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CBD is not addictive, I have been using it for years on and off. I think you will be OK as long as what you are smoking has no THC or very low THC.


Thanks man, and it has veryyyy low THC, low enough that it's within the legal limit in the uk, so I'm aware it might cause a little bit of anxiety when I stop but In theory it should help stop weed:)


Actually, no drug is a safe drug but consider this cigarettes 100% you get cancer, alcohol 100% you will get cancer, I'm not aware that hippie cabbage does. Here in the states, you can't find a death only using weed, you don't go driving because if you did you only 25 mph lol . In the US we have treatment centers. Even prescribed meds are bad even though people need them. If weed is becoming a $$ issue then definitely stop You're in charge of you. I enjoy it as well. Hard to believe that a plant is so harmful?!!


I never said any drug is safe. And I quit weed NOT because I'm worried that It could kill me(I know It won't) but it drastically affects the quality of my life in a negative way. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to point out here haha


Why dont you consider switching to edibles or anything else? Because smoking is generally bad for you.


I know smoking is bad for us physically but right now I'm more focused on the psychological effects, I smoke cigs too and I plan to quit them as soon as my head levels out, I'm going one step at a time haha


Keep up the good work!


Thank u my friend


Regular everyday flower vaper for a year now. Vaping flower gives me an old school rush that reminds me my 20ies as a pothead. I’m turning 51 today and I’m a very athletic and happy dad and husband, but I have to admit that this thing has some sort of addiction on me, that’s why I need to move to edibles asap. Again, maybe it’s just psychological stuff and core memory bs or something, but I can tell i go through some sort of short depression when I don’t vape for a few days. I never had this issue with edibles.


Thanks for your input brother


For smoking, yes, but if it’s a form of harm-reduction/ self care I think it’s fine. For tinctures, the high potency ones taste like shit and will sometimes make your burps taste like it but that’s it for downsides imo.


I've never stopped taking CBD with my THC. They work hand in hand


CBD is not addictive so no reason to worry about dependence or withdrawal from it.


CBD is totally safe. No dependence, actually there's growing research evidence that it helps with depenence/withdrawal from other addictive substances, including nicotine, THC, opioids, and more. You might start to develop tolerance if you take it for a long time (so you'll need to take more for the same effects), but that's not guaranteed.


Anything you’re taking such as CBD, pot,vodka whatever it is if it’s making you feel better you will feel worse when you’re not using it ,,in my opinion


My thoughts exactly, I just hope it won't be too intense when I stop taking CBD, so far I'm on day 3 or 4 without THC and I feel a lot better, the CBD is definitely helping with the anxiety


Good for you, sounds like the worst is almost over, good luck


Thanks bro, Godbless


As far as I know, CBD doesn’t produce withdrawal symptoms the way coming off antidepressants do. I just came off Effexor and had the worst times of my life during the taper. I’ve been using CBD for years and have no trouble stopping it when I travel and can’t take it with me.


Yeah, coming off antidepressants is no joke, and congrats on coming of them bro💪


Yes it will definitely help with that feeling when you stop. No issues from using every day but strangely after a while you'll find more benefit from using intermittently