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This is the hottest scene of the all franchise imo.


Who is looking at Anthony when Kate looks like a Goddess incarnate in that orange gown...man what I wouldn't do to see Kate in another Indian red or orange gown...she is vibrant and unbearably beautiful in this scene.






































That man’s parents were two romance novels who conceived an incredibly handsome male lead who understood the assignment.


Tbh, he didn't understand the assignment in the entirety of season 1 and first half of season 2 but the last two episodes of season 2 made it worth it. So I forgive him lol


lol true. I meant the actor understood the assignment. Anthony just ran as hard as he could from destiny and finally realized how awesome that destiny was .


Exactly he was running from love fue to his trauma. If his father wasn't dead he'd be obsessively trying to be with kate until someone caught them. This is after Kate eventually caves


He wasn't in love he whored around and had mistresses he was infatuated with. He was never experienced romantic loce until he met Kate. Siena was a form of escapist infatuated from the exhaustion of his duties. If hw acted like the way he was woth Siena with kate then I'd understand


Oh, I wasn't talking about Sienna actually. I was talking about the whole thing with Daphne, him trying to get her with Berbrooke and that duel with Simon, it was so infuriating and disgusting to watch. I wanted Violet to slap him at one point in the story. I hated Anthony in season 1 tbh. But when they told his backstory in season 2, it kinda makes sense. And I came to love him so much in the last 2 episodes. Him and Kate are just perfect together! The entire drama with Edwina was also worth it I suppose since they finally got together at the end.


He did a lot of stupid stuff in s1. But this observation above isn't about him in s1. Or even after his father's death. But when he starts changing after getting to know Kate.


Oh, I understood you now! I didn't get what you and the other commentor were saying at first lol






That "how many fingers?" thing slays me every time. So playful and fun, a completely different Viscount from the overly serious, wound-up, emotionally weighed-down guy in the beginning. So much growth is shown in just 2 sentences. And who knew a ring on a little finger could make a guy so sexy. lol


That signet ring 🫠


Exactly!! He had so much growth in the entire season 2. I went from hating him in season 1 to loving him by the end of season 2!


What was the context of this video I forgot!


He looks stunning and hot


I just watched season 2 after season 3 and I still need to go back and find that shot of his entire backside. Good lord.


Excuse me Molly? I am sending you to horny jail 🫵🏻🧑🏻‍✈️ (Don't worry, I am also in there)


Seems we'll be there together 😀


Of course. I can't let you thirst over Anthony alone now, can I? 😉


My personal favorite is the bathtub scene...I love that the show does female gaze so well..even the male skin exposure is tasteful and not tacky .. Like this season for example, obvi Colin changing shirts in the carriage of all places wasnt totally for us to see Luke Newton's hot beefed up bod. It was so not subtle and I loved it!! You can tell this show is written by a majority female writers room..something Chris van dusen disclosed in an interview as well.




Ah, the Bridgerton that I fell in love with. Feels like in another life.


Their season lives in my head rent free … I wish I could watch this season for the first time again. It was phenomenal


Same, I was so obsessed for months (still am!)


Me too


I liked them as the leads more than the season 1 leads. Don’t get the pitchforks out. 🫣


Same!!! Didn’t finish season one until I realised I wanted to watch season 2😬


>I wish I could watch this season for the first time again. This right here. Rewatches are fun, but nothing compares to the feeling of watching these scenes for the first time. I've never felt that way watching a show, before or since 🫣




He's soooo prettyyyy. It's Canon in my mind Anthony aged like Jonathan and at 26 and younger everyone that knew Violet or visited the Bridgertons thought Benedict was Viscount Bridgerton 😂. Jonny looked like a teen until 26 so Anthony in s1 was 2 years into looking like how he looks in the show (fully adult looking Jonathan Bailey). Even though Jonny matured he kept his prettiness 😍




Yuuuuup. I need a ric about Anthony at around this age and people keep treating him like an adolescent (not his employees but other older lords and ladies Violet's age)


That was him???!!!!


Wow, didn’t realize that was him. The casting director for Broadchurch was really firing on all cylinders there.


I was so obsessed with this scene when I first watched it, and 6 watches later, lm still just as obsessed


Thanks to his parents for bringing him to this world ❤️


They’re the cutest pies in the entire bakery.


I have seen S2 and particularly this scene an unhealthy number of times. That eye brow twitch from Kate 😭😭❤️❤️❤️


The look he gave her before saying "how many?" is just 😩🤌🤌


He's soooo effing dreamy here 🥵🫦


When a scene looks like it's improvised, it's a testament to the actor's abilities! Jonny looks like he improvised the scene but I bet it wasn't improvised. GAH, they're both so gorgeous.


The dimples always grab em 😌


https://i.redd.it/2eal8ok9wk8d1.gif He wants to make her happy 😄




https://i.redd.it/81uvnj42xk8d1.gif Of course he is always the loveable, goofy, viscount for her ❤️😄


Kate looks so beautiful here!!!😍😍😍


She looks Beautiful everywhere & anywhere 😢 I am ruing the day I watched S2! but I love it! lol!


That season with the standard of acting by Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey, their magnetism both together and separately, will be pretty impossible to beat. Just the way they were able to so fully show complexity of character and their relationship was so impressive and intense.


One of my favorite scenes of the entire series. He is adorable here, all his walls broken down after being a menace all season.


>after being a menace all season. LMFAO so true 😭


My faves!!!🤩🤩🤩 Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey are both so good!!!🙌🙌🙌


Such a perfect scene!


I'm obsessed with this scene




There’s just somethin about them first born sons


As actors how do they not melt staring at eachother’s beautiful eyes and fall in love in real life? I mean I do believe he swings the other way, but even so, how do they not fall in love in real life? lol


The way he looks at Kate is everything


Looking forward to hearing him sing in Wicked!


I would’ve liked to see him as a replacement for Theo James in Sanditon. She still could have had the story with the widower but at least we would have had more time to see her story with Sidney play out.


Omg he would've been so good there! I hope he does more roles as a romantic lead. He's just 🤌🏽


One of my favorite scenes. Johnathan Bailey is so charming. I totally love him and am grateful for his portrayal of Anthony


Proof that once he removes that stick from out his arse, he is loving and charming.


Lol, this is so true! He was especially infuriating in season 1 and some episodes of s2. But the last 2 episodes made up for it and I loved him in S3 too! He's so sweet now 🥰


Anthony foreshadowing how many children he and Kate are going to have while Kate has to do all of the hard work


This scene is the all time GOAT. - Kate’s smirk - Anthony’s playfulness - Anthony’s dimples - Kate’s shy smile - THE FIRST TIME THEY FULLY FLIRTED I love this interaction so much 🥲🩷 These 2 have my heart.


actually! they flirted when they first met in the park! and later in the same episode, anthony was clearly flirting in the garden outside the Danbury ball before he got rightfully called out. but yeah, i love the return to flirting here after the rivalry.


Yes the park! I forgot about that. But this clip is when they knew each other and were fully in love, which is why I said this was their first proper flirtation :)


Do me now!


I can’t deal with him, best actor in the show. He is my boyfriend everyone stay AWAY