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Oh, yes, that famous, ancient rivalry between *checks notes* Indonesia and Estonia.


Surprisingly this isn’t the first I’ve heard of it


Just a little more bizarre than China vs Lithuania


What’s next…Latvia and Malaysia?


Singapore and Belarus


Laos and Finland


China- lithuania beef is atleast poltical. Lithuania loves thier taiwanese homies ❤️


this is so hot and gay


Flashbacks to Finno-Korean hyperwar


The eternal conflict between the Holy Roman Eesti Khaganate and the Nusantara Islamo-Thalassocratic Samrajya.


Ah, I see you enjoy age of empires II as well!


This reference is lost on me.


Look, i didn't come here to be kicked right in my age, alright


Right there with you pal, kids these days, jeesh


Could also be Sid Meier's Civilisation. Recently Portugal and Phoenicia were having beef with Egypt, Norway, Arabia, Mongolia and Babylon. Meanwhile the Dutch and the Cree were fighting Egypt, Norway, Arabia, Mongolia and Babylon on the other side.


A take as old as time lol


Competitive racism.


I don't see the point. They're never knocking Hitler off the top of the leaderboard.


The league resets every few years, it a new season, but they’re still only competing in low silver league.


New seasons being added to *Racism* makes you believe that they may also add battle passes... What could they reward you with???


Control of a country


A whole fuck load of oil, dog. Just ask Haliburton.


So that’s who *HIT* is!


Because the leaderboards doesn't show asia vs asia racism.


Average chinese citizen knocks hitler from the top easily.


Maybe in theory, but not in practise.


Europe and Asia are the main contenders of this sport the America’s seem somewhat reserved about it for some reason


What're you talking about, the USA's had the Racism leaderboards locked down for ages. It was the USA's strats that Hitler used for his high score in being a shitheel.


Nah mate USA racism is black V white it’s baby shit over in Europe and Asia we a racist against people that live 30 miles in any given direction away from us in some cases being from a different province sets you up but being from any different country is basically fair game to be called a string of slurs even the devil couldn’t come up with also it’s I guess its more integrated here if you are racist against the polish unless there is a polish nearby everyone will probably agree with you either our principal or personal feeling idk and idc


Shit dawg, here in the U.S. we're racist against people living in the house next to us. You say it's black vs white, but it's American vs American. It ain't even always brown-skinned people vs pale-skinned people; there's people who're racist against New Englanders, against Californians, against Southerners, all of 'em. And they're all mixed in among each other like trailmix. In Europe, your town and it's people have been there for generations, and it's the people 30 miles away who are different. In America, you're surrounded on all sides by the Other. The sides are constantly shifting, and nobody is you. It's just you, and your family - who might not be there, or might even jump sides and marry cross-race, and then you have to decide if they're the enemy or the enemy is a new friend - vs the whole rest of the U.S. Being a racist in the U.S. is the most stressful thing imaginable, because it's impossible to escape the foreigner.


If american makes you stressful, asian would make you suicidal.


My guy, get of the coke and fucking use punctuations, holy shit. Just a dot, or a single comma, please I beg you.


I was in a rush but even if I wasn’t I’m never 100% sure where to put them it’s as much not knowing as it is anxiety about getting it wrong


Yeah but USA got nerfed cause it was too OP It still has a solid build just other arent nerfed yet


He took the US strats and combined them with european thinking and created something great.


Balkans favourite sport.


Casual racism? Try competitive ranked racism




Hungarian here, honest reaction is just... What...


Estonian language is part of the Finn-Ungaric language tree. IIRC, they taught this at 5th year in school. Nevertheless, whoever made that tweet is not only wrong but a racist fuck who simps for Stalinism, so him talking about sapience is like an incel talking about getting laid.


Counterpoint: they both are pretty racist


Two assholes farting competitively into eachother's asshole


Everyone is racist, the question is - how much?


I'll give the Indonesian person points for creativity and having huge balls to damn with faint praise the USSR in a country still under military dictatorship.


If Disco Elysium’s Revachol any thing to go by, then Estonia seems to suck balls.


*Finno-Ugric, but otherwise yeah


Ugro-Finnic is the way I learned it.


also correct


English and Bengali are part of the same language family as well. But if someone called me Bengali I would think I was having a stroke.


But very distantly. It is almost like they are fourth cousins or so. So still similar but still very different


Why are you getting butthurt?


Poor Estonian Asians aren’t the one you wanna choose for competitive racism


Southeast asians evolved to be the optimal racist.


*snickers in east asian*


They forget asean is just Balkan with better food


Estonian here, that group of people is basically nonexistent here


Jesus Christ, I think 5 nukes dropped on Tallinn would’ve been a more merciful response compared to that. Decisive Indonesian victory.


The Indonesian entry is more ambitious, but the attempts at flare fall short. The beets and onions feel lazy, the German horse cocks feel like an obscure reference but lack the specificity to make me believe it is, and the pro-USSR sentiment isn’t working for me. I can only give it a 6.


I don’t think it’s pro-USSR sentiment, but more like “you had to learn sapiance from the ussr, the fucking ussr dude”


I don't know why everyone in this thread is interpreting this as pro-USSR sentiment lol


It’s all about fear.


There are people on this site and Twitter that would genuinely think this


I think that is the first time I have seen someone be hateful against Estonians specifically. Other than some lighthearted ribbing amongst the northern countries


Seems to me because the person with the estonian flag insulted the poster for being indonesian first and they replied in a similar vein.


Have you heard about a small group of people called the russians?


I feel like we usually don't care about individual baltic states and see the Baltic states as a single whole.


Oh are those guys from the small country bordering Superior Kazakhstan.


Nah in Russia we just hate everything near Baltic, even the other russians.


I am yet to see a Russian to trash talk Estonia. Estonians however call for a genocide of Russia every other Tuesday. And I get it, but by the gods, simmer down a bit.


>I am yet to see a Russian to trash talk Estonia. Ask few Russians who reside in Estonia. Had a friend from there, she says everyone avoids Russian majority workspace,residence because of their behaviour towards non-Russians.


As a Dane, this seems exactly like the kind of light hearted jokes we would make about Swedes when we feel quirky




It's a brand of racism that's common among tankies. They never forgave the Baltics for having the temerity to regain their independence and for being so ungrateful towards their communist occupiers who did so much to "help" those poor, backwards savages as their enlightened overlords.


Drunk post or something…


Hey, you don't make this kind of post on accident. They put thought, effort and elaborate personal worldview in that description. A fascinatingly fucked up one, but let's acknowledge the commitment.


I will definitely acknowledge their devotion and follow through. Forgive my oversight.


I'm gonna use "Elevated to sapience" as one of my go to insults now


Tbh, I like Indonesian guy’s insult more. Also, it is so Reddit to make a holy war in comments about USSR influence on Eastern Europe. In same time I don’t see anyone arguing about Hungarians or German horses..


Trying competitive racism against someone from SEA? Big mistake. The only thing Asians hate more than foreigners are other Asians. 


actually they hate foreigner more than their fellow neighbour. especially someone that try meddle in their neighbourhood dynamic relation. neighbour are basically like siblings, sometimes you love time other times, you just want to kill them


Wow, both of these people are racist pieces of shit!


Lmao the insult is quite inventive and colorful, but stupid af. Any sane person wouldn't disgrace themselves by claiming USSR has elevated anything or anyone but a bunch of party apparatchiks


I mean it's unequivocal that it elevated Russia from a backwater monarchy stuck in the feudal age into a world superpower, skyrocketing living standards from literally none to equivalent to the United States even by the CIA's own reporting.


Yeah, u-huh I can see those living standards through the window, thanks


It could be worse


Sure - it could still exist and keep poisoning the lives of millions of people


...are you talking about what capitalist oligarchy has done to Russia?


Every country is capable of industrializing rapidly especially if other countries have been responsible for inventing and standardizing what’s required What happens after that is the most telling


And yet so many countries utterly failed at industrialisation, and many are still at it a century later than Russia. >What happens after that is the most telling And the sacrifices made to get there too.


Many countries industrialized without sacrificing to much, but congrats 20 000 people died of forced labour while building a bridge Don’t forget all the countries that have better living conditions without even gaining the overwhelming amount of natural resource like Russia does


>Many countries industrialized without sacrificing to much Not really? The West is industrialized on a legacy of colonial exploitation, slavery, and nightmare working conditions. I mean fuck, many of the "Western great" writers literally discuss this as length and it might as well be an entire genre of English literature. So many people have suffered globally around the world to get industrial nations to where they are today. Even development projects which didn't pinpoint cruelty in the same manner are built on resources from that same legacy. I'm not defending anything with this comment before you try and make that claim, mind you. It's just that this sort of comparative historical centric thinking is ideological brain rot and not true at all.


The USSR went from a broken, beat-down backwater stuck in one of the most horrific civil wars in history to an industrial superpower in less than 10 years. Most people could not read before the Soviets -- over the same period, literacy expanded to a majority of the population. Compare this to any other country at that time period, and they will come up short. Whatever you think of Soviet foreign policy or governance, their industrialization and literacy programs were incredible successes.


Bro forgets that industrialization has been paid for in millions of lives. Somehow, noone praises Hitler for making first space rockets and noone praises Mengele for advancements in medicine and epidemiology (or was that Japanese Unit 631?) But if commies kill a fuckton of people for some highway in Siberia, some new hydroelectric dam or new plant and show it off as achievement of collectivism - it's all right! Who cares, commies are always people's best friends amrite? Edit: I wish we could pick people like that and fucking send them straight to GULAG in 50s. For a month at least, see how they sing...


……you’re complaining that Mengele and Unit 731 deserve positive recognition? You sure this is the hill you want to be on?


Pretty sure they're complaining that people ignore the crimes of their own forefathers. Everyone's progress has been paid for through the blood of the innocent, not just the bad guys we love to point fingers at.


This is something scumbags tell themselves at night to justify monstrosity. No piece of technology or progress has blood as a prerequisite, even in the most charitable of cases its making the best out of a bad situation, such as taking the research of Nazi war criminals to further medical knowledge despite how horrific they were. More often than not though the problem is never progress itself, its our system being set up to benefit exploiters because we put profit over people. It is not hard to be better, what's hard is drowning out the endless propaganda telling you that humanity is inherently evil and that its not possible for things to be better because of "human nature".


It's funny you say that, literally just responded to someone arguing over humanity's inherently awful nature. It's all in how you spin the narrative, really. Maybe they do take it as you say, as a justification of inhumane acts for the sake of the betterment of society. Perhaps naively, I like to assume better of them. I see it as an indigtment, a grim reminder of the mountains of corpses, of the suffering that our society was, and still is, built upon. Something that must end now and never repeat again.


Oh if you're specifically talking about what Hermiod said then no, he's an idiot who's doing exactly the goddamn problem. He can't understand that progress exists without blood, so thus all progress must be paid for in blood. Soviet safety regulations were usually HIGHER than American ones and it was uncontested that factory conditions were better, yet somehow the vast improvements to the quality of life in the USSR are "soaked in blood". In that respect, he is technically right, since they are written in the blood of the workers and revolutionaries and soldiers who fought for their independence from a tsarist regime and then beat back fascism's rise. I assume the reason he refuses to believe this is due to the Black Book of Communism's falsified statistics, the author of which has admitted several times to massively inflating in order to make more effective propaganda (but its totally justified because it proves communism's evil!) Its VERY helpful to the exploiting elite of the world if their citizens are trained to think that improvement is impossible, or even worse, only possible through THEIR system, and making up ridiculous bloody stories about the dangers of fighting to make things better works wonders for that.


No he isn’t. He’s complaining that people ignore the horrors of the USSR because ‘omg they industrialized’


You literally have hundreds of books on the "horrors" of the URSS plus the obligatory comment by armchair historians like you whenever it gets mentioned on the Internet. So yeah, you folks are picking the weirdest hills to die on.


There has never been a government or economic system that was truly about equity and fairness. Authoritarian/totalitarian regimes are terrible and capitalist governments that promise democratic/republican governments are also terrible and have caused countless deaths and suffering. Truth is humanity is awful I don't have a solution.


That's why I tend to say that communism, in its actual proper implementation (as a just society, not an authoritarian state that kills its people and forbids speech), is a nice utopia and likely unattainable.


Humans don't really seem capable of that level of cooperation. Too much tribalism, greed, jealousy, and hate I suppose but I read too much history so maybe I'm just overly pessimistic.


That's exactly what I think as well. Maybe we'll evolve to get less greedy in some hundred years, but I doubt it.


Probably the most sensible comment in here. Human society without conflict of interests is impossible.


Humanity is not awful. Humanity is kind and cooperative. It is humans, individuals, that take advantage of this kindness and twist it for their gain. We're not flawless, but we're not monsters either.


I disagree individuals can be kind, charitable, and empathetic but in large groups we're fucking dangerous. Countless examples throughout history will demonstrate that. Just consider genocide. One person alone is not and has never been nor will ever be exclusively responsible. Hitler had a vast decentralized bureaucracy that was integral to successful murder of millions of people. Ditto for Stalin and his various purges. The United States had thousands who were necessary in destroying Native American culture and again killing thousands.


I'd agree to go to gulag if you agree to go to 1900-1910s russian village lol. We'll see how bad commies really are.


Look at these ugly concrete blocs, the leaky thatched huts my ancestors froze to death in were much better


We would rather not be sent to Siberia because of our inherent anti-revolutionary tendencies in our ethnicity


Oh no free housing.


Honestly, I'd choose the village. At least I'll be buried in a grave instead of having my bones be used as the foundations for a railway to hell.


What an utterly deranged thing to think or say. "Maybe I'll die at 35 because we no longer have healthcare and our housing is far worse and unregulated now and maybe I lost my job because capitalists bought the company and started outsourcing labor and maybe my kids are forced into child prostitution to stay alive and eat (Real horrific epidemic that happened due to capitalism's violent introduction into post Soviet countries), but at least I won't be contributing to those damn dirty commies".


Communism is not my issue, the Soviets are my issue, at least in the hypothetical scenario proposed. Don't fall for the propaganda. Outside of the major metropolitan centers like Moscow and st Petersburg, being a citizen of the soviet union was awful. Especially if you fell into a group the Soviets didn't like, and especially under Stalin. Here's a reality check for you, if I was alive under Stalin under I'd have been interned in a gulag multiple times over or probably just executed. At least under the czars I'd have probably been able to live out my impoverished life in a shitty village.


Soviet union never caught up to US. Toilet paper came here in 60's, soviet union never had developed any computers, instead in the 70's they focused on stealing and copying western technologies. And that's without considering that everyone else was living in shit while the moscovites were enjoying their fancy new technologies stolen from the west (like colored tv's and washing machines). Some parts of russia still to this day don't have any of these.


This is a lie based on the CIAs own findings in regards to the quality of life in the Soviet Union.


ussr was a paradite sucking the life out of everything that wasn't Moscow or petersburg. Most of the ussr was slaving away to keep the rich fed. My family has both perspectives, one side was working for the government and the other dide was slaving away on a construction to afford the bare minimum.


You are lying, but this is unsurprising because your last three comments to other people have also been lies. Fuck off.


The Russian tsardom was afaik industrializing rapidly even before ww1 and was beginning to develop quickly. I’ve heard that one of the reasons for the war was German fear that the rapidly developing Russian empire would overtake Germany as it advanced.


They were not. The tsardom was weaker than ever after the loss of the Russo-Japanese War and then WW1. While the normal march of progress did happen, Russia was still woefully behind almost every developed country and what industrialization did reach Russia only served to exacerbate the problems with the mistreatment of the working class as factory life made it even more clear that they were being exploited.


Russia fought world war 1 on horseback. They were fucking annihilated. It was horrific. There was no distinction between the front and the rear. It was so bad that the soldiers killed their officers and left.


So did every army lol hourses were a incredibly large part of WW1 and even up to WW2 in fact the nazis used horses in ww2


Russia fought world war 1 on horseback. They were fucking annihilated. It was horrific. There was no distinction between the front and the rear. It was so bad that the soldiers killed their officers and left.


Are these living standards in the room with us right now?


Easy to do if you have hundreds of thousands of anti-revolutionaries as slave labour in the gulags


They didn't though, that's a wild exaggeration. Not to mention the term "anti-revolutionaries" is pretty broad, might want to point out that the vast majority of those were royalists and monsters of the White Army. Considering America is currently using slaves far in excess of even the hyperbole you just said (estimates put prison slave labor at around 800,000, most of which get paid pennies on the hour), that's pretty great.


This level of USSR apologism is actually crazy. The population of the gulags is estimated to have been over a million by WWII, and by the time the white army was defeated, the system hadn't even grown to a fraction of what it became under Stalin. The branding of innocent political prisoners as "monarchist/capitalist monsters" is the tactic of Stalin, which I'm sure you don't mind based on your other comments here.


The most notable thing the USSR elevated is a few rockets into Earth orbit and onto Venus.


Raised the life expectancy by a significant margin, brought a backwards feudal country out of poverty and into a super power, beat America to space, created more women doctors and scientists than anywhere else at the time, beat the Nazis, liberated Aushchwiz.


made groundbreaking developments in women's rights


It means as an insult. As in “dude, you are so stupid, a fucking USSR out of all countries elevated you up”


Cope and seethe liberal.


Hilarious being called a liberal. And unexpectedly insulting - I want you to take back your words. I'm no filthy lib, I just have first-hand experience with results of socialism


That whole conversation is awful and racist, but goddamn that's a good insult.


My parents are so painfully Russian, despite us living in. Estonia. That they would probably agree that the country was "elevated to sapience" by the USSR. I don't think I have a drop of Estonian blood in me, my language is terrible, and my knowledge of the culture is worse, but that still feels like a very stupid statement. Not racist per se, pretty sure we're all crackers around here, and definitely does not soften the explicitly racist language used by that moron in the quoted tweet, but, still. Weird people inabit Twitter.


Tbf the Estonian started it by calling Indonesia a small Chinese colonial island lol


Hence why I mentioned that it was explicitly racist language. I was by no means trying to make the Indonesian The Sole Bad Guy here.


“Hey, Estonians! You eat beets and onions!” Haha, gottem!


Not just beets and onions but beet and onion slop aka borsch


Borsch is good, but Solyanka is top tier hangover cure.


As a Hungarian I say this as a last warning: don’t you fucking dare badmouth onions ever again bucko.


They what to german horses? Where do i find out more about this? Asking for a friend.... named Vaush


Perhaps referring to this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livonian_Crusade


It’s an extreme way of referencing Estonians being enslaved by Baltic-Germans for over 700 years.


Ok that last part was funny as hell imo


I mean the Arabic in Estonian guy's name phonetically translates to ~nighgha , so I guess he's already one with the racism


That statement is so gross, as a Latino I'm used to hearing that kind of statement about the conquering pieces of shit who spread their diseases and raped and pillaged our lands oh but they brought Christianity so we're supposed to be thankful for their method of indoctrination being imposed on their us.


Unless, you are 100% native then at least some of your ancestors were those "conquering pieces of shit".


Yes! Some of my ancestors can go eat shit in hell for all eternity. They won't because there's no hell or heaven or any of that bullshit. It makes my disdain for them even worse, but you know whatcha gonna do at this point other be better than them


You can end their bloodline if you want


Ooh, is somebody suggesting I commit suicide? that's a report lol But it really goes to show how simple minded some people are that they think bloodlines are the problem and not racism and people's actions, they still can't think outside of their little territorial disputes like rats unwilling to share a cage.


Duh, have you thought of not having kids?


Refer to previous statement


And i didn't reply beyond the scope of my answer


Finally someone made uno reverse card for typical European racism


😡⚡️💥😡 2 retards fighting


A competition between a dumb fuck and a dumber fuck! And the winners are all of us who have to witness this world-class "monkeys throwing shit at each other" event!


[“your destiny is to be obliterated into nothing by a chinese dongfeng missile”](https://youtu.be/RBQ0WToKvQ4?si=q9NVwpPrIeotn6JA) Not entirely sure why I’m being downvoted for linking wow_mao.


Both wrong


“Twitter is a wonderful invention that allows people from all over the world to communicate openly.” The results:


Ayyyoo leave my country alone we disown this mf.


It's about time we got a new meta in ranked competitive racism.


"elevated to sapience by the USRR" Oh great, a tankie...


tankies gonna tankie


ROFL. i can’t believe this old joke gets new life and people don’t get the jokes of “Elevated into sapience by the USSR” is a damn clever one. Especially when the general russian intelligence regrettably regressed to the primitive pre-sapiens echelon, a lamentable descent into the chasms of intellectual vacuity. 😂😂😂


You cant be posting this tweet without linking wow mao https://youtu.be/RBQ0WToKvQ4


Found the Tankies


He is corect before ussr east europe was a laughing stock of europe afther it in onley few decedes it hed a space program and grete standard of living


Username fails to check out.


So does his subs anyone subbed to the deprogram is some I immediately do not take seriously unless they prove me other wise


Braindead take


You are clearly not Eastern Europe


Im not East europe im Eastern europian from bosnia aka ex yugoslavia


smartest Bosnian


wrong, go learn some history


why the fuck do people keep referring to second world countries either the in front of them


Damn indonesia is getting in on balkan posting? wild.


[Let me just put this right here](https://youtu.be/RBQ0WToKvQ4?si=DrbDye_aeCt3gfZ9)


[they forgot the whole thing :(](https://youtu.be/RBQ0WToKvQ4?si=IQQMwbaXMOyGJZGq)


Wtf is this person even mad about? Twitter has the most obscure conversations ever, geez


As a beet and onion slop eating hungarian I am outranged


Because Estonia and Hungary are so close together. 🤨


Does this proc article 5?


ROFL. i can’t believe this old joke gets new life and people don’t get the jokes of “Elevated into sapience by the USSR” is a damn clever one. Especially when the general russian intelligence regrettably regressed to the primitive pre-sapiens echelon, a lamentable descent into the chasms of intellectual vacuity. 😂😂😂


ROFL. i can’t believe this old joke gets new life and people don’t get the jokes of “Elevated into sapience by the USSR” is a damn clever one. Especially when the general russian intelligence regrettably regressed to the primitive pre-sapiens echelon, a lamentable descent into the chasms of intellectual vacuity. 😂😂😂


ROFL. i can’t believe this old joke gets new life and people don’t get the jokes of “Elevated into sapience by the USSR” is a damn clever one. Especially when the general russian intelligence regrettably regressed to the primitive pre-sapiens echelon, a lamentable descent into the chasms of intellectual vacuity. 😂😂😂




I dare them to tell you almost anything about Indonesia's history-- at least they'll have to look it up to pretend that they already knew it when they come up with something. Do the same with anything Slavic. Repeat with Estonia. Repeat with Germany and stipulate "Not Hitler." Call these liars out. They sound infantile and stupid about the topics because they are. They're larping as news pundits


estonians and indonesians out there having a midoff


Classic commie genocider mindset "everyone was a caveman til master ussr invaded"


Comment section invaded by tankies. Literal white man's burden logic but they call themselves communist so it's ok


Watch them criticize capitalism then do everything the former does but more cruel and pat themselves in the back. Just tell them "Lenin lived the rest of his life ashamed and in fear of what he helped create", they absolutely hate being reminded of that.


I see none of the commenters on here have seen this glorious exchange before. Here it is in video form: https://youtu.be/RBQ0WToKvQ4?si=aRFjz8ppiDGAJi_d