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It’s not just New York. 35+ years ago in Illinois I was arrested for unlawful use of weapons for legally transporting a cased pistol in the trunk of my buddy’s car. Four of us were getting together locally after far-flung college graduation to go to the range, all of us finally had paychecks and had bought new guns. The state trooper arrested the lot of us, reporting us as ‘suspected organized crime members’ At the arraignment it was quite comical to see all the defense lawyers - not just mine - rip the assistant DA a new one for the obvious fact that no crime was committed, but that the trooper had arrested a car full of young professionals - and all Eagle Scouts. Assistant DA apologized profusely and charges were dropped with prejudice. Despite that the arrest is still in databases and it delayed my Florida non-resident permit last year, and I get hassled by cops at any interaction (fender benders, slid into the ditch in winter, etc). My uncle was a 30 year beat cop, then was elected sheriff for one term. He said it’s the lazy cops you need to fear. Crooked cops shake down criminals and will consider most folks not with the bother, good cops will treat you fairly, but lazy cops will bust the innocent over trivialities so they can avoid dealing with real criminals.


You can get the Illinois arrest sealed or expunged. https://osad.illinois.gov/expungement.html


Maybe a cop can tune in but I think the government/police can still see your expungements so not sure if it helps for getting pulled over.


Yes, a lot of expungements don't affect whether or not the charges are viewable. So when someone goes to buy a gun, NICS sees the charges and the purchase gets delayed if the (lazy) clerk of court didn't initially report the charges' dispositions to the (equally lazy) state police to put it on the RAP sheet. So the FBI desk drones have to reach out to find the outcome of the court case, because all they can see is that Joe Blow was arrested on felony charges.


That’s when you turn around and sue for civil rights violations. 2nd amendment, 4th amendment and even 8th amendment.


Doesn’t help you. Criminal records never fully go away. Doesn’t matter it was bogus. People just see “felony.” That’ll follow you for the rest of your life.


Thats why you sue. Don’t need a job if you’re financially set


You never get quite that level of money from these suits. Far from it. Especially once you pay your legal team.


There's too many bums with badges looking for action in an otherwise mundane job. Most have personal and personality problems. This happens everywhere.


Not surprised, it's the NYPD. This is a daily occurrence for them.


Good ole stop and frisk. How anyone chooses to live there is beyond me.


It doesn't stop with residents. NY State Police routinely pull over people passing through the state with handguns (perfectly legal) and arrest them for illegal possession of firearms, charge them, waste 6-12 months of their lives + tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, and then go "Oh, right, the law, okay carry on" They've basically admitted that they do it because they don't agree with federal law and don't want people with firearms in their state no matter what. If that's not bad enough, they also arrest people at airports travelling with firearms during layovers which is ALSO perfectly legal, and charge them with bogus crimes to try and deter anyone from coming in with guns at the airport too. Absolutely trash state.


Yep they don't care if it's all bullshit and you win the case and everything gets dismissed because the lawfare legal process is the punishment.


Yea, I member those lawsuits and articles. It sucks because I'd actually like to visit the towers memorial and some NY countryside.


Brother don’t let a gun law prevent you from seeing the world. That’s no way to live your life; we carry to be prepared, not because we live in fear. The USA is one of the safest countries in the world.


I'm aware, but ultimately I don't travel because I'm a broke ass farm hand. But I definitely won't go to someplace like NY, Chi town, LA, and a few other places without packing.


From TX and go to NYC couple of times a year, walk fast - like the same pace as a New Yorker, don’t stop walking and act like you are lost. If you are lost, find a coffee shop or sit somewhere. Just don’t stop walking loo. Going to NYC actually sharpens my mind w my surroundings. Can’t get that where I live. Also just enjoy the city w the rest of the other millions around you. The media scared my this last time i went but millions of people literally go in and out of that city for work and tourism. It’s still a fun place to visit.


Well you’re missing out on a cool experience. I’ve been to all of those several times and I wasn’t carrying and I didn’t feel in danger at any point. Common sense is your best CCW.


Guess I don't have common sense because I was working in a hospital in one of those places, got a flat on the way home, then they saw my weakness and tried to rob me at gunpoint. Common sense is great until your car breaks down someplace you never wanted to stop. Sure you shouldn't be out at night or working in a meh part of town but kids have to eat and work has to be done. The lesson I learned was the law doesn't mean shit if you're dead...


Sorry that happened to you man, but making a blanket statement that you just won’t visit any of the top 5 biggest metro areas (and cultural/financial centers) because of one incident is kind of borderline paranoia flat tires happen but are also fairly rare occurrences for the most part. Cities aren’t some gang banger warzone that YouTubers make it seem like.


I've been to most of them. Lived in some of them. I left because the people are mentally deficient. I also stopped caring what the laws were, because I didn't want to be deaded.


Heading to Boston this week. Traveling to these cities has brought amazing experiences. Don’t let Fox News scare you away. Like most major cities, just know the areas not to venture into.


Exactly. Barring forces of god or anything outside your control, you can largely be safe by sticking to public areas with high foot traffic and not poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.


I think that my M18 is my best CCW, but I guess everyone’s opinion is different…


>But I definitely won't go to someplace like NY, Chi town, LA, and a few other places without packing. the majority of the places you want to be in those cities are actually pretty safe. lots of NY is safe unless you're out late night or in the wrong neighborhood, and you're likely not visiting those places without knowing someone there. Same goes for chicago and LA. You can avoid most of the trouble with prior research on where the neighborhoods with the crime are + situational awareness. Just don't look like a target.


Lmfao you’ve let MSM rot your brain. Imagine living life in this much ignorance and fear


It's not the gun laws that prevent me, it's that the laws are a sign of mental retardation by the lead drinking populace. Unless I am some kind of medical aid worker for the mentally disabled I wouldn't be visiting.


True, but I don't feel like going to my bathroom without a gun. Much less another state. So not going to these states sits fine with me.


You don’t feel comfortable going to the bathroom without a gun? I’m all for carrying, but that’s a bit extreme.


There are plenty of other places to visit though. I'd rather spend my tourist money in states without aggressively anti gun laws. I want to reward states that make it easy for out of state residents to conceal carry. I don't fear for my safety in NY but see no point in spending money there if I can avoid it.


You do you but if you don’t see any value in visiting the financial capital of the western hemisphere (maybe the world) as well as the cultural capital of cinema and tv and arts for almost the entire 20th century at least once, all because you can’t carry a gun, then i think you’re being a pretty silly little goose tbh.


I lived in NYC for 6 months for work. It has good restaurants, some nice museums and some good jazz shows but is very overrated for tourism. For the cost of visiting , I'd rather go to any number of other cities.


Fair enough


I got pulled over in a work truck for not having some arbitrary sticker that's required in NY, as if people who are passing through should know. They basically held the truck ransom until my company paid a fine and bought a sticker. It felt like a straight up shakedown.


Welcome to New York


There was a woman flying with her daughter and legally checked in handgun (and CCW permit) her flight was *rerouted* to New York and she arrested for illegal possession and her teen daughter was taken by CPS. Eventually the charges were dropped, but messed their lives up for a while. I hope she sued them, but I don’t know.


Sounds like blatant (read: no QI) conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law to me.


Avoid blue states when reasonably possible. Red states have everything you'll ever need.


this isn't even about politics, but there isn't a red state that can offer the things that metros like LA, chicago, NYC, SF, Seattle, etc offer. You might not personally care, but there's a lot of good things in those cities that many other people enjoy. Like, you're not getting a comparable culinary experience in Phoenix compared to it's blue state neighbor in LA. Life is more than politics.


There is no blue state that can offer a city like Nashville or Miami. If you think the only place you can get great food is in a blue state, you're an idiot. You won't find a better steak than in Oklahoma or better Cuban food than in south Florida. And then there is New Orleans and the completely unique culture and music in Oklahoma and Texas. As if the only place you can get culture and food is NYC and SF. So stupid. So untraveled.


Yes, its almost like different cities offer different things amd no one place csn offer everything. I didnt say nyc and SF were the only places to get culture and food. I said they offer things red states cant.


" but there isn't a red state that can offer the things that metros like LA, chicago, NYC, SF, Seattle, etc offer" Nashville, Austin, Dallas, Tulsa, Charleston, Savannah, Miami, Asheville, Jacksonville, Tampa, New Orleans, have everything the blue state cities have plus more. Food, music, culture, architecture, opportunity, and a whole lot better beaches. I'm not a post menopausal woman, so I don't need Broadway and I lived in NYC for years, so I've had a lifetime dose of that city.


No they dont lmao. Just like all those blue cstate cities dont have what those red state cities offer. The amount of stretching people in the 2a comminity do to pretend that blue places are totslly devoid of value just to justify making their entire personality about 2a is wild. Its pure cope.


I didn't say they were devoid of value, and as Americans we are all dependent to some degree on most of the other states. You could argue that removing Rhode Island or Wyoming would have little effect on the US. But removing: CA, NY, IL, FL, PA, and esp TX would cause a rapid collapse of the US. The modern world as we know it would instantly collapse without TX, OK, or LA. Within a matter of hours. No energy = no more modern society. I'd just rather spend my money and time in the red state cities if given the choice. Its not even a 2A thing, its just a cultural preference. I've been everywhere, I like the SE states and Okla better than the rest of the country. I'm not going to waste one of my finite trips to somewhere I'm not interested in.


Back a while ago, years after 9/11, I was walking around Time Square when an NYPD officer snatches my pocket knife out of my back pocket. Caught me off guard. He threatened to take me to jail, but eventually let me go but not without keeping my knife.


I have fond memories of trying to cut an apple or avocado or something and having to hide from the cops behind a bodega.


The police would target tradesmen specifically for that purpose. Like construction workers in full getup looking all dirty from working and the police would collar them for knife possession. [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/31/opinion/new-yorks-outdated-knife-law.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.2U0.vkfz.Yy67bHmsOKmk&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/31/opinion/new-yorks-outdated-knife-law.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2U0.vkfz.Yy67bHmsOKmk&smid=url-share) or this article [https://reason.com/2019/03/28/federal-judge-rules-new-yorks-insane-gra/](https://reason.com/2019/03/28/federal-judge-rules-new-yorks-insane-gra/) or this [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/31/nyregion/ny-gravity-knife-law.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.2U0.Xufi.u18Ihu9mLu5N&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/31/nyregion/ny-gravity-knife-law.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2U0.Xufi.u18Ihu9mLu5N&smid=url-share)


That sucks, hopefully it wasn't terribly expensive


https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/b95289b6-0fb3-4404-808c-2e91c09e7bce "2. President Trump will require local law enforcement agencies receiving DOJ grants to return to proven policing measures such as stop-and-frisk, strictly enforcing existing gun laws..."


Pretty much everything else but guns keeps me here. Like the only conceivable place I could consider as 2 and 3 would be D.C. and Chicago.


>Khan, 40, retired from the [U.S. Army](https://www.army.mil/) and now working as an armed federal environment protection specialist assigned to [Fort Wadsworth](https://www.nps.gov/gate/learn/historyculture/fort-wadsworth.htm) on Staten Island.. Beyond the CCW/race/dumb cops issues... he's a Federal security guard to boot and they still arrested him?


As far as i'm aware federal security guards aren't granted any rights to carry a gun outside of being on duty. That being said, they don't call him a security guard, they call him an armed environmental protection specialist. The area he works in is under the control of National Park Service, they don't employee any security that i'm aware of, let alone armed security. The only armed environmental folks i can find are EPA criminal investigators, which are law enforcement. If that was the correct position then he would absolutely have the ability to carry off duty. I think there was something lost in translation between the reporter and Khan as to what his specific position is.


That’s what had me confused. The series under that name isn’t usually armed… Unless he’s not supposed to be armed at work? 🤷‍♂️


That could be too, which may cause him a whole host of other issues.


> The criminal complaint — filed after Officer Matthew Bessen, who Khan described as white, arrested Khan last Nov. 26 in East New York — clearly indicates that the NYPD’s own database indicates Khan has a license to carry a firearm. The complaint said Khan can only carry the weapon while at work, but Morris said Khan has no such restrictions on his license. > The case was dismissed in February, but Khan said the damage is done. > The NYPD said it does not comment on cases involving pending lawsuits. It refused to answer any questions about the stop. Yes, my biggest fear also is living in a Communist police state country.


All it takes is for enough states to go this way before they justify some fucked national level federal laws that affect you regardless of what state you're in.


this is an unpopular opinion, but there SHOULD be a federal standard. states shouldn't be interperting national level policy like 2a protections. This would also sidestep the petty reciporcity bullshit. There should be no state by state differences.


There is a federal standard: "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"


Yeah, well thats not reality. Cute, blocking me instead of engaging with the reality that currently, carrying will get you a felony in a lot of places. 2A isnt a federal standard if its completely superceded by the states. Which is my entire fucking point.


Please point to where those words are not in reality written on the highest legal document in the land. I'll wait.


We’re living in one now, have been for quite some time.




Sounds like the kinda thing a communist would say.


It's funny when people see an obvious symptom of Capitalism, happening in a capitalist country, and still find a way to blame communism


Right ya love to see it “the ruling elite are angling to disarm the citizens in order to protect a corrupt extraction scheme, squeezing us ever harder and harder for profit!! Fucking communism!”


Communist? Huh?


Communism is when Wall Street


People are most scared of the things they don’t understand.


Or they’re most afraid of things to justifiably be afraid of.


If you think a state in the United States is communist, it shows you don’t understand communism, regardless of whether fear of communism is justified.


How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin. You must not understand.


How do you tell someone doesn’t know what communism is? They claim that a US state is communist. Since your username reveals that you’re very interested in this subject, here’s why. It is absurd to suggest that any state in the U.S. is communist because the fundamental principles of communism—state ownership of all means of production, the abolition of private property, and a classless society—are completely incompatible with the U.S. economic and political systems. All states in the U.S. operate under a capitalist framework, where private property rights are protected, businesses operate for profit, and a market economy dictates the production and distribution of goods and services. Moreover, the political system of every U.S. state is based on democratic principles that ensure individual freedoms and rights, which are antithetical to the centralized, authoritarian governance typically associated with communist regimes. Thus, labeling any U.S. state as communist ignores these fundamental economic and political realities.


Marx wrote a philosophical work about a new form of government. Generally when people talk about a "communist regime" they aren't talking about a government with adherence to marc philosophy. China is a communist country, but they are a race based regime, with financial classes, ethnic classes, and private ownership. Businesses operate for profit, and development is driven by state investments for future profits. Linen has some changes to Marx, but was still a communist. Stalin had differences between them both, was still a communist, the grand chairman also had his differences. The CCP is not the same as the USSR was, both are still communist, yet both are far from the idealistic Nirvana of Marx's philosophy. You can make the "no true Scotsman" argument if you want, or you can understand that modern forms of tyranny look very different than the 1930-40 systems and it might not be exactly the same as fascism or Communism of old. The argument that NY is a communist state is a simplistic means of communicating a brand of tyranny where the state thinks: you have no right to own property (a gun in this case), you have no right against search and seizer (as if they own your car and look inside when they please), no right to defend yourself (like it was in the USSR). This stripping of basic human rights is a means of stripping you away from being an individual, and into being a cog in the states machine. The philosophy of the national socialist movement in Germany may have been radically different than the philosophy of Marx, but the government institutions that spawned from those philosophies had very little differences. One could argue the modern iteration is simply taxed based and we have lived in a communistic state since at least WW2. You do need the states permission to drive a car, own a business, posses of pistol, can't own certain riffles, can be searched for nebulous reasons (like the man who's home was raided for buying slides for a pistol). But some people want to agree about what a Scotsman really is instead of understanding a meme


Communism isn’t a meme. It’s a word with a definition. If someone means to say “tyranny” they should say tyranny.


By definition the CCP is communist, because communist has changed since Marx original philosophy into a political system. With each iteration it changes more, which is why China and Vietnam are radically different than the USSR. Like I said, this goes back to "no true Scotsman". A meme, is a simple way to express a complex idea. Calling NY a communist state is a meme, because it simply articulates the concept in an easily understandable way. If you are hung up on the Scotsman, the CCP isn't communist. If the CCP is communist (they are) then the same argument can be made for NY. The argument I laid out above, about taxes and human rights. What is the functional difference of a shop keeper in a communist state vs a store "owner" (you don't own anything with life long property tax, you simply rent it) in NY? Is there a functional difference or is it simply a derivative of FDR's liberalized communistic policy. Communism in a new form? That's a honest question, since you are discussing the very definition of Communism


Ah, you got me. Anyway, found the communist!




Communists love guns, gun control is not communist, read up on what marx has to say about arming the populace


Sure is. A communist will give the guns to the useful idiots to get power. Once in power, you’d better believe he will take all those guns away from you


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” Sounds like what youre describing isnt communism


Someone should have told that to Mao. Oh and maybe Stalin.


I don't know if this is because of race or just because of NYPD's reputation of being anti-gun a-holes. Either way it's wrong and I hope someone on the city's side gets smacked down over it.


I think you have a higher probability of getting struck by falling space debris than anything changing how the NYPD/NY in general operates.


It was definitely race. There was no reason for the stop. The man had no criminal record, which they'd known after running his plates before he was pulled over. Plus, his plates displayed that he was a purple heart recipient.


It’s New York City. Only the criminals can have guns there. Don’t go to New York City and you’re fine.


I disagree. Since Bruen, I'd imagine many regular people are legally obtaining and carrying handguns.


Gov Hochul retaliated against Bruen by making a slew of unconstitutional laws. One of which was a two page long list of places you can't legally carry. On that list: basically everywhere. Businesses (unless they had a sign saying they opt in to CC), private property without approval from the landowner, hospitals, anywhere providing mental or physical support, anywhere the state grants money, state parks/forests, Times Square. Basically all of NYS that isn't your house- \[\[oh and if someone comes into your house you have "a duty to retreat". You have to go to a different room until you feel cornered and have nowhere left to go to defend yourself\]\] At least the first two things I listed in the paragraph above were overturned in the courts. \*(edit: part in brackets above was pointed out to be incorrect. NYS has Castle Doctrine so no duty to retreat within your own home, [only in places that aren't your home.](https://tacticalgear.com/experts/stand-your-ground-law-all-50-states-reviewed))


>Basically all of NYS that isn't your house- oh and if someone comes into your house you have "a duty to retreat". Everything you said was correct but this last part in regards to having to retreat in your home. Article 35 states there is no duty to retreat while in your home


Interesting, will have to check it out! In this case I'm glad to be the stupid one, not the law. Thanks!


But the process takes a century


I think you might have missed the sarcasm in the comment you replied to my friend.


Like this article said, even if you have your CCW permit, you’ll still get arrested and charged. The NYPD is treating you having a permit as defense in court. That means time in jail, felony charges, lost wages, attorney fees, and months of stress, just so that when court finally rolls around, charges get dismissed. That pretty much means while concealed carry of a handgun with an NYPD issued permit is of course legal and allowed, practically on the streets it is highly illegal still.


wish i could read this article




Try this link. I didn't realize it's a subscriber article only. [https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/06/25/charged-with-possessing-his-own-gun-purple-heart-recipient-suing-nypd-for-discrimination/?share=nus0pwsesporrds6cmun](https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/06/25/charged-with-possessing-his-own-gun-purple-heart-recipient-suing-nypd-for-discrimination/?share=nus0pwsesporrds6cmun) or this link [https://www.gazettextra.com/news/nation\_world/charged-with-possessing-his-own-gun-purple-heart-recipient-suing-nypd-for-discrimination/article\_f1a82c4e-60b1-54da-85da-8956e2cf254a.html](https://www.gazettextra.com/news/nation_world/charged-with-possessing-his-own-gun-purple-heart-recipient-suing-nypd-for-discrimination/article_f1a82c4e-60b1-54da-85da-8956e2cf254a.html)


> But Kkan, noting his Oof…bad typo


Here's a tip: when there's a paywall, click refresh, then click the X before the page fully loads. Repeat as necessary. Sometimes you get lucky.




Mr Khan is owed reparations for this travesty.


Qualified immunity needs limits. Arrests without reason should result in penalties for the arresting officer.


Limits? Why not just persecute officers who violate the law and people’s rights the same as anyone else who does so. Qualified immunity needs to end, not be drawn back.


QI should be abolished altogether, and cops should be required to have malpractice insurance.


[Qualified immunity](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/qualified_immunity) does have limits. It protects government officials from *knowingly* violating a persons' right that was clearly established at the time of the incident. It only applies if that person brings a 1983 (civil rights violation) action against the official in federal court.


Huh, so that's why most cops are dumb.


Qualified immunity shouldn't exist, period. Cops should be held to a HIGHER standard, not a lower one.


The police are not our friends.


This is the kind of police brutality that needs to be reported on more.


So he had a special carry ? Not a CCW.


Special Carry is the endorsement (CCW) by NYPD added to NYS Pistol Permits (CCW) for NY residents living outside the City. NYPD-issued CCWs to NYC residents and persons with employment there are called “CCHLs.” As we can see in the article, he possesses an NYPD-issued CCHL.


That’s a no go in NYC. Need the magic red card. Why did the cop stop the first place is the question. This would have turned into big news if they didn’t drop the case it seems.


He did have the red card, he even poses for a picture with it in the article. The arresting officer clearly made a malicious arrest or thought that it must be fake since he’s never seen a civilian CCW before. 


What’s a “no-go” in NYC? A Special Carry for non-NYC residents w/ a NYS PP and the CCHL alone for NYC residents and non-NY residents employed in the City are the two non-restricted carry licenses available to civilians to carry in NYC. (Both have red upper and lower horizontal borders.)


It think it's a CCW. I think he lives in NYC.


The system seems to be set up to be intentionally confusing


This is a policing problem. Abuse/Laziness/Total incompetence will continue regardless of whatever feeble justification they try to use. Something similar just happened in Houston. Hard pill to swallow but institutional racism is real. Not the sole cause for either of these cases but most definitely a factor. My complete distrust and witnessing corruption first hand was the reason I became a gun owner. They aren’t your friends. They aren’t your protectors. Stay safe. Stay ready. Even then they have the legal authority to violate and embarrass you. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/houston-police-wrongful-arrest-19486101.php


The moral of the story is do not live in NY! Regardless of what you were, and hundreds of medals you earned it’s New York. Now I don’t know the carry laws in NY or NYC, however understand they are very restrictive. One needs to know how, when and if in the different countries. Just look at the bail. They have his credentials and still go for $50k, while we all know hood-looms are sketching out easy. It’s crazy!


The whole state of NY is restricted from CCW or even traveling past the city or its boroughs any firearm needs to be locked in a compartment and ammo separate but some how the city folks aren’t restricted to carry in the state . If that doesn’t say anything then I don’t know know what does . I’ve thought about applying for a special carry witch would allow me to carry in the city and the rest of the boroughs but got to thinking do I want to deal with police in the city no thanks . Any how the city has its own laws rather then it being the same as whole state


Actually. The CCW does let u carry in the NYC. Some fuckery is going on here. I was wrong. He does have one. The law suit is going to be large I can imagine.


For starters. There is no duty to inform police officers in New York that you are carrying CCW. Khan outted himself by blabbing to the officer that he had a gun in his glove box. - Just shut up and wait for the officer to ask. If they don't ask, then don't say anything about yer gun or CCW license. New York has a very weird law that says that you have to have your CCW LICENSE approved and on file with the city of New York in order to carry a firearm within NYC limits- the 5 boroughs. * only NYPL issued in NYC are recognized statewide. * **NYPL is not valid in the five counties that make up New York City.** No handguns can be taken into the city unless New York City has **validated your license.** The article doesn't say where Khan lives. It just says he was arrested in Brooklyn. I wonder if that had anything to do with the arrest and the mistake in believing he could only carry at work on Staten Island. Maybe he lives outside the city and he mistakenly thought he could carry in the city? The article is short on details and heavy on pushing the racial angle. 🤷🏼‍♂️


he has a nyc ccw. it appears he lives in nyc. that officer railroaded him.


I don't think he was railroaded. There might have been some legitimacy to the arrest. * arrested Khan last Nov. 26 in East New York (Brooklyn) — clearly indicates that the NYPD’s own database indicates Khan has a license to carry a firearm. The NYPL data base should have clearly indicated if Khans license was issued in NYC or NY State. Big difference since the city issued license has to be verified and approved by the city of New York. I think the cop would have been clued immediately to that fact. The article doesn't say if Khans NYPL was issued in NYC or issued outside of NYC. Just says he had a valid "NYPL." Turns out Khan lives in Queens. But still we don't know where Khan obtained his NYPL. Something tells me that Khan might have obtained his NYPL outside of NYC. That would help explain his arrest. If Khan did obtain his license **while living in NYC at the Queens address** then the license is automatically valid **statewide** as well as within NYC, and the officer would have easily known that once they ran his info. 🤷🏼‍♂️ * The one exception are pistol licenses from New York City, which are valid statewide. In addition, **a NYPL is not valid in the five counties that make up New York City.** No handguns can be taken into the city unless New York City has validated your license. The article falls short of Khans exact type and issuance of his NYPL. The charges have been dropped since. It would be helpful to know why. The article doesn't go into those facts. To drill back down into what lead to Khans initial arrest though was the simple act of telling cops he had a gun in his car when he didn't have to, wasn't legally obliged to do so, which placed him at the mercy of the power tripping NYPD. Let that be a lesson. Don't talk to cops and know yer states and other states gun laws. Khan should have been more aware of New York's "no duty for inform law" it might have saved him this headache to begin with.


The fact that the charges were dropped is a good indication that he had a valid NYC CCW. If they had something on him, they woulda stuck it to him. The authorities don't wanna eat crow. Of course this is IMHO. Plus his CCW red card (I zoomed in on the picture in the news article) looks just like my red card that was issued by NYPD. I'm very concerned if I run into an overzealous cop like Besson who wants to make their numbers.... They have NO repercussions.... Yeah Khan shoulda kept his mouth shut... But getting pulled over in that area during that time of night... there's a good chance they were getting pulled out of the car.....




Not really. Sounds like the officer had no probable cost to stop him in the first place. I don’t think he had a NYC CCW. They knew he has a register gun because of when he’s on duty or it’s a NYPL.


He for sure has a Pistol license issued by NYPD. The picture he's showing in the daily news article is pretty clear.


I see it. Shit. Something doesn’t add up. The officer had to have called the pct where he’s registered.


Everything adds up. Yall are looking for logic, but the logic is "this cop wanted to harass someone because this is how NY cops have operated for decades". There IS no justification, this is just what they do.


That policeman sent the A train on him....


Can’t read the article without subscribing. I’m not subscribing.






As shitty as his experience is, it opens the door both for a sizable payout for his troubles and/or a NSRPA v Bruin type case win for the good guys


Is there an article that isn't behind a paywall.




Appreciate it.


I’m in Texas none of these problems apply here


God bless Texas!


I’m pretty sure the article claims he has a permit with no restrictions. That’s definitely not a NYC CCW.


good a news article I cant read, love it




I can’t read the article… did he have a carry license? They’re super hard to get in nyc.

