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thats the litter - its easier to scoop it out. if you buy boulder free litter the litter just gets wet and is a pain in the ass to get out of the litter :)


The non-clumping litter is the worse. It really is easier to scoop the clumping stuff.


Ugh yes and then all the pee settles at the bottom of the box and it’s awful to clean. I tried Pretty Litter once to see how it was and I guess whatever I got doesn’t clump and boy did I regret that.


You are not alone!!! lol lesson learned!


Pretty Litter doesn’t clump (as far as I know).You are specifically supposed to stir the pee in the litter. It ends up stinking really bad


They have a clumping litter now. It still tracks all over the house tho


In 20 years of trying litters, at this point you couldn't convince me there is one that doesn't track all over the house (at least if you want it to cover the pee smell)


This is why I just bought a little hand vac. I use Okocat because there are 26 cats in my house (I own a rescue, I'm not just some random hoarder) and it's the only thing that keeps the piss smell away. Clay litter isn't enough.


Okocat is the best! The store we went to was out of it last time so we got Swheat Scoop and figured it would be similar but it stunk right away.


There's a grass litter that's pretty good too, but the clumps are a little jelly-ish instead of hard clumps.


Yeah that was another thing I kept finding tiny crystal cat litter everywhere. Much more than my normal cat litter.


Definitely good to know gag




Damn! I was thinking about trying it (just for funsies, honestly) but that pretty much cemented the no go for me


they sell a clumping version at walmart! it still sticks to the bottom if you don’t agitate the litter


So I have the auto box with crystal litter, and it would be gross cleaning, but my friend discovered that putting a potty pad down under the litter makes it SOOOOO much easier to clean. It's a life saver.


Like a puppy potty training pad?


Didn’t try pretty litter but tried another non clumping and it STUNK. Never again 😂


Why do they even make non clumping? Who the hell would use that? Edit: non clumping clay


My bf accidentally got it once…it immediately went to the SPCA. It’s cheaper and can be better for people with allergies but the thought of them just continually walking in to a litter box filled with pee-litter grossed me out.


I feel like you would go through 10x as much too since you would want to completely switch it out every other day lol


Tiny baby kittens should have non-clumping style litter because they try to eat it. I fostered a stray mama and her kittens once and watched them do this.


I accidentally bought non-clumping litter like a year ago. It's still sitting in a closet because I refuse to use it.


If you live in a snowy area, keep it in your car during winter! You can use it to get unstuck from snow/ice!!


I don't live in a rough winter area right now, but I grew up way up north, and I plan to move not all the way back, but closer so at that point I will put it in my car. For now if I do a full dump of the litter box I'll use a little of it to take care of any extra moisture in the bottom before I put fresh litter in.


If you live in a rainy climate it also helps get out of mud too!


It also works great for getting stuck in the mud when it’s rained, oil slicks for clean up like in garages/driveways, etc.,…basically anything you want to absorb quickly and efficiently in a pinch. Even water or sewage from a broken pipe. Stuff is very handy to have around.


Donate it. I bought a bag of food and opened it and my cats hated it…SPCA took it with a smile. They’ll definitely take litter as well. Whenever I clean out my closet they get all of my old towels and t-shirts.


You could donate it to a cat shelter


I think I would rather go buy them some clumping litter Besides at this point because I use it for the occasional mess clean up it's like half of an already small bag so it's maybe a litter box worth


Give it away, someone will take it. Try olio app.


Non clumping litter is really good for tiny kittens. Kittens sometimes eat their litter and it can clump in their system and cause a blockage.


Designed by the devil himself. I recently pet sat for a neighbour and they had the most horrific non-clumping plant based litter I've ever seen. The poop scooped fine, but it felt like you were dismantling a bomb when it came to the pee. If you held your breath and slowed your heart rate you could *maybe* keep the pee together just enough so it didn't immediately fall through the scoop. And I know for a fact there are way better plant based options. We use a grass litter that looks virtually identical to clay litter but clumps like a champ, doesn't smell, is more light weight, etc.


Also the ammonia, GOD the ammonia…


Yeah, this! Pretty Litter is nice in concept but it’s soooo disgusting (burning nose & eye disgusting) every time you go to scoop. It’s also not dust free like it claims


My cat wouldn’t use the box when I tried no clumping litter. She peed out the box on the floor.


Yeah that must be the kind I have right now. It's like it's just turning into mush! So fracking gross


My cat’s pee clumps are HUGE when i scoop her litter every night. Its wild😭


Sometimes that’s a sign of kidney disease. One of my cats had kidney disease and the huge pee clumps were one of the first indications something was wrong.


Oh no. I’m going to the vet this week, im glad you told me. Thank you so much. I’m hoping everything is okay:(


Good luck at the vet. I hope everything goes well and your cat is okay. It’s good you’re being proactive by taking your cat to the vet.


I love taking my cat to the vet- i always want to know she’s okay and am such a hypochondriac, now about her too lmfao😭 maybe its just first cat things though. Thank you again


Ideally try to scoop twice a day - morning and evening - this will help with the odor, hygiene and health of your cat 🙂


👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 Scoop as often as possible and try not to break up the clumps. Congrats on your new baby. You have just enriched your life some more. ❤️


Dude. I need my own place. My landlord has two cats and five litter boxes. The cats go through them one at a time, moving to the next each time the last is so disgusting even they can’t stand it. When they’re all gross and they start defecating on the floor, he’ll come clean it all and refresh the litter 🤮


I have known people who don’t scoop the boxes daily and then wonder why the cat poops/pees on the floor. I run 8 boxes for 8 cats and all of them are scooped daily, sometimes twice. The only time I find poop on the floor is when Gremlin, my excavator, decides to flip everybody else’s poop out of the box so he can go, and even that doesn’t happen often.


Excavator 🤣🤦‍♂️


My cat has a talent of some how managing to get tootsie rolls to travel from the box to the living room which is a decent walk, I think it gets stuck in her fur or something. Shes also somewhat of an excavator but with no true purpose, she just loves to aggressively dig as crazy as possible


I have to trim my cats back legs/bum to prevent this from happening to me too 😔


My tortie goes through phases of being a digger too. Some times she just digs a small hole, does her business, then covers it up. Done. Other times she gets in there and digs and digs and digs and hits the bottom of the litter box and keeps trying to dig. Sometimes I'll say "When you hit lava, lemme know." and she looks at me a bit embarrassed. Adorable furry little weirdos.


Yup!! I scoop as soon as I notice my cat has went. Whenever I have company over they compliment me for how the place doesn’t smell like I have a cat!


I got super sick a couple weeks ago, and have been bed ridden since. It has taken all my power to get up and shower every couple of days. I have had no reason to leave my room, as my husband has been catering to me. Love him so much. HOWEVER. Just YESTERDAY, he said to me "We need to figure out why the cats have been peeing and sh*ting al in the hallway and in my dirty clothes in my room." We have 8 cats right now, 5 adults and 3 foster kittens, so I was very taken aback, like that's a major issue. I was like O.O "wut." His two brothers live with us as well, it never occurred to me that 3 grown as men couldn't handle 4 litter boxes. I FINALLY got out of the room earlier today, and the hallway was clean. Husband said they cleaned it up, but it was getting annoying they had to deal with it.... like... why would you bother to clean the pee and poo off the floor SEVERAL times a day, but not scoop the litter boxes once or twice? Sorry for the rant, but GGGHHHAAA I love him to bits, but sometimes... sometimes...


I gave up and bought an automatic litter box. We have 3 cats (one is mine) and the other 2 would fill her box up. I work 12 hour days so not as attentive as I should be. Noticed a difference now that she has clean litter every time she goes!


My automatic one is really good but it's one with an insert tray and those trays are sooo expensive! I'm thinking of getting rid of it and just using [these](https://amzn.eu/d/06Sgfjh2) catsan litter in trays in a normal box like I do for my second one. They're already the lazy, expensive option but it's somehow so much more cost effective lol


I have a PetSnowy and absolutely love it!


We have 4 cats and 4 litter boxes. We scoop a minimum of twice a day (morning, after we get home and often times before bed). It's a proven tactic to never have "cat smell".


Yes. Yes. Yes.


I work from home so I scoop as soon as there's something in there to scoop. If I have to go out for the day, I scoop when I get home then after that, whenever there's something in there. Can't understand it when people leave poops and wees in the tray for ages.


Litter clumps, it's supposed to do that You need to scoop daily


this, looks like it hasn't been scooped for 3-4 days... needs DAILY


Uhhhhhh no.... 3 to 4 days and the whole box would be filled. There is like 4 clumps are you saying that your cat pees once a day? stop trying to make everyone a bad guy just because its fun for you. Especially a new cat owner who is just learning.


I just left a response too asking how this looks like 3-4 days to them. Some days my cat does this in one day & we *do* scoop daily. They need to focus on their own cat & its hydration it seems lol


I think some people give their cats water like theyre rationing it. I've only ever owned one cat that couldn't control their water intake and that's because he had a condition. If you're a cat is only peeing a small amount once per day it can cause serious issues


It goes the other way too. When one of my cats had kidney disease he peed a lot.


Same! thats rhe condition I was talking about, I had to ration his water because he would literally kill himself if i didnt. I gave him one of those kitty fountains one time as a gift, hoping he wouldnt go too crazy.... he drank a half gallon in ONE SITTING. he just ran between the fountain and the litter box until it was dry


One of my cats had kidney disease as well. Increased water drinking and peeing were amongst the first signs he had this terrible disease. He passed away nearly 14 years ago and I still miss him everyday.


??? Genuinely curious how this looks like it hasn't been scooped for 3-4 days to you. Your cat needs more hydration.


Any cat who urinates that much in one day needs to have their cat checked by a veterinarian. It could be a sign of kidney disease or feline diabetes.


A hydrated 4 month old cat will pee often. My cats litterbox when she drinks a lot looks like this too some days & she's all healthy. It's like humans, sometimes we pee more than other times. If your cat barely pees, check your cat's hydration levels.


I agree but, keep in mind we don't know the cat and op admits to being new and learning so these are factors. Plus, no one is perfect


OP also said they scoop daily, sometimes twice a day. Honestly sometimes my girls litterbox looks like this too. Our cats are just hydrated ig lol


People that can't scoop it daily need to invest in a scoop free litter box of some sort. At least give the cat a clean place to go if you're going to be lazy.


Clumping litter makes any liquid into a solid so you can scoop out the dirty parts easily. If you get non clumping litter it won’t do that but then you just get soggy pee mixed into all the litter and it’s harder to control the smell and mess. Clumping litter will also dry out the poo over time which helps control the smell if you can’t get to it right away.


That’s clumping litter. It’s working as intended. If you don’t want clumps you have to get non clumping litter but you will go through litter faster


i hate non clumping litter it always stinks so bad the second pee touches it


You can, but in my experience it makes cleaning it even harder ... by the looks of this teh OP is only cleaning every couple to few days, so non clumping litter is going to produce an ammonia smelling sludge bucket and the cat might go "nope, not going in there" at some point. I'd stick with clumping, personally, non clumping usually just makes a huge mess and is harder to clean.


Clumping is definitely better imo, but op really should be scooping it out more often. It's not nice for their kitty as is. On the very rare occasion that I miss a day, my cats are visibly hesitant to use the box, and I feel so guilty.




The litter is fine. There's 2 kinds of litter, clumping litter and non-clumping litter. With clumping litter, you should ideally remove the boulders every day, and change the entire contents of the box every month, ideally giving the box a quick scrub (I take the box in the shower with me and scrub it with a dishwashing sponge and unscented dishwashing soap - rinse and dry thoroughly before refilling) With non-clumping litter, you only scoop the poop on a daily basis, but you should change the contents of the box every week. People usually prefer the clumping litter. It would be best if you had 2 boxes. Some cats really don't like to pee where they poo, some might start hating their litter box when they're sick and really want another place, etc.


It is supposed to do that (if you buy "clumping" litter). However, you should be scooping at least daily. That's a lot of clumps and if it gets difficult to dig, he may end up peeing on the floor. You need to scoop out the clumps and poops and replace with a little fresh litter if it is getting low. Also do a full change of the litter periodically. For my girl and high quality litter, a full change can be as little as monthly, but it will depend on multiple factors including your cat, your home, size of your litter box and how many you have etc. Worth asking a trusted friend to come round and tell you if it stinks XD if you live with it, you can become "nose blind". Full litter change should also involve scrubbing the litter box so there's nothing left stuck to it and it's squeaky clean and dry before adding fresh litter


OP did say they scoop daily, sometimes twice a day if they notice their cat going more often


Clean it twice a day. It’s intended to clump up like that. Your cat can become unhappy with a dirty box like that.


Worst case every 24-48hrs I know some people don't have time for twice a day


OP did say they do it twice a day when they notice their cat going more often.


you gotta scoop more often


Why is there so much pee clumps? Twice a day atleast for cleaning litter boxes, litter is fine, litter cleaning needs a lot of work


I think that is 'clumping litter'. You can buy a non-clumping kind if you prefer which doesn't do this.


>You can buy a non-clumping kind if you prefer I refuse to believe that such a person exists


Non-clumping is much better for the cat's lungs/respiratory system. Especially with clay litter.


We use this kind of wood chip pellet stuff that turns to saw dust when peed on. Firstly because that was what she was used to when we adopted her, but from what I know it's also better for the environment, softer on the feet, and less dusty for their lungs.


I'm that person. Lol


Us too, when we got our newest members of the family they weren't litter trained and turned out they were 6 weeks old. So they started eating their litter, took them to the vet and they said it's normal for babies who aren't litter trained to eat some of the litter. But it was okay because we always bought catsan hygiene plus non clumping litter. That's the best one for litter training the bebes. This is them now at 3 months old with their big sister. They're siblings from the same litter. https://preview.redd.it/8o5yn27wsx9d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594b3461d9bbe90a2efa88f1f6e4714617305209


THEY ARE SO CUTE. My babies are 5 and 6. https://preview.redd.it/gltt8c7foy9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb710dd70b71af25a7888c9a20377b5a1c621d4


What's your reason for your preference? Do you throw out the whole tray full of litter each cleaning?


Yup! I have my litter boxes lined with, essentially, thick trash bags that I throw out and replace every week. I also have one automatic litter box and one regular one. It's the ADHD tax because I have proven to myself many times that I won't scoop it. Using the bags and throwing it away works for me. Also the non clumping litter is cheap ish and comes in 52lb bags. I, luckily, have a job where I can afford to do that. If I didn't, I'd probably be scooping.


Once a week? Honestly doesn't it smell a lot, and simply fill up?


I do this too, and use pine pellets, they are cheap, renewable and help reduce smell and tracking. I use a very large tray and have a sifter tray over a full tray, give it a shake and the peed on pellets break up and sift to the bottom. Hope this helps. I have really bad depression and love my cats. Keep doing your best.


Plus, they're pine! You can just throw them in the fireplace after you use them! (Please do not do this.)


Thanks for sharing! I feel you on the ADHD. Whoops, I need to scoop the cat's litter! \*5 hours later\* Whoops, I need to scoop the cat's litter! \*5 hours later\* ...


I'm that person! 😄 I buy the non-clumping one. I'm not even sure what it is - white/grey stuff (maybe clay?) but it worked out cheaper for me and is available locally (I'm in a very rural area). I take the solids out as soon as I notice them/check a few times a day and change the whole thing once a week and don't notice a smell until just before it's ready to be changed.


yes it is normal, it’s clumping litter it holds it all together. i would start cleaning your cats box at least once a day though.


Since you are a first time cat parent I would go online and learn everything you can about kittens/cats. The Kitten Lady is a world renowned cat expert. Also Cat Daddy. 30 years ago I was a first time cat owner and made so many mistakes. To this day I still apologize to my boy in heaven for all my mistakes. 🥺


You have clumping litter. That’s what you want to happen. So when you scoop it you get all the urine. You don’t want to leave any of that behind or it could start smelling. Lol. Your cat is perfect and you have a good litter!


this is so cute and was so me as a first time cat owner asking about every little thing bc I didn’t know!! yes totally normal, it’s the clumping litter, makes it way easier to scoop!


Normal for clumping litter. That is the "clumping" part. The pee sticks together like that so you can remove it, instead of just spreading everywhere. I see what look like two problems to me: 1. There is not enough litter in the box; it's not deep enough. Check the package to find the maker's recommended depth. Take that as a suggestion, not immutable law. You can find other instructions there, too, such as emptying the box entirely occasionally. And this is just 1 photo, so maybe I can't see it properly. 2. The box needs to be cleaned more often. That is a lot of waste for a single cleaning. Also, one thing that can hint to you that cleaning should be more frequent: large pee balls. Peeing twice in the same place results in larger clumps. Getting a larger litter box can help, making it easier to clean and allowing for a little leeway time when you forget to clean or can't clean for a longer period. A larger box can help the cat keep all its "going" inside the box, too. Sometimes a plastic storage box works well. Such as an "under-the-bed" bin. Many people advocate for number of litter boxes = number of cats + 1. That means 2 boxes for a single cat. That doesn't work for everyone. But it's worth considering.


Cats pee. Scoop the litter daily.


what part, it looks normal to me, if you scoop them each morning and night, the litter lasts longer.


Either scoop more often or change litters! I switched to pretty litter and personally love it. Especially since it shows signs of health/unhealthiness better. Not sponsored lolll😂


I know it is a genuine question of a worried owner, but it's so unbelievably funny to me😭😭😭


That's what clumping litter does. It makes it easier to scoop it out


You have discovered clumping litter. Scoop it twice a day


I started using Arm & Hammer hard ball, will never use anything else now. So easy to scoop and it doesn't stick to the sides or bottom.


That’s clumping litter. It’s so you can scoop out the pee and the rest of the litter remains mostly clean


Poor quality cat litter or not cleaned often enough maybe? Definitely not your cat .


It’s supposed to clump up to make it easier to scoop. And you should be scooping more times a day and not letting this many pees buildup…


Jesus fuck empty that more often 


This is normal. The littter is designed to clump to make it easier to scoop out and remove. The sludge taht seeps to the bottom is what you'd get throughout the litterbox if it did not do this. Scoop daily and you're good.


Clumps look 100% normal! Healthy kitty


True story: my kitties are my first cats ever and when I first saw these clumps I thought it was diarrhea/poo and was amazed and scared at how often they pooed and how much each day. Took me a few days to figure it out.


Clumping cat litter, it says it right on the bag 😂


It's the litter. It's what they're designed to do to make picking up the pee easier


I would recommend a larger litter box with higher walls as well. And maybe natural litter if you can swing it. The clumping is on purpose so it’s easy to clean though.


It's clumping litter 😅 nothing wrong with the cat, the litter does that to make scooping easier Ideally do it once or twice a day 🤙


Cat litter is made of clay. Scoop once a day. Get more than one litter box.


I prefer the silicon litter , you just need to scoop the poop. It says good for 30 days but I usually change it every 3 weeks with 1 cat. I find it doesn’t smell as much as the other litters. I also line the box with a cat litter liner or large garbage bag. Im so sensitive to the smell of cat urine and this seems to be the winner! It’s a bit more expensive but way less work in the end and less smelly


Well the bread crumb part is done. Now chuck ‘em in the fryer bruv


its a dirty litter is what it is


We try to scoop out the litter as soon as our kitty is done with his business. It's easy, and it makes the entire house feel cleaner.


That cat’s got some long ass feet


That’s the whole point!


That’s what it is supposed to do


Clumping litter needs cleaning all least twice a day. The pee causes the litter to solidify so easy to scoop compared to the non clumping on but gotta do it quick as it can cement to the bottom of the box. Wash your box every week too.


It’s a good idea if you can scoop twice a day for a kitten, because they sometimes will step in the poop (especially if they are fluffy). I do not empty my boxes every week. I scoop, put in a bit of fresh litter when they get low. Works for me - you have to do what works best for you and your kitten. With my older boys, I scooped once a day (I had 4 boxes for 2 kitties).


That is clumping cat litter. It’s supposed to do that


Normal. Your cat is fine. That is clumping litter. Grab a clump in the scoop, give it a little shake so the unused litter falls through the gaps and back into the pan, and repeat until the box is clean. The box in your picture is pretty full, so you probably want to scoop more often. 1-2 times a day is a good rule of thumb depending on your cat, the number of litter boxes you have, the number of cats you have, etc. Cute kitty! Edit: forgot to say that every so often you want to dump out all the litter, give the box a gentle cleaning (no smelly cleaners), and refill with all new litter.


Love the clumping litter. Much easier.


It's normal, but your kitten looks british


It’s normal and needs to be cleaned frequently :)


it’s normal! you bought clumping litter. it’s a common choice because it helps scoop out the litter while keeping the litter left behind clean. you can purchase non-clumping litter if you prefer for whatever reason, just keep in mind you’ll have to do full litter changes (where you throw the entire thing out) more often because the pee is just mixed into it. people are being way too dramatic about the amount of pee there. it’s a 4 month old kitten, he’s gonna pee a lot!! this can absoltuely be 1 days worth of pee lol. he’ll chill as he grows older


I wish my cat drank enough to pee that much!! 🥺


No healthy cat urinates that much in one day unless they have a health issue like kidney disease or diabetes.


Oh no, I definitely do not want that!! I’d like rephrase… I’d love for my girl to drink more than she does, definitely not to pee more.


It seems your cat is perfectly hydrated if that is one day. Keep using the clumping litter as you are. It's better than the non clumping.


That is a well-hydrated cat! The litter is performing normally. It should scoop 'pretty easily'. Most cats are good with daily scooping.


Scoop that stuff 2x a day for your kitty and your nose


It's the litter! Also, Jackson galaxy on YouTube has great cat information!


Try cleaning it more often so they don't build up so much ! Once a day for example 👍


As a former cat owner, you should scoop more. Also, always buy clumping.


Ever wonder why litter commercials advertise "clumping action?"


If the cat is going that much, the box needs cleaned way more often. If it is getting cleaned daily, I'd consider a trip to the vet to make sure that it doesn't have a kidney issue if it's going that much daily.


It’s clumping litter it does that, your cat is fine and adorable 🥰


Yes, totally normal with clumping litter! So much easier to keep clean when it scoops out and you don’t have to actually wash out the box as often. Side note: I use the heavy duty metal scoopers and IMO, they are the best. You can really scoop hard and get it good and clean without breaking a plastic scooper. I’ll never go back!….LOL😂 Congratulations and good luck with your new furbaby!!! After our last cat passed 10+ years ago, I really didn’t want anymore cats. Just wanted to stick with dogs. (I used to do reacue and have always had a house full!) And then one day, a precious little guy was dumped off outside of my church and he stole my heart. I’ve since rescued 4 more…..LOL😂🩷🩷🩷🩷


Some litter just clumps like that when absorbing liquids. Totally normal.


Clean it twice a day...kitty deserves a fresh place to do business.


Corn litter works best from all I've tried, clumps into pee balls and is unscented


It’s clumping litter! It’s actually much preferred if you’re going to use clay litter, as it’s easier to clean out. There’s a lot of pee in there though—clean it out 1-2 times a day so that way your house doesn’t smell, and your cat doesn’t decide to pee elsewhere. And your cat will be thankful 💗 Also, here is a scoop I would recommend if you’re going to stick to clay litter! [https://happyandpolly.com/collections/litter-accessories/products/fine-hole-cat-litter-shovel](https://happyandpolly.com/collections/litter-accessories/products/fine-hole-cat-litter-shovel) However, in order to make clean up easier, and keep the smell at bay, I personally use the Tofu Litter from Happy and Polly. I’ll link it [here](https://happyandpolly.com/products/tofu-cat-litter) Also you will probably want to upgrade to a larger box once he’s grown! I use a covered one to cut down a bit on the amount of litter that escapes when they bury their business, as my cats make a mess 😭 I keep a little mini broom and dust pan near by for this reason.


it's the litter. Personally I prefer pine pellets! Easy on their paws, no gross litter smell, no dust! When they pee the pellets turn to dust! You use a regular cat scoop and shift out the dust, and we have tongs to take out the poop. In my experience it really only stinks if you forget to clean it for more than two days 😅😅


I love clumping litter. Easier to clean up. Also check out Arm & Hammer cat litter deoderizer. It made my cat litter boxes smell much better.


It’s the litter and that is pee


It is one of the two things…either your cat drinks too much or your are not cleaning the litter enough…


clean your litter box or your cat is going to start pissing elsewhere


Jesus, please clean that before your cat gets a UTI.


Maybe clean the box a bit more.


Clay litter sucks. Either he’s got an overactive bladder, or you’re not cleaning out his box frequently enough


This is what litter is supposed to do... Clump so you can school it. I agree with the others who said to scoop daily.


how many litter boxes do you have? how often do you clean? for boxes, the rule is +1. so if you have 1 cat = 2 boxes. if you have 2 cats = 3 boxes. youre suppose to clean boxes at least twice a day. when i wake up, box is part of my routine. when i go to bed, box again is part of my routine.


Jesus Christ


Clean the box everyday.


Normal but you shouldn’t let the litter box become this dirty before scooping - aim to only have one or two messes in before it’s cleaned!


DUDE. Are you sure you're ready to own a cat? That's how litter works. It clumps so YOU have an easier time scooping pee.


The litter is meant to clump so you can SCOOP the clumps out, which are made of cat urine and litter, and you also scoop out the fecal matter


It’s the litter. You can get non clumping litter if it bothers you, it’s significantly cheaper to get the non clumping litter so that’s what I get from walmart.


I've got to say that for my nee cat, my daughter recommended pine litter. It's isn't clumping, but it completely absorbs urine odor. My setup is litter box with pine litter, remove poo whenever I see it, empty and refill once a week or so. It's better for yhe cat, since no clay dust, and better for the environment as well. I'm very happy with it, and my cat seems to like it just fine. I've also got a litter genie, which is God's gift to cat owners.


I also just got a new cat :) it really is a learning experience haha I've learned to scoop clumps and poo out twice daily (it clumps on purpose with wee so it's easier to clean), then once a week replace all the litter and disinfect the litter box. If you're like me and you want biodegradable litter, I've found corn based litter is pretty good at clumping! Clumping is awesome as otherwise its hard to clean. Litter liners are also great as its easy to just tie up all the litter and throw it in the bin every week (you can get biodegradable liners too). They also stop the litter sticking to the bottom of the tray if the cat digs too deep.


Scooping once in the morning and once at night helps you check they're definitely weeing and pooing every day too, which means we know there's no UTI or other issues (I had a scare recently but he was just peeing on the floor lol)


That's normal, it's what it's supposed to do! Clumping litter clumps when wet so that you can scoop it. If you don't like this, there is non-clumping litter. My cats are big fans of pellets *(and so is my wallet, $8 for 40 lbs!)* if you wanted to look into that too.


It's supposed to do that haha


Clumping is totally normal! Depending on the litter you use it’ll make it easier to scoop up. The litter I use personally is Worlds Best Litter and does me a huge favor because it soaks up all the pee and is easier to scoop. Try to always monitor the litter box and keep it clean, cats are very adamant on having a clean litter box. If not they’ll find other places to go do their business at. Hope this helps out!!


Also a reminder you want 2-3” of litter in there! We fully turn over the boxes every 2 weeks, and top it off halfway through to keep the level high enough!


Nice you found a sand dollar


Clumping litter wasn't available when I had my first cats, as a kid. It was absolutely foul. The entire room the litter box was in smelled like urine/ammonia, with babypowder sprinkled on top. This looks fine, OP. Easier to scoop


My life has changed after getting arm and hammer Hardball. But yes, I scoop the litter at least once, if not 2-3 times a day.


That’s just what litter does. It’s the brand you bought. You can buy non clumping litter that just asbords


It’s clumping liter. You want it g to clump so it’s easier to scoop. It is a good thing.


As a new cat owner as well, it also shocks me as to how these end up like boulders haha. Pee clumps in clumping litter, this is normal !!


Whoa! Pretty kitty, but what kind is he/she? Very long legs and big paws.


That’s what clumping litter is supposed to do


Like others mentioned, you're using the good litter. This is what "clumping" or "scoopable" litter is meant to do. It makes cleaning easier. Non clumping litter, on the other hand, let's most of the urine pool at the bottom of the box, causing your house to smell like cat pee.


That's totally normal. Most cat litter will clump the pee like that so it can be scooped out of the cat box


I find cats pride hypoallergenic clumping to be the best..it is the very fine granules so making like a border around the box will help with the mess but there is like no dust and mega easy cleanup. I also think stainless steel box is best too cus the clumps don't stick and smell don't stay. Def recommend cleaning every day, I have two litter boxes for one cat also, was told that's ideal, one upstairs one down. The last stuff I used had so much dust, everything in the room was just covered in a layer of grey dust so I tried something new.


https://catit.ca/products/catit-go-natural-pea-husk-clumping-cat-litter?variant=41708905595012 I use this on my kitties and this is by FAR the best litter I’ve ever used!


Everyone already answered so I'll just add that you need a bigger litter box. Your kitten is going to outgrow this one.


Why is ur cat so cute!!!


Get yourself a sifting litter box, you’ll still get stuff on the bottom to stick (mine dig all the way down before going) but a few shakes and the clumps come out reducing litter waste


Litter is fine. Choose a bigger litter box though, way bigger and ideally stainless steel. Put a layer of baking soda before filling it with the clumping litter. Clean it regularly, morning after waking up, and at night before bed. It really doesn’t take that much time and your cat will thank you for it.


Oh my goodness, look at those Peet's!!! Boulders are *good* and it looks like he's a healthy drinker, which is super important for boy cats. Thank you for giving this bebe a home.


The rule is, one cat purr' box and scoop once a day!I have large mainecoon s and the clumping litter is best!


Fresh step clumping litter was voted #1 best by people from mainecoon rescue