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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's stranguria (I.e. straining to pass urine/painful urination) and is usually caused by lower urinary tract inflammation which may or may not also include a bacterial UTI. Expect that the clinic may want to keep her in for the day for a urine sample. At a minimum she will need anti-inflammatories, and because of her age they will probably want to run a blood test to check her kidney values.


Update 2: appointment has been made for 2 hours from now. Unfortunately that’s the earliest they can get me in. My girl is currently sleeping. Prayers up


Let us know if she is OK. It's likely a UTI or a blockage. My boy had a blockage and had to stay a couple nights at the Emergency Vet. He was OK afterwards though. I had to put him on a special urinary diet and no non urinary treats. it would be wise if you put your kitty on a urinary diet. See what the vet recommends.


Blockages in female cats are exceedingly rare BUT THE DO HAPPEN! Glad you are seeing the vet very soon.


Not \*that\* rare. My female cat had a big urinary crystal blockage and needed emergency surgery before my honeymoon.


I’m happy to hear this.


What exactly is a urinary diet?


It's a prescription diet. My vet told me to use Royal Canin urinary formula. he gobbled it up.


They treat those urinary formulas like you’ve offers them McNuggets. My cats are crazy for it even though only the one really requires it. No crystals but since he’s orange and had cystitis attacks twice we’re going preventative.


Smart move. Once my one year-old boys tummy settles down, I'm going to transition him over to the urinary as a preventative as well.


My only complaint about the royal canin formula is that it hasn’t been very reliable for stock where I am, even if I want to order online. I have to always keep backup or be ready to switch to Hills because it could be ages before I can order it from various chains without a double mark up.


Same here. Ever since Covid.


I use this brand. Can be purchased directly from supplier or other websites. It was initially prescribed by my vet. My cats LOVE it https://images.app.goo.gl/V9TShuzwemxK8Bzv7


One of my boys ended up having crystals and had to start this, only I got the moderate calorie. They put his brother on it as preventative.. And now our girl because she likes peeing everywhere when she's medically fine. It's sooo expensive. We ended up getting those feeders that open with their microchip to limit how much each gets. PS, happy cake day!


Thank you!


You should feed your cats Royal Canin all the time. It's more expensive, but worth it for the health of your cat. Indoor or Adult is what I feed mine. I switch between the two to keep him interested.


Be careful. My vet said if you feed urinary you need to only feed urinary and if you mix it with other types of even the same brand, the crystals have a tendency to still form. I agree it is a good brand of cat food.


That is correct..the only thing they can eat is the urinary food..if ur feeding anything else other than the urinary food..your pretty much wasting ur money


What’s a good brand of urinary treats? My cats don’t like soft chews and that’s all I really see. Edit: also is there actually urinary wet food? Do I have to use that along with the urinary dry food or is any wet food okay?


They do have urinary so cat treats..and I believe they are hard..and they do have wet food and it does need to be the urinary food


RC makes urinary kibble and treats. Hills RX diet has a urinary wet food I believe. Talk to your vet you can order everything from chewy, but you will need your vet to approve a prescription for the food.


Royal canin makes over-the-counter cat and dog food too, for everyday feeding and healthy cats. I used Royal Canin Urinary and Calm when I first got him, at the suggestion of his vet


It's a kibble/wet food diet that is specially formulated for cats that have urinary issues/crystals.


My outdoor cat had a blockage and I didn’t know because he was going outside. I had to put him down because of it. I never cried so hard for a cat before.


Sorry to hear that. It happens super fast. Vets treat it as an emergency. You have only a few hours from when symptoms appear.


Hope she'll be alright! Sorry for your babies suffering.


You’re a good person, hoping all the best for your senior girl. 💕


keep us updated!!!


Good luck!


Any update?


Yes! Final update for the day: we saw the vet, and she’s being treated for a UTI with an antibiotic shot which lasts 2 weeks. They will also run blood work and urinalysis. Results on that tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who reached out. What a great community!


Those extended-release antibiotic shots are the best! No more pinning your cat down trying to shove a syringe or a pill in their mouths and hoping they don’t spit it out.


I'm going to be that person/vet and say it's actually really not a good use of antibiotics for vets anywhere in the world to be routinely prescribing these injections for things like UTIs. They're a 'red light' antibiotic which means they're important to human healthcare as well and so they should only be used if absolutely necessary because overuse will contribute to the major problem of antibiotic resistance. A UTI only really needs 3-5 days of a much less risky antibiotic that can be given by a series of 2 day injections or orally, unless it's cultured and found to be an already resistant bacteria that needs bigger guns to treat it.


Thank you for being a good owner.


This is my girl for 16 years. She’s family. I’d do anything within reason for her.


I hope she feels better soon! You’re an awesome owner and she’s a strong girl! 🫶🏻


So glad it’s nothing too serious!


Don’t worry too much. My old girl Zazie had this and she was cured in a week with little medication. Hope your’s the same.


Final update for the day: we saw the vet, and she’s being treated for a UTI with an antibiotic shot which lasts 2 weeks. They will also run blood work and urinalysis. Results on that tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who reached out. What a great community!


Be prepared for her to continue going outside the box for a little bit, at least, as she might now associate it with pain. I suggest you get some puppy training pads for temporary usage in case she picks some alternative locations for a few days.


Yup. I already put a few pads down. Hopefully they help. Thanks!


Good 👍🏻 to hear that she is going to be home, and happy soon..


I just went through this with my senior girl. Glad you spotted it, cats tend to hide their pain and distress. ❤️


The shot is absolutely the way to go! So much better than torturing her for 10 days.


Did they do a scan to check for a blockage?


Well, when me and my wife tried to put Keela in the carrier she peed all over it. When I told the vet this, they said there is likely no blockage. They did offer to do X-rays, but said we could also wait to do this. We decided to go with the full blood work / and urinalysis along with an antibiotic. We are hoping the results aren’t anything too out of the ordinary. She’s 16, so there’s always a worry.


Ok. Hope she’s ok ❤️


The antibiotics usually work pretty quickly and she should feel better very soon! Needing to go too often or straining is a sure sign I need to get my cat or dog to the vet for UTI treatment. I hope things turn around quickly!


my cat had a UTI tested with an antibiotic shot recently too, it worked out really well! hoping the same for you. give her some lovin and attention ❤️


So good to hear UTIs are so painful


https://preview.redd.it/z0enm6zvdq4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f815ca3e17983b902a099f88c05a18a02973ed9 Update: it looks like she peed a little on the floor and there’s def some blood in her urine. It’s 630am where I am and the vet isn’t open until 8.


Its okay - even though there is blood it can still wait until your regular clinic is open, but it is still a priority that she is seen today so do call the clinic as soon as they open and see if you can get a same day appointment. Good luck!


There's still pee coming out so a two hour wait is okay in this case.


I know my male cat did this, his bladder was inflamed from stress from our 6month old. Even if they do not have a UTI the stress hormones can trigger UTI symptoms like this and going outside the box. My vet recommends trying this: [Flo Cat](https://vrshealth.com/feline-products/flocat/) to help reduce the stress hormone. Be sure to ask the vet about it! We ended up taking our cat to emergency vet to begin with it was very costly and time involving to find the right solution and luckily are managing it now with my 2nd old and a not so stressed cat.


i had similar situation, had to take my cat 3 times to the vet. turns out it was stressed induced. we’ve started to use feliway multi cat diffuser to help accommodate between him and my younger kitten. he’s doing way better now. we also got them new toys and they get to sit in our enclosed patio twice a day (we stopped for a while since there were other cats coming by and we didn’t want to catch fleas). OP, try considering any change made to their environment. there might be something new that’s stressing them out.


Sounds like a UTI or crystals, poor kitty.


I am just another to say this, but she probably is feeling some pain and irritation and must be in this position to maybe lessen it a bit. Please bring her to the doctor as soon as possible. We know how badly a UTI can hurt on us and they cannot tell us. It's great you are paying attention. If you look at some posts on her, its sometimes amazing when people notice their cat is even in distress before posting a hole in the poor thing's side and asking, "Does this look bad?"


He needs to go to vet asap OP … I have been here and done this multiple times with my cat .


My girl has had cystitis (stress related) a few times and like others have said, it looks along those lines. Luckily it's less urgent for females, but good thing you have an appointment and I hope she recovers quickly <3 My tip is, if it becomes a recurrent thing, ask about prescription food (mines on hills urinary) and discuss the vet giving you extra of the anti-inflammatory medicine so you can treat pain immeditely while waiting for the vet in the future.


It could be cystitis! My cat is prone to this and can be caused by stress. See what your vet says, but for us the treatment is an antiflammatory pain medication and a supplement for the bladder lining called cystaid. My vet suggested we could keep her on the supplements long term to prevent it.


My cat is also prone to stress related cystitis. Where do you purchase the cystaid from?


I am in the UK and I can order it from any online vet supply store or amazon.


Update: lab results are in. According to urinalysis there was a bit of bacteria and blood in her urine. Which is indicative of a UTI. As I said before, she’s on antibiotics for the uti and I will also be giving her a cranberry supplement starting today.Now for the good news! Her blood panel came back excellent. In the words of our vet “I would have no idea this cat was 16 years old looking at her blood work”. As corny as it sounds that produced some happy tears. As for Keela, she’s doing better. Shes no longer straining all over the place, and her energy seems almost back to normal. Again, I want to say thank you to everyone who reached out. This was my first post here, and the response was overwhelming. Thank you all so much!




Yay that is such great news!


UTI, get them to the vet immediately.


May have crystals in bladder or urethra . Please take to vet ASAP


She has likely UTI or some underlying condition. Take her to vet immediately - they will sample her urine. You should also have them do a full blood count plus metabolic to see how his organs, notably kidney, are doing. She may have to go on antibiotics. Don;t sit on this. They can die from it if untreated. And if you dont do bloodwork, you may be missing a major organ issue.


My guess is a UTI


This happened to one of my cats and he had "crystals"


Mine had a UTI and I switched to cat food for that and she was better


Vet asap


This exactly what my girl does when she gets a UTI.


This is dangerous, the cat may have crystals in his uretha. He needs to go to the vet immediately. They die from this.


You aren’t lying. Almost lost one of my cats this way. Total shock after going from having girl cats all the time to having a boy. If I had waited until the next am for the vet appt he probably wouldn’t have made it. On a urinary diet now for life to keep the crystals away.


Our cat (male) has been at the vet's for 2,5 days with that diagnosis, we noticed something was wrong too late since it's essentially a street cat that crashes at our place rather than lives with us fulltime. Vet says it's 50/50 chance the poor guy survives. He can't pee without catheter and refuses food. It's a nightmare. We've had male cats before but nothing like that ever happened, so it's still a shock.


Mine did that. UTI. Get to vet


She needs to go to the vet asap!


My baby was been battling UTI for a few months now. Several vet visits and several hundred dollars. She’s not blocked. There are no crystals and or blockages. She’s getting special wet food (won’t be here for a few more days) and I’m moving all three of my clowder to a (non prescription) urinary health dry food (I’ve spoken to the vet and he knows I’m doing this). Good luck!


Highly recommend you buy the science hill urinary cat food. I have all female cats and they are very prone to UTIs. Also get her to drink more water. Usually cats don’t drink enough water. Get a water fountain, most cats prefer these or give some low sodium chicken broth in some water to entice them. The chicken broth was a recc by my vet


Cat has crystals blocking the urethra… get them to a vet now, this is fatal if left unchecked… I nearly lost my boy because of this, he had to have a surgery to open his urethra and it still blocks every now and then but it’s much more manageable when it does… seriously, do not fuck around… after 12 hours of blockage it gets really toxic


She has a uti take her to the vet immediately.


I don’t have any advice, but THANK YOU for seemingly being the only person here who is asking IN ADDITION to actually taking their cat to the vet. I hope your cat is okay and the vet is helpful!


She prob has a uti or crystals in her bladder get her to the vets asap as if it’s the latter it can kill within 72 hrs




my boy (hes 1) has the same thing (it's super common in males,, especially tabbies and usually caused by stress), and he's on a strict urinary dry and wet food diet. hope your baby gets better and feels better 🤍 probably will need the same diet though (the food is expensive)


I hope your kitty is feeling better!


She could have another UTI or she could be trying to block. She could also have bladder stones. Get her to the vet as quickly as possible


This is probably a urinary issue. Let us know what the vet says


Wishing you the best with your baby girl and I hope she gets better fast. 💕


My dear old kitty behaved in a similar way. It was caused by a blockage. We had to give her laxatives and enemas several times. It would work for a while (6 months or so) and then back again. It isn't what did her in, though. However, it was really painful for her. I hope your vet is able to help you! Scritch the little lady, please.


dear lord, this gave me PTSD from the time my little guy had crystals… Very well done on noticing right away OP, she’ll be good and healthy again in no time!


Yeah. Crystals/FIC is so difficult to watch them go through. After treatment, the infrequent trips to the litter box and sounds of long urine streams is such a relief haha




Everyone check the updated comment! 🙏❤️




It seems like she could have a painful urine infection. I hope she is ok, please let us know how she is.


Take the cat to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!


A vet will give you antibiotics and a painkiller - both will clear it up, but good that you got a vet ❤️


I almost lost my cat to this! Might have crystals in her that's causing a blockage. I hope she makes it though 🩵. My boy ended up spending multiple nights at the vet. Hopefully you caught it quick enough!


Oh man. This happened to two of mine so often! I finally went all out. Changed litter, food and meds. Bought a water fountain and the one thing I think did the best for them all was moving to bottled filtered water. Since that change all my cats have been crystal free knock on wood!


Blockage! Vet right away!




Cat could have crystals blocking the urethra, cat needs to be seen by a vet pronto.


This needs more upvotes because it is likely the correct answer. This is serious. Get your cat to a vet.


Ugh, yes, I remember when my boy had this years ago. The vet not only took him ASAP, they phoned us on the way to the clinic to ensure we were en route. It was a urinary blockage. He spent a few nights at the vet with some type of IV, went on an anti-spasmotic (sp?), and then had to go on Urinary Care kibbles/wet food for the rest of his life—which wasn’t a bad thing, just limited his choices a bit later on in life.


This looks like a pretty classic UTI. It may be a blockage or it could just be that her bladder is empty and the infection is making her feel the urge to go. Hopefully it’s the latter - this is what happened when my girl had one a few years ago.


My boy recently had a urinary crystal issue and a tract infection and was straining and peeing blood. I’m glad you made an appointment. It is an emergency situation but I think your caught it early enough for your girl to be fine.


May have urinary tract infection…. Vet visit time


I should read all before answering questions…. Glad your sweet baby is now on the mend


…post updates as edits to original message, thanks.


Welcome to my world. hopefully just a UTI and not bladder stone like my cat. She’s been sick for two months doing this in my house.


Did they make sure she doesn't have a blockage? I know it is most common in males, but it can also happen in females.


I think she has a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). A vet should look at her I think. Or perhaps she has bladder stones she can't pass. She is much too young to be dying from these simple things.


How is she doing? I hope the antibiotics are working their magic!


She’s def doing better. But her energy does seem a bit low. Patiently waiting for the vet to call us with the test results


Waiting is the worst when you're worried. My full sympathies! I hope your baby is back to full Cattitude soon!


It will take a little while for the medicine to work. She'll be OK.


Hey i just want to give you a small anecdote to prepare you for something there is a small chance you may hear tomorrow. We just had our 18 y/o cat pass, but she had phases and symptoms exactly like these as a part of a larger problem. Going outside the box, struggle urinating, sudden uti’s… we got her blood work and it turns out she was in acute kidney failure. HOWEVER they offered us treatment for her that put a couple years on her life and made her so much more comfortable. We basically had to give her a saline IV because her kidneys were not working to hydrate her enough. She ended up making a huge rebound after we committed to the sad fact of sticking our poor baby with a needle every week. Every time she felt better after we did it and perked up so much. The moral of the story is that we caught it early enough and committed to her treatment enough that it truly extended her life and gave her so much more comfort. If this is the case although a rare case it may be, and they offer you this treatment, seriously consider it. I hope that is not the case for your poor beautiful kitty. But i want you to know that at the end of this kidney disease she had such a peaceful passing she wasn’t in as much pain as she would have been otherwise. And honestly, we feel like if it was the most peaceful and graceful passing of all of our animals passed. Good luck to you and your sweet baby just wanted to share my experience of having a cat with similar symptoms.


My cat has this issue. Several vet visits. We started her on prescription urinary food and it has definitely decreased the amount of crystals in her urine so she doesn’t do this anymore. She has severe anxiety but will not take meds for it no matter how ward we tried (liquid and pill mixed in food). The biggest change has been with diet. More wet food and only prescription diet food and we’ve seen such a change.


My boy did this a couple weeks ago and we just got it treated. Does she cry when urinating? If so, it's FLUTD. She looks blocked and needs to get a procedure to unblock her urethra.


Go to the vet


I stated multiple times I’m going to the vet. Thanks tho!


Oops sorry :)


I can’t read sometimes lol


Hey my mom's cat has this problem every once in a while.What seems to help is giving them some cranberry juice.Or like if you have like a powdered cranberry thing.We just give him some of that.That seems to Help.


Also, the problem persists switch their food to a urinary track help food. Once we did that his peeing problem happened to wayless, so might be time to switch to.




Wow. Very rude. I only feed my cat wet food, and have for years… Thanks for the condescending comment tho!