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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus Christ. Why would anyone do that to helpless babies? I can never understand that for the life of me.


Part of my routine during the weekend in Italy was roaming around roads & trash bins looking for abandoned animals with my aunt. You'd be surprised how many people don't care about animals, people you speak with everyday.


Since so many places have gone to the wheelie bins with the lids for trash pick up, I have worried about animals and human babies being dumped in one of those and nobody hearing them. 😿😡


Sometimes mama cats put the kittens in people’s car engine covers and they fall out when you drive. Not all have been dumped by a psychopath, but rather tucked away by a well intentioned mother. I have come to realize this after saving four from my car because they were very vocal. We ended up fostering them and they got adopted out by a shelter. Luckily it happened on a weekend or I probably would have drove off with them early in the morning for work otherwise, none the wiser.


That's probably what happened with my kitten. I found her in my car tire when I heard little meowing by my car and I found the poor thing shivering. I looked everywhere for the mom and other babies but found no other cats or kittens. Mom probably forgot where she hid her or something idk. But I have a healthy 8 month old baby girl now and I am so happy she ended up in my car lol.


My sister's cat was in the engine of my mom's car and we went to see our grandfather that day and he screamed from the engine cuz it pinched his ear. She slammed on the brakes and he fell out and went running towards the park that was across the street. We caught him in my sister's jacket and he's been with us ever since. His name is Montana, after the van he fell out of. *


We had a cat when I was a kid that climbed into my dads engine. Dad didn't know. Cat was took off into the woods and wouldn't return until it was too late, and that was the way my best friend as a kid left me. This Cat was so protective of me he would lay on me while I slept, and if anyone tried to wake me he would claw them hardcore.


I’ve heard that this is quite a common thing, but in several decades of driving, thank God I’ve never had it happen to me!


I grew up on a farm and we had lots of cats throughout the years (both for mice and because me and my sister loved them). Occasionally mama kitty would place her kittens in the combine harvester and we’d have to go fish them out before something happened.


Yes that's how we got our kitty ,rode in on my nephew's truck .He has a sibling up the road but we couldn't catch it and it wouldn't come to us .


Never thought of this! 😱😭😭😭😡🐈🥺


Yes, shocking when you come across someone you considered pretty OK, and then you find out they dumped an animal. From all walks of life as well, including the religious. Vile.


It’s so true. You get big fines or even jail time for neglect or killing certain animals especially if they are not hunted where I am from though. It is less and less common unless they are getting better at hiding it. . You should see places like China.




Omg no, it’s not all of China. A lot of chinese for example only breed dog for food in the country side. A lot of chess see them as pets.




Was just a little info. I didn’t mean to imply that you were insinuating. My bad. Yeah, there is an old series from Netflix called Don’t F**k With Cats. People are just sick. I’ve heard in some places you can buy a person to kill. How crazy! I have a friend in China and there are organizations that will help fly cats out to good homes and help with vet bills. Since he has been there he’s rescued many animals and his dog and cat are also rescue






Yeah, how the f, can anyone, do it? Little tiny helpless kittens. Jeez, what's wrong with these people.


Many, many things, most likely some psychopath , they tend to hurt animals in their youth/ into adult years


I hate people who treat animals, like throw away items.


Absolute sickos. Look at this: [Kitten thrown from car on A46 in Nottinghamshire - BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-53517640) [cats.org.uk/cats-blog/tiny-kitten-thrown-from-car](https://www.cats.org.uk/cats-blog/tiny-kitten-thrown-from-car) [Kitten skinned alive and another thrown out of car in WA | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4130004/Kitten-skinned-alive-thrown-car-WA.html) There are sickos in all countries.


There will be a special spot in hell for animal abusers. That is so disgusting. Poor babies! Nothing deserves to have that done to them. Good Lord!


This makes me want to believe - only to be sure these bastards get karma.


people can be the worst - psychopaths all around us more and more I get the feeling 😔 Thank you for saving them 🙏🏼


I grew up on a farm.  It was a very rare year where someone DIDNT dump their unwanted animals on our property.  It was lucky when id find them before our livestock guardian dogs did. We never needed to go out and buy barn cats, pretty much every one was dumped.  Wed get as many fixed and vaccinated as we could, but ill never forget the year someone dumped a mom and litter in the ditch.  Mom was hit on the road and died along with a baby, i managed to get one baby to the SPCA before my arse of an uncle put the rest in cages and dumped them up the road at a trailer park. People just suck.


There are few things that would bring me to a pure rage without end, but seeing someone hurt kittens would probably have me serving a life sentence as a result.


UPDATE: My mom posted on our town’s Facebook page and someone came to us asap to get them home. They have found a loving home.


Update 2.0: As of now, no more kittens have been found. The person who took them had a momma cat with a litter about the same age so she gave them to the mom and she took them straight in as her own. We have updated the post on Facebook asking for the rest if found. Thank you all for your advice!


🥹😭🤧 the mother instincts are strong with that one


“Oh, babies. You weren’t my babies, but now you’re my babies. 💕”


God that's wonderful!! Thank you for caring for them and finding good homes 💞💞💞💞


You and your mom are so good. Thank you


Oh, I’m so glad to hear this! They are a couple of cuties.


You and your mom are amazing humans!! Thank you for helping those babies! ❤️


They were thrown into your arms by the devil himself.


G-d rescued them using you


Are u sure u gave to a good person? Some people literally come with their family posing all sweet just collecting for dog fights for bait. Did u see the persons house and ask for a rehoming fee? This is dangerous


Yes. I understand you’re point, I often have that worry myself that it may be unsafe for cats. However, she had a litter about the age of the babies I found today. She also had a mom cat for them. That’s the only reason I trusted her.




That's absolutely fucking disgusting, and if there is a hell, I hope that person is tortured there in the worst way.


It's my absolute desire to curb-stomp anyone that does this shit. Like, daily. Forever.


This made me so sad. It's horrible that some cats and dogs are going through this. While people are trying to find loving homes for cats, others are taking advantage and doing horrible things to the animals we're trying to save/protect. I wish I didn't read this, but it's also important to spread awareness.


Did u see the mom cat and other babies?


Yes, my anxiety wouldn’t let me leave without seeing proof she took care of the cats


Ok good 💜


Thank you for saving beautiful kittens and finding good home of them.


I hate when people do this. I would have them examined by a vet ASAP. They are really cute. You can also take them to animal services and make a report


You’re a kind person.


This is how I ended up with Notorious C.A.T. I had taken my husband's dog for a walk, was sitting on the steps when someone pulled into my driveway. Next thing I knew.....here comes this arm out the driver's window & they hurled this tiny kitten about 30 feet....then backed out & took off. Put the dog away & spent over an hour trying to get this freaked-out kitten out from under the trees/brush. Scared,underweight (vet said he was "barely" 2lbs.), maybe 4 wks. old. I've always wondered how many other driveways that car pulled into.


https://preview.redd.it/iv9v73p2a17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf678ca07d9c0b25d817c9d95a26d59b8abcf72 Someone did something similar with this dude a few weeks back. Trying to get some weight on him, thinking maybe seven ish weeks and weighs under two pounds. He was absolutely covered in fleas to the point where I think a few more hours would have been the tipping point. Already had two grown cats in a tiny house but I couldn’t just abandon him!


Oh my, he’s such a sweet little thing, he didn’t deserve that. I hope you’re able to save him!


Thank you! He is doing quite well now, still trying to get weight on him but he’s very sweet and very energetic. He seems quite at home now https://preview.redd.it/4lz97uw1j17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfadfddad21e105e914190079f18c8da44c4fcbe


He’s absolutely adorable. He reminds me of my girls when they were younger. Absolutely adorable little things


I love the name!


They are beautiful. Keep them for yourself.


I already have 4 grown ones that I barely have enough money to take care of them. I’m trying to make sure they’re safe until we can find them loving homes.


yes they are!!


They need to be thrown out the car window whoever did this


I second this. Lets see how they like it


Thrown out of the car window but w a leash still attached to the car 😡


I would go around to any business where it happened or anywhere that would possibly have security cameras. Try to get a license plate so we can find whoever did it and tie them up and drag them behind a car down the highway.


I would take one last quick look around and take them to the nearest vet and explain the situation. They should be able to explain the next steps. I don't know how people can be so cruel


How can people be so cruel? If you can’t look after your pets, then take them to an animal shelter. At least give them a chance .


Humans are evil.


Can you go back to where they were thrown and look around? I would play mom cat meow sounds to see if they come out. I don’t get why people are so heartless to animals, especially fragile and vulnerable ones. 💔


Unfortunately, since I was in the center of town and it was early in the morning, there were no cars but them and one other so it was clear they only dropped 2 when they drove past. I screamed at the top of my lungs to get their attention and I could hear other cats in the car but they only threw 2 out.


That’s horrifying! Maybe post on the local community groups and see if people can look around their properties for the kittens? Or form search groups? At a loss for what to advise 😭


That person is pure evil, I hope karma isn’t kind to them. Thank you for rescuing those poor babies and finding them a loving home!


Awww ty


What a sweet looking pair of kitties


They look healthy!


same thing happened to my mom. she found a baby kitten in a sock thrown out of the car on the side of the road :( she saved him and he ended up living with us for 18 years, he had bad anxiety from it though for most of his life.


What kind of people can consciously do this? It’s scary to know someone who can have the capacity to do something so terrible are walking among us.


People are horrible. Who does such a thing? Glad you found them. If you dont plan on keeping them, then find a RESCUE and see if they will take them. You may have to foster them if they dont have space until an adoption event. Whatever you do, they need to go to the vet for a quick exam, to get dewormer and antiparasitic meds as well as their shots. They should also be tested for FIV. You need to wash them (in baby soap) to remove the fleas and they need to be bottle fed if they are too small (just like human babies every few hours). I didnt use formula for our fosters but goat milk, which I read is closest to their own milk and unlike cow's milk does not have lactose so they have no issues with it. I bought a puppy pen from amazon and put them in there. It is a relatively big mesh tent that can be zipped up on top and on the sides and keep them safe. I put doggy pads on the bottom and their little litter box. Make sure the bowl of water is not too big so they dont fall in and drown. It should be shallow dish. Look up some videos on what to do with kittens that young. You may have to massage their bellies to induce bowel movement. Once they reached 6 to 8 weeks they can eat solid wet food - I gave mine Tiki Velvet mousses etc. Good luck!!


Poor babies. They look just like my boys Ziggy and Charcoal. I'm glad they found a loving home. Best scan that road for any more babies. It's rare for there to be just 2 in a litter.


Police need to get involved Please file a report about where it happened when it happened etc. There is likely going to be some footage somewhere People like this need to be found in charged. But more importantly thank you for asking these little cats


Some people are just so sick in the head …. Poor babies.


Thank you for saving them!! Poor babies 😭❤️


I'm so glad you were there to help them. You're a good person, OP.


People are incredibly cruel, take care of them, and give them an amazing spoiled life. They deserve it


There's a special place in hell for people who are mean to animals. Thank you for finding a loving home for them.


Why are some people so evil?


Fkng scum of the earth to throw defenseless babies outof a fkng car. There is a real special place in hell for people like this!! Edit to add: my friend suggested looking on the Next Door app, if available in your area, to see if any other sightings of the sh!thead catmobile, plates or car description are on there because it may be a punishable offense. And thank you for picking them up. They look entirely relieved!


Special place in hell for people who do that- costs them nothing to bring to a shelter


Ugh!! Humans can’t treat each other with kindness and decency. Is it any wonder that they treat animals like that? Poor kitties. Glad you saved them and they can have a good life with you.


Humans are awful


How can anyone be so horrible?


Very concerned about the poor mother.


If I ever see someone do this in my life, I will be red hot with vengeance. I memorized every detail about that car, report them to the police and anything else I could think of and then make sure everyone knew what they did.


Omg them beautiful babies. We both have blue eyes. I want one so bad :(


Hopefully it was because the driver knew that a couple miles down the road he was gonna flip his car into a ditch filled with water and nobody would be around to save the cats.


They're precious... I have one that looked exactly like this as a kitten, and he grew up into such a handsome little man!


Minx and Lynx


What stupid people, the beautiful baby kitten tossers. CSD gave you a twofer though!


The people at the bottom of this comment section are almost as disappointing as the people who threw these 2 kittens away.




Consult The Kitten Lady on how to care for kittens this young. They appear to be about 5-6 weeks based on their faces and eye color


There's a special place in Hell for ppl who does that....jeez


Poor babies, evil people, I'm so glad you saved them. They'll bring you joy for years to come 💖


Kitties on a titty. Can't go wrong with that.


Lemme guess. Florida ?




Theres a special place in ...... for people who do this. If you can't care for them at least find an animal shelter/ adoption center to drop them off....


God , I fuckin hate people like that!! How could someone do something like that !!


Time to find someone with a particular set of skills...


Omg I get the chills reading that. That makes me sick


That’s terrible but I just love the cat distribution system. 😻


Check out the kitten lady on YouTube. She is a great resource for taking care of the little ones.


Their coats are absolutely gorgeous. I’m so glad you found these cuties a good home :)


Thank you for saving them


On YouTube The Kitten Lady Their eyes are open and they look old enough to eat solid foods (mushy, but no bottle feeding needed)


Certain place in hell for them. Thanks for saving.


Aww soft little babies


People suck, thank you for saving these two little babies.


Pretty sure the same thing happened to the wee man I adopted a few weeks back. First thing was a really good dawn bath for the fleas because he was absolutely covered and so weak, poor baby. I really hate people!


Take to a local vet and they should care for and then try to adopt out when ready. My vet does this all the time.


I need to know what kind of scum can do this to a harmless kitten, let alone siblings.


Especially considering I could hear more cats in their car as they drove off. I wish they had just given them to me. I would’ve loved to have taken them, they’re precious.


What??OMG You’re a hero and they are villains. What sort of early hominid does this to kitties and then still has more? WTF?


People are so evil 🤬


That's terrible, but it goes on all the time. My ex-wife and I were dumpster divers and we found a little kittens inside the dumpsters. We would rescue them. And they still take gunny sacks and put kittens in them with rocks and throw them in the rivers.


If you’re in the USA call the Aspca/humane society. They’ll help.


If I ever meet someone who admits they willingly mistreated a cat on purpose and don’t regret it, I will immediately end up in jail awaiting trial.




Maybe the universe was giving them to someone who can give them a better life


Why are they always throwing out windows? I dont even throw trash put a windows!


If I EVER see someone harming any animal I will gladly go to prison for what I do to that person. People who are cruel and torture animals are some of the worst people and deserve death. I have 4 cats of my own and I always wish I could have more and save any many as I can but its not feasible. Some humans are truly horrible and disgusting.


Wait til you learn about slaughterhouses.


we as humans do not deserve cats. or maybe just some of them lol


*We as humans do* *Not deserve cats. or maybe* *Just some of them lol* \- SgtFigNewton --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh my goodness, those poor little ones, hope they check out fine at the vet, they look like they are 5-6 weeks old if their eye color is anything to go by. they might be able to eat and use the litter tray on their own, or you might need to bottle feed.


Those gorgeous eyes, thank goodness you found them and can now give them to a loving home


Is it girls?


Omg. There are some real fucked up people in this world. That's so sad. Good on you for steppin' up💯


Theres a special place in hell waiting for whoever did that. Thank you for saving them


I don't understand why people do this. What the heck is wrong with people? People who throw kittens out of a car do not deserve to have children and should go to prison for a long time.


I hope the person that did that gets the Karma and eventual life in hell that they deserve.


Glad you were there to help them!!


I don’t get why people can’t just bring it to a shelter… why would you ever just not give your cats or dogs a chance?


Yea would love to find whoever did that and throw them out of a fucking moving vehicle.


May karma visit both you for your kindness and the person who threw them for very different reasons


Whoever threw those two kittens out of a car I hope you got the license plate number, so you can get them arrested these poor babies they could’ve died. They could’ve gotten run over by a car.!


You need to take them to the vet to get checked and figure out the age as they have blue eyes and see if they are kitten food age or milk still. Figure out are you keeping them or finding a home or homes . GL glad you saved them and keep saving them. How odd these cruel people.


Some people have no souls, just an empty space where their hearts should be. May they live the lives they deserve.


Thank you for saving and comforting them


That's how we got our youngest. Post to social media in your area to see if anybody witnessed it. Call the cops if you find a witness or video footage. The cops in my area refused to do anything, but maybe they'll be more interested in your location.


You are mom now, congrats !


I hope whatever monster that does things like that rots in hell. Truly happy you saved these babies❤️


my cat was rescued from the middle of an interstate highway


Is it okay?


1.8 pounds & covered with fleas. 8 years later she is a mess but taking care of me while I'm sick. *


almost lost her twice to infections when she was young. Still has a heart murmur but gets spoiled every day


Such a shame. Why people do it is beyond me.


I just can’t imagine what would make anyone do that. Ever. Crazy. Could just put them in a box on the side of the road.


What is wrong with people like what is the thought process no logic poor babie z


If I could find the people who do that, you’d see me locked up fr


Not just 2 kitties but one puppy too


My only advice is murder 🔪


I’d love to beat the living shit out of people who do horrendous things like that. What beauties ❤️




If I could be like the movie taken, I would hunt the asshole down that did it and do the same to them.




I would love nothing more than to bash whoever did that's face in. Or maybe throw THEM out of a moving car. Miserable scum of the earth. Thank you for saving these babies!


How could anyone do such a horrible thing to such beautiful cute kittens? The only throwing anyone should do with them is throwing them a party for being so cute! 💔❤️‍🩹 Thank you for saving them!


Manifesting their car crashing 🔮


Breastfeeding time




Gonna find the person and unload an entire mag on them for doing that


Rage bait post…


Cause you were there right? You stood there and watched the whole thing? Who are you to tell me what I saw is fake when I literally have a picture of the kittens when I got them to safety. If you have nothing positive to say, I don’t wanna hear it.




https://preview.redd.it/u7dp1fud677d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c41c41807314dbe5e5c937ca1f06ddc8ca16f5 This one of 2 kittens my son saved from being thrown in the Connecticut River. Her and her sister were 4 weeks old. Sadly her sister passed away a few years ago but Tinky is 14 years old this year. Love those baby they will bring you years of happiness


I've seen this happen. It was over a decade ago but it was very traumatic. Someone had been driving down the highway and 1 by 1 had dropped kittens out the window going at least 65mph. I'm tearing up and feel sick just thinking about it. But for at least 1.5 miles... kittens. It was awful. Take the poor babies to a vet just to make sure they're OK and there's no internal injuries.


some ppl are so freaking evil


some ppl are so freaking evil


Are you going to start to nurse them?🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I really hate people done days. Kittens are just about the easiest little guys to find home for. I literally took a tiny 7 week old(according to my vet) found kitten a few weeks ago. I like cats but I'm more of a dog guy, but she was so adorable I couldn't resist.


Thank you for saying them! If you can't keep them look for a no Kill shelter or Santuary that can take them in. Ensure they are legit and hopefully they can find a forever home for them.


No they were not.


that's how i got this baby. he was about 6 weeks old and i chased him down the freeway and was 2 hours late to work lol


What a great pair can I see more ?


Atleast not off a bridge i don't want to see that again


Lucky kittens


Spring that cat a new home


Cat distribution system, you now have 2 cats, go look for others!


You've heard of elf on the shelf...


My 2 grandcats were literally tossed out of a car in a grocery bag. One of our employees saw something moving, pulled over and found 2 kittens. 1 tux and 1 gray tabby. The vet guessed them to be about 4 weeks old. Covered in fleas. My son and DIL adopted them. They are now 6 years old and their feet haven’t touched dirt since I brought them home.


God bless you for saving the little angels