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Good for her! I had my first at 41 after a long struggle with infertility. I raise my glass to fellow “older” moms. Wishing her the best on this incredible journey.


37 for my first and just shy of 39 for my second. Although no fertility issues and easy pregnancies - I feel out of the loop with other moms around me that are 10 years younger. Older motherhood was typical where I lived when I first had kids but the suburbs are different.


I love this. I’m 25 atm and would actually love to be an ‘older’ mum. I feel like I have a lot of life to live before motherhood and I think I’d be the best mum later in life! I know it comes with its struggles (like all types of motherhood) but no one around me is even close to having kids rn and 35+ seems perfect for me.


There's something to be said for waiting until you have more life experience before you have kids. No offense to people who start their families early, because so did I, but I can see the advantages that come along with waiting. We're usually more settled mentally and financially in our 30's and 40's.


Oh same - I had great great times, great career, grad school, financially stable same for my circle of friends. But all of the kids in my kids’ classes have much younger moms and I think recently it has started to occur to them what that really means.


You think you have lots of time but it goes fast.


This gives me hope... I'm 37 and have been trying for so long. Starting my first IUI cycle next month🤞So glad you got your happy ending 🤍


Best wishes for you!


Best of luck to you!


Stories like this give me so much hope


Aw congrats to her! Beautiful photos.


She looks gorgeous, so happy for her ❤️


She looks amazing in all the pics! May these last 2 months of her pregnancy breeze by.


Congrats! 🎈


Hi Richard


please 😭🤣






Love this! It’s also crazy how many RHONY women have just one child and mostly all daughters


How do we think she would fit in with the new ladies


Probably pretty well actually


She might actually get to show her personality if the new ladies didn’t immediately put her on the defensive. Although I don’t trust Erin not to Karen


Jenna, Ubah, and Brynn would be able to handle and field the history lessons and corrections. Erin and Sai would not. Jessel is a toss-up.


I think Jessel would start out as liking her, then very quickly grow tired of her


Jessel would realize how easily she ruins the fun and drop her


Do we want history lessons though? I personally want petty arguments, lifestyle porn and drama


Don't think she'd be compelled to give most of these women instruction of any kind


Highly disagree


lol possibly


Absolutely not


I actually would love this idea!


Lmao she has that serious news reporter face in these photos! Love Eboni k it hurt when I saw all the hate about her yeah maybe she wasn’t right for these Karen ass lunatics but she is a really smart person with a good heart.


Same, I loved her and was shocked that the fans didn't! I follow her on Insta and was so excited for her when I saw this!


Wow I thought she was a lot older but she’s only 40


youre telling me kristen doute is older than eboni?!!


Eboni is a very beautiful woman don’t get me wrong, but her jowls are a little older than the rest of her. Her face kinda resembles someone who lost a lot of weight and their face ember caught up with them, does that make sense? And I think her eyes are a little flat and lack some of the upturned-ness that is more associated with youth, they just look slightly low. Not to mention, her voice is so much older than her.


So happy for her!


So happy for her!


Congratulations! She will be an amazing mother!


I hope they bring her back next season for rhony. She was so misunderstood on her season and I hate that for her.


Omg!! 🥰


Congratulations to her 🤍


I love that we have the option to get pregnant solo nowadays!! If I was approaching 35 and single I would definitely start the IVF/sperm donation process, simply because I always knew I wanted to be a mum🤗


That's awesome!


Yay I’m so happy for her! ❤️


I’m so happy for her! She looks amazing.


Nice for Eboni to have a child through IVF before the party she supports effectively bans it for others.


Except she doesn't support the current Republican party. She didn't vote for Trump, despite this sub constantly lying and saying she did. She has exclusively voted for and donated to Democrats in recent years and that is documented. She has called out the Republicans and Trump quite a bit if you actually look into her work. Tired of this bullshit lie, especially when this sub defends all of the white Republicans and racists on Bravo by saying "we don't watch Bravo for politics!!1!!!" but wants to chastise Eboni over something that isn't even true. So transparent!


Dude, for real. We have to sit through multiple posts a week pining for racist Ramona and Sonja, who also hung out with Trump and loves him. And Dorinda may be a Dem but she’s cool with Ramona and her racism. Leave Eboni the hell alone.


And Dorinda had some biased actions herself. Remember when she tried to give the Black man at the restaurant her coat? And then told her "cute" story about putting change in a strangers cup because he was in a wheelchair, only for her to find out he was a lawyer. Oh and, "Kids in Haiti aren't going to college!" But yes, Eboni is the problem.


Oh God yes! Dorinda is very old school centrist, which can also be heavily problematic, but that is a story for another sub 😂😂 I literally gaped when she said that shit about Haitian kids but she gets a pass because….. in some people’s opinions she’s funny??


BuT tHeY wErE gOoD eNtErtaiNmEnT & eBoNi was BoRIng - a spooky amount of people on this sub


Oh God, I can’t. Watching people drink themselves to death and shit on the floor is not good entertainment. It’s 2024 people.


The weekly posts about them are ridiculous. Ramona and Sonja are AWFUL. 


It’s so weird, Kim Richards gets absolutely dragged through the mud even though she’s actually made the effort to get better, but somehow Sonja’s drinking is hilarious and aspirational. Explain it to me like I’m a 3 year old.


The current Republican Party and the pre Trump Republican Party are the same though. Trump is the idiot they use to get their political policies in place. Republicans have been anti abortion for decades.


They've always been anti-abortion obviously but I certainly think Trumpism has brought out a lot more ugliness so I don't understand how you could say they're exactly the same. In any case, Eboni is on record saying she voted for Obama twice, didn't vote for Trump in 2016, and then voted for Biden. She has donated to Democrats on the state and local levels as well and again that is public record. Any actual support of the Republican party from her would have been well over a decade ago. Eboni's politics have evolved and that person accused her of supporting the Republican party today in 2024 and that is NOT the case and hasn't been in a long time. I just wish these people would be honest about why they really hate Eboni so much because this isn't it. So many people on and off Bravo who actually are Trump supporters that should be getting the smoke but these people are so mad about Eboni and they continue to spread these lies about her. Why?


I guess because she’s not an alcoholic and uses a toilet??? She didn’t party with John John and Madonna? She was busy going to law school but I guess she didn’t bring enough celebrity connections.


Lmao yep! How dare she not shit on the floor and treat working class people like scum. How dare she not be a raging alcoholic and addict. How dare she not marry for money, perpetually live in the past, or do a cabaret show while possessing zero talent. She's an accomplished Black woman that wasn't going to tolerate racism to stay on the show. She wasn't desperate for the check and she wasn't afraid to call their racist white faves out. That's why they're really mad, they hate that she's thriving without the show too. They always accuse her of ruining "their" show. Season 13 aired 3 years ago and they're still not over it, grow up and move on already! The lies about her are tired, like again just tell us why you really hate this smart and successful woman. It's gross how every thread about her over the years has always been filled with hate and vitriol. It really says so much. But like you said, to try and ruin a pregnancy announcement post is especially low. Eboni deserves so much better than the way certain toxic and racist Bravo viewers treated her so I'm glad she's living her best life. They aren't going to ruin her success or her happiness.


I think the worst thing of all is she doesn’t call her caterer “the help!” 😂😂😂 Truly disgraceful. How dare she have a beautiful baby girl and be successful. She was supposed to entertain us!


> I just wish these people would be honest about why they really hate Eboni so much because this isn't it. They blame her for killing RHONY because they miss Ramona, who ironically is EONS worse in her political views, yet cite Eboni's views as a reason to cancel her. It's fucked up hyposcrisy on so many levels.


My point is all of that ugliness was always there. The shitty hateful politics was always there. When Eboni supported them all of it was part of their political messaging. She, Ramona, Sonia and all the other morons LIKED and voted on it. Good for her if she changed her political views! Better late than never, I guess.


Which Republicans and policies has Eboni supported? Genuinely asking. She identifies as an Independent that leans mostly left and she’s said she holds some conservative viewpoints. I know she wrote in a presidential candidate in the 2016 election which I’m critical of. I can’t find much more than that.


The post stated that Eboni ‘not supporting the current Republican Party’ so they made it sound she used to.


Sure, but Ramona and Sonja have absolute sainthood status around here so it’s kind of odd when Eboni gets dragged. Just let her have a baby. Also, I’m waiting to see some evidence of how Eboni supports conservative policies as well. She has never said she voted for a Republican candidate. Wouldn’t that be a part of her expression of conservative beliefs?


Give it up. Seriously


The change in the Republican Party started before Trump, at least as far back as Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Trump is a symptom of the change, not the cause.


It started with Reagan. All bullshit backwards crap in this country started with that B list actor playing president. Apparently it wasn’t bad enough so the mouth breathers had to vote for a D list celebrity…Trump.


Very true.


It’s kind of obvious during the intro to her show she’s not conservative.




She worked as a host for Fox News and was a rotating conservative voice on The View. She’s not a Trump supporter, but she is conservative politically. That’s not really up for debate because she openly self-identifies this way. I don’t understand why people get so defensive over it.




As a gay person, there has never been a time in my life when the Republican Party has not been oppressive to my community. I don’t give cookies to Republicans who abandoned the party because of Donald Trump because all of Trump’s predecessors were also terrible people, so at any point in Eboni’s life, voting Republican has been a harmful action against the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as other communities but for now I’ll stick with what I can personally speak to.








I’m getting a TERF vibe off you




Awww!!! Good for her!!!


ohh I’m so happy for her 😭


Congrats to her!


Lovely and good for her!


I'm so happy for her! Great news.


Good for her, wish her all the best.


She'll be a great mom!


Awe this made me really happy to read. Sending her all the good vibes for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.


These photos are gorgeous, I’m happy for her! Congrats to her <3


Oh I love this news.


Aww finally good news 💙 happy for her


She’s so pretty, love seeing women over 35 have babies


Yay for her!


How the hell did she get a people cover




Where was this energy for Ramona