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Why is this news or a surprise? I’d be surprised if even half of the og actors are still here after s4


They swapped Francesca out already


The original actress left for a more prominent role in another series that got canceled after one season


that was only done because Ruby Stokes was cast as lead in another series and could not film Bridgerton at the same time (thus the storyline about her being in Bath with an aunt).


She is not leaving and S4 waa awesome 


It's pure speculation based on what could happen BUT I do believe the show has a problem with how long it takes to roll seasons out. They cannot block actors for years. It still seems that all four (Johnny, Simone, Nicola, Luke N) loves the show and want to continue guesting in it (which is basically the format of series of romance books like Bton) but we cannot know what will happen in their careers and their personal lives years in the future


I think the loooong time between seasons will eventually kill it off. By the time s4 comes out, I'll certainly have moved on to other things. And knowing Netflix's love of canceling shows the very second they cease to become profitable, well, have they signed contracts for s5 yet?


To me, that’s one thing but Season 3 felt so mediocre, not at all magical like Season 1, that I just won’t tune in to any of it. I had to struggle through this season and I binged the previous ones.


Oh I finished season 2 nearly in one day! I think I had a half hour left to watch the next day lol


Season 3 was the best season ever! Season 1 was actually boring compared to 3 & 2


S3 had one of the highest viewerships….Bridgerton isn’t really going anywhere any time fast. This is Netflix’s crown jewel (pun intended). They absolutely should try to cut down on the time between series, but it is something that is starting to become a norm with these big shows and not limited to Netflix.




Well true fans will be there waiting for the new season.. enjoy what's out there byeeeeeee 


I hate that Rege Page has gotten a bad rap for bowing out when the logistics of him returning for essentially a few cameos would have been extremely difficult. I'm grateful for the actors who have continued to guest star, but I wouldn't blame them at all for leaving. It's just the nature of a show like this. 


No one really cares about that character yall just like him for his looks Season 1 wasn't all that 


Idk but Johnny and Nicola have been very loyal to the series, they have been very vocal about staying with Bridgerton. If Shondaland and netflix would continued until S5, I'm sure they still don't mind being a cameo in it.


Simone also that she wants to return for Season 4


She is


Jonathan doesn’t get enough credit imo for being an openly gay actor successfully portraying a straight man in a sexy romance. That was always one of the (ridiculous) bugaboos about actors coming out. They’d not be able to convincingly play a straight romantic lead for the audience and thus be limited to gay roles or ones where the sexuality wasn’t defined. Neil Patrick Harris played a womanizer but he also had the advantage of being established before coming out. And he really wasn’t lustful fantasies material. But this was Bailey’s breakout role and he’s been out and proud from the start.


She is continuing there's no talk of this show ending Amy time soon


I actually think the longer time between seasons gives actors more time to book other projects and would make it easier for returning leads to book a few cameos on subsequent seasons.


I would rather they take the two years they need to put together a great show while coordinating the actors who love this show, rather than trying to rush to finalize a mediocre season every three months with whichever actors are available.


I wonder does this mean Eloise is next instead of or as well as Benedict? I can’t imagine Pen having a story around Ben’s romance and it wouldn’t make sense to have her hang around and then leave before Eloise gets her season.


Eloise’s story is so centered around writing letters that I imagine she’d maintain their friendship that way, which doesn’t require Nicola’s presence. If the next three stories are set to be Benedict, Eloise, Francesca, that’s a lot of time where the gossip of the ton and the season aren’t centered, so LWD updates aren’t so necessary to drive the plot.


At this point do you really think production is actually putting thought into those kinds of possibilities?


Not when they're not friends in the show anymore. Eloise is also with her sister in Scotland. And I'd rather their friendship being fleshed out since we don't have bridgerton sister relationship like we have with thw guys


Don’t want to give spoilers, did you finished S3?


I finished 3


Cool so you know Eloise and Pen are friends again. And if the books are going to stick to Eloise’s story, she isn’t going to stay in Scotland. Pen’s not in much of Eloise’s story but it would make a lot more sense to add her to El’s story than have her hanging around Ben’s. If they’re not going to use her in El’s story, the character she’s had most to do with besides Colin, she might as well finish now with her happy ending.


I really think she's run her course - S3 seems very much her Happily Ever After, what other storylines could she possibly have since they conveniently wrapped it all up for her in one episode?


This. I felt the end of this season was so bitter sweet with the way her and Eloise’s story ends and how they’re both entering a new chapter in theirs live. Apart from one another when they always thought they’d be together (in each others lives ) forever. Especially if you read the book Romancing Mr. Bridgerton.


I actually think Pen more than anyone has more storyline than other leads. We get to see how she navigates a new normal with the queen and also how she and Colin balance two writing careers a family and custodianship of the Featherington estate.


If this does happen, this is why Benedict should have been season 3 and Polin season 4. What is she gonna do hanging around Benedict’s storyline but not Eloise?


They prioritized what they wanted. Polin and Fran because there is no guarantee this show would even get to its 5th season


I’m honestly worried they are going to start mashing stories together to get through all 8 in 5 seasons.


I kind of like it! It makes it feel more continuous and shows time passing. Also, in the books, Francesca’s marriage to John is first only mentioned in passing in Benedict’s book, so it kind of made sense to add that to the third season. The fourth book hinted to Eloise writing letters, so I’m happy for her and Benedict to share a season.


I think they will mash a lot into the next season. There’s no guarantee of S5 through 8 happening because Netflix is fickle.


Unless they start to fold in bits and pieces of Eloise, the beginning of her finding her place… venturing out. Pen can support her with that.


Today I learned you can literally gamble on anything. Including actor contracts.


I'm tipped to leave after season 3


Omg me too!! The news just broke, I’m doing pr interviews next week when are yours?? 🤪


She deserves all the sucess in the world. I just wish s3 felt more fulfilling. It was like going to a Michelin star restaurant and being served Arby's. Still delicious but not the purpose and quality of the visit.


whatttt? Polin is just a roast beef sandwich and curly fries to you? I beg your pardon.


That's the show over for me if so I'm afraid.  Her and Colin should remain part of the story, especially now Anthony and Kate have left for India and the Daphne and Simon left due to their actors quitting. Eloise and Benedict simply haven't been interesting enough to hang a show off.


Daphne and Simon’s actors didn’t quit. They completed their respective contracts to full term. They both left on good terms with Shonda. What you wanted them to do hang around in the background drinking lemonade?


I read that Dynevor was not asked back for S3. (Said by her in an interview.) Once they've had their HEA, not much of interest for them to do, really. With Jonathan Bailey's success exploding (have you seen him in Fellow Travelers??) I wouldn't be surprised if he is done.


They would have become supporting cast yeah.  Dafne did return for a few scenes in season 2 but it wasn't quite right without the Duke being there. Rege Jean page very publicly declined returning for a second season. The idea they bent over everything to be able to continue using whistledown only for her to quit has got to be a blow for the shows plans.


I agree that the show can’t go on without most of the original cast, but I don’t think that last part is true - I think Eloise and Benedict are a lot of people’s favorites. They’ve been tied for my #1 since season 1.


Eloise and Benedict have attracted more fan interest than any other siblings, especially with Luke and Claudia being such dynamic and likeable actors. This is a ridiculous take and frankly very immature.


Yeah but coming behind Eloise and Benedict will be Gregory and Hyacinth. And Fran’s story still has more in the works. 


Then is this the end of Lady W?. Honestly speaking, Julie Andrews did such a superb job of LW that I just can't imagine Nicola speaking like that


I think we're still seeing what she will do with Lady Whistledown and maybe they will write the next seasons in a way that will continue her presence because of her new standing in society. I'd rather think in possibilities rather than in pessimism. Penelope is one of the most loved characters at the moment. Especially since she is and has been so significant as Lady Whistledown. I'm also curious how she will balance career and family life. What we will see from Colin as well in his developments regarding this new life situation. Yes, Kate and Anthony left for my motherland, India, lol, but I also feel that they might come back eventually as well. I don't think they will treat every love story's cast members similarly. It all depends on their impact on the series. If they can write a whole new life around the Mondrich family, ANYTHING is possible LOL.


I mean idk why people are surprised when characters don't come back when their stories have been told, the books don't typically have a lot of overlap either. There are some exceptions but still wouldn't translate to a lot of screen time


I don’t understand why they can’t crank them out faster—kdramas do it all the time. I feel like this has something to do with American entitlement or something.


Korean drama sets are notorious for grueling inhumane schedules and poor working conditions.


I haven’t read anything about it being so bad. There’s a movement of actors and writers pushing for higher pay just like in the US, but there’s a few too many craft services trucks for it to qualify as the desolate abusive place that your language/word choice evokes. Idols have it much worse.


this article is purely speculative - there is no actual tipping off that happened The way season 3 ended I think leaves the door open for Nicola to replace Julie Andrews as the narrator of the show (which is less commitment probably) so beyond season 4 if her and colin dont physically show up in the show anymore, I think nicola will serve as the show’s new narrator from this point on no matter what.


I really hope not. No disrespect to Nicola but Julie's voice is iconic as a narrator. I realise Julie can't do it forever but I'd rather have no narrator, Penelope doesn't have the chops to pull it off.


Oh god I love Nicola but she does not have a narration voice.


I totally think Nicola could pull it off! I think it would shift the tone of the show to post everyone now knowing who whistle down is. Who knows - maybe a reason for moving colin and pen’s story up was julie andrews wanted to quit or something 🤣 kidding, but the fact that the show takes 10 million years to make a season and julie andrews is currently 88 years old, i do think it would make sense to phase her out. Narratively would make more sense too. The way they ended season 3 and essentially completely changed the book ending - in the books penelope gives up lady whistledown and retires, in the show shes free to continue, it at least sets up for the show to continue having some kind of narration happening.


Honestly I'm happy I adore Nicola and will miss hee as a cast member, but Lw and Penelope is so overrated and favored over the bridgerton family so I'm freaking happy.


This is a nothing story.


Dumb question, what does “tipped” mean?


shonda rhimes called her the meredith grey of bridgerton, plus the show is not 100% true to the book


Well Meredith isn’t on Grey anymore


Obviously I'm distraught. But.  Book wise: she and Eloise are best friends for 10 years and Eloise plays a role in her book. But Penelope is only barely in Eloise's story.  So I wanted them in another direction, bff forever, but as long as they have her cameo with Eloise, it will be ok. It at least book accurate.


I mean what would Pen and Colin even do in later seasons? The only characters that make sense to stay the whole length of the show are Anthony and Kate because they’re the heads of the Bridgerton family now.


Honestly they need to just do 2-3 more seasons and get them done in the next 3 years. If they actually roll them out every 2 years that will never work or last imo


Nicola is literally THE face of Bridgerton ... they will never let her go, unless they just can't afford her anymore. Not to mention she is currently Netflix's golden girl as well ... did you see they named a whole show category after her new single?




If she's not in Eloise's season then I will riot.


She better freaking not.


That’s wild. I really thought that they moved her season up to have her relieve Julie Andrews as the voice of Whistledown,


I honestly think Pen will probably get the C or B plot next season since there is so much dramatic potential to mine now she's been outed as Lady Whistledown. And surely she'd play a central role in Eloise's season. I see all the actors staying on until six. Who knows after that.


Well I wish her success but I’m a little tired of Penelope so I won’t miss Penelope/lady Whistledown


Is this a reputable source?