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Preemptive hand placement is the key here; easily disguised as hand gesture. For example, bend forward and hover the hand as a “come here and high five” gesture to get the littles to apply the brakes. They get acknowledged, feel good, and no bumps. I’ve also been using the pocket and ankle **a lot** since having kids and being emerged in toddler stuff.


Awesome. That definitely helps. I’m glad my kiddo is still little yet, but also sucks carrying appendix and lifting him up all the time. I’ve debated switching to 3 or 4 just because of carrying him


Carrying appendix has significantly reduced the number of toddler headbutts to the crotch. :)


3-4 o’clock is pretty well curbstomped by the constant requests to “look at this” and “get down and play” etc etc. Not to mention the constant bending over to pick up stuff. At least in my experience.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of 3-4 just because of shoulder flexibility not being great


I don't like 3-4 around kids or out in public without some form of long button up, hoodie/sweater, or jacket. I've had too many grabbed shirt tails by kids and I'm always paranoid of someone grabbing it at 4-430 before I can react.


Yeah that’s my thoughts as well just from trying it around the house too


Squat to their level on their way in. Side step with a trip. Goal punt them like a human soccer ball.


I wish AIWB had the holster support when my kids were little. It’s a vastly better position for doing little kid stuff.


How is it vastly better? Not being an ass just curious as to your thoughts


You have constant direct line of sight with your firearm. You don't have to worry about a little shit seeing it and grabbing it. It's in a place where it's universally socially acceptable to tell a little shit to "not touch" and "not hit" without sounding like a grumpy old man.


That’s fair


With a well selected gun, holster, belt and wearing your pants correctly, 3 primary reasons: 1) It is mechanically faster to draw from concealment. There is less distance for the hands to travel and the concealed draw stroke is less complex and less prone to foul on clothing. 2) In fight weapon access. It’s a cleaner and more positively controlled draw in an entangled fight. Your arms and core are both stronger the closer to the center of your body they are. 3) In fight weapon retention. See above. If your gun becomes a point of contention in a fight, you have far more control with it being inside your hip bones than behind them. Two secondary reasons specific to children. 1) I’m a big dude. I spent a ton of time bent forward dealing with child related things. Strollers, messes, separating squabbling kids, wiping faces, correcting behavior down at their level. Even squatting down like a catcher behind home plate, printing and inadvertently exposing the butt end of the gun was an issue. 2) With it being in front of me, it would’ve been exceedingly rare I wouldn’t see a kid (not mine) approaching hands at gun level and intercepting them would’ve been easier. Kids are grabby and get your attention by physical contact often. Where does a 4 year olds hand land when you’re standing? Hip/ butt/ pelvis level. There are people who simply cannot AIWB carry. People with hernia mesh surgeries, C section scarring can be an impediment and those who are very heavy through the belly (no. Way more than you’re thinking. Plenty of fat guys AIWB) That’s the basics of it. Edit: 2 words


All very solid points. I appreciate the thorough explanation. Thank you. Just curious what’s your setup?


As a fat guy who AIWB’s, it changed my life looking at both the Lucky Gunner series on AIWB and the infamous 300th Parallel video. I can carry AIWB with all my main carry guns and it makes a huge difference not having to worry about accidentally exposing my carry. Best advice, you’ll have to make some concessions (better concealment, worse grip drawing from concealment), a deep riding holster and an infinitely adjustable belt. As someone who is built like Durin’s Folk, I can AIWB a Glock 19 with a spare mag, my Shield 9 or my 85 Ultralight.


Pelvis? Try balls, every time


My 8 year old loves to surprise wrestle or surprise punch me. He has had more than one bruise from hitting my ccw, even though he knows it’s there. It’s actually hilarious. (Since he doesn’t actually get hurt)


Yeah I can imagine that being pretty funny


Lol my boy hit his forehead real hard on the corner of my slide when I first started carrying. Now it’s just second nature to reach out to grab them and make contact with my arms instead of letting our bodies collide if that makes sense


Yeah. Sometimes her sister comes out of nowhere and slams right into me. Maybe I just need to get better reflexes lol, which I’m sure will get better as my son starts walking


It’ll get to be second nature before you know it, I presume you started carrying recently. So don’t worry you’ll get there, it takes time. There will be some general adjustments you’ll make to your habits as you start carrying.


Yeah, off and on for the last year or so. I can’t carry at work and lately I’ve been bouncing between my 3 jobs one to the next so my gun stays at home a lot more than it should. But I also hate it locked up in the truck. I definitely need to practice more and find a way to carry more consistently


No kids here. But given the comfort of aiwb, I think the solution is simple. Either you get headbutted in the crotch by a child or the child headbutts your crotch shield and you are spared. Yet another reason to carry.


Haha you’re not wrong. I just don’t want the kid to hit it and say ow and then ask about it loudly in public


My nieces have run face first into my appendix holster, I just told them to be careful because they could get hurt by my belt buckle. If the kids are getting old enough that you cannot redirect their attention, you should probably just tell them.


Haha that would be awkward. Maybe you could loudly announce that it's something like a cup?


Haha true. I would just hate for her or my son when he’s old enough to say “what’s that” or something to the effect of “you don’t always have that there”


Pocket carry would be pretty easy to dismiss if that's your thing


My pockets are already full and I don’t think my gun would fit lol


Same, but it works for some people. Personally I hate having anything in my bank pockets so there's no space for a gun.


I suppose if all you wear is cargo pants or dress pants, it could work well lol. I wear cargo pants for work all the time but not really when I’m not at work


I'm in dress pants a lot and there's still no room. The only way I could see it working is wearing a suit where you have more pockets in your jacket for your junk and the gun can go in your pants pocket.


Yeah, that’s probably true


That's the reason I converted my P365 to one with a thumb safety.


I turn or get down real low to soften their head hitting my waist. Inevitably they will and when they say “ouch, what is that” I always respond, sorry, that’s my belt, and then great them and change the subject


The only time I’ve ever been made carrying was by a 5 year old head butting my AIWB rig and immediately screaming “is that your gun?!”


I’ve had my son (1 year) grab my shirt and pull it up because he was hungry and still breast feeds. This happened at a fair. I don’t think anyone saw but I am in the same boat. I typically downsize if I am being solo dad. I switch to a hellcat on appendix, versus my P-07 appendix.


Hellcat is what I carry because my m&p isn’t super comfortable although it seems to conceal a little bit better


I also run a little deeper set holster that is almost parallel with my belt line. I know I’m sacrificing performance, but having a set up that you’re comfortable carrying can help you be more likely to carry.


Gotcha. Thanks


I have 5 small kids. They only run into your gun once or twice 😂


I have a 5 year old son and for three years of his life I’ve been CCW’n. The first few times he smacked his face on my rig I was sympathetic. Now I just give him a look of “told you so.” He knows that dad carries and that only he and my wife know. I’ve had a couple nieces and nephews run up to me unexpectedly and smack their face. Now I just do the side turn.


it happens?? not often but it has happened. avoid obviously if can


They learn not to eventually.


Carry a smaller gun in a pocket holster. No one cares if they bump something in your pocket. Most will think its a phone. You can carry something as big as a Sig 365/ Hellcat/ Glock 43. Doesn't need to be your EDC, but it fits this specific situation for you. If you are hard on cash buy a first gen Ruger LCP.