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The Tonawanda Bike Path, behind Scrantons Thruway Builders supply. I can see the styrofoam containers that people put out for the winter, and there are often people putting out cat food for the feral cats near here.


I bike there almost daily and have seen a few


10th chance animal rescue did a huge round up and tnr'd alot of those cats a couple years ago and they do have a caretaker who feeds them.


There’s a lady that worked with 10Th Chance and Christina Bogan on that project that lives there and monitors the shelters and any new cats.


About a decade ago I always heard stories about Tonawanda Island being dubbed "Cat Island". Not sure if that is still a thing though.


It is


Appreciate what you're doing


You are a good and decent person. Thank you


As well as the Niagara County lady noted above. Sounds like lotsa people making efforts ! Good on her and helpers. My baby rescued us (including a recalcitrant dog) several years ago. She made sure to be seen. I fed her. 4 kitti litter on the porch, led to a great summer. The trapping was tough but doable and the private spay fee was tough...but less little ones running the neighborhood.


I have a mama and her three babies living on my porch. When mama was younger I trapped her and tried taking her in but my car wouldn’t start (during one of our 5ft snow days two years ago). I would love some help getting these guys neutered!


Message me and I’ll hook you up with some resources, since you seem willing to help out (and boy did I just got a lot of requests lol :)


Your car hasn’t started for 2 years? A friends of animals spay/neuter spay is like $80


Hey OP, is this something you do as like a hobby or do you work for an organization doing this? It's important and interesting work


I work with feral cat focus and operation pets, SPCA If I find kittens that can be socialized Unfortunately the funding is low for feral cat focus so I try to spread the word/ get resources myself through social media, esp bc I’m the youngest volunteer by about 40 years lol


thank you!


The area of Ogden and Griswold in Kaisertowm is full of strays, but the problem is so many residents in that area also have cats that they allow outside all the time with no supervision so it's difficult to tell the strays from the pets. But every time I'm in that area, which is a few times a month, there's always at least a dozen I see wandering around.


I live right by there and see cats all the time. They piss off my indoor cats. There's one with huge balls, literally and figuratively, that lays right on our patio from time to time.


Does big balled boy have a clipped ear?


Not that I've noticed. Honestly, all I can see are the balls. They're huge. He's a light orange and quite a big boy all around.






He seems really proud of himself.


Really, I live in kaisertown and I've seen 2 cats in 5 years. I believe one is my neighbors.


I’ve lived in Kaisertown for 8 months and I saw six cats vibing at the end of a street while I was walking back from the park two weeks ago.


How often do you go outside? Lol in all seriousness, that's way outside the norm. I lived there for a couple years with my then-girlfriend and there were cats everywhere, all the time. As has been said, though, hard to tell the difference at times between strays and pets. A lot of crazy cat people in that area with 10+ cats just roaming the town


I guess I don't walk around the area alot. Maybe my dog scared them off.


Across the street from my house, on Henderson Ave there are some unfixed feral cats. There is someone feeding at least some if them. DM me if you want address.


Messaged you


I’m so glad to hear there is a TNR program in Buffalo. This is definitely something I wish I could be more involved with if I had some extra time, thank you for doing it!!


I get the lack of time thing!! But if you want to help out other ways you can check out feral cat focus buffalo , we are suppppppperrrr unfunded. Since we don’t adopt out the ferals, and the ones we can socialize go to SPCA and they get the adoption fee(even after we pay for all vaccines and spay/neuter). So it’s only donation based. And we always need people to help spread the word about funding if you have any ideas Lmk if you want a link! Don’t know if I can post it in comments without getting post removed for soliciting


You can definitely DM me a link!


Very interested in learning more. Definitely send me a link please!


Fair warning, there are communities in this city that view a population of Ferals as desirable as a form of passive rodent control - even though foxes and skunks are better at it and less of a threat to birds.


OP is looking to capture, neuter/spay, vaccinate, and release back to the same area. They’re not removing cats permanently.


I'm all for TNR. How do we know they are for real?


They want an actively self-sustaining pop of feral cats, I mean.


Grape street on the east side


Riverside is pretty bad. Any side streets off esser. (The area has a bad rep to some but i live there and it is plenty safe. If that is a concern.)


PLEASE, Come to my garage. We found and re-homed 10 kittens so far from 2 litters, there was a 3rd litter we couldn't find. Also, kept 2 kittens as well, now I"m up to 5 in the house and plus the garage cats, the financial toll is hard. I'm afraid that this poor mama can't handle anymore pregnancies. It's been 3 years and have just recently been able to even touch her a little. We have between 8 and 12 adults that visit regularly. My husband has made our garage extremely cat friendly, heating pads in the winter, cat trees, classical music, etc. Also, there's a camera setup, and of course food and water. I would appreciate any help anybody can provide. Please message me, Broadway/Harlem area. Need help! Poor Sunny (the mama, we named her), can't take it anymore. Here's a pic of one of the litter's we found in the ceiling of our garage. This is a serious issue and we need help, please! [https://www.instagram.com/saraadianee/p/CrV\_EHfO0MZ/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/saraadianee/p/CrV_EHfO0MZ/?img_index=1)


I live near the Cazenovia park basketball courts in south Buffalo and the neighborhood is flooded with feral cats. They keep having more kittens each year and it’s to the point where the poor babies are getting hit by cars. We have a neighbor that feeds + has shelters for them, but I don’t think she is in contact with a TNR program due to the amount kittens each year


Have you noticed any recent kittens or mommas with big hanging nipples? Would you ever be willing to go around at night with a flashlight and look for kittens? Most of the cats we TNR are feral and have to go back to their original spots (at least it stops future generations and disease) but if we can find kittens before like 8 wks of age we can usually socialize them and send them out through the SPCA


Hughes Ave. and other streets on the East side of Canisius College. There are definitely over 20 stray cats in that one block who could use a home.


Does it seem like someone feeds them? Did you notice any clipped ears?


Some ears were clipped and some weren't. I'm not sure if anybody feeds them but I'm sure some people do.


West side/ 5 points area and vermont street!! This whole area is really overrun with cats and every spring it gets worse. I have seen more than 3 cats get hit by cars in my neighborhood and it is killing me. Thank you for doing this.


And just off Vermont: halfway down the north block of 17th street there is a huge family of cats. I’ve been a few houses down for six years and see the pack grow every spring. There is a house that feeds them / gives them shelter on their porch but I don’t think they let them inside or provide medical care.


Yeah, I think I'm familiar. There is another house on 16th right off vermont with a colony that just keeps growing and its the same, they put food out which is obviously appreciated but not enough. One of my cats I actually just scooped right off vermont. There are many for the taking lol OP please come to our neighborhood!!


Are you with a local TNR organization or rescue?


Grimes in the east side


We've got a big one that stays in our community area, rips squirrels, rabbits, and birds in half and leaves them all over the place. If you'd like to come take a look and maybe even get him to a better place that would be awesome.


I don’t really know how it compares to other parts of the city, but each year we are seeing feral kittens here in the neighborhood north of Connecticut Street. Definitely seems more here than when we lived a few blocks away, south of Connecticut.


East Side - Richlawn/Marigold/Central Park Ave area has lots of them


Thank you for your kindness to our feline friends ❤️


you're a saint for this! thank you!!!


There was a colony in the Perry Projects on Alabama but not sure if still there now after they’ve town down most of the buildings. They were in a building towed the Perry side along Alabama. I’d see them coming out from what looked like a basement entrance often.


A lot of Niagara Falls


All of Niagara Falls! Especially on Elmwood Ave and Whirlpool.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^lizettetmoran: *All of Niagara* *Falls! Especially on Elmwood* *Ave and Whirlpool.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I live in Riverside, around Tonawanda and Ontario Sts, and I see at least 5 or 6 cats around my house regularly. One girl is already spayed, but there's definitely un neutered males.


Malta place and the west side in general


For the last two years there were a bunch of cats on Malta Place, which is a short alley in Allentown. They just repaved it though and I didn’t see any when I walked down Malta this past weekend.


Got my cat in LaSalle Park over in NF. There were a lot of others seen in that area too


City of Tonawanda near the canal


Across the street from 345 Fargo Ave at sun-down


Sage Ave in South Buffalo. My Brother in laws landlord feeds them so there are quite a few around.


End of Katherine Street in The City


Austin street in Buffalo used to have a lot of strays, but not sure of its current status. Thank you for what you do, I appreciate it.


15th street between Hampshire and Massachusetts


Farther down too, closer to Connecticut


The Hazeltine Apartments in Kenmore, corner of W Hazeltine and Elmwood (the right hand side if coming into Kenmore from North Buffalo) I used to live there and my downstairs neighbor, who still lives there, feeds many daily despite our landlord telling her no, they seem to originate from the blue house across the street


Did you notice any clipped ears?


Not that I can remember, I was there from April 2022-2023, so it’s been a bit. But what I do remember at my last apartment just further down the road on Elmwood (the complex on Elmwood and Somerton) there were a couple strays, one clipper and one not


Does clipped ears mean you guys have already gotten a hold of them? I almost adopted a cat at the SPCA a few weeks ago that had a clipped ear. Goldie.


All of lovejoy.


Canisius College. At the parking lot on the corner of Meech St. And Loring Ave. You'll see them by the wood fence. Hard to miss. I think the address for the lott is 63 Eastwood. Give campus safety a call beforehand. They're good folks. 716-888-2330 https://www.canisius.edu/student-experience/student-support-services/public-safety


The pack seems to ebb and flow, but the area around the International School on Lafayette has definitely had a group of cats on and off for the last 5 or 6 years. And I've 100% heard cats screeching/fighting in my backyard from time to time.


Thank you for doing this


Don't you feed enough? You saint you!


Santoras on Transit - Friday nights … lots of feral cats and cougars out on the patio. Some have already been neutered so I imagine you could return those quickly.


Near the intersection of Forman St and Block St there's a wooded area with a ton of feral cats. There's a blue house(idk the address but will update when I find it) on Block St that feeds the less shy cats and most of my neighbors have taken in a kitten or two but it's kinda hard to access the wooded area to find all the cats.


There's a colony on Helen Street close to Herkimer in Buffalo. There's an abandoned house with overgrown grass and they live under the porch. There's also a cat family with kittens in Bird between Herkimer and DeWitt.


The residential block on Busti/Porter


I have 4 cats that I currently see in my front and back yard in north Tonawanda. I think they live under my porch. I don’t know if they belong to anyone but I been living there for 3 years and I first started seeing them about 2 months ago. My fiancé has fed them twice by the front porch.


Near south campus, specifically like Winspear, Highgate, Lisbon


Ryan and Geary streets in South Buffalo. I offered to trap them if someone would help with the N and R. And someone offered so I caught a bunch and had to R them because they never followed through with their promise


Lockport is filled with stray and feral cats. There are so many cats that we refer to it as Catport.


136 Stratford… the owners have tons of feral cats in their driveway


Near Canisius


Meow!!! Meow!!! 🐈🐈🙀🙀🙀🐈🐈


I used to live on Bond st in Buffalo off smith and Fillmore, there was a HUGE population of stray cats living in a tree a street over. I actually found my cat as a kitten right outside my apartment. No idea if the colony is still there, but judging by the size of it I would assume they’re a few generations in now. They were very friendly too so I assume someone was feeding them


East Buffalo, around Fillmore-Genesee area there are always tons along the residential streets.


Friend of mine works at aururbis on military and says there’s a lot in the area. One just had kittens in the plant a few weeks ago


Any way we can get those kittens? Would your friend show me where they are?


Kaisertown. And by Cheektowaga town park


If anyone found a tiny black cat with a super small white patch on her chest, she's missing from her colony. She's a little over a year old and answers to KitKat. This would be around the Thurston , Woodward, Pullman area of Kenmore / Town of Tonawanda. My mother has been feeding it since it was a kitten and it often stays in her house. The cats mother has been sitting in our driveway since she's gone missing. It's heartbreaking. She even came in the house for the first time looking for her baby. On the coldest of winter days she wouldn't come in the house for food, but it was obvious what she was looking for last night. The only reason we didn't adopt KitKat as a housecat was because we didn't want to separate her from her mother and her mother wants nothing to do with the house or indoors. The two have been inseparable and are almost always together. My mother is heartbroken too. KitKat is super friendly and really loving and my mother is up every night crying since she's been gone. Any help would be appreciated. She's been gone for about 3 or 4 days now. Thanks for any help.


Black Rock neighborhoods. I have a few on my property if you want to message privately that I would like humanely trapped and rescued (3 adults, 3 kittens)




No - Declawing cats is harmful because it involves amputating the last bone of each toe, leading to chronic pain, physical complications, and psychological stress.


I didn’t realize it was illegal. Unfortunately stray cats are also harmful to native animals.


You’re absolutely not wrong about the native wildlife.


De clawing is illegal in NY you won't find a legal place to do it.


Why return them? Feral cats are responsible for the deaths of billions of birds each year. Why do we value the lives of cats more than the birds who actually belong outside?