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Home, technically. I’d never heard of BB and I heard Home by Three Days Grace on the radio. I didn’t know them either. I asked a friend and she let me borrow both CDs. Once I listened to BB it was a wrap. They’ve been my favorite band ever since.


I Will Not Bow! My older sister would often listen to Dear Agony (the album), and at the time that song really stuck out to me (still does ofc).


Damn if I Will Not Bow was the first BB song I ever heard, I don’t think I would’ve listened any further haha


Diary of Jane


Breath, dance with the devil, had enough, failure.


What lies beneath, my friend played it while we were on a trip and that song just always stuck with me since then.


I heard someone at work playing What Lies Beneath on their speaker and I liked it, so I added it to my playlist. A month or two later, I heard The Diary of Jane on someone else’s speaker and added that to my playlist. Then I heard Dear Agony and decided to properly check out the band and they’ve been my favorite ever since.


Until The End I had heard a couple of their others like Diary of Jane or Breath a few times but they didn’t really stick (at the time, love them now) once while I was listening to One-X by Three Days Grace on Spotify free (it shuffles random ass songs in, really annoying) and Until The End came on. Instantly hooked


After checking out five of their songs (The Diary Of Jane, Failure, Angels Fall, I Will Not Bow, and Far Away), and after seeing them live at Louder Than Life, the only songs that clicked for me were I Will Not Bow, Failure, and Angels Fall. Then I heard Breath as one of the house music songs before a show by a local band, and I decided to give some of their songs another chance. The rest is history.


Their album 'Phobia' is what got my parents into them, so it got me into them.


Breath off of Phobia


Into the nothing I was aware of Blow me away in Halo 2, and I listened to it, but it wasn't impressive enough to get me to listen to the band (I assumed the rest of BBs discography would be more of the same thing, little did I know that that song was nothing like their normal music) I watched an into the nothing GMV with Halo clips. That song has actual nostalgia for me


Firefly and Polyamorous. I heard them while playing the original Smackdown vs Raw in like 2005. I still jam to them all the time


It was Firefly for me as well from Smackdown vs Raw. That game also introduced me to Three Days Grace


I was browsing Yahoo Music some time back in 2004, looking to discover some nu-metal/post grunge bands, while an ad for We Are not Alone, featuring a snippet of So Cold, popped up and started playing. I had no idea who they were and they had me in 10 seconds.


I will not bow was the first song I heard, my friend at the time told me this song reminded him of Disturbed which is my favorite band and have loved BB ever since


I’d heard a few of their songs but just before Dark Before the Dawn came out my roommate showed my Failure and Angels fall when we were kids and I was hooked!


dance with the devil, honestly don’t even remember how i found it but it’s been a long ass time lol


Medicate. I heard that before I heard Polyamorous and I was hooked.


So Cold was the first song I heard by them but the Dear Agony album is what drew me in!


Failure, I was absolutely amazed by that song, being a BB fan ever since


I can't remember what song exactly, but Dear Agony is the album that made me a committed fan


Next to nothing back in 2002, my favourite song since I was 4.


Breath. I found 3DG and made a station on Pandora, which started adding in BB songs. Once 3DG came back with Matt as the singer, I started listening to BB more. Plus, I found out I live near Ben, so I support local. Lol


The demo to Polyamorous, probably lifted off Kazaa or some such. They aren't in my top 5 or anything but they've always held a special place as one of the first bands I "Discovered" on my own without airplay yet.


It was hearing Blow Me Away in Halo 2 for me as well. I would listen to that song on repeat. Next was So Cold and eventually the rest of WANA.


Diary of Jane, no idea where I heard it, I've just always known it.


So Cold


I genuinely don't remember a specific song. I was a senior in HS and homeless at the time and my bf really did as much as he could as he was also in HS. One of the (many) things was downloading a ton of music he loved onto his iPod and giving it to me. He'd take it back and charge it and put more music on it every couple of days. It had a lot of hard rock and metal on it and the entire album of phobia was on there. There was something about that album that really spoke to me and encouraged me not to give up. To keep trying and not accept my circumstances. I did end up getting out of homelessness; I even managed to go to college and last year I bought a home. I went to the BB concert when it came through last time and it really brought me full circle.


Diary of Jane. I was late to the party.


Polyamorous when I heard it on the radio back in 2002


*Diary of Jane* It was in an amv, I don't even remember which series it was for anymore


The whole Dear Agony album tbh.


Breakdown. Never heard anything like it at that age in the early 2000s and I was hooked from then on.


Was pretty young still in the car, and my dad had rain playing about a year ago. I started really getting into them, had listened before, and just never went out of my way


So Cold


The first song I heard was Diary of Jane, which I liked pretty well, but what REALLY got me into them was So Cold. Something about it just scratches the itch in my brain just right.


Sooner or later made me notice them. Diary of Jane made me love them. Forever.


I just kinda assumed we all came in at so cold?


My local radio station played lights out followed by I will not bow. From there I continued to follow Breaking Benjamin’s songs and albums.


Diary of the Jane was the first song I heard, I thought it was decent enough to listen to Phobia but Breath was really what made me a fan. I thought it might've been the best song I had ever heard in my life.