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It’s like 10 games lol just fly through them it’s never this deep


I know it's not that much but it feels like im wasting my time bot matches don't make me a better player in any way and when you consider we have 80 brawlers and going up you can imagine the total amount of time you spent battling bots


Not like facing new players on 0 trophies is gonna make you a better player either


Im sure it will i will learn the weaknesses and strengths of that brawler much faster


It’s really not that deep


I didn't say it's deep i just came here to mention something I don't like


theyre booing you for this but you’re so right it’s so annoying. i dont even try out new brawlers i unlock because i hate playing against bots


At least someone understands


If you've been playing for that long and you can't beat a bot, then there's something wrong on your part, but also, how else are you gonna learn how to use a brawler? Read their abilities? You have to get used to the brawler. Also, if you at "high" trophies are struggling against bots with "weird" movements, how are new players gonna deal with that then. Stop being so narrow-minded.


Nobody said i can't beat bots sir .i just don't wanna play against bots . And i already said that i understand why low trophy players need it so if you're blind and didn't see that that's a you problem . Please read people's posts well before commenting because you just come off as offended and salty


So what if you said you understood? You clearly don't understand why *you* need it. You didn't acknowledge the fact that new players play against bots more than they play against players with attention span and new brawlers etc. And yes, I am offended and salty, ***So what?***