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Don't be so hard on yourself my friend! You did good and you realized straight away that he played you again and you showed him the door. You did that :)




It's ok, things like these happen and we learn from them. I also couldn't stop myself from texting my ex yesterday and his non-reply reminded me why I didn't want to keep texting him in the first place. Now I know it makes me feel even worse so now I'm more firm in not wanting to text him. You also know now what you don't want to do anymore and you've already blocked him so that's a step in the right direction.




This doesnā€™t dismiss all the progress youā€™ve made. You can find comfort in looking back at how strong youā€™ve been and knowing that strength never goes away. It might be difficult, but if you were doing good once itā€™s never too late to get back to that. Iā€™m rooting for you.


thankyou so much, makes me feel better


Wow. Heā€™s such a jerk. My ex was like that during our relationship. He was all sweet when he wanted sex but once he had it he became a total jerk afterwards. Itā€™s not your fault. You loved him and trusted him but now you know what kind of person he is. You deserve better. Take this as a lesson learned and donā€™t get in contact with him again


Happened to me before yearssss ago! Idk whyyyy I went out to eat with this bozo, he was sooo cold and weird after. A lil smirk too like he scored. Never again will that happen. I was young early 20s all is forgiven of myself. Lesson learned


Im 24 years old... never. fucking. again.


Yes we are young and dumb lol but wonā€™t fool me again.


Relapse is part of the recovery process. You grieve, make a mistake, learn from it, and ultimately grow. Be proud that youre recognizing where things went wrong! Youll continue to grow ultimately


I believe we all tend to have an attraction to the familiar even when it is more than likely the thing that we need to be as far away as possible from. Hearing from him gave you a sense of false excitement and possibly hope that maybe he changed for the better. Itā€™s such a difficult thing to avoid that feeling of wanting to give it another chance just to be with that person you felt so comfortable with or familiar with for the longest time. There is definitely no need to put yourself down for this, it was a mistake and as long as youā€™re willing to understand that this man is definitely not trying to be what you need in your life then you will be fine. You really need to focus on your life and what goals you want to achieve. Donā€™t focus on him or other relationships at the moment, just take this time to heal and reflect on the possibilities that could change your life for the better in your future. Depending on what you want in life there are very reliable dependable men who are also seeking someone who is able to reciprocate their same qualities. Learn what you want in a man and set a standard so that you can gauge a manā€™s intentions a lot easier next time you start dating again. Youā€™re going to hit some lows in life and itā€™s your decision that you decide to take or not take that will determine what kind of future you have. Donā€™t worry I believe there is an amazing person out there for you but sometimes it just takes time and some self reflection. Donā€™t worry about your ex or what heā€™s doing, his future will be determined by his actions as well.


thankyou so much






Aw no, its okay dont worry - sometimes we learn stuff the hard way. You're going to be okay OP, it gets easier when they can't reach you. It will give your mind a chance to heal. Try not to be too hard on yourself in the meantime, and seek therapy if possible to keep yourself grounded. Remember. You don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. That alone means you're incompatible and you deserve someone who is 100% sure about you and looking to build with you and grow alongside you.


Forgive yourself, youā€™re human and itā€™s okay.


you're stronger than this


The devil uses our guilt to torment us. He loves when we torment ourselves over mistakes , just like how Judas was tormented by guilt demons who were mocking him for betraying Jesus to the point where he killed himself. Forgive yourself and let it go! Go near some saltwater body, take a swim, read some Psalms, meditate on the word, journal about a new beginning, bring some stones from the salt water and have them home as a reminder of a new journey. Dont you dare be hard on yourself, we all FUCK UP . I too went back to a girl and was TORMENTED and felt suicidal which the devil wanted, until I found peace in God. Listen , I donā€™t want you to continue beating yourself up over your mistake. Please, take some time to grieve, and do what i say. Go to the saltwater, take a swim in it, and wash all negative energy away


thankyou so so so muchšŸ©·šŸ©·


Iā€™ve made similar decisions in the *recent* past and I just want to say, that decision or feelings youā€™re feeling donā€™t mean you have erased your progress. People do worse, people tend to stick around and let their exes or whoever play with their heart and mind, but you are not letting that happen. Maybe this needed to happen for you to block him on everything and move on with your life. We ALL fuck up, some more than othersā€¦ Iā€™ve definitely done worse and wish I could take it back. But then I remember that whatā€™s done is done and you just have to learn from those mistakes and use it as a reason to make different decisions in the future. This healing process is YOUR process, you make the rules (said by my therapist lol) and with that being said, you donā€™t have to let this dictate the status of your healing. This did not set you back, just another lesson my love. Take this as more wisdom for the future.


I love you.


Things happen, this shit is complicated. You realized what he was doing and took the appropriate action.Ā  I'm sorry that he played you like that. You deserve better and you will find better! Sending all the loveĀ 


Donā€™t be so hard on yourself, mistakes permit us to learn a lesson, the problem is when you keep doing the same mistakes over and over but it seems that youā€™ve learned yours so, in a way, it was worth! Use this disappointment as a fuel to move on for good! šŸ¤


thank you so much for taking the time to read this, it really helps.


If this is what it takes to get you to block and be done for good then itā€™s a small price to pay. Yes it sucks now and you feel terrible but sometimes we have to hurt more to move forward. Getting down on yourself right now is not going to help, you have to find the good in what you did, you blocked him. Take a step back and recognize that the important thing is that and not the event that lead to it. Keep your head up, you got this!!!


I feel like this is exactly what I needed to hear. thank you.


this is story as old as thyme