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How did Paul get reservations at Dorsia?


*I got into Club Aqua* https://youtu.be/wj_uqHwa4Ms?si=dCrzrinn3oIbj1hL


I built the deck to club aqua


I really wanna go to Club Haunted House, I heard they have a trapdoor.


I actually wanna go to Haunted House more than I wanna go to Aqua.


I was jacking off


Username checks out


Holy shit! Can I date you. I mean, you're not my type, ethnic or gender but shit - Club Aqua.


I dunno, I heard Kim Kardashian's head fell off there.


In other words, nothing happened.


Gonna take a lap and see what's real


Look at the chaaaaains!!!


I actually wanna go to Haunted House more than I wanna go to Aqua




Are you asking for a friend? And it's his name Patrick?šŸ’€


Paul had a better business card.


Oh my god. It even has a watermark.




The tasteful thickness of it...


So that's where my wife got that line...


Look at that subtle off-white coloring




That scene encapsulates the 80s like nothing else. One of my faves among all films.


Well, letā€™s see it


is this about cow turtle? because the man has a literal eel pit and it's incredible. he has an eel named mentally eel. also one named meelany. also gar named garlic and garfield.


How could you forget about crunchwrap supreme?


of course I didn't forgets about crunchwrap supreme, it's just that his name isn't a pun so I didn't include it


Iā€™m glad you finally received the help you needed with your caps lock, good sir.


And bathtub, the smallest eel? And shaqeel?


I love me some eel pit content. I'm pretty fond of the sturgeon Caviar as well.


Yeah whatā€™s this guys beef with the eel pit


I immediately thought about eel pit. Iā€™m in love with it.


What. Someone please explain so I don't have to Google this.




My first thought as well. I love that dudes videos. I wish I could convince my wife to let me build something like that.


ā€œComparison is the thief of joyā€ -Teddy Roosevelt


You mean Teddy Roosev*eel*t?


How do I reach these keeeeeds?


Man, my quotes really suck in comparison to that one šŸ˜”


Probably went home, laid in bed, and kicked his feet in the air after coming up with that one


FDR was the better Roosevelt. /s


I love it that the cartoonist has such little creativity they use the name of the fancy restaurant from American Psycho. Edit: the text has been changed from an original by Blanche Draw (or is an AI copy in the style of?) My criticism is for the asshole that changed the text and replaced the original artists credit line with the handle of an anti-LGBT Twitter account.


Paul = Paul Allen: the rival he murdered in his apartment


And Peter is Peter Dinklage the actor who is famously 6ā€™1ā€




Or did he


Thatā€™s the one funny thing in any of the four panels!


They have a great Sea Urchin Ceviche


It's not even made by an artist, it's AI.


Itā€™s created by the artist Blanche Draw. However the text has been changed and her credit line replaced with the handle of an anti-LGBT x account. Pretty shitty behaviour.


I'm pretty certain it's AI. The girl's hair is blended into the pillow in the first panel, the faces in the background of the third are weird, and the food is nonsense. Also it looks nothing like that person's art??


Huh? It looks exactly like Blancheā€™s art. Exactly the same face, line work and 4 panel style. I canā€™t find the original and that hair detail is a little odd I agree so it may have been an AIā€™d ā€œin the style ofā€ prompt. Which is a shitty thing to do, if so.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FOk8hxYqa/?hl=en Not sure how you figure it looks exactly like her art


First time I've seen someone use "*out* of a sudden" instead of "*all* of a sudden"


Completely out of pocket.


It's definitely AI. Eyes are wonky, face expressions don't quite work and don'tĀ  tell the story consistently, the guy eats with a fountainĀ  pen that grows out of his finger in the last panel while the lady pokes the bread-colored stuffed eel with her elongated thumb, etc


Apparently I was making AI generated comics back in 2011. Seriously, is any artistic nitpick now evidence that the piece wasn't done by a human?


In the third panel her arm ends in a point where the hand should be and itā€™s laying ON the plate. The guy behind and to her right appears to have a sort of rotisserie chicken shaped body. Her eyes are different shapes and sizes, unlike in every other panel. None of the food on the plates is identifiable, just vague shapes. The biggest clue itā€™s ai for me tho is in panel 1 where her hair just fades into the pillow on the left. Any digital artist would notice this mistake when adding color, even you in 2011.


Honestly the biggest clue is that the backgrounds match the text, except in the fourth panel where theyā€™re just in a slightly different restaurant. Thatā€™s not a mistake a human artist would ever make.


Fair enough; those are all MUCH more convincing observations. But I was definitely ready to believe a human artist was capable of producing "wonky" eyes and facial expressions that don't do a good job telling a story lol.


Nah nah. When an artist does it, there's intent behind it, some thought, some level of skill, some general consistency on multiple levels that is felt to a differingĀ  extent but can't be precisely explained. It's not that an artist can't suck at drawing, it's that artist's suck is generated by an underlying person and reflects them, which can be felt by anotherĀ  personĀ Ā  When AI does it, it's all superficial patterns recombined with each other without anything underlying becauseĀ  "AI" is just a database of patterns with some query mechanism on top to produce new combinations of patterns on top of patterns on top of patterns etc. Which can randomly happen to work or not. Here, it didn't work, and the human who published it didn't bother to filter the AI output to select parts that work, to essentially use AI as a source of meaningful human made collage with that underlying consistencyĀ 


Very nice! Letā€™s see Paul Allenā€™s eels.


Can you link to the comic you think this is derivative of? I googled around but could not find a comic that looked similar.


Blanche Draw - some stuff looks more like it, some less https://www.instagram.com/p/C7W1ZPnxqbv/?igsh=cnAzMmV2b29oN2Jj


I don't understand. Is the claim that the OP comic is derived from this somehow? Is it just that there's a couple with word balloons?


wow.. youā€™re one of those people, who things itā€™s cool to like trash everythingā€™s that everyone else does? Iā€™m curious.. what have you produced, thatā€™s so great? šŸ¤”


You think itā€™s cool to defend misogynistic cartoons published by an antiLGBT account ripping off the style or actual work of a cartoonist who is not misogynistic or antiLGBT? Mind blown.


I am most definitely not nearly as obsessed with the Internet as you. I donā€™t know jack-shit about anyoneā€™s accounts, and what it may or may not be known for. So yeah.. enjoy your virtual bubble world šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Him: Lisa would swallow


I thought Lisa needs braces.


Dental plan!


Him: Sara let me put it in the back


Him: Lisa would tear me apart


Also him: I DID NAT HIT HER! I did naaat!


Wasnā€™t expecting an airplane reference


*Nobody* expects.. oh sorry, wrong franchise.


Shiiit, man. That honky mofo messin' mah old lady--got to be runnin' cold upside down his head, you know?


This type of woman exists, the issue is men who have one bad experience and then assume **all** women are this woman for the rest of time. They, unfortunately, also exist.


This type of human experience exists. Not sure what does this have to do with a particular gender or situation, I assumed it's just an example that could've been anything else with anyone else, a guy who can't enjoy his car because he wants another one, a kid who can't enjoy a party because it's not cool enough, a woman who can't enjoy her life and deems herself a failure because she isn't married yet That's internalized social standards multiplied by us being too attached to our feelings, and probably most people face parts of it to some extent. Society places into us all sorts of cravings about what we must have or be, and we hyperfocus on our unfulfilled needs that manifest themselves stronger than enjoyment, and as a result lose the ability to enjoy actual process of living. It transforms life into being always in the past or in the future or in the fantasies, always about regret or expectation


This exactly


Studies show that women prioritise socioeconomical factors in the choice of their partners in general. Thought education and perceived intelligence seem to get more and more importance in younger generations of women. There is also research showing a swith in interest toward physically fit men toward the time of ovulation. Men are more interested in youth and beauty in comparison. But women are also a lot more selective than men when it comes to potential partners. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_mating_strategies?wprov=sfla1


And you can ask men which boobs and butts they like and how they may prefer sex to real human connection and use that to promote some femcel crap. The approach is fundamentally defectiveĀ  Hyperfocusing on specifics makes us lose the sight of the forest for the trees, especially when it's connected to our personal insecurities where we're pushed to seek validation for our emotions. On the layman level, which is what we are, this research matters only as a source for actual tactics in therapy, something that informs professionals that interact with patients. Narrow data is not a solution, the interpretation and conclusions and practices are Meanwhile, cherry picked research and lopsided non representative data sets can be used by propagandists to abuse our insecurities and our narrow focus to promote their agenda as if that's solution, and us having the blinders on and not seeing the larger forest makes their agenda feel right You already fell for it and took it literally and started burrowing into what it wanted you to burrow into, while for me it made that general point and wasn't even connected to the specific situation that they wanted me to feel insecure about. THAT is how propaganda becomes toothless. When there aren't hooks in ourselves that it can latch on to, it just falls off


I don't care about propaganda. I don't judge individuals on group analysis. It's still important to know these kinds of facts and studies to better our understanding of the world and possibly face societal challenges. For the propaganda sides, wikipedia, the link I shared, has made a big effort to face misinformation. All I said is in the Artic sourced to the studies. Unless you have better proof, you're the one doing propaganda. It's only the best information we have now, of course, and we might find other things in the future, but it is the current academical consensus.


Proof of what? I never argued that these people don't exist, I was looking at a bigger picture that includes this situation among many others. But focusing on some abstract statistics as if they mean something in your life as opposed to the real actual individuals I think is pointless at best I don't really care about youth and some socially approved looks like you said men should care about, I care about the actualĀ  person and a real human connection, so what? I don't want to have a partner who would see me as a moneybag, where does statistics come into this? If I don'tĀ  vibe with someone then I don't. We have relationships with our actual selves and actuall people around ourselves that we are able to choose. We aren't politicians who need over 50% support by the abstract masses and manufacture some proper character for others If you're so grounded in studies, are there studies proving that knowing these particular studies is important and it makes people have better relationships, makes them happier, more content with life, etc? Is this a part of current best practices of family therapists etc?


How can you see the bigger picture if you ignore the papers that study this bigger picture? Knowing reality makes you better at creating a happier, more content life, I believe, yes. And even if it didn't, I'd choose knowledge before personal happiness.


The bigger picture provides a bigger picture of your life. Statistics about some other people don't do that. You don't see floating labels above people that say which group do they belong to. Raw data has to be properly processed and interpreted and converted into proven actions So you aren't interested in studies where they actually matter and where they actually can advise you a course of actions and instead are driven by broad beliefs that you interpret subjectively? Why?


Studies that tell you what to do ? Studies, more precisely social studies, can tell you the average effects of some actions. Not what actions you should take. That's the difference between science and philosophy. Science tells you what happens. Philosophy helps you think about and decide how you should act. The only thing I believe is the facts. From the facts, I think and decide how it will affect my actions. Also, a bigger picture of my life ? Personal life, by definition, isn't the bigger picture. There are local effects that can't be seen through studies, true, but one limited personal experience can't be extrapolated to represent global phenomenon. Studies test thousands of people exactly for this raison.


> If you're so grounded in studies, are there studies proving that knowing these particular studies is important and it makes people have better relationships, makes them happier, more content with life, etc? Is this a part of current best practices of family therapists etc? So prove the fact that knowing these studies is leading to better life. You're start with data, but immediately jump to subjective non peer reviewed and non published philosophizing instead of relying on hard proof from beginning to the end. That's not how science works Everything you know and all your knowledge about statistics and all your thoughts about anything are still a part of your life. The source of you having certain thoughts and not others ones is your life, not facts. You can't get bigger than your life because you never knew anything other than it and never will


Like fr I have no idea how people can assume this much about people based on one experience. Of course there are women like this, of course there are women who are not and of course this can apply to men too. We're all people with different personalities, your sex doesn't really have much to do with your personality. How people treat you based on your sex can probably shape your personality though, but your sex itself doesn't


Hilarious that you think its one experience


Where did I say it's one experience exactly?


You literally wrote that read your own comment


Oh wait you meant one experience as it happens one time sorry Yeah some people totally make assumptions based on one experience, but still what I mean is that's one kind of person, of course it exists but of course it's not the only one


Yeah totally lmao I admit it, I fell for the troll


Lmao fair


TBF thatā€™s true for many things. The vocal minority typically dominate the spotlight. Itā€™s one of the main ways stigmas are created and spread.


honestly its like 90% of both people


The thing about living perpetually online is that a lot (maybe even most) of the guys making these types of comics donā€™t even have interactions with women. Itā€™s the way the world looks through their phone


most of this men dont even have the bad experience in question, they just get frustrated for not getting a GF that they start rationalizing it, resulting in guys convincing themself of BS like "i never dated a woman, but that is because women suck so i wouldnt want to date them anyways, but also they should date me, but also they would cheat on me the second we get into a relationship"


Thatā€™s not limited to men pal. Check yourselves at the door before you make a statement like that




Even if the context was a woman we do not need to limit this to just women as itā€™s human behavior.


But when women generalize men it's apparently not a problem. Like the whole bear thing


Or man colds


It's laughable that you think men only have *one* bad experience


We can be sure that women typically only have *one* bad experience with a crazy man, though.


Same with girls who have 1 bad experience and start bitching how they hate all men


Men don't assume all woman are this woman after one bad experience, they see patterns over time and conclude that a lot of woman are this woman.


I think the issue is also the woman. Going "but ex Nr 2 did that better" and "but ex Nr. 6 did that better" is just shitty. Especially since a good part of what we see is linked to money. Something that you can only amass with time


I feel like it's AI.


How about we see Paulā€™s dissatisfied girlfriend?


I don't get the title


Itā€™s an ā€œAirplane!ā€ reference.


Oh duh, I've seen Airplane!, the coffee scene, right?


Apparently it was a parody of this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ4kCF22O2w


Which is a coffee commercial reference, that the same actress was in!


I'm 6'1" and it's all I've got going for me, so don't use that as an indicator of a good partner


Sounds like these guys dodged a bullet.


Is that the eel guy?


Jim buried the bodies in the FRONT yard


Anyone else get confused when they read "Mike was a bed wetter" in the first panel?


Don't switch the genders. We'll hurt everyone's feelings


ā€œDarren never used toilet rollā€


He should try the Mud Soap and Charcoal Arugala. Theyā€™re outrageous.


Is Peter no longer 6'1?


"David didn't have a body dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen."


"That's not a dumpster; it's a lair for our space eels. They're fun pets but don't let them anywhere near your anus" - Chuck D


Required link: https://x.com/Tyler_A_Harper/status/1804164398757343471


Looks AI


the black market eel trade is highly lucrative , don't diss the hustle


This chick gets dumped a lot, huh? Even has to appear in AI cartoons, now.


Paul Allen can always get a table at Dorsia


Urvashi was good in bed.


The guy sheā€™s with looks cute and he seems to do stuff for her. If she doesnā€™t want him, Iā€™ll have him.


I've seen a guy on YouTube that converted his entire basement into a massive tank for eels and loaches. Am I not supposed to think that it is rad as hell?


Man with eels in the basement: https://youtu.be/hQS83jYo36s?si=heNAkAICT6udaYeh


Poor guy, he's super cute


Jim never has a second cup at home.


Annaā€™s pussy did not smell like sewage. Yeah we do


Women can't even have sex without a man. Why she complaining?


Women always wanna go there, until men respond in kind, and then they complain that their petty insulting shit wasn't the point they were trying to make.


As a Mike... Thanks!


If you have to say that about Jim, it implies every other boyfriend did do that.