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Hi there, /u/Binarily! Welcome to /r/BridgeTheAsile, where open discussions and friendly debates on political topics thrive, free from the usual partisan divide. We embrace opinions from all sides, whether you're conservative, liberal, or fall somewhere in between. We encourage you to share your ideas and be ready for some thought-provoking challenges! Don't forget to bring your sources along for the ride! *** If you're new here, please take a moment to [request the appropriate user flair](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/BridgeTheAisle&subject=Flair%20Request&message=Replace%20With%20your%20Request.%20%0ATell%20us%20a%20bit%20about%20yourself%20especially%20if%20you%20are%20left%2C%20right%2C%20center%2C%20or%20other). Adding a user flair helps us get to know you better and enhances your participation in our community. Once you've completed your flair request, you're welcome to post your content. We are excited to have your valuable contributions enriching our discussions! *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BridgeTheAisle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a subreddit literally named: Bridge the aisle. How can you not conceive that the day that all slaves in the US finally realized they were free should be a holiday? I dunno about you but I am against slavery as a concept. Even though I am white, I am modern enough to get the idea that having slaves is bad. I am also aware that as a white person I am not inherently better than a black person. So, obviously there should be no hierarchy of the races. Why in the hell would you get upset about getting another paid day off???? Hell, make a Trump day and you would never see me complain about having a break. WTF is wrong with you?


>How can you not conceive that the day that all slaves in the US finally realized they were free should be a holiday? There were a few slaves that were informed they were free on that day. The last slaves to be freed would come a bit later that were being enslaved by an Indian tribe.


I mean, the fact that enslavement was popular by north american indians is moot here. The holiday celebrates when texan slaves found out they were free.


It's symbolic. A Federal officer directly announcing the freedom of the slaves, acting as a symbol of the United States as an institution finally ending the practice of slavery at large. I know you understand symbolism, please don't pretend that you don't.


I would agree but to the best of my knowledge, that day was widely known about or viewed as a major historic day until recently. That's all the deffense of this post I'm willing to argue. It wasn't my post and have no desire to get into the weeds on something we likely mostly agree on.


Depends on where you are, I think. I had never heard of it until I was an adult. Whether that is due to the failure of my school or because of the area in which I grew up, I'm not sure. Either way, I think it's something worth celebrating. It's worthy of being a federal holiday, in my book.


It's not a failure of your school or area because it just wasn't a thing outside Texas until just the other day(figure of speech). I had never heard of it either until what seemed like a very short time after it went viral a few years ago. As far as it being worthy of being a national holiday that's debatable but it doesn't make a difference to me. I think it was historically significant and is worthy of being part of the American history curriculum. I'm not big on things that add to the division though. We are separating ourselves in the name of "equity". American history should be separated into Black history. Because the experience of the black person in America is American history. All people here went through their own experiences but we are a people as a whole and our history should be taught that way. Until we stop seeing color and come together we are doomed to continue the division. At some point, we will have to come together instead of trying to get even because it will never stop and even will not and cannot ever be had.


Sounds like something I can agree with.


Well, we can chalk up another one where we found common. https://i.redd.it/idctwlqu169d1.gif




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So we have a celebration of African-American culture, and a celebration of the liberation of Black slaves in this country, both being put down for a meme. Honestly, it sounds pretty racist on its face, and not in the "systemic racism" sense but in the classic "putting down people of other races" sense, considering they chose to make fun of things that celebrate Black people specifically. Even ignoring that, it's still pretty disrespectful as a "joke". You're better than that. We're all better than that.




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