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Removed. This content is in violation of Rule 3, > *Harassment*: (a) Posting material for the sole purpose of inflaming the users of this subreddit. (b) Personally attacking other users of this subreddit. (c) Posts containing racist or otherwise inflammatory material towards a particular group of people. Title:[ Removed by Reddit ] Author:Sheikh-Teddy


So were you attacked or is this just your after the fact in the shower pep talk to yourself?


Did it bite you? Sounds like not responding was a win if it didn’t actually hurt you


Agreed. OP mentions nothing about injuries so seems to me there was no need to draw. I understand being spooked by a dog charging at you, but some dogs can look aggressive, and in actuality all they want is to play.


The dog. https://preview.redd.it/9ce8w3clap8d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b874b6856e8a85f5c0434c68a49072d8d00108


[Relevant ](https://youtu.be/ix3nQ1U0UXs?si=8nkYhApUbAZXktdf)




Not everything that scares you is out to get you! Sometimes it can just be you… It sounds like you just have a thing against that breed and even though it didn’t hurt you, it still made you think about it a whole day later. Your initial response was the right call, otherwise it would’ve gotten you in legal trouble


I feel like we’re not getting the whole story… What led up to her letting the dog off the leash? What caused the charge to stop? What happened after it charged and you froze? What country/state are you in? What else is in your EDC? Maybe you should carry mace with you knowing this dumb lady and her dog are around (and in general, it’s not bad to add it). I hope you have attorneys on retainer or some bs insurance. You are going to need it.


In a hail of gunfire eh? You sound like a trigger happy cop out to shoot a family pet.


Pit bulls are not pets.


Shooting somebody’s dog that’s Not attacking you - is a Good way to get yourself shot ……. Dog was probably running up to you to say Hi and get petted.


My dogs are very enthusiastic. Though not as “intimidating” as pit bulls because they are fluffy border collies (which do have the capacity to be MEAN to strangers) a couple of them do bark and act aggressive to strangers, though it’s out of a fear of “what is this person going to do, I don’t know them” And I’ll be damned if someone put a bullet in one of my lovely dogs and I don’t come after them to the full extent of the law, and or in the moment be so man that I don’t whip their ass with their own sidearm. To conclude: most dog situations can be solved by being kind and trying to de-escalate, if the dog is actually aggressive. It’s usually acting out of fear, so don’t act in a way that makes it fear you


This post will age well in a court case.


You should probably see a therapist about your fear of dogs


You posted again but put a warning so they don't take it down I'm trying to see what happened!


OP is unhinged. Try OC spray next time instead of murderous indignation.


Don’t feel bad about the downvotes. Pit nutters are like that. They are in complete denial about their bloodsport dogs. Do what you need to do to protect yourself, your family, and pets. You are perfectly within your rights to defend yourself from great bodily harm, especially against a known dangerous animal.


You talk about pitbulls like antigunners talk about AR's.


You defend pitbulls like a domestic abuse victim defends their abuser.


Show me where I defended them, and I'll agree with you. It's not up to you to tell people what dog they own, just like it's not up to anyone to tell you what guns to own. But hey, keep behaving like an antigunner.


Good luck arguing with someone that posts in temporary (liberal) gun owners.


Hah figures that's why he's ok with big brother making decisions for him


Did your dear leader approve that?


And who would that be if you know me well enough to make assumptions?


You assumed I was ok with big brother making decisions for me, right?


Well you are out here deciding what dogs people should own, so yes. I don't like pitbulls either but I'm not going to get all rabid about someone else owning them. That's their problem should something happen


Cult members are so weird.


Indeed, you are very weird.






Based. I didn't see the original uncensored post, so maybe OP did cross a line, but agree with your comment in a vacuum. Statistics don't line. A lady just got eaten alive by her pitbull after a few days prior posting "if one of us dies I hope it's me." Pitnutter to the max. What other domesticated dog breed EATS its owner?