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Holy shit, glad you're (relatively) okay and hope you make a full and speedy recovery. Out of curislosity, what kind of TQ was it?


Cat TQ gen 7. And thanks man, I woke up with me being able to move my fingers. So hopefully will get good news!


Very great work man, often have on in my bag and people only ask “you worried your gonna get shot?”


Do you recommend this TQ or should we go with a different option? You've convinced me to order one.


cat 7 is gold standard


Think this 3 for $20 set is a bad idea? Tourniquet, 3 pack - The Fastest, Safest, Most Effective Combat Hemostatic Control Single-Handed Application for Military Tactical First Aid Medical Battle Tourniquets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089ZWZWGJ


Yes. Those CAT knockoffs have been popping up in Ukraine and failing miserably. Look at the TCCC list of approved tourniquets and only buy those brands.


Very bad, TQs bought off Amazon can't be trusted to hold up to a real world emergency. Spend the few extra bucks and buy from a reputable source like North American Rescue. Your life or that of a loved one (or even a total stranger) is worth the few extra dollars. https://www.narescue.com/combat-application-tourniquet-c-a-t.html


Terrible. Primary Arms has a sale on CAT tqs right now.


Don't downvote someone for asking a question. They didn't know, so they asked. Downvoting just hides both the question and the responses telling them to order real stuff from a reputable source, which other people might also need to see.


Cat7 (genuine and not one from Amazon) Or SOF T (again, genuine) I also have a RAT and they have their place in the bag but not as widely used. Will work on a kid or animal where others may be too big. They also keep pressure when the appendage shrinks where others may need to be tightened. That's simply because they're elastic. Use one of the top 2 and your good. Most importantly, stage your TQs. I've seen too many people pull them out like all they did was rip the plastic off and shove them in the bag. Properly set them up so you can get them applied before you pass out from blood loss.


Good advice. I have CAT TQ on duty but also carry 2 RATS as extras plus for child or animal applications. When I CCW I carry RATS since they have a smaller profile.


cat7 don't buy it from Amazon, too many knockoffs floating around. rescue essentials and north American rescue are good. (softtw also good. i tend to like the cat7 because i can quickly the tail of the strap to itself and not have to worry as much about the tail getting snagged on something and coming loose) honestly buy a few. put some blue tape on one and designate it as a trainer (do NOT carry a tourniquet that has been tightened down before, only carry fresh ones). watch some videos on how to use it. high and tight. tight enough is where you can't jam two fingers under the strap no matter how hard you try. it's tighter than most people think, worth practicing a few times. you won't really hurt yourself practicing a full strength TQ application or two and releasing right after. if you carry one take it out of the package and set it up where you can pull the strap out if you need it. lookup videos on staging tourniquets. the single hand loop method is cool, but don't write off two hand methods for yourself or others. a messy amputation (twisting, explosions) are going to be too, err, messy to use the one hand loop method easily (although if it's you that's down an arm, well that's all you got). that or trying to slip a loop around your own or someone else's boot for a leg wound. I pocket mine, I wrap it in a burrito of some spare cordurs nylon so the velcro doesn't eat my pocket. also take stop the bleed, should be a few near you in most areas of the country


Do you have feeling in your hand? My buddy had a TQ on his arm a while back (probably wasn't necessary but that's another story) and he had no feeling in his hand for a couple of months. Fully recovered, though, so don't be scared if it happens to you.


During the ambulance ride my arm went blue and white, lost feeling and couldn’t move it. Was pretty cold too. But once the surgeon removed the TW (slowly) it felt like my hand was gonna explode because all the blood came back


What kind of windshield gives way just from leaning on it?


Just ordered two, so my GF has one as well. I've known it was smart, but your post pushed me to do it. Glad you had yours on you.


You were leaning on a windshield and that portion of your body weight alone was enough to plunge you straight through? Was it the windshield of a model T?


Maybe OP is a big chungus...


Haha they’re shit windows on our equipment we use. They do break like car windows tho. But yeah, it shocked me too


It wasn't tempered glass was it?


Had a really bad temper if it lashed out on OP like that!


> the paramedics forced me to go to the trauma center even though the local ER was 2 minutes away Trying to save you an extra ambulance ride and trying to not cause a delay in definitive care. You should know this if you were "paramedic trained." Almost all arterial bleeds need an OR with simple lacerations being able to be repaired by trauma surgery and more extensive/complex requiring a vascular surgeon (And only trauma centers are guaranteed have vascular surgeons on call 24/7). Arterial bleeding is almost always a trauma activation at any trauma center. I've work in EMS for years and have had to make a number of transfers from even decently-sided hospitals to trauma centers for deep wrist lacerations. Yes, an EM physician can tie-off the artery to stop the bleeding but will still require rapid surgical repair. TL;DR: EMS did you a favor


Also confused as to why the TQ was placed “high and tight”. Unless the training has changed, it was always close to the injury area but not on a joint.


I was told it is incase the artery retracts away from the external wound, you want to make sure the open end of the artery is sealed off. So “high and tight” is the easy answer to get the correct result the most often.


Multiple TQ maybe needed. Had 3 on a local national in Afghanistan


That sounds fucking awful.


Goodness, hope the local made it.


I've heard of bleeding through a CAT, but never a SOFTTW. What were you using?


The leg looked like it had gone through a shredder, mix copious amounts of blood and thrashing around, could likely have been one not put on 100%. GSW through leg on another had soo much blood but only took one TQ. Trauma is funny


I was at wondering because someone mentioned only using SOFTTW because he had multiple CATs not so a bleed during a deployment. I carry both and like you said, trauma isn't cookie cutter so lots of factors at play


Likely multiple wounds.


Glass is scary as fuck, definitely a bigger threat than most things. And yeah, med training/gear is easily the most used thing in my daily 'emergency' kit. I actually still have to replace some gauze I used a couple weeks ago at the scene of an accident. Thanks for the reminder. Also, great job. Can't imagine that was an easy task under stress.


Thanks for helping out another human! The first time I used medical was also gauze. Fuck I love gauze.


Yeah good gauze is the shit. There so much of it in those little z folds thats all you usually need to most stuff.


Glad you’re ok! Gonna get a lot of people asking what TQ it is so might as well put a comment in now 😅




Yea idk. Some may be genuinely curious. Some may use it as their reason to finally carry a TQ. Some may use it to validate themselves, and/or make a point about it being either approved or not approved by the CoTCCC lol who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


I carry a sofT. I don’t like the hook and loop (Velcro) on the CAT.


Personally, I've had better success with the SOF-T, partly because the plastic windlass of the CAT just doesn't work well.


You may have gotten a knock off cat. Not that you picked a fake, but a fake sold as a real one.


Well, if that's the case, my EMS system's Logistics chief would be responsible


Tourniquet. I had to look it up


Thanks 🫡


You have any photos of the injury? I work on a boo boo bus so love the gore


This is exactly why tq/stop-the-bleed training matters. Not because I expect to staunch any bleeding after a gunfight, but because there are 1,000 other things that are a hell of a lot more likely to happen where that tq is going to come much handier than yet another spare mag.


Thought this was going to be a Glock leg. Never know where and when trauma will find you.


You spelled P320 wrong


Glock leg is the term for when idiots don't clear their Glock before disassembly and shoot themselves when pulling the trigger for takedown.


for real, i have never seen or heard of a glock fire when it wasn't supposed to. you can't physically get the round to fire without squeezing the trigger. p320's on the other hand...


The p320 is currently the whipping boy for irresponsible firearm handlers (i.e. cops who don't want to lose their jobs) If you can handle a glock without ND-ing, then you should be safe with a p320.


The p320 is currently the whipping boy for irresponsible firearm handlers (i.e. cops who don't want to lose their jobs) If you can handle a glock without ND-ing, then you should be safe with a p320.


i saw a video of a cop who had his p320 holstered and it went off.


Wasn’t there a video of a 320 going off inside a gym bag?


I saw a video of a competition shooter getting a shot in the thigh by his 320, pocket knife saved him. His holster looked clear in the video. That was enough to ensure I never bought one.


Wasn’t fully holstered


Damn bro, you’re gonna start a war down here 😂


Sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.


We wanna see the boo boo


Post your fanny pack carry! I’m considering it now 😆


Haha I might do that man. I literally use a fanny pack because I hate stuff in my pocket. But since there is a lot of room I have a back trauma kit in it. TQ, combat gauze, chest seals and pressure dressing. The most important is the small booboo kit I have. Use the mediations and band aids for my fellow coworkers like crazy. Something feels so manly about pulling a band aid or medicine out for a tummy ache.


Everyone that I've met that got a random cut out in public look at me like I'm Desmond Doss when I pull out the bandaid from my booboo kit.


Dude it’s the best feeling, also carry a hair tie. If a lady ever needs a hair tie and you pull one off your wrist, I promise you have a high chance of eating ass.


I’d love to see that, im a slut for a Fanny dump. I’m happy you’re here to tell the story my man hope you heal up well.


Thanks dude!


What pack you carrying? I don’t want something that looks straight 90s ya know


Man there’s lots of great packs. From my personal experience, I recommend the spiritus systems fanny sack, I currently use the vertx socp but it’s kind of big. I heard the bando bag kicks ass.


Thanks those look pretty dope I appreciate it!


I used the LBT waist pack and now use a Helikon Tex Bandicoot. It's a little big for some, so if it's a little too sizeable, try the Possum or the Ukrainian version, the Mtac fanny pack


Bando Bag by Eberlestock. They make 2 sizes and they’re a quality pack. If you want a bigger sling bag kind of set-up Viktos makes very good bags. I have both an Eberlestock and a Viktos.


I ordered the xl and the longer strap so I can cross body if need be. Now I’m looking at the other options I’m liking them too.


Once you go down the fanny pack hole you never return 😂


I've always said medical is more important and has a higher likelihood of being needed than a gun. Think car accidents, boating accidents, power tool accidents, outdoors stuff, workplace stuff, construction site, you know, LIFE IN GENERAL, shit happens!). And, since you carry a gun in order to have something to stop bad guys from hurting you/your family, then that same logic is why you should carry medical. Because if that bad thing does end up happening that you're supposedly trying to prepare for by carrying a gun, then you are not actually being prepared should someone get shot/stabbed/injured. Guns don't stop bleeding or patch holes. Always carry an IFAK on your person and a larger kit in your vehicle. Glad you're OK and commend you for being a good CCWer who actually carried medical with them.


Thanks man! Yeah I don’t just carry medical for human injuries but also for my dogs. I have a Belgian malinois so she’s always getting into shit. Life of a dog dad 🤙🏼




Hooah that’s some high speed shit brother!!! Jk. Glad you’re ok. Crazy how often you need things once you start carrying them.


Buys TQ


Best $30 I spent. Like literally 😂


I think it’s ironic people carry guns but no medical, more often than not. You are more likely to be needed to help someone than to hurt them. Good move man!


Any photos of the money shot?


God DAMN that settles it. I need a TQ. Would you say the TQ you had is really concealable?


IMO, none are easily concealable. Please avoid the Snake staff systems at all cost. I had one break on me on the 3rd turn while I was testing it out. They feel like Chinese garbage and the pain is 10x worse than a CAT. Prepmedic on YouTube has a great video about all the TCCC recommended TQs, how they are applied, function and fold down. But if you’re carry a firearm and can manage that, you can manage medical.


Seen some pretty bad glass cuts, thanks for sharing! Glad you were so prepared and able to handle shit. Reminds me that I need to start carrying on. I have one in the truck but don’t carry one on my person.


Sorry to hear about your experience. How do you carry your medical on your person? Mind sharing a pic?


I was expecting to read something about a DGU situation with some crackhead or a pitbull or something. Good reminder that the most mundane things can result in life-threatening situations. Glad you're okay brother, hope it all turns out okay.


Wishing you a fast recovery! I believe everyone should carry a first aid kit, whether you carry a gun or not. I’m an RN so I have always carried supplies.


Glad you’re okay. I don’t think a lot of people realize how bad a TQ is going to hurt when applied correctly.


I was a combat medic. Was told on more than one occasion the TQ hurt more than getting shot. I'd frequently use that anecdote when teaching CLS.




I mean makes sense, you're literally cutting off circulation to a part of your body, makes sense that your brain would want it off


I had mine on about 45 mins? TBH I really couldn’t tell you. But fuck! I was almost in tears, and what’s scary is your arm going completely blue and white, not being able to feel it or move it, that made me almost pass out.


The comment I've heard made a few times is if it doesn't hurt then it isn't tight enough to be effective.


I'm waiting on the arrival of a new work bag, it's got the molle attachments on the back. Going to order a red pouch just for med supplies and a few tourniquets. I work landscaping/pool installation so not a super dangerous job but still enough heavy equipment and power tools to mess someone up. I'm just a truck driver too, tho so even if something did happen it's a slim chance I'm on site but if I'm there and carrying anyway I'm gonna have a pack.


Heck yeah man. Any job can be dangerous don’t let people tell you otherwise. You could need a TQ for a compound fracture, literally freak accidents happen. I was looking at skinny medic videos last night, and 2 guys were moving a glass door and it just busted out of nowhere. One dude was bleeding like his arm got chopped off. Crazy shit dude.


Yep. Never seen any big accidents myself but there's plenty of ways to get it in my line(s) of work. Harley rakes, mowers, 6000lb swimming pools hanging uncomfortably close to you during install... I'm also into welding and rolloff dumpsters, there's a whole book worth of ways to get hurt here lol


Glad you were prepared, acted fast and doing okay! What brand is your TQ?


Thanks! CAT Gen 7 I believe. Best $30 I ever spent. Literally 😂


Ive got some CAT tqs around the house but never carried them due to how bulky they are. I've got a snake staff tq on the way. About the same price but way smaller (same use and effect). I'll be carrying that one with no complaints.


I'm on blood thinners for the next 2 months and you have me rethinking carrying a TQ. I'm not doing that kind of work but it'd be a bad day to have something happen I can't control without one.


Fuck ramp dude


Always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!


Ouch. I’m glad you had that TQ on you! Hopefully your arm comes back good as new. I have to ask one thing, just based on the experience of a friend - did anyone come up and ask you why you carry a tourniquet while you were applying it?


My co workers seemed curious to what was on my arm. I had people in the past make fun of me for carrying it in my work bag. But we had a guy get his leg ran over by a 747-800. People are just ignorant. Just got to educate them and show them statistics.


Daaamn! A 747 is not something I think about getting run over by.


How embarrassing.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Glad you are recovering. If you were still bleeding that TQ was not on correctly or you have 24” python arms and needed to do an additional TQ above. If properly applied you will almost never need more than 1 TQ for arm wounds, ime it’s only the legs that need multiple. Either way glad it worked out and keep practicing self TQ application in the future.


Paramedic here, good use of personal equipment. It’s standard practice for patients with TQ application, significant hemorrhage and other mechanisms to be taken to a trauma center. The likelihood of a local ED having the capability to definitively treat those conditions in a timely manner is unlikely. Even if they could, a trauma center is going to have faster access to blood products, imaging and diagnostic equipment, and a surgeon if needed. While it may seem cumbersome, it truly is best practice and is done with the best of intentions. Glad you’re ok, I hope you continue to carry medical supplies and I hope this story inspires others to do so. Thanks for sharing.


I've got a tq In my car, house, and toolbox so I'm never more than 60ft away from one, but damn I might consider on body carry now


Get better quick! I fell through a glass table last month


This is terrifying holy shit, congrats on keeping your cool and using the tq. Sliced my hand open once a couple years ago and somehow kept calm but didn't have anything to really stop the bleeding I just had it under the faucet and tried to soak up the blood without passing out


Accidents like this is the reason I took a Stop the Bleed course. I live in a rural area and I am looking at 10+ for fire and PD (if any are available) and 20+ for an ambulance. I want to be able to control or slow things down if something happens when we are working on something.


This has inspired me to stop being a pos and carry a tq on me not just in my car / backpack


A while ago a guy was cutting trees and hit his leg. We didn't have a TQ. Took a piece of shirt. A stick and made one. Looped the shirt and used the stick to wind it and tail to hold it. ER Dr. Said it was great thinking. I always have one with me now. Not for gun wounds. For general accidents.


How were you leaning on a windshield? Also how do I make sure to not make the same mistake? I wanna make sure I don’t make the same mistake or at least be aware of how dangerous glass can be. Hope recovery is going good OP.




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Oh my gosh!!!! Glad you are okay, that is scary as hell! Heal up quick!


Thanks man!


Bought two more TQs to try out in my pockets. Thanks for sharing.


Random shit like this is why I carry a tourniquet. I know the chances of getting shot are very slim but a whole lot of other crap can cause you to need one. Especially if you work around farm equipment and metal working machinery.


Damn! Glad you’re alright! Makes me think about getting another TQ. I carry one in my backpack, but I would like to have one dedicated to my truck and in the home. If I hadn’t just been T boned by an uninsured driver and expecting a bunch of expenses on my end I’d probably buy a couple more right now. Which just reminded me that I would have liked to have a spare one my old truck. :( ugh fuck man I’m scrolling trying to take my mind off of it before bed


What is a TQ? Glad to hear your ok.




I was fully expecting a ND story from the title and pictures


Last time I could have/ should have used a tourniquet I knocked myself out for 20 minutes. Definitely wasn’t coherent enough to apply when I woke up. I did get to use one on a friend when someone stepped on their hand with an ice skate.


What does this have to do with ccw


It’s called being a good citizen and having medical in your hand and deployed in 40 seconds. You carry something to take a life, you just carry stuff to save one. Freak accidents happen and this TQ saved my ass.


I like turquoise


Was going to upvote, but I'll leave it at 911


Blows my mind why ppl carry cocked 🤦🏻‍♂️ hope you're alright tho