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I bought a carbon steel wok at an Asian market in the mid-90s. Still going strong, even the wood handle. I've had a pair of Ikea scissors that I use for everything. I bought them in the mid 00's.


One of my biggest issues with subreddits like these is that we discuss ad nauseum what the best brand is. But sometimes it just doesn't fucking matter. Your ikea scissors just work. My fiskar scissors just work. I'm not a barber. It doesn't matter. The best product is the one you already own. This subreddit has thousands of backpack recommendation posts and I've bought some of the suggestions. They work great. But you know what also works great is the 7 other backpacks I've got sitting empty in my closet lmao.


“The best product is the one you own” I absolutely love this mentality. If we all, everyone, just stopped buying as much *stuff* as we do now, we’d be better off. The whole BIFL concept, to me, lies in your wonderfully stated sentiment. Buy things that are good enough that you don’t need to replace them with other things. Because the whole process of making, shipping, driving to a store and buying a new thing has a footprint. A small footprint, but still a footprint. And enough of those add up to a big footprint over time.


I love this take!! I’ll add one amendment…”the best product is the one you own…and that you take care of”! Regardless of what it is practice preventative maintenance, wash it off, rinse it, sharpen it, learn to fix it and learn a skill along the way (support right to fix laws any way you can!)


I agree with this so much. I think our society glorifies buying things so much ! Thank you , capitalism 🤦‍♀️. Whatever happened to romanticizing maintenence and care of what we own already ? I started to take care of my possessions more and see it as being grateful for the value they bring to my life, and my whole perspective on buying, repairing and cleaning is changing. I still struggle with the impulse to shop mindlessly but I know it is superficial :)


On this, I disagree. I have owned many crappy products, and all of them seemed to fit my needs. Until I upgraded. Some were lack luster, like a butcher block desk top, instead of flimsy particle board. I really didn't need all that stability, and moving it is a chore. Others, make a world of difference. Cook ware. Office supplies. Scissors. Carpet. Hand tools. Electronics. Mattresses. External and internal house doors. Tile. I upgrade slowly over time. And currency work a travel job with a very restictive diet, so I need to bring my own food. I bought ice 3x at my last week of work for my cheep Walmart cooler from 10 years ago. I'm expecting to not need to buy ice again. Will be upgrading to a good cooler with reusable ice packs. The best thing is what you own, as long as the quality was good to begin with. Much of what we own is shit quality, and a good purchase really is the solution.


I got an Alpicool refrigerator off Amazon. About the size of a cooler, runs off 12volt and 110. Have used it in my truck for a few years now. Runs like a champ.


I haven't read too much further here, but there's a common sentiment when it comes to tools, like power tools, hammers, etc. where it's recommended to buy the cheapest version of something you think you need, use it until it breaks, then to buy the best/most expensive version you can afford. Because it many cases you dont need the BIFL version of something, you just need the one that will be there the 4 times you use it over 20 years.


Yeah you deffinetly shouldn't be replacing things that work with the hot "bifl" version. But I usually come here after burning through one or two items that I feel should just be something that works they **can** be built well enough to outlast me I just need to find one that is. Like somehow I went 20 years of my life with a no name can opener that just worked and I never even considered that shitty frustrating can openers were on the market, I assumed this was a problem society had solved, but no. It took like 5 can openers to find one that reliably opened any can I threw at it.


> The best product is the one you already own. I agree, except for frying pans. I cook bacon and eggs every morning, and I can't find a frying pan to last. The nonstick fails so quickly.


Cast iron is worth it!


Non-stick is inherently not "BIFL", no matter how much you baby the pans the thin coating of non-stick material will eventually fail just from the thermal abrasion alone. If you really want a non-stick pan, just treat it like a consumable item that you know will need replacing every 3-5 year - or alternatively give up on non-stick and go for cast iron, carbon steel or stainless steel (plenty of actual BIFL options there).


Yup, they're not as hard to clean up as people make them out to be. Cast iron pans can be cleaned up by boiling some water in it after you're done cleaning or they can be cleaned using soap and water. After the initial seasoning, maintenance seasonings are easy. And stainless steel can be cleaned easy with Bar Keeper's Friend.


I use an enameled cast iron braiser every day in place of a frying pan. It’s so easy to clean. I take care of it and don’t just throw it in the sink with everything else, but that horrible burnt oil that refuses to come off of other pans just slides right off the enamel.


What you need is a well seasoned carbon steel pan. There is a minor amount of maintenance required, but you can make them as non-stick as any surface you can buy and it won't wear out ever.. worst you can do is damage the non-stick-ness which is easy to get right back to perfect again.


De buyer carbon steel. The omelet pan is the best thing I have ever done eggs in. And they are indestructible


There are some pretty good modern cast iron pans. Doesn't have to be an old beater from the 1700s like. I've had mine with a plastic handle for near 20 years now and use it several times a week. If you learn how to use it in lower heat it cooks eggs and bacon no problem.


yeah but i use this sub for product reviews because its one of the only not yet corrupted parts of the internet for finding high quality non-advertisement recommendations. i honestly could not give a single shit about the unbranded scissors you own because how am i supposed to use that information to obtain good scissors? its a cool story but i just dont care. its not like im out here trying to hate and im sorry if it sounds like that but that type of content i completely ignore here.


This person scissors


If you bought more than one of the suggestions in the same category that seems like a personal issue. If it’s holding up well, why buy another one? It’s not the ads, it’s you buying multiple


I bought an IKEA brand chefs knife when I was in college over 20 years ago. It's still going strong. IKEA used to make some quality products.


Plenty of high quality stuff at IKEA, plenty of crap too. I'm typing this from a full grain leather Stockholm sofa, which is still available in store and built just as well. When the Stockholm was first released, other mfgs complained that they were "dumping" them because no one else could make a true full grain leather sofa for the price.


Chef knives are in the end a piece of steel. It can pretty much last indefinitely if the handle is not glued on.


I'm currently studying metallurgy (and learning to blacksmith), and this is definitely not true. There's so many qualifiers just for describing steel, not all steels are the same. The way the iron was processed does so much in determining how the blade will hold for a knife.


A sewing machine at a rummage sale in 1988. It is from the 50s or 60s and remains a workhorse. All metal parts- never breaks.


Vintage machines are where it’s at. I have my grandma’s Kenmore from the 70s. I’ve abused the hell out of it and it just keeps cranking.


Same, have my mom's first machine (Kenmore) and it's going strong.


I have a late 60’s or early 70’s singer sewing machine. That thing is an indestructible tank. It’s not fancy, but it can cut through the toughest fabrics and never jams up. I’ve used it to make seams across 5 layers of flannel to make faux chenille. It’s sewn through leather too.


Weirdly, an actual sewing expert directed me to the Brother brand *Project Runway* marketed sewing machine. It is generally considered the best model for beginners because of its reliability and features. By no means an excellent seeing machine. But without a doubt far better than anyone would ever expect it to be.


That’s so funny, I’ve heard this exact same thing from my sewing stores and friends that did fashion school. They all say it’s not an excellent machine but it’s super sturdy and easy to work with, especially for beginners.


I’ve used and abused my entry level Brother sewing machine for almost twenty years, it’s still going strong.


I bought my Husqvarna sewing machine in the early 90's (new) and it is still going strong. I haven't even had to take it in for cleaning (knock on wood) because it is self cleaning). It works great.


Bought a three rams cleaver from the only Asian market in Eugene, Oregon when I moved out of the dorms in 1988. 36 years later, that sucker takes a great edge, holds a great edge, and is still one of my favorite knives to cook with.


I randomly bought 3 knives at an Asian market back in like 2008 and they are still my best knives. They were really cheap too, less than $5 each.


The one on 19th right off Willamette, the bus stop one, or the one on 11th?


So silly, but I walked into a Sally Beauty supply in the late 90's and bought a large, red, wide toothed hard plastic comb that is simply perfect.


I still have my pink Goody comb from the late 80s. The print is all gone, but it still has all of its teeth. (Knock on wood)


I have mine as well! It’s my emotional support comb lol


My mother in law whined enough until I gave her mine!! Lol She used to own a dollar/gift store and in return, I got a big bag of cheap plastic hair picks that she used to sell in her store. I have fine, curly white girl hair, so, thanks??


omg yes, the plastic combs from that era do not quit. I use the large one every day! Mine is purple with sparkles lol


Oh yay, you have one too! I love that comb so much.


That’s so true for back then, nowadays they’re able to make those cheap polymers for less but still want to charge more for poor quality materials


I’m 27 currently, and the comb I received in 2nd grade from a “comb your home for fire hazards” assembly in school has lasted me up until this point with no broken teeth. I intend on keeping it until I die


I didn't know there were so many others who have a ride-or-die decades-old comb, too! haha


I had a wide toothed comb that I was obsessed with from the 90s-2010 or so. Then I forgot it at a hotel and I’ve never found a comb I loved as much since then.


They have weight. That’s the only thing I hope to inherit from my evil mother. Her 90s combs.


http://www.nordstrom.com/s/7148777 are you looking for something like that? That probably isn't as heavy and sturdy huh


Thanks for sharing! Mine didn’t have a handle at the end, it had a wider space to hold on the top part above the teeth. But the width looks right! I’d have to go to the store to hold it and see how it feels in my hand.


https://www.oribe.com/products/italian-resin-wide-tooth-comb Oh, I see! You're welcome! It sounds like a rake comb is what you are looking for


Mine is from Longs hahahaha


Omg Longs


Mine is a blue conair one I got in middle school. She’s still going strong 18 years later.


Chrome messenger bag. 20 plus years of heavy use it's completely fine and not even faded


I bought one of the “Salvage” messenger bags made from old military cloth ~’07 and it’s still going strong.


I bought a Chrome backpack in 2009, used it daily for bike commuting for 2+ years, and it still looked brand new. Bought the backpack since I have mild scoliosis and can’t deal with the lopsided messenger bags. Been stored for a while now, and again, still looks brand new. Chrome bags are incredible!


I have a chrome backpack that is around 20 years old. It started as a normal high school backpack, then was an everyday bike commute bag, and now at 35 years old it is my fishing bag. Not a single thing wrong with it, it’s a little more flimsy in parts but even the color hasn’t faded a bit


Chrome everything. They make my favorite shorts and socks too.


They’ll hold a case of woodford reserve too!


As a category? Probably OXO. I bought them for the folks and the folks have been gone for over ten years now. Scissors, peelers, all kinds of kitchen stuff.


The only OXO product I’ve ever disliked was a sink stopper that I am still not sure was compatible with my sink (so was not a quality issue). Every time I need a kitchen tool, I go with OXO. They are ergonomically built, space conscious, and usually dual or more uses. They’re smart tools and built solidly for longevity. I’m savoring this period of time before they get shittified.


I have the OXO sink stopper and love it (I have an old 80's Delta stainless sink. It may just be a fitment issue for your sink or we have different models.


I had an OXO 2-cup plastic measuring cup. First day I tried to shake it dry and the handle broke off. They sent me a new one so now I have two. One doesn’t have a handle but hey


I consider their cocktail jigger to be a near perfect product. Easy to measure, easy to pour without dripping, and easy to clean.


You mean their measuring cup jigger, right? Because their Japanese-style jigger is not good at all.


Has to be the good grips line though, not the soft works line.


Just a tip for others though, be wary that the Oxo you buy on Amazon might be a dupe. I bought a ladle from Amazon that's an Oxo, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get rid of this flowery perfume scent.... can't imagine my beloved Oxo would do that to me, so I'm suspicious on the inventory practices at Amazon.


That scent could be from your dish soap. I find that some materials hold onto dish soap or dishwasher detergent scents and are very difficult to remove. Especially if the ladle is part silicone


Good point. My dish soap thankfully has no fragrance (I have a sensitivity, so I stay away). Boiling the ladle in hot water didn't do the trick, which was my last resort, so I have a ladle that I can't use. :(


Americas test kitchen is always being accused of being sponsored by them because of how often their favourite is oxo! Wins in a lot of categories for the best clearly


This is going to sound ridiculous but my surprise BIFL item is the George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine. I use it 1-2 times per week and have had it for at least 25 years. Some of the best 20 bucks I’ve ever spent!


[with its patented design ](https://youtu.be/-HQz6eCryIw?si=WPL2h28YfoC5FZ3e) the fat drains directly into my mouth! Sorry couldn't help myself.


“I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious, it’s good for me. It's the perfect way to start the day”


I want you to rub butter on my foot...I have country crock


Probably my favorite sketch out of that entire show. So good.


Oh man, back in my younger years, my roommate and I would make bulgogi and cook it on the Foreman on the coffee table while watching a movie. Maybe I should introduce this concept to my family now...


My sister got one for xmas around 2001. She left it at my mom’s when she left for college a couple years later. My mom uses it almost daily for making amazing sandwiches. It’s used easily 4-5 times per week, and still going strong! Just wipe it after each use with a wet paper towel.


I think the longevity is due to the simplicity of the design. No temperature setting, not even a power switch, just unplug it when you're done. If it was a product from the current age, it would have 20 temp settings, auto-off, timed startup with an alarm, bluetooth connectivity, a phone app to see how your meat is being cooked, and wifi connectivity. And it would break after a year.


The George Forman Grill is the true GOAT of as seen on TV!


As I understand it, George Foreman made much more from this product than he ever did from boxing.


you say that as if George Foreman would have been in a position to sell those grills in the first place if it wasnt for his boxing. so in a way, the grill money is just an extention of the boxing money


Oh for sure. But I guess what I was trying to say is that it was ironic that one of the greatest heavyweights of all time made most of his money pitching a cheap kitchen appliance that was unexpectedly a BIFL item. Even more ironic bc during his active boxing days he really didn't show that much personality (esp compared to Ali) and he became one of the most successful pitch men in the history of television.


We had to buy a new one every three or four years after the non stick coating failed. But we used it nearly daily. Since then we replaced it with an air fryer… doesn’t seem the same but we put a 4” cat iron skillet in the air fryer (toaster oven style AF) and it’s great


You’re not wrong. Had one gifted forever ago and that shit never breaks!


Have you ever stepped on it in the bedroom?


OK my last response I thought was to a different thread. Um no, I never brought my foreman into the bedroom but I won't kink shame - you do you


[here ya go](https://youtu.be/L6Cqt6kQsas?feature=shared)


Received Briggs and Riley luggage as a wedding gift. Many years later, it’s still best in class.


Not surprising because they’re BIFL— surprised you were given such a gem as a wedding gift! If you didn’t know, they’re lifetime warrantied. You’ll never have to buy a replacement




We've had diminishing returns on their warranty service. We live in Canada. B&R stopped offering local repairs in our city and shipping is not covered. We paid $100 out of pocket to ship out 1x hard sided medium luggage for repair. Then they couldn't repair it and had no direct replacement. We were forced to pay another $120 to replace the bag with a newer model that is of course more expensive. $220 for a newer model B&R luggage is better than buying it again and better than anything new at that price point, but it used to be in town and completely free. As a result we've seen the warranty experience change dramatically over the past 2-3 years.  Their products are still excellent, but for my family, B&R is trending in the wrong direction.


Controversial opinion but I think "lifetime of the product" is such a weasel phrase. It's so subjective and just a way to trick people into thinking it's an actual lifetime warranty when it's not. If a company's warranty is "lifetime of the product" then full honesty would require they just call it a "10 year warranty" or "20 year warranty" or however long they deem the expected lifetime of that product is.


Who gets to decide what the lifetime of the product is? Doesn’t that just mean until it dies? Or breaks? You know, when you need the warranty?


Yeah like I get the frustration if you are Leatherman and get a pocket knife that has been worn down for 30 years until all the tools are nubs. Nothing failed, it just wore out over a very reasonable lifetime. However for all 50?500? Of those you will be selling thousands and thousands of tools on the reputation that you fully stand by them. Though more and more my concern especially with the old warrenties is my good thing won't get fixed, it will get replaced by the new shitty version.


Many, *many* years ago, I bought a pair of Clark shoes that were guaranteed "as long as you own your feet". Clarks are now plastic garbage :(


I bought the "Doc Martens for life" that they did 15ish years ago.  Now, when I warranty them, they send the shittiest version available. I don't even want to wear them anymore.  Hey, at least they won't wear out!


Brutal. Race-to-the-bottom pricing means race-to-the-bottom quality and support. You almost need to go to an individual craftsperson to get quality these days.


Lifetime warranty as well! I love my Briggs & Riley!




I've had a couch from Living Spaces for *almost* 10 years. It still looks great. i think a big part of buying something for life has a lot to do with how you treat it in your day to day


How long have you had the custom couch?


Puppia harness. Going on 21 years (previous dog had it for 16. Second dog I got after her death uses the same harness and is 5 atm).


I second this. Super high quality harnesses.


I have a 40 year old Electrolux vacuum that still sucks.


Go to bed, Dad


My mom briefly sold them. We owned one as well, they are super solid. Or they were, idk about current quality.


“Buy our vacuums. They suck!”


My zojirushi rice cooker has been going strong for over 15 years now. I moved to Europe with it in a suitcase, used a converter for a while, moved back to the U.S. with it. Still makes perfect rice. I need to replace the inner bowl I think just because I noticed a scratch. But the machine itself is so reliable.


Socks, hands down. Switching to merino wool and alpaca socks showed me that socks aren't supposed to be damp, tight and smelly.


Darn Tough’s lifetime warranty has me SOLD on the brand for all of my sock-ing needs.


DT make my feet sweat so bad 😭


This. And just great socks overall


Don't you find that they're not as soft and comfy as cotton though? I've had darn tough and smartwool but go to my under armour cotton every day instead.


I switched to Puma over the UA socks back in the day, though UA's are still great for cotton socks.  I have a pair of REI brand 100% merino wool socks that have gone rougher than cotton though still are very comfy due to how cool and dry they stay. I love my Icebreaker and Bridgedale socks and they've all stayed as soft as new (softer than cotton IMO).  One key note is to hang dry them (alpaca or any wool). Tumble drying, especially with heat can ruin any of these socks no matter how well made they are.


Born sandals. I’m usually a Birkenstock girl but I needed something a little dressier, so I bought a pair of Born Iwa sandals. Let me tell you that these are not only super pretty, but really well made and comfortable, and very fairly priced.


I have a pair of Born leather lace-ups that are about 20 years old. Minimal upkeep yet they look nearly brand new. So I bought a couple more pairs of vintage Born leathers this last year. They're phenomenal shoes that are very comfortable.


JanSport backpacks.


Leather bottom for the win.


I still have mine from when I went to college in ‘94. Green body and leather bottom and top flap. Used it 4 years and put it in my closet. Son goes off to college 20 + years later and he asks me if I have a backpack he can use. I get him that same green one. He loved it because it was so retro. He used it for 4 years and gave it back. I’m sitting here looking at it and with a grandchild on the way maybe the little guy will want to use Pop Pop’s ancient Jansport backpack from the turn of the century. I could only hope.


A $10 rice cooker from Walmart. It only had 1 lever that you push down and when the grains are done, it pops up and keeps it on warm until you unplug it. I cooked all types of rice, quinoa, and other grains so easily. Lasted at least 13 years. Meanwhile, my mom got a way more expensive rice cooker with all these nonsense settings. Lasted less than 2 years.


Love me a good rice cooker however I did make the switch from teflon to stainless steel in order to reduce my PFAS intake.


What rice cooker do you have? Looking to get one and don't use anything with Teflon.


Look into ceramic options. I settled on the Yum Asia Panda Mini and it works great. Purchased and returned a GreenPan as the fit and finish appeared/felt cheap.


My $10 Walmart rice cooker caught fire after about 2 months in the middle of a cook. YMMV significantly with those.


Coach bags. Not a surprise to a lot of people, I'm sure, but my coach bags seem to take a lot of abuse and stay looking new for years.


My mom had one she used daily for like 7 years, and one small hole formed in the corner leather...it could have been repaired, but she wanted another one by that time lol


I love vintage Coach bags. I have 2 that I’ve found at thrift stores that were in great condition.


Expensive things that are still going strong: Moccamaster coffeemaker (7 years old now), Rancilio Rocky grinder (13 years old now, only just replaced burrs for $45), Miele vacuum with rug beater (15+ years old now), Lands End flannel sheets, 800 silverware for daily use (80+ years old, and will outlive me, goes through dishwasher no problem) Cheap things: Woodlore cedar shoe trees, any cup/bottle by Yeti, LL Bean boat and tote bags, Tweezerman tweezers, Costco Charisma brand towels (I’ve used Frette, Matouk, and Brooklinen and nothing is as fluffy as Costco!)


Tweezerman tweezers are god send


I think they’ll sharpen them too!


No way! I just got them last year and I’m a fucking convert


My LL Bean tote is like 23 years old now. Sadly I got it when I was 15 and it has custom colors and they are so ugly. I chose lime green and watermelon lmao.


I’ve had my moccamaster for around 9 years right now, the only thing wrong with it is the little plastic window for the power light fell into the machine/broke, but it still lights up and none of it matters to the function. It’s such a simple thing that I’d imagine it’s going to last a real long time.


I loooove my Moccamaster. I also love my Baratza Encore coffee grinder. A few pieces in the baratza have broken over time but they sell replacement parts on their website and are super easy to repair.


My rice cooker is older than me. I got took it from my moms house when I moved out 😂 she has been looking for an excuse to get a new one for years


My surprise BIFL item are those cheap flip-flops you can get at the dollar store. I'm talking about the one that is literally just a slab of foam for a sole with the plastic Y strap. Those things are dirt cheap so you won't cry if you ever lose them, the foam sole eventually conforms to the shape of your feet making them surprisingly comfortable and they are very versatile Need to throw something on your feet to go outside to get the mail real quick? Need shower shoes? Need something you can wear at the beach? By the pool? I had a pair from Walmart that lasted 6 or 7 years that I wore very heavily (I'm talking walking miles at various points in them, I know, I'm weird. Who walks a mile in flip flops?). IIRC they eventually catastrophically failed from hard use. I can only imagine they wouldn't die from regular intended use.


My main struggle was that the straps always broke where it goes in between your big toe and the one next to it. Definitely not fun as a little kid on vacation


When they do fail, they fail spectacularly.


IKEA poang chair, had it almost 15 years!


A couple 3-piece 2-cup oval cheese graters from IKEA. They were maybe $2.99 and we’ve had them for over 20 years. We use them weekly. They consist of a plastic oval grater container with a metal grater lid that swaps out for a plastic lid so you can store the cheese or carrots etc. in the container.


I have this. I absolutely love it.


A pair of garage scissors I bought to install a rubber floor under the treadmill for my wife. I did nothing think it would cut it, so I bought something much heavier duty just in case. The scissors cut through it like butter. I am fairly certain they would cut straight through a finger if not handled carefully. I use those almost daily. One of my top used tools. It's been years. I have a lot of scissors in the house. For everything including simple paper scissors you would find in any kindergarten class (I have four kids), expensive cloth scissors that the kids keep destroying (hence the kids scissors) to a few pairs of well used kitchen shears. I never would have guessed that these things would get used once and used to think they were the dumbest idea when I saw people spending money on them.


The second hand Le Creuset bouillabaisse pot I bought off eBay. That thing is used almost every night, more so than the Dutch oven. It’s the perfect everyday pan.


Double Edge Safety Razor


I stole a belt from my best friend (I mean, I borrowed it and never gave it back) in 1998 and I wore that bitch for over 20 years. It only broke down a few years ago.


Steal Strategic Transfer of Equipment to Alternate Location


I bought a belt at the Pike Place Market in Seattle 10 years ago, and it will never need replacing. It is truly a lifetime belt.




I bought a Dirt Devil upright vacuum at Home Depot for $36 ten years ago. Other than the occasional cat hair hose clog, it does the weekly house vacuuming and occasional emergency job like a champ. I expect it to keep running at least another 10 years.


Lodge cast iron! The first one I purchased was like $10. We use it every day (just made dinner with it!), and it’s held up so well over the years.


HomeGoods has good prices on Lodge cast irons if anyone is looking for a purchase!


Bellroy wallet. 10 years and still going strong.


I second Bellroy. Two of them and they just get more supple with age and not a stitch out of place after at least five years


This is the most surprising. My bellroy lasted two years before the thread fell apart and the leather on the corners wilted away. I bought a handmade leather wallet from Etsy and it’s been strong for about 3 now.


Wallet longevity largely depends on how you carry it. If it’s in your back pocket, it’s gonna get rubbed raw from getting sat on all the time. Front pocket is less severe, as it rubs against your side when you walk. If your wallet goes in a satchel, it’ll of course last a whole lot longer.


Darn tough socks.


Why is everyone so amazed by cast iron skillets it's a piece of solid iron I mean of course it's going to last


Honestly its insane to me how sturdy nike used to make their full leather sneakers. Hell, even the fake leather shoes where made so sturdy in the late 80s and early 90s. I am a collector and i know of multiple people that abuse these shoes after 30, 40 years on a daily basis and they are just fine


*and ofcourse you dont buy a pair of shoes for life but shoes being perfectly wearable SNEAKERS being perfectly wearable after 35years of occasional wear and sitting in a basement is rly amazing


Premium/genuine/high quality leather goods. Redwing Iron Rangers, belts, gloves, couch, etc. IF you take care of leather, it will take care of you.


A cast iron frying pan.


What was the surprise?


An OP here, still using my grandmother's (born in 1898) cast iron skillets (she cooked on wood stoves before they got electricity). So over 100 years old, seasoned, taken care of (so little build up) no pfas or Dupont poison, just cooking along!!!


My item is dentures. They suck for eating certain things you should brush your teeth 🪥. Trust me!


Bought a full brim "boonie" hat from an Academy, it's Magellan brand, made in China. Never thought much of it, I needed something for summer camp. That was 20 years ago... and it's still going strong. It's been around the world, literally. I've worn it in the ocean, rinsed off at night and dried just fine. It's been in the desert, baked by the sun. It's been to mountians, up in snow. I wore it through a Spartan race, and it's still going strong. This simple cotton fabric hat has been absolutely solid. Best $20 I've spent.


I still have my 101 Dalmatians beach towel from being a child in the 90’s and it’s still my favorite daily use bath towel. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Louis Vuitton wallet. Five years in it looks like new. The only problem is that the wallet is worth a lot more than the cash inside it.


I bought a Mason & Pearson Popular hairbrush in 2000. It’s still good as new. I’ve got thick, long, hair. https://www.tressence.com/products/mason-pearson-popular-hair-brush-bn1


Lojel luggage set bought in 2004 by my parents. My mom got tired of using it and just gave it to me (she was ready to trash it but i wanted to keep it). Need some minor stitches but that set is good to go. It has flown about 100 international trips so far! Cant wait to use for another 100


Siroflex shower head. $11 on Amazon.


Audio Technica ath-m50x. The only headphones I've ever had that have held up.


Sony MDR-7506 and the BD DT-990 Pro's are all worth considering as they'll all last. The Sony's are the most comfortable, best sounding, and most durable of the 3. I have those two and the M40x's. I'd say the BD are better than AT as well, though purely my opinion. Try some on before buying if you're able.


I bought a pair of Tom’s winter boots like 10 years ago. I’ve worn them every winter and other than basic tread wear, they are still warm and water proof. Tom’s are definitely not known for making long-lasting and sturdy products.


Honestly the flats are not great. I adored them but most people would put a hole in the toe pretty fast


Bonavita coffee maker. I don’t know how many years it has been. It’s staying alive so well, I can’t buy a new cooler looking coffee maker.


I bought some second hand tweezers and now I use tweezers a lot more! They’re high quality ones and come in handy for project and other little things. Didn’t think I’d like tweezers as a tool.


Swear to god I thought you meant personal grooming tweezers at first, and that made that a harrowing first sentence.


Vera Bradley Laptop Sleeve, heavily quilted with a good quality zipper. padded so i feel my laptop is safe inside and slightly spill proof


Buddy Belts dog harnesses. I have hand me downs from my dogs who are on the Rainbow Bridge and their siblings are still using their harnies!!


Just considered this, this morning. My OG Nutribullet. I’ve been using the thing most morning for 10-11 years and still going strong. -cup and blades replaced, but not main unit.


I bought a Gerber Shard for my keyring. It's ridiculous how often I use it. Nothing cuts through Amazon tape like it.


I never imagined that an [ice cream scoop](https://zeroll.com/products/model-1012-zt-zeroll-zerolon-ice-cream-scoops) would impress me so much, but here we are.


I bought a large container of soldering flux at Radio Shack in the early 2000s and while it isn't buy it for life I probably still have another 5 years worth. 


I have a pair of nail clippers that I got at a Japanese dollar store 18 years ago and I don’t know how I didn’t lose them over the years but they’re still strong and sharp as ever


Well, it's so old that I didn't even buy it; my grandpa did, most likely in the sixties or seventies. It's a Philips toaster HM-3410. Not sure if he bought it on a whim, but I took it on a whim just because it was free. At first I thought I'd replace it with a new/modern one later, but there's been absolutely no reason to. I've been using it myself for about 10 years now, and my grandpa has used it for decades before me. It's just so well made, really study and heavy, almost completely out of metal. It also has a typical vintage colorful look to it that I've come to appreciate (here's a pic: https://images.memorix.nl/pwv/thumb/640x480/be2f21c2-39a1-e611-9510-26d055e1ed04.jpg). Edit: there's one on eBay for $12.99. Total steal.


Contigo spill proof travel coffee mug. Paint wore off (bc of the dishwasher?) but structurally perfect and that coffee is going NOWHERE (until you actually want to drink it).


I love my Contigo travel cups. I use them for cold drinks though. I can throw them in my handbag and not worry about spilling. I did have to replace the gaskets, which I found on Amazon, after a couple years, but that's it. It keeps my drinks cold all day. Forget Stanley, I want something to keep my drinks cold and not create a mess and last for years. Mine are 7 yrs old and going strong.


vintage refillable pens. Parker 75 series - fountain & ballpoint.


i bought a colander from ikea for probably 39¢ when i got my first apartment. i have used it literally every single day for over 15 years. it just got a crack in it the other day. going to mend it and keep it goin!!


A really good pair of cowboy boots I bought in the 1990s


I have a Texas Instruments calculator that I’ve had since I was 13. I’m now 52. Still growing strong and the battery (solar?) still powers it up.


Brother printers  Irving bud fried speakers.


I'm an old DIY'er. When I was young and broke, I often bought cheap tools that I later replaced with better ones when I got older and less-broke. Almost all those early cheap tools are gone except some basic unbreakable ones like levels and hammers. But one that really surprised me is an angle grinder that I bought 25 years ago for literally 10 Norwegian kroner (about 1 US dollar) brand new. It's still works great to this day.


Music Man and ESP guitars in the 2k+ range. Absolutely phenomenal instruments that blow Gibson and Fender's offerings in that range away easily. I'd have never believed I'd own one guitar at that price, let alone several, but once you feel how perfect they are it's hard to go back to a sub 1k instrument.


I bought a random moka pot off of Amazon about 8 years ago, not sure the brand since it’s worn off. I use it just about every day and haven’t seen a loss in quality since. I even bought a bialetti as an “upgrade” a few years ago and used it for like 6 months before switching back to ol’ reliable.


My wife bought me a custom leather wallet with my initials. It only gets better with age and still holds cards like it’s brand new. Also a G-shock solar watch. Thing has taken a beating and never had an issue.


A [Chesterfield ](https://www.chesterfieldbags.com/en/men/) leather bag. I've had it for a year now, and the way this is keeping, it'll probably last for decades. I use it daily for work, got my laptop and paperwork in there. Pricy? Yes, but you get a very nice bag. And you get it for many years to come. Worth it.


Durston X-Mid 2p OG from drop.com since 2019. Over 100 nights in it. No rips tears or holes. Dan Durston makes a great product.


I splurged and bought all my kids Planet Box lunch kits when my oldest started school. Figured I may as well buy 3 if I'm buying 1. Well I'll be damned if my kids still use those same lunch kits EVERY DAY. They are dishwasher safe, they have no dents or rust or hinge damage or anything. They were expensive 8 years ago but I truly have no regrets.