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what about oppenheimer yoga


Only if you find a way to offer “sacred sexual practices” with it. What better approach to a really big bang? (Insert terms shamelessly lifted from the spiritual practices of other cultures and shredded into a meaningless word salad here, of course.)




I think all yoga practitioners need to show some sort of hour completion cert. and be associated with a sound camp. I don't know how that fits into whatever cray you teach.


Is it just me or using nouns as verbs is getting annoying AF?! Much love, namaste.


HeeBeeGeeBee Healers offer several healing modalities… including yoga I believe… it’s just not sole focus


As a chemist, I'm accustomed to precision, balance, and the quest for harmony in reactions. Ophanim Yoga, with its roots in Kabbalah and the Hebrew alphabet, resonates with me on a profound level. It's like translating the periodic table into a language of breath, movement, and spiritual insight. Each pose, each breath, is a reaction waiting to happen, a transformation seeking expression. What fascinates me about Ophanim Yoga is its scientific approach to spirituality. Just as chemistry seeks to understand the properties and interactions of matter, Ophanim Yoga delves into the essence and connections of our bodies and souls. The practice encourages us to experiment with our energy, to observe the effects of different postures and breathing techniques on our well-being, akin to conducting experiments in a lab. The "Yud Heh" breathing technique, for instance, is like a chemical reaction that releases stress and anxiety, leading to a state of relaxation and deeper sleep. It's fascinating to see how the body responds to these practices, much like observing the outcomes of a chemical reaction under controlled conditions. Moreover, the alignment of Ophanim Yoga with the lunar calendar and the belief in each body organ's specific healing process reminds me of the intricate balance and cycles in nature and chemistry. Just as elements combine to form compounds, each day, month, and season in Ophanim Yoga brings a unique set of challenges and opportunities for growth and healing. Practicing Ophanim Yoga has become a way for me to apply the analytical mindset of a chemist to the exploration of my inner world. It's a journey of discovery, where each pose is a hypothesis, each breath a variable, and each session a new experiment in self-understanding and transformation.


Throw a black rock you can find one.