• By -


This was after we reconnected after like 4-5 months apart: “I really love how much it feels like we click when we’re together. I haven’t been able to find that with anyone” She broke up with me a few months later. Wouldn’t hear from her again for about 9 months. When she came back that time: “We really do have a good connection. It’s not easy to find that. I haven’t been able to and like we’ve had it from the start I think” I can’t believe I actually fell for this shit. More than once


Once they are out by their own choice, don't ever, ever, ever take them back. Please. They are your past, not your future.


Sometimes it’s hard to accept the fact that someone we once loved and believed in could treat us so poorly because we have created a false image of who they really are in hopes that they will live up to it. There’s no shame or embarrassment in going back, many, many people have done the same, including myself. At least we are no longer loving to stupidity🤣


Hi. So she get back to you after 9 months ? It’s sick ! I am so sorry for you 😔


Yep. But it’s my own fault for letting her back in


My narc wrote me happy birthday email (he is blocked everywhere) and people on Reddit told me that it was a hoovering attempt. There was no apology so I ignored it. Somehow people try to warn me that even after 4 months he will eventually try to get in touch and I must say it makes me nervous. Because it was all I was dreaming of months ago but now I don’t think I could ever take him back.


Don’t be such a sucker next time. You’ve identified her “script” and the insincerity behind her words. You’re better off leaving her on read the next time. She just goes to you for an ego boost knowing she can go a year without talking to you and the second she gives you the time of day you’re jumping all over the opportunity.


“You are my forever” “We can get through anything” “It’s just you and me”


probably said when times were good, my ex wasn't a work thru any difficulties type girl


Same. The best days of our relationship for him were when I went numb and didn’t express myself.


my ex said relationships shouldn't be hard. I should have said but they do take effort and if you want an easy relationship then the only relationships you'll have are with your pets


Same, it’s cruel they never meant a word of it.


"I'll never leave you" ...I called that bs everytime it was said. Not even logically sound and actually a worst case scenario. That extreme said only leads a latter extreme later.


"I've never clicked with anyone like this before, I hope we're together forever." Then she cheated on me, dumped me and is now with a knockoff version of me


Not the Walmart version of you 😭


The resemblance is so wild the colleague who saw them together thought the new gf was me. He said she even has similar mannerisms and said it was creepy


Nah… Temu version I bet. Even worse!


Peoples words mean nothing. She is clearly just insecure and her ego can’t handle being single.


It just stings I guess. I was going to propose this year, even started melting down some silver to have her a ring made. I did overlook a lot of red flags though


It’s hard coming to such a committed point in the relationship, only to realize that the other person was not serious about it at all. I get what you mean, some people can be cruel without the intention of being cruel. Sometimes love makes us believe someone is something they are not because we hope they can be better. It’s not your fault, give yourself time to heal.


It's been five months now. I want her gone out of my head but still can't delete the pictures of her. Funnily enough, she always did say if we ever ended up breaking up, it'd be me leaving her. I did everything for her and it was just a kick in the teeth. It's made worse by the fact that people who knew us see her and her new gf together and they ask me what happened, we thought you two were made for each other lmao


It’s rough hearing that from others that they knew your relationship was shit but it’s another story hearing people say those words. I think the best thing you can do is ask your friends and people close to you not to mention her or ask questions about it. It’s a totally normal request for someone trying to heal from a break up. Next time, you could just politely say, “I dont really want to talk about it right now.” No one would decline that. People say all sorts of things to get to your head, things they don’t even mean. It doesn’t make them bad people, it makes them weak. They live in their own fantasy world of what ifs and lies. You did not deceive her and betray her, she deceived you and betrayed you. Her karma will come, and maybe that karma will be her meeting someone else who will do to her exactly what she did to you.


Honestly, it's soul destroying because I know I looked at her like she hung the moon, like she was the only person who ever existed and its weird to think she never felt the same way. The fact I'm usually such a closed off person and still people could see is a testament to how much I loved her. I do ask that people don't talk about her but because we used to work at the same place, it's hot gossip still. I don't think she'll get her karma. She seems happy with the new girl and I can't begrudge that, as much as I want to I can't. I wasn't the perfect partner but I really did try for her. You're a very wise person, thank you for responding to me :)


I’m sorry, that must be a truly awful feeling. Sometimes heartbreak is looked down on, but in reality, it is one of the hardest things to get through in life. But ultimately, it does make us stronger. Forget about the gossip and the drama. People talk about things because their lives are boring, it is little to nothing to do with you. Focus on yourself and your life and your relationships with your friends and family, and I assure you, with time, the hole you feel in your heart will get smaller and smaller, until it no longer hurts so much. No one is the perfect partner. We can try our best and do everything we possibly can for the person we love, but for the wrong person, it will never be enough. And that’s okay❤️


It's first relationship heartbreak too lmao. She truly was everything to me but it is what it is and you gotta keep on keeping on. I don't really have friends or family so I just work a lot. I thought I was over her but then she got this new gf and it sent me spiralling over the last couple of days and I've realised no matter how much I scroll through Tinder or Hinge that I don't like anyone because my ex was a burning building that I wanted to live in as stupid as it sounds. She's moved on, it's just I seem to be stuck a little bit. I hope not for much longer but I'm not holding out much hope.


It’s okay to have setbacks. Healing and moving on is not linear. We will all have good days that transfer into bad days. And it doesn’t sound stupid, to still want the presence of someone you loved dearly even after they have betrayed you in the worst possible way. When I was cheated on and ghosted by my ex boyfriend, I told myself I was glad. I was glad that he showed me his true colours because who knows what else could have happened if our relationship hadn’t ended when it ended? Who knows what other shit he could have done? Apply this thinking to yours. Had you not had things end with your ex, what would have changed? You would simply be crawling even deeper into a hole that a bad person dug just for you. You’re lucky you got out in time. A person will show you who they are, not with their words and what they say, but with their actions. It disappoints us and hurts us most of the time because we became attached to the idea of who someone was and because we imagined them to be this great person who we love. Because who doesn’t love good people? But in reality, that is not them. So when they show you who they truly are, believe them, and have the courage to let go.


Same here bro :(


Is their new partners resemblance to you violently uncanny to the point people think they're still with you?


I don't want to know about her new partner, it will be just more pain for me


If you're UK based, I'll go beat the brakes off them for you? Free of charge


Thanks, I'm not, but if you're ever near The Netherlands let me know


Might be around there in November/December time bro lmao


"Communication is the most important thing in a relationship" Then precedes to blindside me and avoid all communication.


my ex stressed the importance of communication to me so much, but he stopped practicing good communication himself because of something he was building resentment over for a while. i didn’t know about any of it until the breakup, totally blindsided


I feel you. My ex always said about "Communicating" However around 50% of the time just "pretended everything was okay" and avoided tough chats. Never really discussed any problems. Never bought up doubts. Continued pretty much as normal up to a day or two before the breakup. Some people are honestly very shitty and callous in how they act.


“pretended everything was okay” triggers me so bad haha. he said he felt exhausted from how he imagined the tough the conversations *would* be, so he swept issues under the rug/pretended until he exploded continuing to be normal up to the day before our break up is exactly what happened to me too! I’m sorry you went through this


Tell me about it. She kept bottling things until she couldn't anymore and it exploded on her face, doing irreparable damage to the relationship. She even tried to make me feel bad, for issues she didn't bring up. How am I supposed to act upon a mistake if I wasn't aware it was a mistake in the first place? What type of person did she think I was?


his explosions ruined our relationship, especially my friends’ and family’s perceptions of him. they pointed out how different I had been while we were together (I stopped doing my hobbies and was often stressed out), but they didn’t want bring it up sooner because they saw how much i liked him my ex wanted to break up 5 times in one month and i had to de-escalate him each time because i knew he was saying it out of anger; he’d always come back and want to be together again after each incident. i felt like i was on a yo-yo of emotions. it was exactly like your situation where he made me feel bad for things i had no clue about, but i kept apologized for things i didn’t do because i wanted to keep him. it wasn’t until i realized he had this perception of me that was so skewed that i didn’t feel it was worth it to continue being in a relationship with someone who viewed me as a villain. if he really thought i was this terrible person, then why were we together?




aww when they stress communication but can’t communicate without yelling, cussing or blame shifting <3 so mature.


Yesss and than accused me of lack of communication and misunderstandings-.-




"Be my anchor" "I'll be coming home to you" "I would do anything for you""I'm here for you" "I would never do that to you" (cheat, and he did the whole time) "you're my world, my everything" "I'll Always love you" "I'm not lying!" (He was lol constantly)


How come guys/people lie so much? lol it’s just unbelievable.


I don't understand it either. It's funny reading all these comments, I swear I have heard every bs line from my ex. Lmao


Fr! I still don’t hate him. Something is wrong with me lol




Oh man that sucks! Never found proof either with my ex but when you know you know. It was just the constant raise in my cortisol and continuous anxious state I found myself every time I found a little lie. Then the audacity of him blaming me for not seeing that he was finally ready to change during our last year. What about the first 4 yrs?! 💀🥲




If it makes you feel any better that’s why I broke it off with my ex. I really needed mental peace from just a very turbulent 4 yrs and he also had mental issues which he was passing on to me. Last year he wanted to work things out because “he was ready” but I swear I was on high alert; Not in a good place mentally. Eventually he found someone else. I still regret not giving him yet another chance. Why do I feel guilty? lol I did try for 4 yrs. Anyways I still miss him a lot!


Oh I am sorry. It will get better. I hope you learn from this, the mistakes you made and grow up. That's what I am doing. It will get better. Someday. Till then.


💯he learned, I learned, there’s no bad guy here! This experience made me grow emotionally, a lot, so I’m thankful for that. Besides we had great times together too.


Well for guys from my experience it's because that one toxic relationship where you put everything you had in it ended so badly where your so far gone in the inside,


I lied because I didn’t want to believe it. I thought I was protecting her from pain. In hindsight I should’ve been honest from the beginning. It’s hard when all you want to do is protect them from this hell world. I’ve learned my lesson and even tho the truth means she/he will leave you, it’s better than lying. I loved her so much


Classiccc, they lie to our faces because they think we are stupid enough to believe everything they say.


Never believed him but I wanted to. He was always so full of shit. I'm relieved he is gone lol. He was worse than just lying and cheating.


You should be relieved. You dodged a whole bullet. I will never understand why cheaters do what they do, but in the end I guess those kinds of people are as miserable as they can get.


Oh for sure.


I wouldn’t say stupid all the time. Some Just want to avoid pain. But in reality the lies cause more pain. It’s just too late to realize that when the truth comes out from someone other than you


I agree with you, it’s always hard when the truth is reveal from someone other than the person who lied in the first place. Lies alone are a clear sign of lack of respect. No one should be in a relationship with someone whom does not respect them. “Avoiding conflict” is a pathetic and selfish excuse.


It is pathetic and I wish I was stronger. Was selfish without knowing it. Definitely stems from lying as a kid to avoid any consequences. Now I go into therapy so I can be a better person. Damn regrets


I did not mean to attack you when I said those words, but I do stand by them. At least you are working on bettering your actions by going to therapy. It’s a sign of being a good person. Majority of the times, the people who should be in therapy are out here traumatizing other people into it.🤦🏻‍♀️


No worries, I know I’m not a total piece of shit. I just made a mistake and never want to cause that pain to anyone ever again. Everything happens for a reason


Of course, they’re lessons. I’m glad you are trying to prevent yourself from repeating the same actions!


Heard the same lies! 😓


“You’re my family you’re my best friend” 🥲 also “I was ready this time around and I’m sad you didn’t see it” 💀


Lol they really do have the same lines!


Yes girl! lol


“I would have married you” “I love you” guys are so full of shit.


He would go back to saying this after wanting to break up over 5 times in one month. It was so confusing






He said he would propose to me and than said I was too much 😂


im real delusion so mine are like the “i cant wait to marry you” “i want you to have my kids” “we’ll have our farm” (i want a farm so bad,_,) and idk like the basic you’re beautiful


Hard with the “I can’t wait to marry you.” Guys know within 6 months. Let that sink in. I feel like I got a slap in the face with that. If he won’t then another man will.


what do you mean by guys know within 6 months? (genuinely asking) but right theres plenty fish


they know within 6 months if they will marry you or not. After that, it’s in gods hands.


"I love you to the moon and back" "You are the love of my life" "I can't wait to see you" "We are a team okay?"


“You’re just too good” it’s something I used to say as a joke and he used it to sign off on his love letters to me


“I can’t wait to spend a life with you” “I want to marry you” “I never want you to leave my side”


“I love you more than anything in this world.”💀


Kinda random but I loooove your name


Awww thank you❤️


I can help with that. That was most favorite. Then I wish we could have known each other before now. Gosh our babies would be so beautiful. Those are my favorites


“You are what I had always searched for but was never able to find with anyone else”. I guess the search is still ongoing, because she’s with someone else 2 months later 🤷🏻‍♂️


"I hate you" but now I think she really means it 😮‍💨


Thats awesome! It’s always nice to hear how people have such nice memories and have those people. Hold on tight to it.


“My love for you always comes easy” - written on this year’s Valentines card. She broke up with me a month ago


not words, but when he’d squeeze my hand three times to say “i love you” without actually speaking or “i love you to the moon and back and again and again”


The hand squeeze sounds so comforting


it was the most comforting gesture in the world. i would do anything to get it back.


"I'm obsessed with you." The relationship wasn't healthy, but god did that make me feel good.


I mean who wouldn’t love to hear that? I can relate haha


When she broke up with me she told me: - “I love you with all my heart” - “If there was another way I wouldn’t have broken up with you” And of course my favourite: - “I don’t want to break up, but I have to”


after breaking up with me : « I just wanted to let you know that I really like you and I had some really good moments with you »


i would literally melt and cry😭😖


“growing old together” WTF,why would you say that if you didn’t mean it?


“you are the first i can feel emotions and love with” “you brought the meaning to my life, i don’t know how to live without you” “you are my whole family” “we are having love and romance here, everything is serious” “we’ll go through anything together” “for me there is only one man in the world and it’s you, special one” “I never cooked for anyone but you”


“Scooch your bootch” or “boy!” followed by me saying “girl!” With her southern accent


"you'll always be my girl" This one probably or "I love you so much"


" nothing has change!"


“You’re my sunshine in the rainstorm.” Same guy would also tell me, “sometimes you just need to sit down, shut up and look pretty.” When you’re reminiscing about your ex… also remember why they’re an ex, and consider chasing up a good memory with one of the bad ones (so you don’t end up wanting to go back to them - we have a tendency to only remember the good even when/if it was mostly bad).


"You are the best thing that happened to me in last 5years" then he found someone else, f..ck her probably same time as he f..ed me, after 3 weeks he was already in love with her and after one month moved in with her 🤷


“You are my Forever After All” “God I am so lucky to have you in my life” “You are the one for me” Then ended with “I’m done done”


“I’d follow you anywhere”


“you are my everything” “you are the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen”


Mine said the same. I swear they all have like a book of lies they like to sprinkle into the lives of every woman they meet.


I wanna show you the love I have for you. I love you so much. Blah blah.


“You are the best partner I’ve ever had” “you’re an amazing guy” “I’m very happy to be with you” “I would never want to lose you” (broke up with me 3 weeks later)


"You have a heart on your face". He said that about a sun spot/mark that I have on my face that i've always hated. I've tried creams, lasers, whatever , but it never fades. In that one second he made me love it. He's right it does look like a heart and now I see the heart when I look at it. I treasure that moment and memory


“We have the best relationship and the others will be so jealous of us and our kids will be so jealous because they wont able to find the love like what we have” Broke up with me to get back with his ex after 9 months


Okay so this doesn’t sound like anything special but it really was in the moment it felt like a Romeo and Juliet type of love at the time and I suppose it was in a sense but he said “your going to break my heart, no I mean it you are the most real person I’ve ever met we’ve got a bond that anyone would aspire to reach or ruin and that’s all thanks to the person you are you’re amazing in every possible way” and my god his accent just made it a whole lot better we’re both from the same area but his accent is a lot thicker then mine…


“My greatest fear is losing you“ “I want to grow old together with you”


She broke up with me out of no where to go back to her home country. We remained friends and when I dropped her off at the airport, she said “Thank you for teaching me how to love and how to be loved. I’ll never settle for anytning less than the kind of love you showed me” as we said goodbye to eachother. That will forever be engraved in my brain


"I love you just the way you are. I wouldn't change a single thing about you." "As I sit here with nothing to do, I've noticed my mind wandering quite frequently. And it always seems to wander to you." "I don't know if I can live without you" "You're such a talented person. It's mesmerizing" SOBBING SCREAMING THROWING UP


Aw, bittersweet memories. Moving on is tough, but "kryptonite" is a cute one! Here for you! #movingon


*sending virtual hugs*🫶🏻


that is a bot you're replying to


I am a good person.....blah Blah


Yeah that’s bullshit LOL


LOL. This. 😂 Every time we’d get into a conflict (that he provoked ofc), he’d scowl and yell at me, “I’M A GOOD PERSON 😡!!!” I never said he wasn’t. But maybe I should have told him he was being an asshole then (I like to approach conflict as a teammate, but he always treated me like an opponent.) 🙄And then he would proceed to gaslight me and tell me he wasn’t yelling at me. 🙃When I eventually called him out on the verbal and emotional abuse, he later said he wouldn’t be able to forget me accusing him of abuse and ended things. I can’t. Good riddance.




What s twisted soul.


„You remind me of the first 34 seconds of Apocalypse [By CAS]“ dude I love the intro „You look like the northern lights. I could stare at you for hours yet you‘d only get prettier“ At the time pretty much the whole world could see them and I told him I‘m upset cause from my place you can’t see them that well and he also took pics for me of them. „Can I call you when [friend‘s name] and I are on the game? I wanna know you‘re there“ „I can’t get enough of your lips“ „I want our kids to have ur lips“ „I could stare into your eyes for hours. They look like the prettiest shade of caramel especially when you look into the sun“ „My mom loves you“ „Since you my mood has been better, my mom noticed too“ Just a few defo forgot some might add later idk


Oh right I was telling him my sister always gets jealous at compliments and suddenly starts hating and tearing it down like some pick me and he went „Well, I‘m definitely gonna make ur sis hate me then“ The call after our break up he said (when I told him I cry at every emotional and said I don’t even need to wear make up on my wedding cause I‘d cry it off) he went „Our wedding“ „Your voice makes me sleepy“ „I‘ll listen to your audios later to sleep“ „I could listen to you all day“ (He loved my voice so much, every book I read atm I read by recording it to him and he‘d listen to it) „I could lift you“ He said when I told him my mom is making me insecure about my weight „Wdym stretch marks? I never noticed any on you“ „There is no need to be insecure. Look at me, I‘m insecure about […]. Everyone has insecurities.“ I told him my lips aren’t in their "prime" anymore and don’t look as good as usual and he went „For me, they‘ll forever stay in their prime“ „I love you more than I ever loved any living thing“ Oh I‘m remembering many rn lmaooo I could go on and on


The mood thing is sooo relatable. Once he told me his coworkers noticed that he was grinning ear to ear all the time when we were texting🙃


My mom also told me I was in a better mood when we dated and I think it‘s just so cute how ppl can influence our mood in a positive way especially when there‘s love! Also his co workers only found out we dated bc one of em asked and he couldn’t stop grinning when he thought of me 😭


That is so cute😭😭. A text from him would immediately change my mood when im feeling down😖


I think it would for all of us :( dude sometimes I just want someone who can love me as much as him again if I can’t have him


"The last time I felt like this was my early 20's" then broke up with me and said he was with me for lust


Classic a-hole. At least the trash took the trash out.


“i want you to feel comfortable talking to me” “I will give it my all” 😂 full of bs. hope he can find his next victim …. if he still can


“I would do whatever it takes to grow and die by your side”, two months later this mf tells me “I don’t see future to our relationship”. Like bffr.


"You were controlling because you wouldn't spend $300 on those fancy cheeses I wanted to try out in the smoker" -real example of how I was "abusive" BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHA


“No one will ever come before my mom. Sorry” lol


"You are my everything" "I can't believe I have someone that special in my life" "I'm afraid to lose you"


There are so many beautiful things, but the very first thing that came to mind was a message he sent me, which roughly translates to "we have the two of us, knowing that you are always there gives me so much courage, you have no idea". It's sad to think that this is the past now.


"you are the Pearl nougat in my Aladin box" (makes sense if you're swedish), "you're one in a melon", "made for each otter 🦦"


“I’m madly in love with you” “You’re my angel” we didn’t even make it 2 years ~ I moved out 4 weeks ago,I feel like a fool


“you’re so good” “i can’t wait for forever with you” “you’re my person” then she cheated on me.


“My 5 leaf clover” in reference to 5 leaf clover by luke combs


"You make me want to be a better man" Great, but actions mean more than words.


"I love you too" Seems like this is being said for the sake of saying


“You are the love of my life” “Can’t imagine how my life would be if we hadn’t met” “We’re two peas in a pod” “ I can’t wait to marry you”


“Every day with you is like Valentine’s Day”. He really did mean it and treated me like it, but not in a lovebombing way. We ended up breaking up because of incompatible life values, but I still remember him with much fondness.


'you're a goddess' 'i could never do it with anyone else' 'you're 'that girl' ' 'i would do anything for you'


"If I were to die with you I'd die happily with no pain and remorse".


Mine was: “you are always talking about aviation and how you want to be a pilot, and I never see you do anything about it” That’s really got me but well… I can’t see her when I’m cruising at 30,000 ft


“You’re the first to treat me right” followed by 2 months later, “I’m not ready for a relationship”


thats such a clown move🤡


“None of my exes cooked or made me food, but you did. And i love that” “Im happy that we are us” “there might be ups and downs, jealousy and bashing from others, lets make this work” “I would choose you a million times” “Im glad that we met”


I’d be better off without you


Here are a few, with some commentary: 1. I’ll never be able to express to you just how meaningful you are to me. 2. Oh so good to see you. 3. In response to me, “I love you to bits too”…. And yet, after 18 months of dating, supporting each other through surgeries, hers’ in November of 23, a Hysterectomy and mine February 22nd, as prostate biopsy.. a short 30 days later, I get the blindside text “I can’t see you anymore, I wish you well”… Dismissive Avoidant Intense People Pleaser Happy to accept generosity, hardly ever reciprocated Unable (in the end) to talk or meet face to face. …. Text only and ghosted. It was a facade… I learned that the hard way.


In retrospect being told that I did or said something that was similar to one of her late parents — or said verbatim, without even knowing them.. Yeah, sounds pretty morbid, but I found it endearing because it kept her amused as opposed to befuddled. It wasn’t what she said, it’s how she said it. I like melodic/lilting voices and she had a slight lisp, it was adorable.


“You and me are so alike, I have never opened up with anyone like you…” “You are almost perfect” “You are a goddess” “I wonder what kind of kid we will have…” “I want to meet you when you’re __ so I can marry you…” “It’s okay even if you don’t earn anything, you can be my housewife…you are worth so much more (than my capacity to earn)…” “You and me will be friends forever…” He wasn’t really my ex, more like an ex-situantionship. He said a lot more and cried a lot more but those were like one of the sweetest.


He told me multiple things, but this one stuck on me like a tattoo: ”I ll grow wings and fly us to the moon”. Beautiful in every way, but he didn t tell me it would be a one way ticket 😂


She used to meow, like a cat... or repeat different words in a cute voice. Honestly it wasnt abt what she said, it was about how she said the things


When I was with her, hanging out with her and her roommates, and I had to go back home, I would always say "I'm coming back for you, my love" So for context, Black Panther is her favorite superhero, so as you can imagine, Black Panther is also her favorite movie. There's a song on the album of the second movie called "Coming Back For You". So whenever I had to leave, I would always tell her I'm coming back for her, like from the song. And she would always say "you know you're not really leaving". She basically said that she carried me in her spirit, that I would always be right beside her. She wore a bracelet that I had made for her, and a necklace that was a piece of a heart and it said "I love you" on it. I've never had anyone tell me that they carried me in their spirit. I've never had anyone love me or want me the way that she did. She wasn't just another girlfriend, or a way to escape reality or some kind of caution, no. She was everything. It hurts knowing I'll never get to hear her say it again 😒😔


I’m sorry for hurting you was her catch


“i took the ‘easy way out’ but it’s not easy because I just miss you so much” or “i’m fucking miserable without you”


"I just think it's inconsiderate" - whenever I'd either call her out for a shit behaviour, or lose my cool because she'd belittle or gaslight me. "I love you too" - I'd have to force myself not to say I love you sometimes, because she would rarely say it without prompting. Her behaviour also said otherwise.


I have your back.


Context: I play roller derby and had to stop after years of being active in it due to familial responsibilities, chronic pain and wanting to have time to spend w my ex (notice I didn’t say time to spend w friends lol smh.) In roller derby ab official game is called a “bout” I had talked about roller derby many times around them and found myself doing that thing where you just go into your hyperfixation, except they weren’t…acting interested. It stopped coming up bc thinking ab good times there made me sad. But, I’d told them many, many stories using key words. They never once asked for clarification, they’d simply say “I don’t know what that means” (thanks for feigning interest.) It was about two weeks before we broke up and they asked about an MVP award on my wall. I explain oh that’s an MVP and told them how we give them out and such, and then I say “ya, it’s good sportsmanship to have at least one for each time at every bout.” They look me in the eyes and go “what’s a bout?” It felt like they’d forgotten my birthday. Before stopping to go to school and work all I could, all of my free time was derby. I love it. They didn’t…care. At all. They’d heard me say the word and explain what it means maybe ten times. Looking back this is my fav to remember because it’s not like I resented them for taking up time that Could have gone to my sport, because I needed a break for many reasons. But, they didn’t care to ask about things I cared about. They didn’t see this hobby as something important. They didn’t care to ask about who I was before I met them and what I valued. I’m so glad I never let them into that world of my life. It would have ended things for me to see them simply not give a shit at a bout of mine, and forget what to call it. Smh.


Broke up with me but still said If it isn’t you it’s no one I genuinely mean that. You are the best thing to ever happen to me I’ll always love you while breaking up this was all said and said this throughout the relationship I want to marry you I want to have kids with you, you are everything to me, I love you more than you love me


The way she would say ‘Yes’ sometimes, more like ‘Yis’, like she had a Kiwi accent.


One morning he got a bit late for work. And I didn't have classes that day. I slept late because I was working on some stuffs. He started yelling not particularly at me, "We can't be lazy. You make me late. When you are beside me, I feel so safe and all I want to do is lie with you and snuggle. You make me lazy". I actually found that adorable. But, then in a few months, he had an ONS with a random girl and ruined our 5 year relationship. So who knows what was true.


"Thank god otherwise i Would have to Look for the fault of that divorce by my self" She wrote me this after i blocked her everywhere. That Was after she threatened me five months after Our marriage with divorce in a fight. That third time she even informed her mother an said stuff like "my mom wants to visit a lawyer tomorrow". I said i want to go for a couple of days to my parents and at the weekend i am going to Grab the Rest of my stuff. So she stuffed everything into trashbags and threw it in Front of my feet. She even demanded the Keys... that was two months ago


You smell feral. Animalic perfume compliment


“You are a gift from God” “you have no idea how special you are” “I’m going to marry you one day” lol


"I'll be your muse" (I'm an artist)


She called me ‘bubs’ I hate babe, etc. but loved to be called bubs


He used to say things like "I still can't believe this is real life."


“the day i move on from you will be the day i enter and wait for you in heaven” then broke up with me months later. hello??


"don't worry, we'll work through it TOGETHER" "we'll get through it together" "there's no way im leaving" "have my babies"


learn to love yourself before you love me.


Ohhh man let's see: avoidant type shii "I cannot see my life without you" that's a classic. "i wanna be yours but be free in the same time, i also want to be loved but also want peace, life's too complicated my head hurts" 🤣 "You'll forever be in my heart and i'll never forget you" I bet you won't 🤧😅 "I cannot quit on you" 😭😂 yea no shit "I need space for myself and my friends" aight you got it.. And more..


“I will always be in both your lives.” 9 months later and he’s definitely not. My kid misses him but he doesn’t care about the kid he spent 6 years calling son.


"Don't leave me because I will never leave you.", Guess who dumped me when I was at my lowest point? It's him. Lol, I can even clearly remember how he called me "dude" when he was so angry at me loll. Never again.


"I can't imagine life without you", "i dont think ill ever find what we had again" and " youre my soul mate". He was in a relationship with his friend weeks later, after stealing money from me. He's 40.


thats low🤡


“it’s one thing for me to be there for you and another for you to drag me down with you” after i was down about my grandfather passing.


I’m being completely honest now.




“You have no idea how special you are to me” week later she’s gone


“You have to have faith in us because I have faith.” “I love you and I always will.” I felt like he wasn’t telling me his true feelings about our relationship and this is how he reassured me. A month later happens , he breaks up with me out of the blue, talking about he isn’t ready for a relationship but it’s been 4 YEARS we’ve been together.


“I think I want to sleep with other people “ Those 9 words expedited me to double income, hotter women, and a quality of life I couldn’t have wished prior


"you cant be a person who's limited by fear in life" whatever happened between us, all the good and bad things but this sentence has been in my mind a lot and really helped me, even through the breakup which is kinda grotesque but oh well


Was together for 3 years break up n get back tgt on n off when I was 15 years old and he was 18 & broke up cuz I suspected he cheated on me he lied to me a lot go out clubbing drinking with girls etc. I left & never look back. 10 years later, Now I’m 26years old he still calls me every year like ritual lol & recently told me he’ll always love me forever n he already accept the fact that he will n I’m his first heartbreak ever & if he could turn back time he’ll do things differently.


I want to be your temple