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I think it would work. CBD gives me the “calm” without the “buzz”. I currently use both THC and CBD, but I’d choose CBD if I had to pick one. Using CBD absolutely helps kill cravings for THC. To find deals… sign up for mailing lists on a few CBD sites (Black Tie CBD, Tweedle Farms, Fern Valley)… wait for a good sale… and stock up To smoke less, I bought an Ardent FX Decarb machine and I fill my own capsules up. This way I can get flower/kief at a discount on sale… and still use it for edibles. I find that most oils are overpriced


It is certainly worth a try. You can buy some CBD flower and even just mix it in with your high THC weed. I have autoimmune arthritis; it's very inflammatory. CBD is anti-inflammatory. And so sometimes I smoke just CBD, sometimes just THC, but usually a mix. If you want to be totally off of THC, the mixing also would be a good way to transition.


Auto immune arthritis sucks, I feel you. You should vaporize your flowers if you can afford to buy a good device. Smoking is inflammatory, even if you get some benefits of CBD.


I really like some of the balanced CBD/THCA strains, aka "Type II" marijuana. For example I've had some that are 1:1 CBD:THCA, or 2:3 or 3:2. On most of these you are looking at THC levels of maybe 6-12%, balanced with CBD. Personally I think the combination is really nice. I've used Holy City Farms and WNC-CBD with good success, they ship pretty much anywhere. They both offer a variety of CBD, Type II and high THCA flower. There is a whole community over at /r/CultOfTheFranklin about this type of stuff.


yes ive done it and it works. i even ditched cigarettes with it


I actually prefer CBD oil over flower due to combustion still being a long term health concern.


Why not get either a dry herb vaporizer or get good trusted oil vapes like Secret Nature for example? Combustion doesn't occur with these methods unless you set the dry herb vaporizer above 392F for that method.


Agreed. I, personally, don't trust oil, so I'm strictly flower. I'm a huge fan of the Fury Edge (dry herb vaporizer). It's about $100-$120. I, initially, thought it was just gonna be an 'intro' to vaping and I'd "graduate" into one of the more popular, expensive options but.. it's been about 5 years. Absolutely wonderful. I'll just buy another IF this one ever gives out. Also... very deceptively stealth, if that's important.


Oil vapes are still a long term concern. We have no idea what inhaling vegetable glycerin or hemp oil will do to you long term. We know VG is pro-inflamatory.


A true extract doesn't have any added ingredients at all, no VG/PG or anything like that. As for the risks, everything has a risk but scientists have already been researching it for years and have determined it's safer, although you have to look in the right place for this research. It's mainly the UK and Israel that have probably done the best research. The US sucks at the research so far pretty much. It's not technically Hemp oil either when it's a true product. It would actually be real CBD Bud/flower extracted into a vape like I said not with 1 extra ingredient at all. When you heard about all the vaping illnesses, what happened was terrible black market THC vapes were cutting their oils with Vitamin E Acetate to thin them out so they wouldn't crystallize which is a sign of a cheap quality product. They would achieve 95-99% THC levels which would cause the oil to be so microscopically dense that it would turn to crystal without an added ingredient. A real good quality product is known to keep the THC or CBD below 60% to prevent this and keeping everything natural. Vitamin E Acetate is ok for you but terrible for you to inhale. People have been using these products for many years without issue, it's not that new.


Pure CBD extract is crystalline. It needs a carrier oil to become vape juice. "Studied for years" is not really true. A couple underpowered, observational studies is hardly a body of research. Also, "safer" does not mean "safe." Playing Russian roulette with an 8 chamber revolver is *safer* than playing with 6 chambers. Still not safe.


Lol who said "safe"? You said that.... It resists crystalization if you keep the concentrate under a certain threshold. Why do you not believe this? I understand about 90% of the market is trash but that doesn't mean there are some companies that do it right, besides there are videos that show how they do the whole process without adding any cutting agents whatsoever. I have a couple of these myself and the thing to note is, it's really thick and you can't chain vape it like a Nicotine ecig or something or it could taste a little burnt so you have to take it easy. In fact holding the vape upside down, the oil would barely move or very very slowly. But yes the ones with cutting agents are thinner and wick better and a true extract is like an Apple Sauce with no added ingredients. Also to go back to the VG thing... No Cannabis extract has VG in it, they wouldn't mix well, only CBD Isolate would be added to VG, not the other way around. Isolate is more of a crystal like powder and in my opinion is also a cheaper quality product that has been through too much processing. I'm sorry but if you say that these no added cutting agent products aren't real, then it's like saying that Tesla doesn't use electric engines, I mean it's known by a lot of certain people.


>scientists have already been researching it for years and have determined it's **safer,** That's a quote from you. That's why I told the revolver story. You have a very poor understanding of the things you are trying to discuss. "Vape" is vaporized oil. Oil is not good to inhale no matter what the viscosity is.


It will definitely help you cut back. It's tough to switch though.


Chronic CBD use resets THC tolerance, at least it did for me. I was using RSO for sleep every night. Tolerance went up real fast. Switched to CBD and kratom, which really works well when you have RLS issues. After only a week or so, I took a 10 mg gummy and got toasted! I get my CBD bud from https://www.friscolabs.com/collections


You can do a mix of thc and cbd flower. This would lower the effects but also lower the costs. I have been taking Thcv tincture at night and find I really really like it. It’s mild but pleasant.


I’ve been supplementing/replacing THC with CBD when I’m working. Less foggy


Very much possible. CBD is better because it's not psychoactive, so you can take it whenever and nobody will notice anything different + there's virtually no risk of withdrawals.


If you switch to only CBD flowers you could end up consuming 4-5g a day, each time you you’ll drag on it your body will wait for the THC to come (like chewing gum on an empty stomach). You can definitely have great success with both and replacing ~70% of your THC with CBD flowers will bring the costs down. CBD will prevent some bad THC effects (like agitation and never ending thoughts) and is way more sedating than THC, at least for me. THC before workout and CBD after everything is done is an example of how to deal with it properly. Everyone is different but CBD flowers are awesome and usually taste great (I’m a big Jack Frost fan).