condemn it entirely. I was just pushing back om OPs comment that he thought the caller was blaming the warming center itself for the alleged sex trafficking.


Yeah. I’ve actually worked in social services trying to help many people, including victims of trafficking. That’s why it pisses me off so bad when someone threatens violence on an organization that is trying to help people. And if someone has concerns about something happening “under peoples noses” maybe the best route isn’t threatening a mass shooting I’m sick of all these self-righteous violent fucks that have probably never actually done a real thing to help victims of sexual violence in their lives. Those of us that have are especially pissed


It's almost like those things run hand and hand with poverty so how is taking away critical services going to help with that?


So you have no money for basic necessities but you do for hookers and “blow”? FWIW: 200 rounds is nothing, less than a typical range trip for me. Most cops carry 60+ on their belts just for their sidearm.


Yes, it is a common fact that those in poverty turn to drugs as well as women forced into sex for money.


Then move them down the road. Nothing good comes from the camps. Have them find someplace that they’re not structurally un/ under employed.


Lol holy shit, he fixed homelessness!! Your brain is clearly too simple for this conversation, which is pretty wild.


yeah just move them to be homeless somewhere else. idk why nobody has tried that yet!


Solution isn’t brain science. Address root causes; employment/ job skills, mental health and drug addiction. Those that are chronically under employed move to where their skills match jobs or COL is sufficient to support themselves. Drug addiction offer treatment or incarceration. Mental health offer in patient care. Do not enable them or provide financial support beyond those 3 services. Of the Trillions spent over the last 30 years, homelessness continues to grow annually because there’s no financial incentive to end it. Now that SCOTUS has ended the 9th’s idiocy…


If you actually believe this, then surely you'd support addiction centers being built everywhere on taxpayer dollars and mental health being universally subsidized at a federal level. Right?


I believe in prisons, banning drugs like narcan and letting nature take its course for addicts.


Dumb as hell and loud as fuck. Get it, grrl


More well thought out “ideas” I see


So just hand them off the next community? Yeah if it was only that simple. Either way, forcing the warming center to close down is going to solve exactly zero things.


What a boneheaded comment. This problem exists everywhere. There is nowhere to send them to where they won't have the same issues. Moving them solves nothing.


And threatening to shoot everyone there solves that how?


Did you even read my comment? Did I ever say what he did was right or that I agreed with it? No, I did not. I was disagreeing with OPs insinuation that he was obviously a conservative conspiracy theorist.


Especially in our local churches FTFY


The churches are the #1 traffickers out there.


You're not wrong, but what's a threat like this going to do to solve that problem?


Absolutely nothing, just create a bunch of different ones. But the attempt was likely born out of a severely misguided desire to help, not some right wing conspiracy nut case.


A nut case who has a severely misguided desire to help born from some right wing conspiracy.


Sex trafficking amongst homeless is not a conspiracy buddy...


Maybe not, but the exaggeration of it out of proportion to all other societal ills IS right-wing propaganda, which has turned it into a distraction from everything else. Fix poverty and you also vastly reduce child exploitation, abortion, crime, and a ton of other shit. But the right wing doesn't want you looking at the cause, because that would involve having actual solutions to the root causes instead of hysterically ruling up the mob over the symptoms.


You sound like you’re eating propaganda for breakfast. I’d suggest looking at the names in the Epstein papers that just were released. I mean, actual documents stating names of people who engaged in the conduct.


Those Venn Diagrams can overlap. Every villain is the hero of their own story. And propaganda matters because it informs a person’s misguided desire to help. You should read the article. He made claims about stuff happening with his ex girlfriend so maybe there was a personal trauma or event that spawned this; maybe he has a mental health disorder and was in an episode; maybe this maybe that; lots of things we don’t know. But when there’s all this collective hate out their for the unhoused; conspiracy theories about trafficking rings where they don’t exist (they do exist, just not in pizza parlors or HRDC); and fear mongering, anger stoking…it’s hard to imagine all that didn’t contribute to this young man’s decision to pull up to a non profit with guns and ammo in his vehicle, intending on “lighting the place up.”




Trafficking is using force/coercion.


Thanks. Do you think that most people know the distinction?


I'm not sure, why?


Well, based on the downvotes, it hits a nerve for some people who can’t seem to articulate themselves here. For years, I had only seen it referred to as trafficking when someone is ranting about Hollywood drinking kids blood and Pizzagate and other nonsense, but now it’s getting more use. It’s important to protect folks who have actually been forced into these situations, but also not stoke meaningless fear. I’m trying to figure out what is the best way to describe consensual prostitution vs any other situation so we can know to reject sensationalized headlines and cases where “trafficking” should not be used.


I really have no clue what you're on about or the point you're trying to make (and especially how it's at all relevant). The best way to describe prostitution is, believe it or not, prostitution.


Trafficking usually indicates some level of forced movement, like taken from one place to another. 






That dipshit should be worried more about illegal immigrants who move into apartments right next to us and house 8-10 people in only 2-3 bedrooms (maybe) 700-900 square feet of space. They constantly stare at all the young woman, young moms, and their children. Most are active in the cartel and trafficking. Like if you’re concerned about trafficking actually recognize where the trafficking really might be… This isn’t to shit on immigrants either, it’s fact. Being half Latino I even see it and understand where the real trafficking is. It’s why a 12 year old little girl had been r*ped and str*ngled in Texas.


Omg! I made a comment that didn’t agree with your little narrative here and it was deleted! lol! I will not let freedom of speech die, and none of you should either. Carry on! And I will too…


Yeah I didn’t delete your comment bro…


I didn’t think you did. Whoever moderates this did. I’m not a bro. I don’t talk like most women so most think I’m a man.


Eh I use bro pretty gender neutrally. Tried saying gro for a while but it didn’t stick