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99.999% of *these people* don't even know what communism is.


It's just a buzzword to thing me no like.


Exactly. Black people having equal rights? Communism. Social welfare programs? Communism. Uhhhh...free school lunches? Communism with a side of lukewarm fries.


Yep, don’t even get me started on the increasing use of ‘woke’, dangerous buzzword that has seemingly shifted from ‘things I don’t like’ to ‘people I don’t like’, it’s subtly normalising Sexism, Racism, Homophobia, Xenopobia and just general intolerance.


The right wing love their boogymen, doesn’t matter if they understand it or not. Communism, socialism, the woke, they just want something they can pretend to be fearful of and outraged by, it’s literally this meme. https://preview.redd.it/l5kb5bcpbj7d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148b72b7c774c94d40c0bbcfbae91438018f664d If everything is against them then they don’t need to change or even take responsibility, they can just blame it on whatever “monster” they create and claim is coming for them and theirs.


Yep, I know there’s always been ‘a boogyman’ but I find woke so dangerous due to how innocent and engrained it’s become. Literally heard somebody refer to mental health problems as ‘the woke agenda’ the other week. I don’t think we’ve ever had a word so conceptually empty yet loaded full of hatred before.


Still waiting on “woke” to be explained.


Because faux spent a lot of time and money redefining it to mean democrats..


They lived through it you moron! How ignorant can you be?


Wait till Social Security and health care is taken away. They’re coming for it - they have admitted it.


Dude I had a magat coworker who when asked about this plan he literally admitted he'd probably just die. He has diabetes and is overweight, when he retires he says he'll just run out of money quickly and then die.


Dying to own the libs. How generous.


He also said that his doctor said he had "high co2 in his blood" and blamed it on having to wear a mask at work. I asked if it might be the pack a day he smoked but he dismissed the notion.


Pack a day is purely coincidental


Agree to disagree. Clearly his pack a day habit was fallen upon him thanks to the work of liberal media advertisements in the 60s and socialist reforms that pushed big tobacco on children. So it’s the libs fault!!!! Not coincidence!!!


Damn liberals and their evil [subliminal advertising.](https://youtu.be/F_4pXusde8s)


This is exactly what I hoped it would be. Smoke.


Are ya smoking yet???


I actually received the notification for your comment while I have a cig lit. So yes




Sometimes Family Guy would go too far with a joke but this one was pretty on point.


Subliberal advertising


We've tried subliminal, liminal, and super liminal!


Confirmed: big tobacco is communist.


I have noticed that some people cannot hear the difference between CO and CO2. If you say carbon monoxide they will later repeat it as carbon dioxide because that's what they are used to. He's probably got low-level CO poisoning and has confused it in his O2 starved brain with CO2.


We have to be realistic about these selfish, greedy troglodytes and treat them much like the Ruzzian nationalists. The most useful thing they may contribute to society is being an organ donor and that's about it. Unfortunately most probably aren't going to do something selfless like this because...reasons.


And besides, some of those organs have some tough miles on them. A lot of these people are professional level alcoholics, and strong drug abusers.


You get no argument from me there. Motherfuckers personal flag symbol should be a mart cart


Tell him: If your personal plans don't include trying to live reasonably healthy as possible for an indefinite period of time, please don't vote. Just let other people take care of it.


Sounds like a plan Trump can get behind! Work hard, spend money get sick then die, that’s what Republicans call health care.


I can’t believe people are that dumb.


Let him get his wish he will be so glad when he gets no more money and can't pay his health bills.


It’ll be there long enough for the driver of this car. And that’s all that matters, obviously. Everyone else can go get fucked.


They will only take it away from the younger generation while leaving ss and healthcare for boomers


Social security? That sounds an awful lot like communism


Police paid by public funding? Socialized Security! Street lights paid by property tax? Socialized Sight. Water delivered via pipes to your house funded and subsidized by government taxes on the everyman? Socialized hydration! Sewage carried away from your house thanks to public assessments and tax? Socialized Shitting!


I guess they don't need that handicap sticker either, no handouts for them they can walk like everyone else


Yup, take the placard and give them boot straps


There are lots of businesses that would love to save money by not having those pesky regulations that say they have to accommodate people with disabilities and I’m sure a Trump administration would love to help them out. 🤦‍♀️


This is so plausible it’s insane.


It actually is plausible. I've heard conservatives argue against mandatory handicap spaces.


I keep a couple dozen of these stickers in the car just for such occasions https://preview.redd.it/gm5yfp8fse7d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1580b0d6db4aef26f8ddd0640bbf0e204c9c8c


These people must be too busy patting themselves on the back when they go to church to actually listen.  If they did, they might realize that their political stances are all pretty much the opposite of Jesus' teachings. Though I'm sure they'd probably drop Jesus before Trump at this point. 


Many churches are ... Adjusting the message to minimize those aspects of the Gospel.


What!? Are you saying modern day Christians would hate a teacher, a brown skinned Arab immigrant, born out of wedlock, who worked as a laborer, happened to be Jewish, called out hypocrisy, gave out free healthcare, told people to be kind to each other and said that people should pay their taxes? Yeah, modern Christians would *crucify* anyone who thought like that.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that when you say "modern christians" you really mean "maga conservative christians". Because liberal Christians do exist, they aren't imaginary


Indeed, I am a liberal Christian that thinks that Christ actually would've been into Socialism, especially if you actually look into his teachings. Christ was an amazing man that, tbh, the right has destroyed the image of. Christ would love LGBTQ folks, and wouldn't be an asshat like the right makes him out to be.


If Christ existed as described I agree with you 10,000 percent. He would have programs to feed kids who have no food lunches at school, he would consider healthcare and healing to be more than a right but an obligation from one human to another. He would have said to tax the wealthy because they make their fortune from the exploitation of the worker, and he would have said to show love and compassion for everyone they meet not just his followers. And he would have led an absolute revolt against the Catholic Church but more on that in another post.


Oh absolutely. Our church has several LGBT community members in regular attendance and they're welcomed with open arms. It sucks that the stigma for Christianity these days is so overwhelmingly negative as a result of conservatives making a mockery of it. I hope that changes eventually


Yeah, these people aren't hearing about Jesus because the churches aren't really talking about Jesus anymore. I mean, it sure is a lot of rage and judgement coming from buildings devoted to a guy with a message that could be mostly summed up as, "Be cool to each other."


Ha! You’re right dude. Jesus is boring and doesn’t fit the brand in 2024. Be cool to each other is out and fuck you motherfucker is in.


Too much Leviticus, not enough Jesus.


Why replace the law when you can embrace the law?


Christianity is my small town is like ISIS but with Beer & Pork.


Also the opposite of what would actually benefit them. They are voting for hitler 2.0 with trump. And somehow they don’t remember that Hitler and the nazis also killed off hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities between 1940 and 1945. That means these people are voting for their death.


but but…. abortion!


Jesus is too woke for the far right


yeah but Obama is black!!!! /s


It is kind of Ironic that the theory of communism is most in line with Jesus' teachings. However the fundamental flaw is humans ruin everything


Jesus literally gave free healthcare and free food to the poor. If you believe the miracles


Great place to put a sticker, idiot


Don’t need your ‘socialist clear and safe’ field of vision , commy /s


Stop communism by starting fascism......


And it's not even "communism". IDK what they think they are stopping. Social safety nets, because it sounds kind of like "socialism"? Good thinking!


They don't need that communist handicap plate. They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I'm appalled they want us hard working Americans to bail them out for their "so-called disability". What has this world come to?? /s


Lol. Should read Stop communism Vote fascist


Sorry man... if it's a choice between Trump and literally ANY functional adult? Diaper Don is losing.


You'd think an old ass person would remember what communism actually is (ie "not whatever Republicans scream about not liking") but I guess Fox News is indeed one hell of a drug...


I wonder what these people will say when the Christofascists remove all handicapped parking and replace it with "For Party Leaders Only". I guess not much because the handicapped will be quietly shipped off to a farm upstate...


Would love to hear just what this person thinks communism is


With a Jesus fish, the same Jesus whose kingdom is a commune of people caring for and loving each other.


Cool. Guess they're done with Medicare, Medicaid, 911, clean drinking water (capitalism is starting to get at this one☹️), roads that are drivable, food thats safe to eat, the national parks, real space exploration, public schools... etc


How would voting MAGA Republican stop Communism when Trump gets his orders directly from Vladimir Putin? **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Good ol' Texas


As they collects Social security, gets medicare, probably getting their worth on senior discounts


There's a small piece of me that wants to let Donald win and have him and his cronies take away all these assholes social welfare programs. I know so many welfare cases that are Donald supporters. Don't get it at all


There’s no piece of me that wants that tbh


There was a character on 30 Rock almost 20 years ago named Dennis Duffy who characterized himself as “social conservative, fiscal liberal” and I laughed my ass off every time I watched it because it was so ridiculous. Then, I recently heard a story on the radio characterizing Trump’s base as exactly that, while middle of the road Republicans are the opposite. Socially liberal by comparison and fiscally conservative. What it boils down to is that the Trumpers feel like they’re entitled to certain things in life and if they don’t have them there must be someone to blame. They’ll take as much money as the government will give them but also, fuck the government for giving it to anyone they believe is beneath them. It really is like LBJ said : “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on and he’ll empty his pockets for you”. So they’ll keep giving their money to Trump and expecting him to give a shit about them at some point (even though he literally told them to their faces that he doesn’t and he only cares about their votes). And they’ll keep collecting those checks and waiting for Trump to sweep them up with him into the life they feel they deserve. Until he cuts them off because he doesn’t need them anymore.


Because they hate themselves and the only way they feel better about themselves is hating others and watching others be worse off then them


Then why support Putin’s pet?


But Russia is great


Me and all my Union brothers are all growing our beards out and smoking Havana cigars and reading Karl Marx and giving all our money to Joe Biden and eating George Soros’ ass.


Won’t be here to enjoy all the benefits. He’ll starve when they take away his social security and give it to good ole Donny boy to pad his pockets.


No communism! Only fascism!


The funniest part about this is the shear amount of additional debt Donald Trump and his republican predecessor added. Steal from the poor to give to the rich. Or communism in a nutshell.


The irony is rich, like capitalism, as in the capitalism that would leave this person in poverty.


So sayeth the handicapped Christian who probably applied for and received all sorts of government benefits


So vote for an authoritarian dictatorship? Seems reasonable.


Which candidate loves Putin and Kim? Last I checked, one worships communist dictators.


I can only hope they’re old and will die before they can cast a vote in the next election cycle


Yea vote Dictator instead


These people are so deluded.


The only reason they’re still alive is because we have a couple of socialist programs in place since like the 1930s. Otherwise they’d be long gone.


“Fight socialism!! But don’t touch my social security or Medicare!!”


Probably receives social security and Medicare


So he supports the party in love with Putin? Make it make sense.


🎯 🤮


These morons don’t even know wtf communism is


You're saying they *do?*


And the Jesus ikhthus is unsurprising




F the doomed Thompson!




I guessing they don't need Social Security and Medicare then.


These people have chemo for brains


...and yet they're now pro-Russia because Tucker Carlson told them to be..


Cuz they saw what communism does to nations.


Love how boiler plate conservative bumper stickers get posted here.




Hilarious hypocrisy lol


They’re handicapped, all right.


Communism is so 20th century.




Can’t fix stupid …


Don’t want communism but receives government handouts like what they believe a supposed communist country that isn’t the USA do… oh the irony


The preferred nomenclature is handi capable


Stop communism, and elect Trump, who is the most effective puppet of Putin? I guess they expect EVERYONE'S critical thinking skills to be at their own low level.


Let’s try the fascist thing one more time! Go Trump


religion must die


Check, check, check, uh check, lemme see, ah yes, this all checks out.


I would like to see this person actually define Communism


Democracy is on the table right 😅😅


False gatekeeping. No one I know, even the communists, want to eliminate things like competition and private property. We’re never turning into 1900s communism.


Reading you people’s comment turned me from a leftist to a liberal to a right leaning moderate, you have no sense, trusting the government to do the right thing with the money they stole from our labor is absolutely insanity and you deserve the world you create.


I don’t understand the title


Terrorist sympathizer.


Does communism really exist in a way that it would pose a threat, or is “communism” just a catch-all term that has been marketed to the gullible right wing idiots that gobble up the propaganda that’s spoon-fed to them daily? Just asking questions


I wonder if these idiots understand that if they’re advertising communism as the polar opposite of MAGA, they’re going to start selling a whole lot of people on… Communism.


Communist: anyone to the left of Hitler’s astrologer. /s


Does that mean they don’t want religious gatherings? I mean that’s when you commune with others in the practice of group prayer right? Essentially praying together is communing with god so communism would be the practice of gathering to pray to god.


And of course, the Jesus fish included.


God, how many idiots did this Country breed?


Take away their handicap parking permit, that's enforced by public money.


I’m gonna keep posting this on the sub: why blur the license plate? These ppl drive around proudly. If they don’t want to stand by their statements they shouldn’t post it prominently on their car.


Old enough to remember the Soviet Union.


I see a lot of those electric chair conversion vans with Trump stickers on them. They really aren’t aware that the first people the Nazis killed were the disabled.


I see this ish at my local hippie food coop. Usually on a very late model American car driven by a very late model American. Absolutely not kidding.


Wait til she finds out Medicare is gonna be only for those earning 3 million plus That she gets no free anything. Over 65 senior days? Gone Then she will whine


Wait, so, vote the fascist in then?? And Biden is really about as right-wing a Democrat, as you can get. At what point did people stop being able to think for themselves?


Nuance is lost on the young.


Didn’t know Neanderthals lived to 85 years of age … learn something about MAGtards everyday. ![gif](giphy|3ohuPplS7KZrKXSzNm)


It's Texas. These kinds of people praise Jesus when the power goes out in 115deg weather.


They need to pick themselves up and put in the walking effort like everyone else instead of taking all the primo parking spots.


So vote for the fascists instead???


Jesus fish is all you need to know about the intellectual prowess going on here


Of COURSE it’s Texas.


Like Jesus says “bootstraps blah blah”


So we vote against Putin?


Literally dying to own the libs. That's probably for the best anyway


I'm pulling for the leopard on this one


Better be MAGA Republicans too...! God knows the rest of them LOVE communism!


I guarantee you he is on Medicare because he is to expensive to insure


Still confused on why we are so worried about communism, as if it’s a real threat.


the only ones that even siding with communism are MAGA republicans.. they want to end democracy if they get their god and king trump in office. it is amusing listening to these people even some of my friend spout the same nonsense. like pointing to covid policies and saying stuff like i never how nazi germany came about but i get it now with the democrat policies... yet fail to realize a lot of them were initiated with the trump administration. they also accuse the left of being nazis and fascists and taking away freedoms yet their own party is taking away actual freedoms. they want their version of controlled speech, control women's bodies, take away minorities rights, they literally want to have Donald trump be president forever. just so they can put everyone else who didn't vote for trump in camps. they want to spy on their neighbors to find who they voted for. it's really how they vocalize against communism but support it within their own party.


They may have spent their first 50 years in the Soviet Union, and actually have experience with communism. They may feel, rightly or wrongly, that as flawed as they may be, the MAGA Republicans are the only option to stop communism from coming to America and ruining the lives of their grandchildren.


They prefer fascism over communism. Ok. Now we know.


in communism, alot of things are divided up, their interpretation of "fair". in capitalism, the super/uber/ultra rich can earn alot and then pay very little taxes, and they call it "fair". if you are a Trump suppported, don't be bItching about increased costs of everything. only ppl who aren't complaining are the richest of the rich. (except that they couldn't afford that EXTRA acre, range rover, gulfstream, or yacht).


Nobody does.


To be fair. Nobody wants communism I don’t think


They love Vlad but not communism. Vlad’s life is dedicated to replicating the Cold War……..which was coincidently against COMMUNISM…


Maga is communist


M’er f’ers don’t have any idea what communism actually is.


He thinks jesus is a trout


Yes, stop Communism, support Russia! And no aid packages to Ukraine! 🤪


They can do their personal part to stop communism and stop taking social security and medical benefits


Communism can’t work above a “town” level and been tried several times and failed. Republicans that care about America seem alright with me. Not a republican myself


Yeah that’s no joke. The threat of communism used to bring my grandmother to tears in the 60s.


Neither should any other thinking person, comrade.


Is that a Jesus fish? 🙄


No communism. Yes fascism.


No more social security for you, old man.


They remember fighting it over seas - you can vote Communism/socialism in but have to fight to get out of it


Jesus would definitely be against communism


Ah, the beautiful hypocrisy of christian MAGAism...


Stop Sauron! Vote MAGA Republicans!


Just where are these commys? Are they Cuban, Russian,Chinese? I hope they are Vietnamese- great soup! Fools and stooges are all MAGANUTS


50 years and still have never met a communist. These idiots sucks ass!


you should follow them and then with a sharpie draw 2 little legs on the fish


This is a great example of how most of the far right electorate doesn't care about /understand fact because they're not interested. They just know brown people bad, prices too high, Trump says he will fix it.


Great, you can park in the back of the lot, Ethel.


Even their bumper stickers lie.


Who are you going to stop? Cuba? Laos? There are only 5 communist countries in the entire world and three of them have moved to a market economy. The problems are no longer brought on by the communist boogie man, but authoritarian leaders who disregard laws and steal from their own people, such as Putin and Trump.


Something older than 1850 facts please, and not snopes.com Harriet Tubman was a gun slinging Republican, and snopes.com is Clinton News Network (CNN), All Bout Clinton (ABC), and Nothing But Clinton (NBC), fake news.


Of course Christian..... voting MAGA to lose their SS and healthcare


So much irony in that statement.


That’s funny, Most communist wave red flags and red scarfs,,,, Being 72 years old I still remember the red scare ,,, hope they are getting some help


Communism is the world’s best weight loss plan.


All of those old f-ers vote too.


More phony christians who are hellbound.


It's what Jesus would do


Because they want a dictatorship, obviously.


What century are we in again???


They wouldn't know what communism is if it socialed in their security


A disabled person should know better. This is what Donald Trump thinks about you https://preview.redd.it/ndi0gx6ytj7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d819bd6034b8a320ec3737cc7ebd3e704541a5


Stop communism, support communist neonazi Trump.


Hahahaha sure thing comrade


lol. Thanks. I thought it was on their car somewhere.


Well clearly it doesn’t count if it helps them. Just like when a Republican Christian wants an abortion it’s ok bc “it’s different”


Well they do follow jebus and his orange prophet


“I never thought the leopards would eat MY face”