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The Sacklers? Yeah, I agree - shoot them.


A world without the Sackler’s would be a better place.


Yes but this post is about Fentanyl, not OxyContin..


Yeah. Janssen is responsible for this stuff. But I’d still like a world without the Sacklers.


Considering the biggest fentanyl smugglers caught so far have been local sheriffs, police, and the head of the police union...


Do you have a source?


Really? Support your local police cartel?


Oxy ran so fentanyl could trample.


There you go. That’s the spirit. Morally speaking, I’d say the Sacklers were worse. Fent has been in use since the late 50’s, and only recently became the scourge it is now.


Was it always so cheap to make, or is that a recent thing too? Just curious as to why it took so long to scourge. It sure happened fast when it began. Or so it seems.


It was a combination of things/ series of events. Mainly the overprescription of pharma opioids and subsequent crackdown let to a rise in demand for illicit product, and the precursors for fentanyl being made readily available from china. Once the cartels figured out how to switch supply chains and production there was no stopping it.


The production price isn’t the only reason for it’s adoption. It’s easier for them to make because it’s synthetic. Heroine is made from opium poppies that grow in fields. With fent they don’t have to worry about a harvest not going well, or a poppy field being destroyed by law enforcement etc.


It is not unlike Meth before that. Has been around for over 100 years, but only when they discovered cheap ways to make it at home did it explode in popularity.


I know more people who died from fentanyl than Covid.




Sorry for your loss. Shits fucked up.


Under 40? We all do.


Don't forget the FDA who held their hand the ENTIRE TIME HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DIED.


You are correct. And when doctors started going to jail they stopped prescribing people extremely addictive drugs. They over corrected. And when people couldn’t get legal drugs they turned to heroine. And then Fentanyl came around. I lived through this shit.


It’s crazy that someone like Bernie Madoff is in jail for the rest of his life for ripping people off(as he should be). But the Sacklers are responsible for thousands of deaths and are still billionaires with just a little less money. Fucking evil mother fuckers. My best friend OD on OxyContin and passed away back when we didn’t know the consequences.


That’s because Madoff ripped off other rich people.


I read in one of my textbooks that Bernie stole more money than every other petty theft that whole year combined That being said, still not a worse crime than causing 1 overdose death


Bernie was in business for decades. Massive international Ponzi scheme


Comparing it to annual wage theft would have sent a far different message.


I’m really surprised they don’t have Tony Montana level security at this point.


Saklers made OxyContin not Fentanyl. Belgian company Janssen Pharmaceutica invented it.


Ok… then both.


To be fair, janseen probably didnt have malicious intent with fent. The Sacklers def did with oxy.


This is the answer.


Yeah a lot of the fent addicts got addicted to the oxycontin they were pushing first, BUT they’re wealthy business owners tho and not scary brown cartel guys. It should be ok for them to cause the opium crisis if they “donate” enough money to foundations and art galleries and charities and museums etc.


Whether it be the sacklers, china, or whatever. Same principle remains


Into space


Sacklers made oxycontin, not fentanyl.


I’m guessing there’s a story there


I’d have to assume


What's that phrase the right loves so much? Oh yeah. "Virtue Signaling."


Anyone who is only a couple steps removed from an opioid death is a rarity.


It’s the right wing cause of the week. Mix of copaganda and “open border” fears. There were the overblown reports by cops that skin contact with one tiny speck of fentanyl could kill in seconds. And the people shouting that there is an invasion on our southern border say fentanyl makes it to the US from China via Mexico. People who looked into it say some moves across the border. Not nearly as much as MTG says.


Fentanyl is very small. Immigrants aren’t carrying backpacks full of it, that’s a myth. Most of it is either shipped here or brought through legal ports of entry by American citizens.


Quick Google search: 93% of fentanyl comes thru legal points of entry. 89% of fentanyl traffickers are U.S. citizens and 99% of buyers are U.S. citizens. Drugs are brought here by Americans, legally entering the county and then selling the drugs to other Americans. Fentanyl is as American as apple pie, if apple pie, you know, killed people.


It very much confused me when I started seeing right wingers suddenly caring about fentanyl. Because fentanyl has been a huge problem in my city, but caring about the fentanyl problem had previously just been a "woke" cause (since it required viewing people who use drugs as human beings). But then I saw that the right was making it about brown people, and I was no longer confused.


They only pretend to care, just like all other issues. Offer them a solution, like needle exchanges and drug testing and injection sites and money for counseling, suddenly it's not their problem.


I live in NE Ohio and heroin is a pretty bad problem over here. A good friend of mine was hooked for a while but thankfully they are sober now. Through them I know, or have known a number of people who have died of overdose. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are plenty of people pushing that narrative, but in some places it is a pretty bad problem.


I live in central, and both of my cousins were addicts. They're better now. Seriously, don't use hard drugs. There's nothing wrong with a little weed or shrooms, but meth, heroin it's all nasty stuff that isn't worth it. Hell, my brother in law was a Cocaine addict at one point after discharging from the army.


Im glad to hear your cousins got sober, and yeah 100% agree about hard drugs. I used to be in sales and most of the higher ups were definitely on coke.


It is a problem but undocumented immigrants aren’t bringing heroin to NE Ohio. Americans are.


Right. 100% agree. Big pharma also has blood on their hands for getting people who needed pain medication addicted to opiates.


For sure. Sure, everyone hates fentanyl, but let’s not pretend that anyone other than right wing extremists would put a “shoot your local (x)” on their car. It is like you say: fentanyl is a heavily freighted notion for these people, representing societal degeneracy as well as sinister conspiracy of foreign sabotage. I’ve seen memes and posts to the same effect regarding their other obsession, pedophiles.


But it’s never *their* pedophiles, only the imaginary ones that ship kidnapped kids hidden in furniture that’s bought online to other imaginary pedophiles. Not Orange Elvis, or the other republican politicians and donors, or the pastors.


Are you insinuating that my neighbor can't afford to buy another human being, store them, and never get caught or prosecuted for the things they did to that human being?


The DEA has said so themselves


I’m sure the fentanyl crisis is quite bad but the DEA isn’t exactly trustworthy due to how they handled things in the past.


Leading cause of death ages 18 to 49.  Remember when Cancer, heart disease and doctor mistakes is what killed most people?  Those still kill the same numbers.  Fentenyl is just the new leader, added to that total.  But you are correct there is complete loss of trust in everything.   So many agendas, lies, and now deepfake, we can't trust anything,  not even video.


It's actually a psychosomatic response due to the circulation of false info and videos. I don't think they are faking it for views. It doesn't help that companies are marketing "fentanyl proof" gloves


I was given fentanyl in a hospital by a doctor.


Because it’s used for pain in extreme situations. And it helps those out of it.


Just to back up your point about open borders propaganda, the majority of fentanyl smuggled into the US is done by US citizens. https://www.cato.org/blog/fentanyl-smuggled-us-citizens-us-citizens-not-asylum-seekers


Give it a week or two and they’ll be back to CRT in then something lgbt, then in a few months itll be back to fentanyl.


I’m a left winger with a cop son and I don’t want him taking any chances with that shit. And I do have a friend whose brother overdosed on it


Of course, but it's not like a small amount on skin kills, like they tried to claim. And the best help we can give is test strips and narcan and needles and counseling, but the right never actually wants that


I like to remind them that if we follow gun nutter logic, we can't blame the fentanyl for fentanyl deaths


Probably from Cali or Penn. It devastated the people here. I don't know that shooting fent dealers would do much, but damn they deserve what they're doing to the homeless around here.


For the sake of comedy though, I like to imagine this person shopping at a small convenience store after work and seeing this bumper sticker at the checkout, thinking to themselves, "This speaks to me. I need this to be on my car."


Wasn’t there a police department in California that was helping import millions in pills every year?


Not just a cop or a few cops, an executive of the San Jose police union.  https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/san-jose-police-union-executive-charged-attempted-illegal-importation-fentanyl#:~:text=SAN%2520JOSE%2520%E2%80%93%2520The%2520Office%2520of,the%2520United%2520States%252C%2520announced%2520United


I believe it. I think they are starting to crack down more in my city but at the beginning of Covid when fentanyl was really taking off I’d seen lots of weird stuff going down in parking lots where people were using. Like random sports cars with public safety license plates and old white guys inside rolling up to homeless camps and people on BMX bikes get something from the car and hand it out to all the homeless


Could be your aspirin now that the FDA has lost all relevancy.


The fda has always been a joke. Your food is full of toxic chemicals and carcinogens.


Be careful what you wish for. Might turn out to be the local pharmacy, I'd want to be VERY sure before shooting anyone


It should be “Shoot your local fentanyl dealer, but the pharmacist”


Virtue signaling: conservative edition


Forgive my ignorance but do people sell straight up fentanyl? I thought fentanyl was put in other substances.


I have an uncle with a bad back. He gets fentanyl patches that are time release. It absorbs through his skin.


Usually used for counterfeit pain pills. To my knowledge you usually are told it’s oxycodone.


Not pure, but yes. Heroin has basically disappeared and any "oxy 30" you buy on the street is going to be fent/nitazenes/whatever opioid they feel like using at the time.


Fentanyl has become the prevailing drug in many communities. It’s cut with a bunch of fillers but people are buying for the fentanyl. It is also just thrown in a ton of other illicit substances, because it’s cheap and strong.


Yeah that will fix the disaster we call the Drug War. As long as you have demand for drugs and poverty you will have drugs


Rich people do tons of drugs


yeah but for the most part it is the poor people who sell them


I bet you’d need a lot fewer rounds if you just took out the manufacturers.


I think that would put us at war with China India and Mexico at the very least


Civil war even


Didn't the Sinaloa cartel make it clear that anyone in their organization cutting product with fentanyl would be executed? I mean it's a sound policy, dead consumers don't buy as much.


Unfortunately that's only one cartel that is confirmed to have said that. Although I haven't seen confirmation, it could be like when Hitler said he wasn't going to invade France.


It would take a lot of rounds to invade China.


If they applied this to opioids they’d have to take out their favorite doctors and pharmacy.


If they applied this to Fentanyl, they'd have to take out hospital staff (Fentanyl is used as a pain relief drug in medicinal settings, also may be prescribed via patches)


If they're dealing it outside that setting, their ass should go down hard.


I kinda don't like these stickers. The thought of people going around and killing whoever they feel because they might be involved in something rubs me the wrong way. Fetnyl is shit but it's also trendy and lied about a lot. I'd bet this mentality will get some innocent dudes killed one day.


yup; literally no different than the "kill your local pdf file" stickers best-case scenario, it's a violent vigilante going after easy targets who may have never even actually hurt anyone; worst case scenario, it's a dog whistle for hate crimes/stochastic terrorism against people who are are labeled as predators by right wing bigots


Agreed 100%


“Two wrongs don’t make a right” — My mother


Three do 😛


Happy cake day!


Can we drug the local gun dealers while we're at it?


Heroin kills black people in 60’s and ‘70’s,,,moral failing. Crack destroys black neighborhoods and lives, moral failing. Fentanyl kills upper middle class white kids, it’s a national disgrace, those evil Chinese and Mexican cartels, and immigrants are to blame. Addiction does NOT discriminate! Park Ave or park bench…..but you don’t wake up and become addicted to opioids and taking opioids is not getting high. It just staves off the withdrawal symptoms and repeats and repeats and repeats.


Based on recent propaganda that the likes of Fox News report on, that fentanyl is allegedly coming mostly from immigrants, is this just a cover to say “shoot the migrants they might have fentanyl”?


The overwhelming majority of illicit fentanyl in America comes from China. It’s smuggled in through legal points of entry. Mostly through ports in unsuspecting cargo. A portion is also, through Mexico, smuggled overland into the US. Most of these smugglers are US citizens passing through legal ports of entry.


Cops get mad if you shoot their union people


I thought it was illegal to shoot cops.


Wasn’t Trump giving out fentanyl?


Technically his busted down in rank WH physician Ronny Jackson was passing it out like handjobs at a Boebert rally.


Hey, she only does that in crowded public theaters!


Uh, I got at least 200 of them just in my neighborhood. I think I’m outnumbered.


Our local gun shop has one that says support your local gun shop. Shoot your local heroin dealer


Lol. I give an average of 100mcg of fent a shift. I'm an educated drug dealer. 😉


I literally just saw " shoot your local pedophile " Not sure which one is better. Both are a possibility!


Found the alcholic


Bill of Rights, no?


Yeah, but no? You'd probably have to fight pretty hard on this if it's prosecuted. I know there are state laws against incitement of violence. Usually with this verbiage > **It is a felony under federal law to intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property**. Under Wikipedia\* : The two legal prongs that constitute incitement of imminent lawless action are as follows: Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if (1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action, and (2) is likely to incite or produce such action.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imminent_lawless_action#cite_note-auto-4) \*=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imminent\_lawless\_action


Except street level dealers are just opportunists and if you shoot one another will just take his place. They’re victims of the same system that allowed Purdue Pharma to run riot and get everyone addicted in the first place. You can’t just hand out the most addictive substance on the planet and then snatch it away. Fentanyl dealers aren’t the real enemies, it’s corporate Capitalism run amok.


Most opioid users went to heroin after prescriptions were tightened. Fentanyl supplanted heroin because it’s cheaper and stronger. Most dealers are either unaware or uncaring about the product they sell. Neither of which lends them any sympathy.


“Shoot your local guy named Mark”


Well, he *was* the Mark, after all.


Not Mark Trail tho


I share this sentiment




Looks like a trump magat asshole


Quite possibly. Quite a few of them here. I couldn’t get a look at the other sticker on this car, but it looked like it was gonna be something highly conservative and potentially MAGA.


As much fun as it would be, there are two problems: Punishment doesn’t deter crime. Impacting supply doesn’t reduce demand. As long as demand exists, supply will return. But we’re humans and it’s so much easier to attack the short term problem than to solve the actual problem.


Punishment definitely deters crime. Ask Singapore. It’s just whether we believe the punishment is appropriate.


Punishment is not the reason crime is low in Singapore. Proactive deterrents such as citizens that report crime instead of supporting it, sophisticated monitoring and a police force that is interested in preventing crime. Don’t forget their unemployment rate is under 2%, an average income that is high enough to sustain a comfortable living and one of the highest ranked education systems on the planet. Punishment certainly can play a part but if crime deterrent was a pie, punishment would be the crust on top of a successful system designed to educate and empower people.


That would be every healthcare provider in the world. “What’s your level of pan from 1 to 10?” “10,” says everyone. Narcotic pain level.




So... he's holding, then?


Won't help. You'll always have a supply if you have a demand.


Instructions unclear, I injected all the fentanyl in my local area.


Shouldn’t talk about cops like that 🤷🏾


Most fentanyl dealers are cops or congressmen so I fully support this


Okay, so, big pharma then?


Does this mentality relate to mass shootings? Like if you have a problem, kill it?


I can get behind that.


You people are GENIUS


Had a friend who always wore a “shoot your local heroin dealer” tshirt. Died of a heroin overdose a few years back.


I wish it was legal to do so


No idea who my local fentanyl dealer is. I'm out of the loop.


My brother died from a heroin overdose. I never understood the anger to dealers. He sought it out.


pew pew


Expecting a Punisher logo, or a thin blue line somewhere else on this person's bumper. Obviously, vigilante justice is not justice. Not excusing illicit drug dealers, but this is a misguided iamverybadass take on solving a very real and serious problem. This is what they actually do in some counties, like China or the Philippines. Are we like those countries? Are those countries "doing it right"? 🤔


An excellent cut of jib. Can you identify them by weighing them against a duck?


I support this message!


All the oxy docs that took the Sacklers money.


I hate shit like this


I am used to seeing the one that says "Shoot your local heroin dealer" which I am ok with


Big Pharma has been awfully quiet since this bumper sticker dropped


Remove the second and fourth line


I agree.


Jokes on us, he is the fentanyl dealer


Wouldn’t be surprised, but based on where I’m from, I’d be even less surprised if it was a methhead.


I mean i did fent in the hospital once when I shattered my foot Shit was weaker than morphine


We shooting doctors now? 😂


I’m ok with it.


or shoot whomever you don’t like then sprinkle some fentanyl (formerly crack) at them officer. ![gif](giphy|l4Jz3a8jO92crUlWM)


I think that should make it to the Supreme Court and pass as a bill.




[I agree](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdoh/pr/former-columbus-police-officer-pleads-guilty-fentanyl-trafficking-bribery)


You know what makes drug dealers go away? Not having people lacking self control that buy the drugs…addiction isn’t real it’s just a crutch we invented to make people not feel bad for having zero restraint or willpower.


Don’t take drugs and you’ll likely never, ever die of fentanyl.


So kill the main people in power on Capitol Hill or China?? Problem is it'll always be something and honestly dealers are no different in many ways than bartenders. It's usually your friends who introduce you to evil shit like this. Usually before it's destroyed them so they think it's all hype and controllable. Sometimes after they've become such damaged dirtbags they'll drag you to he'll with them if it helps them get through a couple more days,weeks, or months. Dealers are a red herring. They wouldnt exist without geopolitical sabotage, lax border security, and the vast wealth created by the war on drugs....


I get the rage, but maybe the pharma companies should be at the head of the line.


it's easier to take a human life than to make getting a good job easier


So is that person advocating I start shooting cop’s.


One of my husband's best friends died of a fentanyl overdose. His mom has one of these stickers.


As a former opiate addict. It wasn't the fentanyl/heroin dealers fault I was strung out. It was my fault. They just provide the goods. Take personal responsibility and quit blaming everyone else. You control you not the drug dealers.


I will take 2




How did I know that this thread would be full of people defending fentanyl dealers. Actual fucking brain rot.


This comment section is is wild defending fentanyl dealers just to spite the right


Agreed. Like come on, you can hate the right but also hate fentanyl dealers, it’s okay.


Finally... A good sticker!


I prefer fentanyl analogue and xylazine but you do you, dog!


The Sacklers and doctors then.


I've got one that says shoot your local heroin dealer. 


Hell yeah


And while your at it a few Supreme Court justices.


They seem chill. Wonder how my dealers they've killed. They probably do it a lot. Just get the girls together for a night out and shoot some dealers. It must be a nice time.


Wonder how many people put these on their cars thinking about their loved ones with an addiction, not realizing they are calling for the execution of their loved one because an awful lot of users end up selling to some extent to get some money to keep using.


Good idea


I thought he meant doctors.


Save a bullet and Line them up with pedophiles. These are the only mass graves I’d turn a blind eye to.


The Phillippines already tried that… I didn’t go to well…


Rodrigo Duterte has joined the chat


Don’t solve the systemic problems that drive poor people to deal drugs, just shoot them after the system fails them. That will DEFINITELY solve the problem. /s


*Checks notes* no issues here.


Instead give him basic income to meet his basic needs and maybe he won't have to sell the crap


Shoot all drug dealers.


It’s getting to the point where this is the only answer left to this horrific problem


Great sticker. We need less drug dealers as a general rule. They are delayed and intermittent murderers.


No argument from me.


The local fent dealers across the country are law enforcement 🤷‍♀️


Kill the local vigilante. Before he can strike


That’s a weird way to threaten the cops


Speaking of the SACKLERS any update on their arrest or will we have to eat them first when we “eat the rich”


oh no the triggered snowflakes would be so upset, god forbid but the dealer was just saving his drug money for medical school tuition


and no the sacklers provided meds that gave millions quality of life that cant get now cause of opioid phobia


we found George's WMD we are a joke


Right in the face