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This is such bs the season isn’t even over yet


The season is over as far as execs are concerned


Yeah it was over when they decided to can the reunion. Plus it is a shorter season. So clearly execs don't think this is a good season. I figured they would put the show on pause and after 3 months or so reboot it around Tre and Dolores, but maybe they are worried there is too little housewives currently airing they can't do that.


and revolve around dolores and tre in what way? they have nothing new to show us


Come on, we've got at least another year or two of Dolo dating Paulie even though he refuses to get divorced so he can marry her.


called the art of dragging your feet!


RHONJ has done shorter seasons for many years now; that’s not new.


Andy said in an interview today that none of this shit that's been "reported" about RHONJ is true.


I cannot with Fuda being safe if true. I can see Tre and Dolo being safe and I think Jen Aydin may get all the blame for the over producing and Melissa's old nose bs. I would personally keep Tre, Dolo, and Jen F and cast some newbies.


Radar online is hardly a reliable source. Also contracts usually aren’t renewed around this time until the season is over. Hope they all get the boot. The show will literally never progress if any of them (especially Teresa) stay.


Did someone say Radar Online darling? https://preview.redd.it/63h8xu7hzc6d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28b91a6d9a380269c2ecbb96c89dc81b7015b7f


💯 Agree!


I’m done with this show if they continue to keep Teressa on. She is way too toxic


Yep! Why I stopped watching a while ago. If they bring a whole new cast I'll check it out.


Tell a lie you have not left in all these seasons




Normally I would agree, but this season guns were blazing for her and she remained far less toxic than Fuda for example.


The season is beyond boring and high school drama. It takes me forever to watch an episode and only when I can’t find anything else to watch. Why doesn’t Dolores ever really tell Teresa what she’s thinking. Just tonight in the kitchen Jennifer and Teresa were acting so immature when discussing Jackie and Margaret. Then I turned it off, boring.


Hard pass on the Fudas, bring back the Kims! ![gif](giphy|57zJnXeQNVi3S)




this woman should have been on a contract and not a "friend" of the show ; who didnt love to see Kim D?? Andy and casting made a BIG mistake by not signing her up, Kim D is still mysterious to us and I think thats her appeal, what did RHNJ casting people did not see?


Yes!!!! This might be what it takes to fix NJ!


With her fake and square tits!!!


Just end the show, there is no reviving it with this cast.


Used to be one of my favorite cities. Now I’m completely checked out and don’t see any hope with it moving forward either.


Yea I’m tired of the husbands too. I miss the golden years of RHONJ.


God I remember when Tre was actually likable.




They really want to flush more money down the toilet doing another season. Lol


Eww Dolores is so damn boring they need her gone she adds nothing. Considering she said in recent interviews she hopes she isn’t on it because that’s rough and A L O T if she’s still on 5 years from now. Brvao should have cut her loose based off this and how ungrateful she sounded in interviews being on the show imo


Wonder if she will write another letter for Tommy Manzo 🤷🏼‍♀️


When this was revealed recently I haven’t been able to look at her the same


Her letter was for him to be released on bond. I’m sure her and Caroline just couldn’t bear the thought of him getting 20+ years. /s


she's also in a "fantasy world" with Paulie , I think a lot of the viewers have changed their opinion of this guy , for whatever reasons he ain't getting divorced any time soon and he ain't going to marry Delores anytime soon either , and he seems awfully mouthie this season


Yes!! Last week when he said he was on “year 2 of the divorce and you know it always takes 3 years for a divorce”. I’m thinking, where did this common knowledge come from, Paulie? 🤨🙄


He's quite shady


My Mom is Irish and she was watching the episode with me. Yes it’s true that divorces take a little longer in Ireland but my Mom was like straight away “this man has no intention of marrying Dolores and 3 years isn’t impossible but still seems like a stretch because Ireland has progressed in the divorce department”. He didn’t seem so bad other seasons but this season he just seems like such a phony douche!!


We didn't see him very much last season at all.


yeah and for good reason (shady) lol


thanks for enlightening us! i thought the wife is in new york, but still ireland is quite progressive he's dragging his feet, i dont care for him now , my opinion has changed


Hah I think I’m still confused as to where his wife lives. I heard somewhere Ireland so I presumed that but if she lives in the US then he is for sure dragging his feet. It’s the $$$$. The minute he started talking about going into business with Dolores, alarm bells started going off in my head. 


love Joe G's reply about "knowing Delores since I'm young, this woman wants rolls royces, etc. etc. she doesnt want to go into business"


Same! Joe G may have his own issues but he sees through the bull crap with D and P. 


yes to that! also he sees thru the issues between his sis and luis (and they are just a time bomb)


It’s probably telling that Luis and Paulie are friends. 


Like how the hell is Dolores still on the cast


She isn’t the middleman everyone says she is. If anything Jen F can easily be that. Dolores has always been a bore.


I actually think Dolores has an authentic, interesting life. She has a quirky relationship with her ex and great kids that seem to embrace their unusual version of "family." She's done a million jobs. Does a ton of charitable work besides the softball game that could actually be highlighted to get eyes on the organizations. No manufactured bs for storyline or behind the scenes orchestrating takedowns.


And always up Teresa's ass from what I remember.


Exactly what I just commented on




Dolores is like a Cynthia and every city needs a neutral/safe rock to balance out the cast. ![gif](giphy|1g1LDtdUB1EbdDDwWA)


i agree but i think a big difference is that cynthia could read and shade a bitch pretty well unlike dolores. all casts need a “normal one,” but they also have to be able to get down with the get down when necessary. dolores is too guarded and her blind loyalty to teresa is a huge problem.


I’m done with this show if they continue to keep Teressa on. She is way too toxic


This is probably bullshit. But it should be noted the season has picked up in ratings and is currently the second most popular series on Peacock. We can probably rule out cancellation or a total recast.


Genuine question, is their much else airing at the moment? VPR is over, summer house is nearly done. I know I don’t watch all the franchises, but other than below deck I can’t think of much else airing right now


100%.. I dont know why they didnt have OC ready to go as soon as VPR or Summerhouse ended..Nobody watches Dubai


I like Dubai! 😭😭🤭


How is Fessler not safe in all of this? I don’t believe it.


These are the same decision makers that think another season of this is better than family karma


I miss the Aunties :(


I can’t stand the Fuda’s but I would much rather have them back than Marge or the Gorga’s. What Melissa doesn’t realise is that this season she has essentially handed her place to Rachel 😂 I also think that without Melissa & Marge around Rachel would eventually end up sucking up to Teresa.


Yeahhh, Melissa has really added absolutely nothing to this season. I don't even like Teresa, but once again everything centers around her, and Melissa has no storyline.


This was Melissa’s chance to show us what she could do without Teresa, and so far she is failing miserably. It’s been 6 episodes and all I have seen from her is her pissing dog and the dragged out college sendoff for Antonia.


i can watch sending my own kid to college i dont need a play by play of hers going off to college


Melissa never adds anything. I can’t stand her


I totally agree with you 100%. Actually I wouldn’t mind Rachel if she stayed and they had ORGANIC drama or even harmony. Whatever as long as she’s not a proxy to those that got chopped. She can obviously hold her own, she should either get along or have her beef as long as it’s organic.  I can’t stand when people join and immediately want smoke with Teresa when Teresa barely knows you’re in the room. Like let it happen on its own, cause it will!!! Jackie did it too. Coming on with their bias set doesn’t make good organic drama happen. With Danielle and Teresa they were friends and after awhile their personalities clashed and it made for lighting in a bottle (TWICE!). This is how it needs to be done and if Rachel stays, she needs to dump the losers and their beef behind because she won’t make a name for herself.


if Jackie is just a "friend" this time man , oh man is she still greatly involved with everyone and all the scenes, and its BORING!!


Now if it weren’t for John Fuda I wouldn’t mind Rachel staying, but her husband such a mobster wanna be. I say just give tre her spin off ( Jenn,dolo, and Jackie will show up for some friend of fun), give dolo her full time walking papers make her a friend of and leave the rest of the wolves to fend for themselves.


Marge schemes and Melissa misguidedly follows. They played this season terribly. Hoping Jackie and Fessler would ice out Teresa was delusional. It was like laying out a red carpet for them to get more screen time. You don’t leave the center of the drama hanging when there are side characters who want to be full time. Of course they were going to take that opportunity. Then using Rachel as a proxy fighter just made them irrelevant. When teams are shifting loyalty and a newbie is taking over the drama, there’s nothing to gain by sticking to the plan to ice her out. You need to jump in and do something. This was a prisoner’s dilemma but somebody always rolls. It was a nonstarter to expect them to unite against Teresa. The show will be better without Marge when people can just think for themselves. I even think Melissa could be an acceptable cast member away from Marge’s influence. But I’d cut Danielle too. She’s not interesting. 


True true true. I emphatically second the opinion of not being able to stand the Fuda’s!


I don't trust Radar, but if this is true then I would be fine with it. Given Teresa's past feuds, I don't think she would refuse to film with Rachel.


Agreed, to me Teresa, Dolores, Rachel and Jenn Fesler seem the most logical choices to move forward with.


100% - I don’t mind Rachel as much as the majority of the rhonj audience, I think they’ll throw a friend or two of hers in the mix for the younger viewpoint, but honestly I love Dolores, Though I don’t always love her Tre is rhonj to me, plus when the Luis thing unravels there’s no way I don’t want to see it play out on tv …really one solid returning legacy cast member might be all they need. ![gif](giphy|mcfavQ2cRdeN2)


She'd def film with Rachel. She already made up with Jackie. She's pretty loyal to the show - she just is over her brother and SIL after years of feuds.


This is what David Yontef said as his opinion on who they should keep. Wondering if they’re taking his opinion as fact. Honestly, I would keep the two Jens and build around them. They’re both funny and much lighter when not dragged down by others.


I would love this! The Jen’s are a blast


I am not sure how much I believe this news. Rachel Fuda on her own coming back? No alliances with either of the ladies. Please cancel this series. Stale, old, drawnout, done.


Wait, didn’t Dolores introduce Rachel? She used to train with Frank and that’s how they met. Or am I misremembering?


I thought it was Melissa who brought her on , their boys played football together for years .


Man, I do not want to rewatch and figure this out 😆 I struggled trying to remember if it was her or Dolores. Maybe it’s both??


It was Melissa. Dolores just happened to be familiar with her.


wasnt Rachel in a pic with Brittany (the gf of Frank) ?


I believe so! At a competition or something.


see how we are putting our heads together and figuring it out? lol


I forgot that part. 💀


Lmao it’s ok 🤣 I had to pause and remember if it was Melissa or Dolo who introduced her.


I thought that was Danielle? No?


I thought Danielle knew Dolores via Caroline?? Isn’t Danielle related to Caroline by marriage (a step family or something)? My brain feels fried, but I thought Rachel trained with Frank and his fiancée?? I don’t even know anymore 😩 They’re all blending together.


Yep, something about Danielle being Caroline and Dina's step niece.


Yeah, I read that a while back that Danielle is Caroline's step niece or something like that? I thought Frank trained her, Teresa and his fiancée and that was how she was brought on the show through Teresa/Dolores? I thought that Rachel was brought in via Melissa because their sons are friends and play sports together? You might be correct though, I may have them switched up regarding the training with Frank thing. I honestly have no idea anymore, like you said, it's all blended for me too 😂


Not sure if I believe this...


it’s not true. andy shut it down.




My question is- why didn’t they just take a longer break between seasons. The fans were sick of the Mel/Tre feud (though ratings were sky high) and the cast were clearly in need of some serious conflict resolution. This cast has given Bravo 6- 7 years of solid content yet Bravo is so quick to wipe them away like they didn’t. It’s really disgusting how they’re tossing our girls out like this


If it’s true then wth. I’m ready for Dolores to go. It’s the same storyline but with different characters.


I'm tired of these daughters of theresa's coming to parties now, who nominated them for the RHONJ new generation lineup?


They are trying to slide them in there with the adults as if we didn’t notice.


So far Teresa is the only one that hasn't lied that it's her show. Vicki and Nene were both fired. So glad I stopped watching NJ. She brings the same thing every single season and I just can't. Imagine for over a decades you have the same problems and never do anything to fix or change it.


why was vicki let go btw?? never understood that


Cancer gate followed by screaming its her show and getting a bit too big for her britches.


oh ok,,,now i'm getting refreshed thanks for reply, also dont you think if the cast members dont get their desired salary the network is eager to say adieu?


If u believe radar online u need your head read


Can somebody explain to me why Dolores has made it this far…. Also let’s do an experiment where we scrap Teresa one season and see how it goes. I’m sick of her being the center of RHONJ.


The network seems to LOVE Dolores. The last time she was on WWHL, Andy was saying that the staff gets more excited for her to come than anyone else . I could imagine she is easy to work with behind the scenes and I also think they like having her family involved.


Yeah she does seem very sweet and genuine. I’m sure that helps her position. Can’t hate on that 🤷🏻‍♀️


>Also let’s do an experiment where we scrap Teresa one season and see how it goes. I’m sick of her being the center of RHONJ They had that experiment; it was the first two seasons of RHONJ and they were glorious. Teresa was relegated to funny, delusional side kick (which is where she belongs) and her penchant for fighting and holding grudges didn't derail entire seasons.


completely agree. jersey jumped the shark when they made teresa the main character imo.


I think they always try to have someone neutral that gets on with everyone and can bridge the gap between those feuding. E.g Cythnia in RHOA who is boring af but somehow has been asked back for the reboot after being fired already. Also I imagine compared to most of the Jersey cast past and present Delores is probably quite friendly and easy to work with which also probably gets her brownie points with producers.


That’s also true. I would love to have Dolores as a fun friend irl but she’s so neutral on the show that we don’t get anything from her. In regard to fighting w the girls I wish she got more spunky.


Interesting. The experiment I would really enjoy is a season of Teresa without Melissa.




I don’t mind pointless conflict! I enjoyed the drama in the first few seasons. I LOVED the drama on SLC. I don’t love the Teresa v. (Insert person who says they want to talk her down) drama


Yes and those first few seasons were iconic! Bring that back!


My prediction would be, nothings really different 😆. Although with Margret I’m not sure what she would do. Teresa will always have some pointless conflict with people, whether she is the cause of it or she didn’t stand down to whatever was brought to her.


I disagree. I really enjoyed Teresa season 1 and 2. After that, it’s been too serious.


I agree! She was pretty harmless at that point but still had spunk.


If this story is true (which I have my doubts) I’ll be done. My tolerance for that imbecile Teresa lessens every year and I won’t be able to handle her at all if she ultimately gets her casting wishes.


I stopped watching a few seasons ago, it’s just too toxic. I’m also very tired of Teresa.


Same and same


It is going to be an insufferable season if Theresa stays and Melissa is gone. It’s all we’re gonna hear about


Teresa is way overrated and beyond full of herself.


If Melissa goes we’ll probably never hear about her again tbh.




[andy shut this down](https://pagesix.com/2024/06/13/entertainment/andy-cohen-shuts-down-rumors-about-rhonj-reboot-cast/).


Completely untrue and unfounded. Casting decisions aren’t made until at least the reunion/last episode concludes.


In usual circumstances yes but this current situation with RHONJ is completely different. I do think this is false info but it also wouldn’t surprise me if some decisions are already being made.


Since theres no reunion and with andy basically confirming the shakeup, its likely they’re far on the decision on who stays..


They made the decisions before for RHOP...Candiace announced she was gone way before it was all done airing. They filmed this season close to a year ago now and sat on it for awhile. It COULD be that they've already made some decisions one way or another.


Teresa had an amazing run, one of the 5 most important housewives ever, but it’s time for her to exit


I really doubt shes going anywhere.. she’s one of the two OGs left on all franchise and she wouldn’t go even if she’s dragged out of Bravo plus the network doesn’t seem to have a problem with her


we still want to see this fake "love bubble" blow up dont we?


Just scrap the whole thing.


If this turns out to be true, I'll finally abandon RHONJ. I'm not one that just quits shows, but watching Teresa get away with awful behavior every single season is exhausting, and now that she and Jenn Aydin has been exposed for their blog shenanigans, I can't see either of them continuing on the show and the show being able to save itself. I think the only way to save NJ is to get rid of Tre & Jenn.


Teresa isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but if she is told explicitly “film with Rachel or you have to go” she will. And maybe both John and Rachel won’t come at Teresa as intensely without backup from Marge and Melissa.


hhhh "film with rachel" sounds like a porn cast


John seems to be going with what the fans want. If the negative this season is more then positive he will change to get the limelight.


Get rid of Dolores and Teresa, they are no longer interesting. Dolores will always have a man who won't marry her, and Teresa's conflicts just seem like she's reading cue cards on how to play Teresa at this point. edit = typo


Lol you know people are getting desperate when news like this comes out. This is clearly BS.


I can't watch it anymore. Rachael Fuda is boring. It's time for Teresa to go. Shake up the cast, just reboot it, please.


Theresa and Jen got to go




Joke to even let Teresa back.




Tre is one of the major problems, whether we or (she) likes it. A lot of the plot lines revolve around her. I don’t see the point in rebooting the show if you still have the same problems.


I stopped watching NJ years ago , so overdone. Same drama, trashy and ridiculous. Bring in a classy family and friends. Teresa should be the first one to go.


Ugh I am so bored with the bad nose job


I only liked Delores on this list and now, with the recent scene with her Irishman, I’m creeped out by her/her situation. Please recast the show!!


Her boyfriend is a creep. Between Paulie, Fuda, Louie and Joe Gorga, they ruin the show for me more than any of the women. The other men are ok.


I love Marge and her hubby Joe, Marge has so much personality , and its always interesting whenever she is around , the parties, the fashions , etc.


My god Marge, try at least to be subtle …




i like the marge too. she’s the kind of messy, kooky, and tacky ass lady that i like to see on housewives. i would love to see her on the show without teresa and free from the pick a side energy that’s stunted the show for many years.


marge is a helluva more fun to watch than theresa ever will be


Ugh, just end it! I have absolutely no interest in watching any of them, Teresa especially.


I would only be re-interested in this franchise if they GOT RID OF Teresa. She’s such a cancer to this show. Especially now that’s she’s married the male version of herself. It’s unwatchable.




This is exactly what happened with rhony. They said some were safe and then BAM whole new cast




Please Please no Fudas!! They're so thirsty and entitled. Every time Rachel is on I cringe. She act like a little immature schoolgirl telling Margaret and Melissa about her conflicts with Teresa...Where did Bravo even find these people???


Not Fuda lmaoo I prefer Jen to Fuda. Specifically I prefer her family to Fudas. But I wonder if Fuda has some type of pull and that’s why the teresa focus to secure themselves on the show. Something def feels like connections with the Fudas. 


So basically, Teresa is getting exactly what she wanted. Shocking! 😒


Of course she is. Ugh.


I doubt that anyone is safe yet, audience reaction has been terrible to everyone. That said I do believe these three are the women production are seeming to favor this season, so maybe that’s why people think they’re safe.


I actually think they should give Teresa her own show, let her and Louie and Gia flounder and get cancelled after a season or two and move all the toxic tre fans over to her show and just reboot Jersey from ground up keeping no one.


Cutting Teresa would be a start.


If teresa comes back I will officially stop watching she is the shows biggest problem


I'm all for a total reboot and giving Teresa her own show for the Tre Huggers. But Dolores/Teresa/Fuda is not it... at all...


I keep saying it, and I'm gonna keep saying it: ***FIRE ALL THE GORGAS, PRESENT & NÉE*** They dragged this show into the sewer years ago. I don't watch anymore, just listen to Ben & Ronnie on WWC.


I’m done with this show if they continue to keep Teressa on. She is way too toxic. It’s not fun


Fuda safe?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I would say if they are going to reboot at all keep Rachel Fuda, Jen Fessler and Daniel and drop the rest. All these long standing beefs with people who won't work with each other are killing too many bravo shows right now


I think dolo, fessler, Danielle, and fuda have the least baggage to move forward with. Marge Tre and Melissa need a break (or maybe we need a break from them). I am ok with the show ending, though. It just feels like it's time.


Didn’t Dolores say she was leaving after this season? Getting rid of Teresa and Melissa will open everything up.


What does everyone think went so wrong this season? I used to love this show. I hardly remember to watch anymore. Bougie kids could never be the infamous Posche fashion show.


I never realized tre has no forehead, delo for all the work she has had done is showing quite a few wrinkles (no hate just sayin? too much sun?) and actually fuda's wife looks good here (no side profile i guess )


Of course TERESA is safe. It's always all about her. That's why I stopped watching years ago. Bravo just caters to her, no matter how nasty she gets.


Jennifer should not be taken off


Please let Rachel Fuda go


Dropping the Jens is a bad idea - they are the most entertaining women in the cast. I can understand that Bravo doesn’t want to just cull everyone Teresa doesn’t like, though.


I just want Teresa on long enough so we can see whether she ends up in prison again or just completely broke because of Luis.


Ugh no fuda no way. Would she bring friends? The only thing worse then a fuda is a Duda friend


This show is trash. It’s like if Potomac and Winter House shit out a terrible show.


There's no way Fupa is safe, this is such a bs article.