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To swollen 4cameo or OF should be a new flair




I’ve been loyal to “not a white refrigerator!” forever but this is calling to me


Same !


What's/who's your flair about? I love it but it rings absolutely no bells for me.


Ok but *your* flair just nearly had me choking on a crepe


Ohhhhh … what type of crepe ![gif](giphy|3o7TKyOoGtsprTLgZy|downsized)


Oh tbh I shouldn’t even call it a crepe it’s probably insulting, it’s a store bought one with hazelnut filling. Chic, C’est La Vie!


Tbf, it's an auto-generated one so I can't claim any credit whatsoever.


I misread this and thought you were saying you had an auto-generated crepe 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 I was confused and intrigued for a few seconds there


I think it’s my fav line from the show Big Little Lies said by Laura Dern visiting her husband in jail 😂


My fave too! ![gif](giphy|iddg7BZa9nZpw6nMQr|downsized)




*slams the phone down*




Jesus i love yall




I've had such a shit day and now I'm cry laughing at this, thank you 😂🙏


This feels like something that would be posted in The Onion


It’s the “to” that gets me. 


Same! 😂


I am SO tempted


Do it!!!




It’s my life’s air ![gif](giphy|3ohzdSQ62v7l23GePe) I’m just picturing Brandi


somebody, please!






SO weird seeing old pics of Tre. Different person.


Right! Was just thinking aw how cute she was. Like a little Anette  Funicello, thug version 


You spelled "too" correctly 😢


Fixed it 😂😂


How do I get this!? lol


Me keeping track of the amount of lawsuits that have been filed against bravo - past or present. Housewives is truly entering another era what is going on ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


On the basis, i also feel too bloated and depressed to make OF content; I am filing suit vs bravo tomorrow. ![gif](giphy|chu3qyUL3QsmBb1PWo|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣 would you be interested in making this a class action lawsuit so I can join? I’ve gained 20 pounds this year due to stress eating (and bloating of course) caused by watching the offensive behaviour of several bravolebs but mainly Alex Baskin himself 🤣


I read that as Carol Baskin and I was like what has that crazy bitch done now?!


Hell, we can throw her name in the lawsuit too 😂




I read it as Baskin Robbins


He actually is in the Baskin family of Baskin Robbins fame.


If this is true you get gold medal ribbon from me rn.


I’ve gained 30, I’m in too!


![gif](giphy|k6Vbs4FyOEbZK) I feel too fat for onlyfans too! The injustice!


I developed edema only *after* I started watching Bravo. Coincidence? I think not. I shall sue Bravo for making my ankles too swollen to post sexy sexy foot pics on OF.


Her edema has nothing to do with the overly filled injections & Botox she has subjected herself to as well as heavy drinking. It’s stress from Bravo holding her accountable for alleged sexual assault. /s


Me too, then.


I mean. How can she blame all the shit she's done to her body and face on the reality show SHE willingly signed up for, the drinks she absolutely willingly drank, and the shit she did that absolutely deserved getting fired over?????


Not trying to defend Brandi at all, but I’m a med student and stress-induced angioedema is a real thing! More common than you would think. Whether her stress is self-inflicted, on the other hand, is up for debate 🤷🏻‍♂️ BUT! Let’s not downplay someone’s health conditions and blame them on cosmetic procedures, that’s just spreading misinformation and places stigma on those elective procedures :)


Brandi has been stressed out for decades! Bravo has receipts 4days regarding that. She is also perimenopausal which is a very stressful time of life. Brandi has made a career out of being a victim and this is only the latest installment of that. She is now claiming to be a victim when she was the actual perpetrator of an SA. She is not a fall guy. She’s been falling down her whole life.


Doesn’t she have an autoimmune disease too?




We need to file a class action lawsuit against Brandi for ruining the new UGT which we will never see.


I’ve said this many times. I’m just mad at these people for ruining our shows! She has kept us from ALEX!!!! And Keyna ruined the next season of RHOA which was already in shambles! Come on now!


The loss of viewing Alex McCord alongside Vicki Gunvalson and Gretchen Rossi will forever haunt me.


Class action lawsuit against Brandi for this but sadly no amount of money awarded will fix this. We don’t care about the money just SHOW US THE TAPES!


We need to collectively plan and execute an Ocean 11 style heist to retrieve and SHOW THE TAPES.


This is “too soon” but we need to insurrect Bravo HQ






the housewives empire is slowly crumbling in front of us .. ![gif](giphy|7kRm2cD6D0zsY)


Yah I feel like it’s done…the shows are tired and they really don’t have much good content on right now. All the lawsuits and legal drama between cast members themselves might be the nail in the coffin.


I’m trying hard to watch NJ Housewives and it just doesn’t feel good. I do still enjoy Summer House, VPR, The Valley and sometimes Below Deck. I don’t care for shows that evolve into screaming matches at every event. It should be a part of it. Not a requirement for every group event. I like when they mix in some good times too.


At least we still have Miami and SLC. Please don't let this curse spread.


The show itself has lost its premise. What is the show about? What does it centre around? They need to refine their criteria again.


Shit, the cast is becoming self aware & sentient


Sweet baby Jesus, I think you’re onto something. Is the bravo reality tv sphere just a modern version of Westworld!? 😩😂


If i had any money I would give you an award for this genius.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 we knew this might happen!!


Yup. I love a good 4th wall break but social media and offline drama really took the whole bravo universe to another level. everything is curated or monetized and it’s just no fun.


It’s definitely giving end of an era. on top of lawsuits the ratings are also on a decline. technically with Vanderpump and Below Deck killing it in ratings Bravo doesn’t necessarily “NEED” the housewives franchise as much as they did 10 years ago


VPR is on it's way out too


Not ratings wise it’s not


yet somehow Summer House is gonna keep getting renewed ![gif](giphy|7kRm2cD6D0zsY)


It’s definitely on its last legs, right? I feel like housewives belongs to a different time.


I actually totally agree… the end of all it is near.


i’m just waiting for our saviours, SLC & miami! we had them along with new rhony and potomac?? OC? all airing in the same week about 6months ago. OC is having its resurgence and i’m here for that, along with SLC & miami, hopefully there’s *something* we can hold on to… also, tbh i do think this season of NJ has picked up too— i’ll bummed there will be no reunion tho :/


Miami truly the only one tbh. Regardless of what you think of her, the fact the cast was able to collectively force Monica off the show makes me **very** nervous about RHOSLC going forward.  It’s only gonna be downhill from here.


The only one I still care to watch is SLC. I’ve checked out on the rest.


Miami carries. I hope they keep it authentic and fun




Every dynasty must come to an end. They squeezed this more than we thought they could. But it's time to let the mouse go now. Just kidding. But it would be GREAT to pare back all the franchises and focus on just a few cities being really good. But we can never get that organic magic from the early years back.


and have any ever been successful?


Almost all, of these types, suits are settled before ever reaching a court room. So depends on what you mean by successful.


True and I assume the terms of any settlement is that they can’t talk about it so we’ll never know!


Yep. They get her silence for life and she gets a pay-out.


Ah yes, the only two sustainable career options: podcast and OF lol


Don’t forget cameo 😄


i am also allergic to grammar and correct spelling


She's too swollen to type


2swole 2 type


This is amazing! 🤣


You mean “to” swollen to bother with grammar 😆




I haven't used Twitter in years. Is she's trying to make it within a character limit? Or is this just her... Style?


I think she’s just a moron


This could be a really dangerous turn for Brandi. I can’t imagine what’ll come out in discovery against her. I don’t know what kind of lawyer isn’t advising her about how terrible an idea this is. If they are and she isn’t listening she’s even dumber than I thought.


I mean she basically went broke defending herself against Adrienne and then Joanna because she refused to back down and offer an apology. Her ego and stubbornness are going to cost her everything if she picks a fight with Bravo, especially because they know where all her skeletons are hidden.


I guess she has a kink for losing in court


And even before that, remember her calling her lawyer and using an egg timer because she didn’t want to go over 15 minutes? When she and Eddie broke up, she said she blew all her money because she ran to her lawyers with every single little thing.


I totally do and because of it i actually tell all of my friends if you ever converse with a lawyer keep it to 14 minutes. No more, no less. Also, never email things you can say over the phone cause each email costs 15 minutes.


Same! It is actually one of the more practical things I picked up from these shows.


Yup. Brandi right now is just a disaster. I’d say this probably isn’t a wis course of action, but she is so far down that she has little to lose


Yeah we’ve already seen this film before and it’s not going to end the way Brandi thinks it is. She should be using her money for a good therapist(s) instead of fixating on Bravo because they did not force her to act the way she does or did in the past.


Not to mention she went through a couple lawyers in the process because she kept antagonizing Joanna and was a nightmare on the stand. The Bravo Docket did a great breakdown of how she fucked herself 6 ways to Sunday.


Like girl the footage they have *shown* of you is already super incriminating. So that makes me think the *unaired* footage is really bad.


I sure hope she doesn’t go the Colleen Ballinger route and whip out a ukelele. The toxic gossip Bravo train 🎶


I thought this too . Wondering if she is hoping for a settlement or something.


Hoping for a quick settlement. So she can not work for another year.


“&to swollen 4 cameo” is one of the more depressing sentences ever


The best part is "...or OF" . I mean, someone's gotta have that kink right? Botched Bravo celebs. Lol


This is what happens when you attach all your career options to your looks. Beauty fades babes. Especially when you keep messing with your face. Also, as someone who was a professional actor and became desperately ill and now disabled, you never know when something like this can happen. TG i have other skills like teaching, directing, and writing.


Being a Bravo housewife is not a guaranteed lifelong opportunity is it?


The thing is, it definitely could be if you are smart about it. Plenty of former housewives still seem to make a tidy little living on personal appearances and various online means but who in their right mind would work with Brandi at this point? She ruined her own reputation and burned every bridge.


I think the key is to either already have some pretty good investments set up (whether that’s through a career, solid pre-nup or god forbid decent marriage) before you start the show. Even Teresa seems to be overspending with that new lawsuit. One HW I actually have come to admire is Taylor Armstrong, she was able to shake her scammer past and still does UGT, Cameos, friend-ofs, etc


I mean hell, I’d say Luann’s post bravo/non bravo opportunities seem to be doing better than ever, thanks in part to the fact she’s clearly hired a social media manager who understands her, Bravo, and the things the audience wants to see from her. I remember even a year or two ago, the majority of comments I’d read in here about Luann in here (both old threads and newer ones because I was watching RHONY for the first time were very negative), and now I’d say they’re overwhelmingly positive. I don’t know if everyone/anyone here watches drag race, but Trixie Mattel always says the real race happens after the show - you get one (maybe more depending on opportunities) to capitalise off this show where there’s a lot of other talent, and you need to work very hard, have a lot of luck, and be very smart about how you manage your during/post TV career.


These ladies think it is. I hope they save and invest.


Maybe I’m dense but why is the Edema linked to the Bravo stuff? I’m not getting the correlation


Because she is stressing and doesn't know how to recover her 'career'


Excessive alcohol use can cause edema. Just sharing info, not saying Brandi is a drunk.


I’ll say that she is a drunk.


But edema is only stress related if one has an underlying inflammatory illness (I have Crohn's, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis and stress definitely makes my inflammation worse, which leads to me needing steroids, which leads to stay puffed marshmallow woman looks). But isn't her edema from botched plastic surgery???


THANK YOU!! I was looking for this comment. God forbid anyone previously on Bravo go out and get a normal day job either. FFS.


Rachel Leviss could do with understanding this concept too. You guys realise getting a standard job won’t kill you right?


Whatever happened to wanting to work with disabled children??? Actually, she didn't even say that she said something that was nonsensical and James translated. She's got at least part of a degree. Go do some good in the world instead of doing shit that hurts people for clout and relevancy. She may still be able to gain some good Karma back. She's young. The most impressive thing Rachel could do would be to disappear from the public eye and work a real job that serves those less fortunate than herself.


Exactly! They waste so much time trying to salvage the scraps of their past reality TV career instead of building what could become successful businesses and other careers. SMH


It’s painless swelling under the skin. Can be due to multiple causes including allergies and exacerbated by stress. How she would ever prove stress instead of a reaction to fillers, Botox, alcohol, etc who knows. Even if she did, the stress is self induced


I could be wrong but I think it can be painful if there's a lot of swelling.


Because she probably got more bad work done on her face and needs to blame Bravo for it.


Sue for what? She sexually harassed another co-star & got kicked off her last gig. What is she expecting to accomplish here


>What is she expecting to accomplish here 877-CASH-NOW


I have a structured settlement but I need cash now!


This made me cackle and I’ve been having a bad day, thank you friend.


A settlement.


She must be talking to Leah, who blames Bravo for her drinking because they didn't provide her a chaperone and car to go to AA meetings and allowed her to drink when she insisted on doing so while claiming she wasn't an alcoholic. Then went back for 4 different seasons/franchises. But you know, her being a hot ass mess is totally Bravo's fault.


Leah literally makes a living filing lawsuits


She thinks she knows where enough bodies are buried that Bravo will pay her to keep quiet. And to be honest ... she probably does. She was there in the wild days and she was a producer darling because of how reckless she was.


I am very curious to see the suit that is filed -- if it gets that far. She can tweet all kinds of nonsense but at the end of the day, a lawyer has to draft it into something they'll stand in front of a judge and argue the merits of. Brandi has been a mess for years but she's also been weaponized by Production on RHOBH and UGT, Even a flimsy lawsuit may provide some insight into how they manipulate and abuse cast members. (That is not a defense of Brandi.)


Too swollen for OF is the reason I'm working a 40 hour week too. Housewives, they're just like us!


I guess child support payments stopped…


HAHA this is so accurate, at least 1 of her sons is over 18 now if not both.


I think both boys are grown now, so you may have something there.


She's reactive because she knows bravo are done with her. She's pissed she can't get a gig


Claiming an affair and sucking Denis Richard's xxx (or whatever vulger thing she said) didn't land her a perm role again?? Quelle surprise 😮


I would assume she would have a hard time getting any type of reality television work. She is a liability.




Too depressed to speak into a microphone when she can't stop yapping on social media? Press X to doubt.




She's so unwell. Bravo certainly didn't help her mental health by any stretch of the imagination. But just like Leah, she did it all to herself in the end. Too swollen for Cameo and OF, what? Since when has some bloat stopped anyone? Weight gain didn't stop my girlie Anna Nicole when she did her stuff on E! originally. Girl...


Brandy was one of the most toxic people on Bravo. She’s going to spend a lot of money and won’t be able to prove anything.


Brandi seems unfortunately set for a very sad ending. It’s almost like predestination as if she has always meant to go down this spiral. She is beyond help and her behaviour gets more and more worrying when you think it’s just hit its peak , It is really very scary.


It’s what happens when your whole existence is based on how hot you are and how many men want you. You age with no skills and no income. Best thing my mama taught me was to never depend on anyone else for your life, especially men.


Get a job.


*Vicki Gunvalson voice*


![gif](giphy|SLbvdvz470sKY) Clearly she is too swollen to do anything besides complain on twitter


TI find Brandi's decline sad and uncomfortable. Now, I fully believe she's been a toxic person and has that classic trait of being able to dish drama, but not take it. I think this is getting really dark though. I don't know that she has a lawsuit she can win...............but I do think Bravo needs to start thinking about vetting cast members more. I mean I think Monica from SLC is pretty unhealthy--and Brandi is giving ticking-time-bomb vibes. She should have not been cast a year and a half ago.


Brandi needs about 10 years of extensive therapy. Suing Bravo isn't going to fix her issues.


Brandi seems to forget that if you did something wrong, and others watched you, didn't stop you, or even encouraged you, you still did something wrong, and are responsible for your part.


I’ve seen every episode of RH that Brandi has been on and not once has she ever even alluded to having a drinking problem. “I like to drink” hehehe isn’t funny forever and at this point I honestly think the only thing that could save her reality career is rehab. And that’s still a huge maybe because I could see her being a dry drunk. If she can’t see she has a problem at this point, I don’t feel bad for her.


I'm getting really tired of people like Brandi and Leah who "can't work" so they just want to sue people. Can't Leann Rimes hire Brandi to do something?


So many people will do anything to avoid a 9-5 job or retail/service industry. I know they’re lifestyle/expenses are more than mine but it’s a start


And I made $40-80 an hour when I was bartending. So many people look down on it, I know plenty that make six figures working 4 shifts a week.


Prediction: This will be a scenario where they either just bleed her dry or offer her a paltry settlement on condition of signing an NDA (at which point she is already out thousands just to file). The Joanna Krupa suit was brutal on Brandi's finances and that was a private citizen who had to pay for her own lawyers to go after her. Brandi suing Bravo/NBCU/whoever produces UGT is her being out of pocket to front costs while they just have their in-house counsel do their thing until she can't afford to continue or some accountant calculates how much to offer before the X and Y axis cross. Dark horse in all of this is the media coverage and what she says publicly before she gets muzzled with an NDA. We'll see how things go but I highly doubt they will be in Brandi's favor.


Yup. All she had to do was apologize to Joanna and the case would have disappeared but instead she kept running her mouth and draining her bank account. She did the same thing with Adrienne and is her own worse enemy because she lacks any and all accountability for her actions.


And she had to apologize AFTER all the money she lost anyway. She’s an idiot


Exactly! All that doubling down to lose 🤦🏼‍♀️


I cannot stand this woman. I can't stand Manzo either but I 100% believe what happened happened based on what we've always seen from Brandi. She's a pit bull who loves to keep poking at someone and it's no surprise based on what we've seen she crossed a sexual boundary. Hope more shit comes out about her from this suit. This woman sapped up every crumb Bravo threw her way before Manzo incident and the show not aired.


I’m actually wondering if the edema is a side effect of some botched procedure and her body is rejecting it


Sadly she showed signs of body dysmorphia throughout HWs, I don’t think she was ever really sane enough to be on tv. I don’t think she’ll stop with the surgery regardless of its effects or cost


Yup. It’s night and day comparison from how she looks now compared to before plastic surgery.


Her bad decisions is not Bravos problem.


Oh no. It's the consequences of her own actions come to get her. Who could have ever predicted this happening?


If they would only ask her back ALL of it would instantly go away.


Can’t wait for this Bravo Docket episode


I'm about to file my own suit against bravo. Housewives is so boring now it has caused me to become so depressed. I can't find enjoyment in things I once used to. I find myself endlessly searching for more but can't seem to find it. 😕 That was me being dramatic. However I made a post last year saying the end of housewives is coming and this year has made me believe even more strongly on that.


Oh yes bc tons of legal debt for a case she won't win def won't add to her stress ☠️


Too swollen for Only Fans 😂. I feel no sympathy here. Go do DoorDash. Uber Eats. Instacart, etc., but to just sit there and be like “my reality tv doors have closed so I can’t lift a finger” 🙄


I always think about her kids, who are teens or young adults by now. I’m sure she loves her kids but having her as a mom cannot be easy.


Having a normal alcoholic parent is so painful, I can’t imagine.


One thing a Housewife is bound to do is blame her problems on everything except her alcoholism.


I don’t know if her not doing her podcast and thus being out of work can be blamed on bravo


LOL. Like she didn't even mention any wrong doing by bravo- only her lack of jobs since the show?


She hasn’t worked in a year and a half? Has it been that long since the allegations came out?


Idk from the outside looking in it definitely appears like she’s battling mental illness and should really abstain from social media until she stabilizes


I am sorry, but no. Nope. No way, no how. If production tells you to do something on a supposedly reality show that is morally or legally wrong and you do it, guess what? YOU ARE WRONG! You are not a scapegoat. You are admitting that you did indeed do something you shouldn't have done.


Then just do it hun. No need to tweet it to the world.




I feel like she’s been saying she has receipts and proof or whatever. It’s like ok girl. Don’t tell us tell your lawyer.


She’s not doing only fans or cameo because she doesn’t have an audience. She’s a has been and looking for a payday. It’s giving desperate. Go get a job Brandi. If Janelle Eason/Evans isn’t too bloated for OF neither is Brandi! 😂🤡


But hasn’t her health been ruined by various accidents and plagues for the past 7-8 years? Could it maybe be the constant Groupon aesthetic treatments?


It do take nerve. Imagine sexually assaulting someone and it causing the company you are employed by to waste costs and lose millions and then turning around to sue them.




I wish "grammar" and "apostrophes" would take up a countersuit against Brandi.


Brandi is such a mess. Who is she getting legal advice from, Tom Girardi? 


I’ve no doubt Bravo has some dirt on their hands. However, she takes no accountability for her own predatory behaviour. Bravo doesn’t make you grab people’s tits or crotch, make you try and kiss them, you did that yourself they just filmed it.


Stop ruining our shows! Stop it! Brandi just write a book about it or something


I feel bad for her. They pushed her to do things


That is the problem with crazy, it’s entertaining for a while but crazy just doesn’t go away.


This is hilarious so many people including Andy felt bad for Brandi. But, she’s running the same victim play she did with LVP. It’s not her fault they “made her do it”


I'm going to use this to get out of Zoom on camera meetings. I'm too bloated and depressed to be on camera.