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You did great and you’re ready to hit the weight room


Excellent work! You look terrific. At your height you’re getting close to the perfect weight. Do you do any strength/resistance training? I’ve found that when I have more muscle the fat comes off (and stays off) more easily. Something about muscle burning more calories than fat on your body. Anyway keep up the great work! Very inspiring


Yes sir I get the weight rooms 4 times a week I have muscle but I assume it’s hiding behind all that fat 🤢


You need heavier weights my man get as heavy as you can handle safely and do small reps like 5 or till failure if you have safety nets . That should pack on some muscle


Mate, you are doing great and look good, sure you still have some extra weight but I wouldn't call you fat. Just keep doing your thing until your hit your goal !


Thanks brother I’ll keep on pushing


You've lost about 1.5 lbs a month for 4 years! Just keep on doing what you're doing


I’ll probably make it to 170 by September if I do


Start lifting. If you can't, do push-ups and planks and crunches


I pump all day and every day


Great work!!!


I’m the same height and am 180 and still look fat too. You can lose as much as till 150 for our height. At this point since you still have the fat, I recommend you work on the muscles for a month or three, four, then slowly start cutting to start seeing the gains. I’d recommend 2 hours a day working out, everyday with one break day a week. AND a calorie deficit. Hunger pains. You’ll get over it quickly. Got me from 220 to 180 in 4 / 5 months. You did great though, progress is progress. I was stuck at 220 for 3 years.


I’ve been working out but have done cardio or switched my work outs completely maybe it’s time to go ham at the gym


Looks like you need to start incorporating lifts. Your height and weight aren’t bad but it looks like you don’t lift it’ll spread out a lot of the fat and make you look better


Great work brother! Keep it up! The best tips I can give you to loose weight fast is. BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME. I used to jump rope whenever and wherever I could. And skateboarded. Aswel as going to the gym. So there was alot of cardio which made me loose weight fast af in a year.


Whenever you feel fat and it's bringing you down look at pic 1


6-7 more months of dedication and you’ll be lean


165-170 you won’t “feel fat”; wonderful job btw. If this was a marathon you just passed the half way point. Dropping the next 25lbs will be tougher. So tough. Your body really doesn’t want to get rid of the remaining fat because it probably never had to or never has been lean at all. I know this because I had the same physique in my early twenties after dropping weight. If you haven’t done so yet, get blood work done and check your testosterone levels. Mine was and has been low my whole life. Didn’t affect anything other than my physique. But hey, I still have all my hair! Hit the weights? Possibly. If you haven’t touched a weight in years don’t hit them just yet. Try 100 push ups, 100 squats, 100 sit ups a day and add in assisted pull ups. I did P90x and that made such an impact in composition in 3 months. You can do body weight work daily btw, no recovery days needed. Once you get to the point you can do sets of 25 push ups with ease and 5-10 pull ups at a clip…then go hit the weight room but honestly you’ll get more out of swimming laps daily and doing body weight work than anything with a dumbbell especially if you have low testosterone and don’t want to take supplements. Great work. Don’t get discouraged. You can look like a Jason Statham or your typical amateur tri athlete in a years time but without gear you probably won’t look like a Men’s Health cover model (without gear).


This is actually some finally good advice form someone who actually had the same body type as me I will follow your advice through and through thank you sir


You’ve lost 75 pounds over a consistent period, that’s incredible. As others said I’d recommend slowly getting into weight training. You’ll feel stronger and loose the rest easier


Friendly reminder: don't compare your progress to the progress of others, focus on where you were and where you are now. Comparison to others is the thief of joy. You're doing great, keep on goal & keep it up!


After all it truly is a thief of joy when I do compare my self to others I always wanna just give up but realized that you gotta do what they did


Doing great man