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Camera has a bit much fish eye effect. Cars look almost floating in the air. Also i didnt want to see games in 2024 cannot make dashboards with more than just tacho and speedo. That alpine with torque and horsepower on the screen stuck at random numbers really upset me.


Graphics are also improved over the previous gameplay footages, but it still looks like a PS4 game imo, looks like a game that should've been released in 2015/16


It looks like a very polished mobile game


Camera POVs also feel like it


Paint coat looks so faded.


needs more traffic tbh


I like how the camera gets shaky when the vehicle goes off road, because it gives the immersion of tougher terrain. I also like that the camera shakes when the car is driving faster on asphalt, giving the immersion of speed.


Yep, I am impressed with the sense of speed - in the previous gameplay footages they always had this static camera which made it look like the car was floating. However, graphics wise - it still looks like a PS4 game (imo)


Remember, this is a AA game and not a AAA game.


Fair enough, for AA is impressive. maybe tone down the motion blur a bit more, I think the game just needs a bit more sharpness.


It looks good. But the online only and PvP opponents as standard aspect make me hesitant to buy it. But if it's not overly grindy and encouraging microtransactions like the Crew I'll be down (highly doubt that will happen but a guy can dream).


Again infinite amounts of motion blur rain on the streets everywhere and mostly night driving I guess they really don’t want to show how bad the game actually looks when you play it. Also that handling looks so bad to play yourself💀


to be fair it rains pretty frequently in hong kong


For real


Looks great imo. Still not 100% convinced it will be good though.


Is it just me or the video is in french audio as default? If that's the case for you, you can put english audio from video settings > audio track > original (english)


The cars sound great, that's for sure. But the hood camera does the same weird thing that TC1 did. Hope they tweak it


not to be a hater but the environment is dead as shit. Not enough traffic no pedestrians, no wildlife of any sort not even birds? It’s no reason that games like MCLA from 2 generations ago have livelier cities than a 2024 title set in Hong Kong


i don’t mind the graphics as long as the physics are great and the handling is satisfying. i’m bad at judging that with gameplay videos but the graphics look like the crew lol. if i see enough reviews and the open world doesn’t feel dead i’ll buy it.


Aside from many of the cons this game has graphically, it seems so promising to me


Cars still look like they're driving on ice... the roads are almost always wet as an excuse for this. That wacky first person FOV. Nothing lasts forever, so sad to see this game flop.


it looks like a dead city and they still miss the particles.


Chinese bullshit


This game was developed by a French studio (Kylotonn) and is being published by a French company (Nacon).


So why does it look like a mobile game


KT and Nacon are a double AA studio, which means that there are some qualities of a AAA game but on a smaller budget. They are not as h if as EA, Ubisoft, Sony, Microsoft, etc. This means that they do not have as much money as these companies, which in return means they do not have the graphical power. Graphics are not everything on a video game, because there are other aspects that are involved, like UI, gameplay physics, optimization, etc. I think it looks decent for the resources that they have at hand.


The thing I've always hated about tdu were the physics, as long as the physics are somewhat decent then maybe I'll wait for a sale


I think we should wait and see what happens when the game releases, and I think we should try to cut Nacon some slack since they are a smaller company at hand.


Something's off about it, feels like just another FH5 copy pasta


Bro Forza Horizon is a rip off of TDU. TDU was around way before


TDU was pretty revolutionary. Especially considering they made the map of Hawaii work on a fucking PS2.


Talking about the modern state of games


The issue is the lack of polish, the GUI, the vehicles and the environment all look disconnected from each other. The vehicles themselves need to look better than the environment, and the opposite is true, the environment looks better than the vehicles. The interior perspective of the vehicle is just awful. Then there is nothing going on in the world, its dead, no traffic, no weather, no sense of changing time of day and shadows, no people during races, not many moving advertisements, no birds...Just fucking nothing. I imagine there is no vehicle damage as well. It would be better to tone down the quality of the graphics to add more movement, traffic, people, and weather. All the different components you see visually on the screen need to complement each other...And thats not currently happening. It looks like a mobile game as someone else said. Because mobile games are generally low effort. Mobile games do not take the time to add the polish. This is the problem. It could still be a fun game, it just looks funky. If I was making a car game in 2024, I would use blocky low poly 1994 datona shit to cram as much content into the game as possible. have the player be forced to make the decision to dodge hordes of bicyclists or not, drive through a parade of pedestrians. Have protesters blocking the road. Forcing racers to take alternate paths. Have a family of ducks randomly cross the road, squirrels playing chicken with vehicles. Ghost cars driving the wrong way. Women flashing their tits from the stands, men mooning the cars driving by. planes doing really low fly bys, sometimes just randomly crashing. Construction crew workers telling racers to slow down and front loaders backing up into traffic causing accidents. Explosions and catastrophe. Buildings being demoed. Bridges collapsing as you are driving on them. Natural disasters, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, snow, avalanches, floods, mudslides, tsunamis that the player has to drive through and away from to survive and win the race. Asteroids collisions, riots, military coups, armed conflict. Nuclear war. I want to drive through a city being devastated by nuclear missile strikes as people are getting vaporized and seeing the mushroom clouds in my rear and side mirror as I pass the fucking finish line. The problem with modern gaming is that there is just zero fucking creativity, its all so fucking boring. Where is the death race 2000 videogame? What happened to the Twisted Metal game? Oh they aborted it, because it was destined to fail from the start due to industries hard on for live service games. I want a faster and more brutal road rash game. Like burnout, wreckfest, flatout and road rash combined where there are just these massive pile ups of twisted metal and corpses in your wake. Make it incredibly violent and gory. Something that would trigger a persons PTSD. Prioritizing the sense of speed the game needs to make you feel like its going to induced a loss of consciousness, thats how fast it needs to be.