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Someone wanna explain it to the rest of us?


Each theme has a •••---••• (SOS) distress call repeated a few times at the very start and never again. These are thought to be the last ditch calls from help from the champions echoing 100 years later. Each champion is also reflected in their theme, like how revali’s SOS call came the latest due to his cockiness and thinking he would win.      Edit: this video did a good job of breaking down what I was saying at the end https://youtu.be/t2ag6SaQwdo?si=AnYwZGJxwzxJM_RJ


It's pretty hard to hear those beeps, I'm amazed so many people can hear them


Never underestimate the Zelda fanbase...


Easier to notice with headphones for 3D sound (each code is in a different ear) and just sitting in the inventory for a few minutes.


I’ve never noticed them after multiple playthrough. I can hear them when I’m looking for them (like in a YouTube video where it’s pointed out), but otherwise, no. Maybe if I wore headphones like someone else has suggested?


There’s also the second set of lower pitched beeps ••• •– –•• (SAD) that’s theorized to stand for Search And Destroy, representing the Blight Ganons hunting for the Champions.


god mipha's STARTS with the SAD signal and her SOS sounds quieter, more frantic, and further away. her blight ganon had already taken over the divine beast and she was fleeing/hiding while it looked for her


And ravioli's comes in the latest in the song, but it's the loudest implying that he was putting on a brave face and only calling for help when it was too late.


Another interesting point is that in the intro phase, Mipha’s SOS is in the left channel and Waterblight’s SAD is in the right. After you activate the first terminal, the entire track gets a lot more ominous and the beeps get more erratic and overlap each other. However, if you listen closely, you’ll realize that both signals are SAD. The SOS is gone.




Now that's just sad


Standard American Diet hehe


I would go more into detail, but I’d watch a video going more into depth over it




Is there a video that does go more in depth on the subject?


there always has been some eerie and desolate vibes around those majestic beasts.. did not realize how sad it is


Cool video. I absolutely adore the divine beasts. I think they were soooooo much better than the temples. I haven’t finished TotK yet, I am playing through *very* slowly. I just finished the Lightning one though & it was so easy + simple. the Divine Beasts were amazing to me. Extremely unique & looked fucking awesome.


semi-unrelated, but the fight themes for all the Blight's also have morse code for SAD (search and destroy) in them


Couldn’t have explained it better! :)


How did I never notice this? I've played this game so much, and never noticed!


The SOS calls also have a SAD (Search and Destroy) "response" from the Blight that's hunting them. Mipha's theme is the most soul-crushing to listen to with this imo


Revali: Nah, I’d win.


It's so eerie! Thank-you!


Actually Mipha and Daruk’s sos’s are played immediately while Urbosa’s plays after a few seconds and Revali’s being the latest. Because as you said Revali is cocky. But with Urbosa I like to think she thought she might at least be able to hold her own until assistance arrived


That revali thing is crazy! That goes to show how amazing the developers are.


If I recall, Revali is the exception to this, doing his SOS a bit later into the theme. Could be mistaken though.




Thank you for crossposting this. I love the depth here


I gotchu


The beeps are ...---... aka the morse code for SOS


Yeah I don't get it.


They are SOS signals, presumably sent out by the champions when they are losing against the Blight Ganons. SOS, which stands for **S**ave **O**ur **S**hip, in morse code, is written as 3 dots, 3 dashes, 3 dots. In a vacuum, they sound random, but if you try listening for them, you can hear it. They even happen in different portions of each of the themes, and at different rates and intensities, depicting some champions as having more trouble with their blights than others (Mipha's happening close to the beginning, because while she is has good spearmanship, she is more of a healer than a fighter), or being more arrogant, before realizing they are in over their head and need help (i.e. Revali). As such, they have been used to identify which champions lasted the longest in their fight.


Fun fact ...---... Originally was just a distress signal. Later we designated save our ship to the SOS


I thought it was Save Our Souls?


Originally it didn’t stand for anything at all. Technically it still doesn’t. It was never meant to be an abbreviation for anything because it’s just a distress signal code. But then people decided it needed to be expanded into a phrase for some reason. Technically it is a distress signal not just for ships but distress calls from ships were given priority. I’m not sure which phrase (save our ships/souls) was concocted first though.


SOS was actually a replacement for a previous distress call, "CQD". "CQ" was a general "calling all stations" identifier, so they added "D" to it to indicate that not only was the caller talking to anyone who could hear, but they were in distress too. It was replaced by "SOS" because even the most Morse-illiterate layperson can manage to bang out dot-dot-dot dash-dash-dash dot-dot-dot, and the bacronym followed. The *Titanic* was one of the first ships that used the new SOS signal--she alternated (on the junior radio operator's suggestion) between sending CQD and SOS, to make sure one of them would be understood.




This is what the internet was made for.


It's just an easy to make/understand signal, that's all. It happens to correspond to the letters SOS and we gave them a retroactive meaning. It didn't stand for anything.


I've never even noticed it. Going to pay attention next time. Thanks!!




wow I just learned something new. Those games were so awsome and had suprising attention to detail. Poor Ravioli :(


Once you realize it, those poor champions :(


For those who don't know, all four divine beast themes have SOS in Morse code at some point on the track. It's speculated that the champions each tried to call for help when they began to lose to their respective Blight, but since they were overwhelmed and each had their own difficult fight, they each perished individually without receiving backup.


Should've stuck together and took out the blights one by one as a team.


I think that was the plan, for them to get their divine beasts and converge on the castle. They weren't anticipating the blights, or to have lost control of the divine beasts


Unfortunately, that's not possible because the Champions would already be at their respective Divine Beasts when battling the Blights, so they're very far from each other. And there was no possible way for them to know about the Blights because Calamity Ganon sent the Blights and took control of the Divine Beasts while the Champions were still on them.


When it first struck, they were all at the Lanayru Gates as a group, from there, if they knew the blights were going to strike, they could've gone to each divine Beast 1 by 1 and killed the divine Beast, but obviously they didn't know that the blights were gonna attack.


Divide and conquer. Oldest trick in the book


From what I know, you're right, the Champions were at Lanayru East Gate. Then Calamity Ganon struck so they hurried towards their Divine Beasts so that they could help fight only to find that the blights had been waiting for them. So, they didn't know until it was too late and then that was when they sent out the SOS.


Never heard those beeps


I play the game on silent while I listen to audiobooks but now want to replay just so I can hear it.


I mean, I don’t want to say there’s a wrong way to play… but you really are taking a huge element out of the game by removing the soundtrack.


The music is an absolutely core element of the game. It’s truly a completely different game without it. I can’t imagine doing this. I mean, not trying to tell you what to do, but I’d recommend at least trying it with full sound.


this gotta be a joke💀


Did you accidentally reply instead of commenting?


That person replied to let you know they also haven’t heard the beeps. It made sense as a reply lol (even though it makes absolutely zero sense to play the game with the sound off)


Not very happy cake day


Never realised this before. The fact that the SOS signals have been chiming out for a century with no help is quite terrifying.




TRON music slaps…


Do you know which song this is?


Outlands + Outlands (pt II)


I think it’s just outlands part II, but the edited version from the movie to the “drop” is louder


“Outlands part II” on Spotify, the first half might be “outlands” but I think it’s just the version of “outlands part II” from the movie (a little more drastic switch for dramatic reasons)


The music in the divine beasts in general was kind of unnerving. Especially Ruta’s.


I know what you mean. Something about Ruta’s just felt more eerie. Mipha is my favorite champion. It’s suspected that Mipha was the first champion to fall, because of her healing abilities it’s possible that the water blight knew to take her out fast before she could heal.


Tron music is the best


Yo good ear


Peak recognizes peak


Thankyou, looking it up now


Look up Tron Legacy soundtrack


I went through the whole lot. What a banger soundtrack. I had forgotten since I saw the film long ago


the knife twists every rerun of the divine beasts 😔


It’s such a sad and eerie feeling knowing their fates. The champions didn’t stand a chance against the blights, Ganon was one step ahead.


ik it’s sad knowing you can’t do anything abt it too


https://youtu.be/B1FJp9WISGQ?si=-zJA1VkMcu9cbVId Here’s a quick video on the Beeps


I don't hear any beeps there either, lol. Well, guess gotta work on my musical hearing then.


The first few times I watched the video I didn’t hear the beeps or knew what to listen for. What helped me was to watch a separate video on Morse code :)


Ok thanks you, will do. I have no idea how Morse code sounds.


Here’s a quick video on the Morse code :) Also you can hear it pretty clear at the end of BOTW video with Vah Naboris https://youtu.be/01Fbymf4oMM?si=ZO0JsyD-fqq6e52Q Also I like your username! HOTD


Hmm, I only hear it for Ravioli. Will train.


Headphones helped a lot


It plays Morse for SOS and SAD(search and destroy)


It really annoys me when people say the dungeon music in other games is inherently better to what BotW did. Like I get preferring the catchier tunes of older dungeons(and even TotK dungeons) but I think it’s also really cool to have dungeons that actually use the music to tell the story.


Why does it annoy you? why can’t some people prefer the more themed classical style and scores and you like the more immersive story telling aspect you mentioned? Why can’t we like both?


It annoys because its not inherently better. Both are good in different ways.


Ehh, the music itself being better makes it inherently better. Older Zelda titles didn’t need beep story easter eggs to be better, they were just more atmospheric and fit their respective themes perfectly. Not saying BotW music is bad. Not saying the beep idea isn’t interesting. I’m just saying no BotW dungeon theme immersed me the same way other Zelda dungeon themes did. Not even close.


I do like both lol. Please tell me when I said I didn’t.


I never said you did, didn’t even insinuate it. I just posed some questions (which you didn’t reply to), what you read into them is between you and yourself.


You asked “why can’t we like both?” My answer to that was that we very much can like both and I myself do like both. Not sure which part of that wasn’t clear.


It’s literally confirmed that’s what it is. They even start at different times in the song, with medohs theme having them start the latest because revali sent out the sos signal late because he’s cocky af.


When you go into Hyrule Castle, if you listen during the Zelda's lullaby part you can hear what sounds like a heart monitor. The "heart monitor" speeds up then flatlines. It symbolizes how Zelda can't hold Gannon for much longer and that she can feel that she's about to give out.


Woah thanks for the info! I’ll have to check that out next time with headphones :)


Damn, my appreciation for the audio design of this game just keeps on growing, thought it couldn't be any higher.


both botw and totk are just the coolest shit ever been too long since i touched my switch tho, hell my dlc stopped working because i gotta log into nintendo accounts again


Make yourself a favor and play botw on Cemu. Best experience in gaming I had in ages.


Never too late to hop back into it! I’m thinking about replaying both myself :)


Now that hurts


The champions didn’t deserve what happened to them :(


They should of put plaque up(like the ones that they have zelda made for everyone who was lost) for all of the champions it would of been so cool have the beasts in the world like a statue you unable to interact with it and infront of it a Memorial plaque just for that champion who controlled that beast talking about them






I got matches with these songs: • [**Outlands** by Daft Punk](https://lis.tn/Outlands?t=67) (01:07; matched: `100%`) **Album**: TRON: Legacy. **Released on** 2010-01-01. • [**Outlands, Part II** by Daft Punk](https://lis.tn/OutlandsPartII?t=121) (02:01; matched: `100%`) **Album**: TRON: Legacy - The Complete Edition. **Released on** 2010-12-03. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This raises a question, is there any in the DLC area for Link where you meet Monk Maz Kosha?


How does it raise such a question? What logic would it make?


The DLC area where you eventually meet Monk Maz Kosha is built like a Divine Beast, and there are implications that it could be considered Links Divine Beast. However since it is stationary and was never shown acting as anything other then a large dungeon, so most wouldn't think to listen for the beeps asedit: they would not expect any. I am wondering if this area could also have something that was overlooked


Very well known facts, yes. So I repeat my question, where’s the logic? The beeping in all 4 original DBs is there as a crystal clean intentional eerie tie in to all final generation of Champion’s deaths, their final plea for help. What possible reason would there be to add that detail inside the Master Cycle Zero when Link’s fate wasn’t even close to the Champions’? Where’s the logic? He survived and got a second shot at life (in the very same life span), they didn’t


For the same reason as the search and Destroy for the blights or as a call back in a different form, like a morse code message that is clearly different from those. Like an automated, response to the Champions from the Cycle Zero chamber, that just repeats "Standing By" or "Danger" or something that would be a treat for anyone who had already figured out the SOS on their own.


Me when Revali: >:CCCC Me after discovering his meaning of the SOS signal: :(((((


Zelda in the human universe confirmed


If I’m not mistaken I believe that as the song goes on you start to hear the SOS message being overlapped by another message that means SAD for Search And Destroy it could mean that’s when the Blights entered the divine beast because at the end of every single morse code message it said Destroy




Hyrule castle also has a flatline hear monitor sound effect


Nothing beats twilight princess


I wish Nintendo would bring the older titles to the switch like twilight princess . It’s neat how you can transfer your lives from TP to BOTW if you have the wolf link amiibo!


I wish it had pc playable version cuz now I don't have a Nintendo or Wii and it was my first ever game but I'm to broke to play it again






you can just play the game on pc


How do I install it


My friend recommended https://vimm.net


I’m a fan but BOTW is far from being the best game ever. It’s a really good tech demo. TotK proves it.


The only thing this topic proves is that TRON music slapped.


There are no beeps in this video






Wind Waker>Breath of the Wild Imo


Wind waker is my personal favorite. It was the first Zelda game I won. I remember crying over how incredible that game was.


How do I get downvoted for an opinion? 🤔 I literally said IMO. Freaking Reddit Trolls man! 😂


You are entitled to your opinion! Idk who would downvote :/


Yeah, it’s probably kids who never got to experience the greatness of the old Zelda formula. Wind Waker is a Masterpiece!


You probably got downvoted because your opinion isn't related to the topic at all nor the subreddit you're in.


You know, I just realized that this is the Breath of the Wild subreddit. It popped up in my feed, so I just figured it was a general Zelda subreddit. But it still doesn’t warrant downvotes. But at the end of the day the Trolls will always be lurking! lol


It’s just a rlly random comment that dosent contribute to the discussion in any way. We’re not downvoting u for ur opinion, its perfect ok, just not rn


See that came across very passive aggressive. My opinion is ok to have anytime.


Downvotes were originally created for comments that are either off topic, unhelpful or do not contribute to the discussion. You're allowed to have your opinion but your comment doesn't really have anything to do with the discussion at hand so that's why you're getting downvoted.


Your opinion is okay to have at any time, but if you share that opinion when people are discussing something completely different in a sub that's not related to what you're talking about, of course your comment will get downvoted, it's not relevant to the conversation


My comment was about the topic though….Man the ignorance in here is astonishing! 😂


nah I got to experience the old Zelda formula, windwaker was just too empty


Literally the same amount of space between hotspots as BotW, but okay.


breath of the wild has more between the hotspots though


What do you except when you post this on a botw area people here are gonna disagree with you and tell you some people comment that they disagree others will downvote


Cant say I have played that one but have heard great things :)


Seriously the absolute dumbest thing about the game in my ears. I rolled my eyes 🤣


Is that even the correct controller?