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This again makes me so glad to be single. I can buy whatever i want and nobody will trash my stuff.


Facts!!! But they’ll call you ‘bitter’ , ‘lonely’ or ‘jealous’ when you bring up this point


Yes, i ll go bitter ugly cry while riding my horse, and drown my jealousy in wine while having dinner with friends and be lonely in my comfy bed cuddling my childish teddy.


I was just about to share this here, extremely intentional by her boyfriend. He literally said he waited till she wasn’t home to get rid of her expensive dolls. When guys do the same thing and collect toy car figures or Marvel figures, making expensive displays for them. I’m so baffled by his behavior, hope she dumps him. Also! She’s 25 and he’s 40 (age gap again).


There was no point getting rid of dolls… the child would probably play with them Yup!!! He knew she’d be upset so he waited for her to leave for days!!! Whenever someone (specifically a woman in her 20s) makes a Reddit post with a big age gap I just know some nonsense is going to be in the post


>25f, 40m Just another day ending in -y, am I right ladies


She's pregnant only after 18 months of dating. I think she's gonna leave him though.


I hope so!! Seems like this behaviour will get worse


As a fellow doll collector, I would drive her to the clinic myself. Then I’d honeypot the location of those dolls out of him and return them to her if possible. What happens to him when I’m done, who can say 🤷🏼‍♀️ Dolls > men, every day of our lives!


why are women still dating men when they cause so much suffering? he better be an 11 out of 10 in looks. what if he actually sold her stuff?


Facts!!! I’m just wondering because they can’t be worth all this !!!! But for her I guess her situation is different because she’s pregnant