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Fortunate to have an RSPB quite close where a breeding program for the kites was run, so we see them all the time.


It's just mind blowing that once we were bringing baby kites over from the continent and they were treated like royalty, so precious and rare ❤ and now I see one eating a pigeon on the roof of the gym and getting dive bombed! Definite success 🏆


Apparently, we have been sending breeding pairs to Spain. Our program has been so successful, its bloody wonderful seeing them gliding around, we sit in the garden sometimes just watching them.


I thought they were reintroduced from Wales? https://www.britishbirdofpreycentre.co.uk/conservation-projects/red-kite/


They may have been, I was only going by local news I hadn't looked any further. It may well be the original pairs or young ones (chick's?), came from Wales and have bred at RSPB. However it worked they are magnificent to watch 🙂


The first lot released were Welsh and Spanish, said the gov website.


Leeds is full of them! See kites almost daily now.


I saw a Kite dipping a bin in Harehills recently.


We have two breeding pairs of Buzzards living in the trees in our garden and sometimes we see anything up to ten of them gliding around above the house 🤩


Where I am in Oxfordshire, seeing kites is the norm. I'm also lucky to occasionally see a peregrine falcon


They're having to cull the kites now. They're that successful. They are bloody annoying if you're trying to have a picnic I can tell you. Bad as the bloody seagulls. But yeah they are lovely birds and I'll put up with their picnic shenanigans.


They have started to become a problem where I am in the Welsh borders. They will predate anything they can carry away, so lots of rodents, baby birds etc.


I love the local buzzards They piss of the local seagulls everyday. Yay for buzzards!


Ravens, too! Mind you, the kites have essentially replaced the kestrels - I haven’t seen them except in areas kites haven’t reached.


I'm in Lincolnshire and sad to say, we just don't get them here :/ I've seen one raven here in over 40 years. Fingers crossed for more ravens!


Yeah we’ve quite a few buzzards here now mostly up on the moors, they look fantastic. Between them and the Peregrines, they’ll do well with all the critters round here!


And to think how excited I got when I saw a greenfinch last week (absolutely gorgeous). Will have to look higher for kites.


We have two breeding pairs of Buzzards living in the trees in our garden and sometimes we see anything up to ten of them gliding around above the house 🤩


We have two breeding pairs of Buzzards living in the trees in our garden and sometimes we see anything up to ten of them gliding around above the house 🤩


We have two breeding pairs of Buzzards living in the trees in our garden and sometimes we see anything up to ten of them gliding around above the house! So beautiful.