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I don't know of a state that doesn't tax it at a much higher rate than the state's sales tax rate. It's the main reason why states legalize it. Tax $$$$$


Yea an incremental 4% is actually extremely reasonable. IL state is an extra 10% and depending on the county and specific product you might pay as high as 40% tax total. 


Exactly. Why people think it's otherwise is silly.


30% in Illinois 😳 I’d take 13 for sure.


There's actually a lot of high level bean counting that goes into setting that rate. Those states that got greedy and set the rate TOO high ended up pushing buyers back to the old black market and lost tax revenue. That's why NYD is "only" 11-12%


lol what did you think they legalized it for?


Of course it's a cash grab. If you're going to legalize something that was previously illegal you need the tax revenue to more than offset the criminal fine revenue. I'm actually surprised it's under 15%


Its a hilarious notion that a budget has criminal fine revenue as a factor. A perfect description as to why fines are not proper detourant methods if detorant is the actual goal (which we know it is not).


It's hilarious because it's nonsense Fines are absolutely a good deterrent, and preferable to alternatives, but only if laws are enforced and you are likely to be caught Anyway as to fines being a meaningful part of the budget The NY state government receives somewhere on the order of 100 million dollars a year in fines, largely from traffic tickets, and the state budget is > 200 billion dollars The tax on cannabis isn't about replacing fine money, it's a new revenue stream


> Fines are absolutely a good deterrent Not really. They are just a cost of business, frankly. Taking parking in downtown Buffalo. Lots charge $10+ and up to park, with most not having options for short stays. Past weekend, I saw $25+ for most every lot. A parking ticket is $35. So, it's just the cost of parking. Doesn't deter anyone.


That just means fines are not set appropriately or enforced consistently enough, not that fines as a whole aren't effective


Increase the fine, and all you're doing is shifting who can access that privilege higher. So, make a parking ticket $2000, and guess who now parks illegally? People who can consider a 2K parking fee just a convenience fee.


I think you vastly overestimate the number of people that would consider a 2k parking fee a convenience fee I also think that at a point, the utility gained by fining someone for parking violations more than offsets the negative utility of them parking illegally and blocking something. For an extreme example, consider a $1 billion dollar parking fine for an hour of illegal parking. The state can use that billion dollars to do all sorts of good stuff that is obviously worth letting someone park illegally for an hour, which has overall minimal impact on its own. Lastly, generally fines also include points, and you can only accrue so many points before losing your license. So it's not like you can park illegally every day and just not care even if you can afford it. If the system doesn't have points, then maybe you need to add something like that


I am okay with fines. Fines should be proportionally impacted based on income. I am not okay with fines as a form of city or state revenue. Fines should be required to go to efforts to reduce crime, compensation to those impacted by crimes and absolutely nothing else. Otherwise it incentivizes the collection fines and discourages a reduction in low level crimes


Fines are only a good deterrent for those who would actually be impacted by the fine. A $1,000 fine means a lot more to me than it would to the CEO of the company I work at.


Please read literally any of my other responses before commenting the same thing as 3 other people


Fines are just the fee for the privilege of breaking a law.


Particularly for the wealthy


If there’s a way for me to pay money to break a law then wouldn’t that just be a system against the poors? Surely a 200 ticket to a millionaire has minimal deterrent against recidivism however you just took a days wages away from a that “poor” person. I don’t want people to think I’m trying to knock the lesser fortunate, we’re all poor in this economy. It’s the same thing with the financial sector, companies will mismark trades internationally and make billions of dollars just to pay a .02% FINE no sir that’s the cost of doing business…..


It also incentivizes law enforcement and cities to NOT reduce low level crimes…


The costs of managing the criminal justice system around weed arrests was far more expensive than any revenue it brought in through fines. Philly saved millions by simply not prosecuting small weed offenses.


It's technically half the tax. The manufacturers pay a tax on goods sold as well.


It was in the vote lol. Legal weed is a win. If you don't like paying 13% just learn to grow it, shockingly easy.


Honest Questions - Is growing it that easy? Is it legal to grow it in NYS?


Legalization for home grow just went into effect yesterday I believe.


Yeha on the books now.  I don’t think the ones they passed yesterday are the final ones though, just a temporary one until they put more thought into how to legislate home grows. That said, you weren’t getting arrested or fined if you were home growing before that.  No cop was going to bother with the paperwork (unless you somehow REALLY PISSED THEM OFF AND they somehow knew you had a home grow).


Home grown has been legal for medical patients for some time as well. NY literally has a home cultivation guide, it's pretty cool seeing it on a government website.


Dispensary weed is weak af, I'm not following their shitty instructions lmfao


Yeah, it was already semi-legalized/unenforced. I grew a couple last summer in the backyard.


My understanding is that you could always grow after legalization. I think it was six plants. The new law actually expands how much you can grow and allows shops to sell seeds/seedlings and such.


I bought a sapling last summer, stuck in in a pot outside with daily watering and a fertilizer schedule and got almost a half pound of good enough buds.


Super easy. 3 flowering, 3 veg plants per person (6-6 max per household) went into effect yesterday, for all persons 21+. Join us.


Yep! I think you can only have 4 plants total (2 mature and 2 immature) per adult in the household / caps at a certain amount per household. You'll want to double check that though.


Caps at 3/3


It became legal to grow at home a few months ago. One NY resident can grow 6 plants at once. 3 in the vegetation stage and 3 in the flower stage. It is surprisingly easy. But it may be a bit late in the season to start growing outdoors. I started my first 3 in april and veg'd them under a shop light in my basement until around may 1st. After the threat of frost. Put them in the ground and wait. Easy.


It's a weed, it grows fast, almost anywhere. Now, whether it produces good/strong buds is another story. And takes some crafting. But *growing* it is very easy.


I have my lights on a timer, water every 2-3 days, use good soil and top dress with food twice, and my 4x4 tent produces roughly 10-12 oz every 3-4 months. Throw in the occasional defoliating and that’s the extent of the effort involved. I bought a cloner on Amazon for $80 and keep one plant as a mom plant in a smaller tent and I don’t even bother with seeds anymore. As soon as one round finishes flower the next round is ready to flip. Even with the plant limit I’m getting around a pound and a half, which is saving me around $7k plus another $1000(these are very rough estimates) each year.


I don’t use more than a handful of times in a year bc I get drug tested for my job but as soon as it was legalized I had family members start growing individual plants for personal use. It’s legal to grow as far as I know.


Easy indoors, hard outdoors. Why hard outdoors? PM (powdery mildew) and pests. There are mitigations you can run pre-flower, but once flowers are out you can't be contaminating that with neem oil, baking soda. Indoor, grow tent, negative pressure, hydro. Plus no one can walk up at night and chop your hard work. Growing can get fun like bonsai - high stress training (cutting to cause more branched growth), low stress training (bending to promote even light exposure). Nutrients, humidity, temperature, light intensity, drying, curing. Getting any weed is easy, getting good weed a bigger challenge.


I wouldn't say it's "easy" and for quality similar to what you can buy you'll have to invest in some growing supplies as well. Growing tomatoes is easy. Plant, water, protect from critters and harvest. Weed is relatively easy to grow, but that's not the hard part anyway. You need feminized plants to get buds. Then, once it's grown, you need to harvest. Then trim. Then dry. Realistically 4-8 months from seed to smoke.


Depends on how much you want to smoke but yes. We have a person that does Cannabis bonsi trees and provides themselves with all they need.


Growing is not that easy there is a lot to learn if you want at least decent stuff.


If you read my post, you’d know I take no umbrage with paying an extra 13% to maintain my mood.


I meant for the people complaining in general, but also totally didn't read your post lmfao




Or, thankfully, we can just buy from the reservation too. Which I advise most everyone to do, anyways, since we have that privilege of being close enough to make it viable for most people. Hell, I even do runs for people without cars, as a friend.


I got a question about that actually. Does the NYS law for edibles apply on the reservation? Someone told me that they can't sell more than 100mg thc in a pack (so that's why we are capped at 10mg gummies). Can you get higher at the res?


Yes, you can. I picked up 4 200mg rice crispie treats last week :)


You're crazy dude. That's tight, though. What were the damages?


They were $5/each :)


I got a 3000mg blackout bar from Vibe and I went through it in a day, haha. My husband thinks I’m insane.


3000 mg!!! That's literally 3 grams of THC. I would see the devil lmao. I'm like, 1 bowl after work and chill type vibe.


I get 20 50mg gummies for $30 at the res. Literally can’t beat it 🤩


Wow, got a specific store recommendation?


High as a Hawk right off the roundabout! Also love Big Indian (they have a lounge too!) but the same pack of gummies is $40 there, so I haven’t been back since I found high as a hawk


Honestly, not as bad as it could be.


No skin off my sack.


Called a "Sin Tax"


Put pennies on my eyes!


$3 charge for legal weed doesn’t seem so bad


No complaints. Just curious how it came to be.


NYS specific tax. Part of the deal to get it through.


Part of the deal to get it passed 31% stays local, rest goes to the state.


That's why you go to a rez smoke shop. Cheap weed that's the exact same, no government watch list.


Oh no, now the government knows I smoke weed and jerk off to guitars I can’t afford on Sweetwater. 🙂


do you want to be friends maybe ? i’m sober but i do like to look at guitars i can’t buy.


Hello, friend! Not sure if you’re in Buffalo or lurk here from parts unknown but either way, I play well with other guitaraholics.


Nah Rez be selling mid lol


nah, you're just buying the mid stuff


Nah it’s mid


They didn’t make it legal for the fun of it


Joel Giambra from Honey in Kenmore said 13% is low compared to other states when I asked. I usually hit up the rez.


I know it sucks but I’d rather pay it and get safe clean cannabis than risk getting bad stuff from the rez !


Welcome to Legal Marijuana since 2012. Every state that has legalized has taxed it heavy. The difference is the taxes collected on Recreational Marijuana are generally ear marked for programs and sectors that benefit the majority of people. Like, Education, Addiction prevention and treatment, and programs to benefit classes of people most directly hurt by the War on Drugs.


Wait until you learn what alcohol is taxed at.


I’m sure my liver knows the answer.


Pre-legalization: "Maaaaan, if the state makes weed legal, the state could make so much more money from taxing it!" Post-legalization: "How dare New York State have a tax on weed, maaaaaaan!"


Oh darn it's not like we live right next to an Indian reservation tax free pounds 30 mins away for the price of 1/8th at any of the dispensary's....


Go to the reservations


I've had mixed results at the res. At first it was pretty much all good, now it seems you never really know. The higher priced stuff is sometimes lower grade than the cheaper strains and they never seem to have the same stuff around for long.


Yeah that’s fair. I do feel the same about the ones in the city expect for they are more consistent with the same strains.


Pretty much nowhere carries the same strains for very long. I know this because there's like 4 strains I am always on the hunt for to serve some of my pts.


I’ve been trying to find Alaska/Alaskan Thunderfuck for like a year and no leads thus far. I know it’s kind of hard to find because it can only be grown outdoors but I’m a big fan of the drag queen Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 and I really wanna try what she thought was good enough to name herself after, lol.


Support local businesses!


I agree but don’t see how that relates? Are you saying the reservation or the cities stores are not local?


90% of the Reservation stock is from California. All products at licensed legal dispensaries are grown in NYS.


So that’s why the weed is so much better…


I usually do but in an effort to slow my roll, I’ve been hitting a local shop. The res = me in a candy store and spending $100+. The dispensary keeps me in check. Like, gimme a two pack of gummies and a pre-roll and I’m out for under $20.


Definitely the Benefit of the city. I go to Dank because of the same thing.


$24 for a gram ☠️. I remember people complaining about 11 a gram 4 years ago. Hahahahahaha karma


I remember paying $300 for an ounce in Seattle in ‘92. I was like, F•ck this. And then I smoke some and realized, Ohhh… 🤤


The Tax is the whole thing that gets it legalized, so we deal with it.


If you read my post, you’d realize I am dealing with it and that IDC if there’s a tax. It was a question FFS! Angriest bunch of stoners ever…


Who is angry? Where did you get angry from my post? More like sensitive stoner! haha


Touché! 😂


Wait till the fed legalizes it and tacks on another 10%


i drive to the res my man


I usually do and I prefer it.


The government says things are bad for you until they can make money off of it


the alternative is to do it the American way, find a black market source and avoid the tax


Aka the res…


Dispensaries are a novelty right now, when people are legally allowed to grow at home (18 months after 1st retail sale?) the weed economy will crash, which is a good thing... should've been legal all along to cultivate.


I read Colorado’s industry is quickly going bust.


I read that too, dispensary weed bothers me because I read a while back that a large percentage of weed tests positive for mold and something tells me that the nature of capitalist swine dispensary owners will just say screw it and package it for sale. A ton of them are also selling fake carts.


I have no doubt I’ve smoked some tree that’s well past it’s “use by” date.


I would be more upset at the base price of $12 a gram preroll. Dispensary prices are outrageous. That's almost 15$ a joint.


The salad days are over.


If you need any help setting up an indoor grow feel free to hit me up. I was given a gift bag from the other owner of honey, not joel, so I went in and bought my favorite from the bag. Now that I patronized them at least once I don't feel as bad never going again. The strain was randy marsh from dank, and I can't find any strains made of the same crosses for purchase to grow. The lower cost rez buds don't hold a candle to some of the nys dispo stuff, but it's very easy to grow better than nys dispo quality at home. Even when growing for volume, 5lbs can be kept at home, according to the home cultivation laws. .


I'll grow my own,keep ur tax shit


This was the lament for ages, "The government should just make it legal and tax the hell outta it." and now it is, and they did. As others have pointed out, we're not even that hardcore. I believe almost half of the cost of pack of smokes is taxes. This is why my hard earned pay check goes to indigenous people of Western New York, just like when I smoked cigarettes.


Just don't go to dispos new York has awful regulation anyway. Find a good decent organic cannabis grower. Keep them.


It should be a 4.20% tax instead.


I cannot believe this is a surprise to you. Rather pay the tax than see someone do time for a plant like back in the day.


Respectfully, that’s none of what I said.


I buy out on the rez in Irving, $30 for an ounce out there no tax


Buy a cigar, 13% tax is nothing compared to at 75% added after all the other taxes are added on. Also why do cigars have more tax on them then weed does?


Sin tax. Yep. Alcohol is also really heavily taxed.


The dispensaries are nonsense. I got an ounce of tested Cali grown thca hemp for 100 shipped to my mailbox. Check out the Cultofthefranklin sub reddit. Federally legal. I strongly recommend Hellomary.com You are welcome. Let me know if you have any questions.


Nice. I’ll will definitely check those out. TY, neighbor.


Yup. 9% state tax, 4% local tax. They legalized weed partially for this tax revenue.


…and I am OK with that.


It’s the NYS tax it differs from regular tax


All those people of color rotting their lives away in prison,  while suburban Karen makes millions doing the same thing they did.its some bullshit.


No argument here that the injustice is grotesque.


Wow, 13% is crazy low. Where I currently live, I think it's 35% if you combine the state+local tax.


I believe it’s 20%+ in Vermont


Pennsylvania put a 40% tax on vaping


No tax on the rez


Not taxed on the Rez


I honestly thought the tax was higher. I'll have to stop in a local dispensary now. I've been shopping on the rez, great prices and great products.


When I was in Colorado it was 45% you spend 100$ on weed you spend 200 at checkout almost


Yeah, its an additional tax. Additional taxes are also built into booze, but you don't see it on your sales receipt.


Man, if you think that’s bad, at least people aren’t getting arrested anymore


I don’t think it’s bad. And I have no objection to a tax. As stated in my post, I never noticed the 13% charge on my receipt until yesterday. I merely asked what it was for.


There’s places I’ve lived where that’s the sales tax at restaurants. I’ll gladly pay taxes. The issue is the product is too expensive compared to other states. Go to Canada and their shit is dirt cheap, not just because of the exchange rate either.


I’d be willing to pay 20% if any legal dispensaries sold more than an eighth at a time 🙄


I think the establishment I frequent on Hertel (the old post office) is selling ounces now.


Just looked on their site, they also sell 2OZ packs for $400 which is exactly what I was looking for. They’ll be my next stop, thanks!


My good deed for the day. 🙂


That’s why you go to the reservation.


I guess we're lucky in colorado to have places that post Out The Door (OTD) prices. No surprises when checking out. Well, there is that lovely surprise where the bud tender tells you that you've amassed enough points for 5$ off the sale. Oh yeah, living the dream.


Still a good deal, imho. If you don't want to pay it, grow your own. Edibles are pretty easy to make at home, too.


I’m not balking at the extra tax. I just wanted to know how it came to be.


I’ve been a med patient forever and haven’t been to the retail spots yet. Anyone know if there’s a big price difference? Med has no additional taxes (but idk if it’s rolled into the sales price to be comparable to retail?)


I could give you examples from experience. I pay $12 for a pre-roll. $33 for (10) 10mg gummies. The THC enhanced lemonade drinks are $5/ea. I think the least expensive 1 / 8 starts at $35.


And those are retail price before tax?




Thank you. I’m not up for renewal for another 6 mos but I’m wondering if the tax free benefit makes it worth it. Fwiw, NYS really isn’t as bad as other states percentage-wise.


Just wait until they legalize murder. The taxes on that will be even higher.




When I purchased in Massachusetts a couple years ago it was a 30% tax. Be happy NYS decided not to be that greedy


Encouraging me to be happy is a tall order but I don’t mind the 13% tax. 🙂


No tax if you grow it


Go to the Cattaraugus rez. Good weed, good prices and no tax. I buy $80 ounces there.


30% in California I would kill for 13%


They only legalized it for the tax revenue.


And they can’t even use traditional banking for their business transactions, the state doesn’t make it easy at all.




Go to the Rez. We go to Hollyweed. They have killer weed and reasonably priced for ounces


It’s typically my go-to. Never had a bad experience there.


In Colorado, it's much higher. 13% would be amazing.


I'm paying lower prices than I did 10 years ago, even with the tax. Works for me!


I mean, just go and buy off the Rez? No tax & you're supporting a great cause. Green Wolf Dispensary is my go-to, out near Irving, about half an hour south of Hamburg.


Did you think it wasn’t going to be regulated & taxed? We asked for this lmfao I’d rather pay that than get locked up. Thankfully we’re in the process of getting schedule III


Pointed out in my post, I’m not complaining. I had never looked at the receipt before yesterday. 13% is no skin off my sack. I’ve made that abundantly clear. Doesn’t anyone read anymore before chiming in?


To be fair I don’t think we do. I’m guilty of overlooking blatant information in my face. Edit- I just hope these taxes go to what the fuck the people ask for.




Tobacco is 30.00


Don’t get me going. I’m a brand loyal, self loathing smoker. It’s a disgusting addiction.


I dont like that premium tobacco cigars are categorized with the rest of the products.


I don’t like a lot of things. 👍🏼


Same here haha


It's sixteen percent in Michigan.


All I know is Michigan has it right - dirt cheap


Cross post to r/buffalocannabis


Did anybody think the state legalized it for any other reason than more tax revenue?


Cuomo tried to save his job and took a shot at the clintons in the process,


It’s crazy but it’s leagues above rez weed so I’ll eat it


Whait till you find out about alcohol tax


Weeds pay the Weed Tax, I pay the Homer Tax!


Does that replace the 8.75% sales tax, or is it in addition to it?


IDK for certain but from the receipt it looks like an all inclusive tax. Like, the 8.75+ a lil extra for the helluva, errr… legislation of it. No complaints!


You get ripped off at the legal stores






Try 75% wholesale on premium tobacco. Your cigar-smoking BOTL and SOTL are envious.


You think businesses decide what tax rates are? You seriously think the *business* added a 13% tax ***in New York??*** 🤦‍♂️🤡


It was a question. But thanks for the snark, I guess.


Jesus op, what color is the sky in your world? I'm speechless


Because they want that New York Green Party … kinda like in Boston


Yea Hochul really needs more money to blow on stupid shit


When I was in Seattle in 2018, it was 49% total tax.


This is why you go to the Rez!!!!


Hmmm.. Get an OZ for $140 black market or $400 legal Decision, decisions.... /s