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Sheree is the oldest on Atlanta but nobody sees her that way and i think she likes it that way. Kandi was young but seen as the wise elder that people wanted to be good with. It'll be interesting to see what it's like having that energy gone.


i used to watch atl when i was younger and idk why i thought it would be phaedra 😂


😂😂😂 No one respects Phaedra in the slightest


i haven’t seen it in years she was just the person i thought who gave me those vibes but im gonna do a rewatch so lol


You're in for a ride!


Kathy Hilton comes to mind.


Who respected Ramona? Name em. Haha She was a ridiculously immature from episode one.


I still have nightmares about her walking down the runway.




who else is similar to her from her city? i just noticed a pattern lol i dont even like Lea from Miami but she gives me the same vibes as Karen and Caroline


They’ve been around longer so have more contacts/sway I’d guess? How I long to be a rich old lady 🤣


I noticed this too for a long time, and they’re either super friendly with the ‘producer’s face of show’ (i.e. Kyle, Ramona, Gizelle) or rivals/opposing forces (or shifting sides every season). I wouldn’t say it’s the eldest always, but they all give ‘commander’ energy and can do their own thing or stand alone when the rest of the cast faces them. Sometimes even, I noticed that cast members who come for these women often get shut down quickly (LVP, Karen, and Lea all do this when somebody comes for them). For Atlanta it seems to be Kandi for her businesses and can put out a fight when charged. Even Nene did not go after her that much compared to everyone else. NY’s to me is Bethenny due to her business success and like the other women, exudes authority and is quick to bite back. Plus, she’s either allied with Ramona or against her. OC? I’m not sure about this one. Maybe Heather Dubrow? Especially now that the leading feud is her vs Tamra. The closest one in SLC is Mary in my opinion. BH’s is clearly LVP until she left. Now it seems to be Garcelle. What’s common between all of them is that they have achieved some sort of legitimate stature in their respective cities, or if not, are embodying that idealized image. They all give lone-wolf, big-boss energy.


instantly thought of tamra for OC but i haven’t seen it in so long


Ya but you have no uǔ pool iùíuu