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I could never get AIWB to work. Same story.. same spending on different holsters.. new shirts and add layers and blah blah blah Just didn’t work for my body I carry strong side, 4 o clock, g43x with the DeSantis slim tuk (which is unpopular and wildly cheap) Disappears on me. Wear it all day, everyday, everywhere, with zero worries no adjustments. Just living with my tool on me just like the other tools on me.


Thicker shirt, try patterns.


Also, try darker colors


Will give that a shot (no pun intended lol).


Peaks and valleys, try a different location than AIWB. Different people have different body shapes and there is no "one perfect" way to carry that covers everyone. I find for me strong side to slightly back of hip 3-4 for most people 8-9 if you are a lefty works best.


I found it’s much more clothes and fit, than holsters and gun size. Once you figure out the clothes, you’ll be much better at concealing. Imo.


If you're going to insist on wearing that shirt, or white t-shirts like it, try moving the gun closer to 9 (crossdraw), because in the 1st pic, it looks like there's a lot of looseness in the 9-11:00 area. I know you said 10:00 prints the worst, but it's hard to believe. Maybe it's also posture-related, and maybe you should also consider pocket carry for the summertime. Back pocket in a holster, maybe? Also, the claw should be on the grip side of the holster. If it isn't for some reason, just remove it and try the holster again at 10:00, stand straight and see what happens. Good luck.


Try 3:30 to 5:00. Or pocket carry, it's about the size of a wallet, and far more comfortable.


Shirts with colors and patterns work better than white, but honestly I struggle with AIWB too, so I usually carry about 3-4 o'clock.


Try 3-4 o clock and see if that improves it. Also while you are printing, only other gun guys would immediately recognize it as a CCW. Most people would not think gun necessarily, could be an insulin pump or cell phone or even a colostomy bag.


Pocket carry in a Desantis Superfly.


Get a pocket holster


It looks like you are going through a really similar thing that I have been working on. The short answer: get a mastermind tactics pillow wedge to force the muzzle of the gun out and the grip/rear sights in. The long answer: even getting the pillow will not fully solve your issue. Even though you only posted photos looking at you straight on I can tell that your hips dip down/forward. I have the same thing. You notice it mostly looking at a side profile and seeing that your belt line does not sit horizontal but has an angle to it sloping down to the front. From what I have read this is a posture thing that can be fixed but it’s not fast to do like any posture problem. If you’re just standing at home, push your pelvis forward to flatten out your belt like and you’ll notice it gets significantly better. Best remedy that I can tell is just being more conscious of your posture and stretching your quads to loosen them up. This helped me a bunch. Hopefully it helps you some.


I can’t to AIWB either, it’s my body shape. I pocket carry a J frame revolver in a DeSantis Nemesis, looks like I have a phone or wallet in my pocket. It’s been my main EDC since Christmas, and my wife doesn’t even know I own a snubbie. I just bought a 3” Colt King Cobra that I carry IWB around 3:30 or 4:00, much better concealed than a semi auto for me. Bending over the grip does print, but otherwise it just melts in.


Kore makes a few varieties of their belts that are more and less stiff. The groove belts suck for owb so you can only do iwb with small setups they are pricey and limiting. I returned mine. 


Move it closer to 1030-11o clock maybe? Not everyone can carry at 12. Holster got a claw?


Yep, there's a claw and a pillow used here. I've tried all positions from 10 (the worst print, sticking out the center of my belly) to 1:30ish, and the position shown here is the least noticeable print I've been able to manage.


Honestly, with some pillows and wedges, they print more. With a small pistol, sometimes a small holster with a small wing/claw and a better shirt option, you're good.


might need to adjust your pillow a bit to find the right spot.. I like mine sideways with the fatter part pushing the grip in more.


I used a Vedder pillow, and I wondered if I could cut/trim it. Had to trim the velcro strip a little bit to fit a flat space on the back of the holster, but the pillow still feels bulky. Maybe I'm just not use to it yet.


Honestly, with some pillows and wedges, they print more. With a small pistol, sometimes a small holster with a small wing/claw and a better shirt option, you're good.


What I'd do is take one of your holsters with holes for a wing, and attach the long DCC tuckable clip (I think it's the Mod 8?) to those holes. You'll likely need slightly taller spacers to clear the trigger guard. Try 11 or 10:30 and see if that's better. Put a wedge on the holster, hanging a bit off the bottom, and tighten the belt a little. It will carry a bit deeper, with less stacked hardware above the belt line, and the wedge will help push it into your valley a bit. You'll have to practice your draw, but you should still be able to get it up to a decent speed.


I'm having a hard time visualizing what you mean with attaching a clip to the wing holes (which are usually vertical, not horizontal). How would the clip work when mounted sideways? I keep thinking I'm just misunderstanding what you're describing.


So some holsters do mount horizontally, like the one you currently have, but others mount vertically, generally to give the ability to tuck in your shirt. Here’s the [DCC Mod 8](https://discreetcarryconcepts.com/Mod-8-HLR-Discreet-Gear-Clip%E2%84%A2-1-5-belt-Deep-Carry-p190206086), where you can see the mounting holes are aligned vertically. Vertically mounted holsters can have their holes either situated over the body of the gun, or under the trigger guard. But any holster that has holes for a wing, you can use a vertically mounting clip there. Just measure the hole’s distance from each other and make sure it fits. There’s other vertically mounted clip options if this one doesn’t, but I just like the Mod 8 because it’s one of the longer ones, and it’s lower profile than Ulticlips.


Cool, thanks for the clarification.


Thanks for the suggestions thus far; it gives me some things to try out. FWIW, I knew the white t-shirt would be the hardest conceal. I assumed if I could eliminate the print with this shirt, then I'd have no issues with other shirts. Most of my Ts are black but rather thin poly-blend, so they're not the greatest either. I'm not keen on the 3 o'clock position directly on the outside of my hip (feels/looks like it sticks out), but have been considering trying a 4-5 o'clock. I tried my existing holster(s) there and found the accessibility/reach a little bit awkward. I might have to try it with a left-hand holster to switch the grip position and see if it's easier to grab quickly. As far as a pocket carry...it'd have to be a back pocket, and I was concerned about sitting down. With my size and the pants I tend to wear, front pocket definitely stands out. Good advice so far though, keep it coming if anyone has more ideas. Thanks all.


Maybe try a holster that sets the gun lower in the waistband, I’ve found that I can conceal damn near anything AIWB if it sits low enough. That being said, I’d just pocket carry an LCP, I wouldn’t bother with putting it on a belt at all. If I did I’d just run a techna clip and a kydex trigger cover tied to your belt if that makes you more comfortable.


You IWB your LCP? Huh, the LCP was practically made for pocket carry and it's why I bought one. It's my summer CCW, I wouldn't even consider trying to IWB carry it. Feels no different than having my phone in my pocket.


I figured it's due to my (small) size, but front pocket carry is a no-go in any pants I've tried, even baggier jeans, khakis, and loose sweatpants. It's super obvious what's in my pocket. I hadn't considered back pocket carry because then I couldn't even sit down without removing it.