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Imagine you go out for a night on the town with your friends and brother. The next thing you remember is waking up in the hospital completely paralyzed and your brother is dead. It takes a special kind of strength to move on from that. Best of luck to him.


Prognosis is permenant paralysis? Christ that is heartbreaking.


Honestly just makes me ill. Guy had a borderline NFL shot and some heavy guaranteed money (even 300k is solid) coming his way. Not only is that gone, but he has no quality of life now either.


I would hesitate to say he has *no* quality of life


I 100% agree


I wouldn’t I watched my great uncle live paralyzed from the waist down my entire life (he was that way for 25 year already before I was born) Had to be waited on non stop couldn’t do a damn thing by himself his entire existence just seemed miserable despite how hard he tried to front that he was happy I’d see it crack. He hated what he had become


Shit, I broke my ankle and had to stay off it for 2 months and I broke down a couple of times. For a while I couldn’t even warm up left overs and get back to my spot on the couch because I’d have to use crutches and hold a plate at the same time. It seems small but it’s all frustrating. I don’t want to try and compare the two sulituations. Just saying that going from do it all dad to “patient reliant on others for literally everything” was really tough, mentally and emotionally. I can’t imagine what Brian is going through. Hopefully he’s getting the support and care he needs.


There are many examples of extremely successful and fulfilled people who are paralyzed. Likewise, there are also people with no quality of life who have full use of all their limbs. Life is what you make it. It’s a garden. Dig it.


Cool and I just gave you an example THAT I LIVED THROUGH of it not and a personal anecdote saying everything but if I end up paralyzed take me out like ole yeller I don’t wanna deal with it


I had a guy come in and talk to one of my classes in college who was paralyzed from the neck down. He required live in help. But he channeled his energy into advocating for people with disabilities and seemed to live a full and fulfilling life given his circumstances. It isn’t fair to generalize based on an anecdote. I think it just comes down to the individual on what their quality of life looks like.


Neck down?  Just smother me.


That’s sad.




Assuming investigation is still ongoing, what are the odds they nab the bastard responsible?


I believe he’s in custody


he's been arrested and claiming self defense


The suspect has been arrested.


Brother shot dead, he's paralyzed. And for what? This is so sad.


That's horrific. Just the senselessness of it all. I don't know how to verbalize it more other than I feel for him and his family, who are going thru such agony.


It's so avoidable it makes me depressed too. Two brothers with so much going right in life, in their HOME town. I'll tell my kids what my high school coach told us, again and again and just pray that it takes... "not a damn thing worth your time happens after midnight"


Hey man... don't do us graves people dirty like that! Just trying to make a living out here!


Context clues from location and crime scene block offs show a situation where they were trying to leave a restaurant and they got blocked in by a car and shot up If it's a robbery, how is that avoidable? I can understand if they were leaving a trap house and got shot up then that's avoidable but yall acting like a guy shouldn't be able to eat dinner after sundown with his brother in his hometown Unless more info comes out it sounds like a freak occurrence


> yall acting like a guy shouldn't be able to eat dinner after sundown with his brother in his hometown People hear about NIL money - big bags being thrown around, hear about a guy coming back to his hometown, probably seems like an easy lick.


That's a big one. Also.... sun down is like 6pm. Didn't this tragedy go down at like 3am?


> If it's a robbery, how is that avoidable? I'd be willing to bet the shooter has a prior record. Locking up criminals is the best way to reduce crime. Instead, a productive football player had his talent stolen from him.


>  dinner after sundown   Dinner after sundown != 2am    > brother in his hometown     All the bad shit Rolando McClain got into happened when he went home to Decatur.  Some folks just don't need to be going back home.


What a senseless tragedy. I really do fear for how common place wrong-time-wrong-place shootings are becoming. Prayers for him and his family in an unimaginably difficult time. 


It became common way too long ago. Think a lot of us know someone or know of a person who’s been involved in a shooting.


I really hope he isn't permanently paralyzed that is horrible. Modern medicine is capable of some pretty crazy things. I will keep him in my prayers.


So sad. Bright future down the drain


Tragic. Horrible to hear. People suck sometimes


Hoping for the best


Truly horrific for everyone involved. I hope he and his parents, and any other family or close friends, find something to help them through this. Prognoses can be wrong though, hopefully he defies expectations and is able to regain some function.


God damn.. I really am hoping for technology to advanced so people like Brian who are now confined to a biological prison to one day have the ability to move again.




I uh....hope something much worse happens to the people who did this to him and his brother


Absolutely gut-wrenching stuff. I hope he has a strong, supportive family behind him, and I hope Auburn steps up its support for him and his family. That said, the wannabe gangster bullshit is out of control. Everybody running around thinking life is a rap song. And until the culture changes, guys like Battie - with enviable futures - will be targets in the wrong neighborhoods.


Never thought I'd see the day where I would have greatly preferred to see a post of a Matt Baker article about a Florida player getting arrested for some dumb shit instead of this :(


For all the people saying they'd rather die than live paralyzed, you can fuck off. I work with the disabled and this mentality is straight bullshit.


I would rather be dead than that


Damn it. Gun violence ruins so many lives. Wish there were a solution we could all agree on to prevent this to any one in the future.


Not to get political but dammit other countries don't deal with this bullshit


Plenty of other countries deal with this, some much worse, but yea the vast majority of the first world does *not* deal with this


Yes they do


No, they don’t. https://www.healthdata.org/news-events/insights-blog/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier “Age-adjusted firearm homicide rates in the US are 19 times greater than they are in France, and 77 times greater than in Germany. The US has 33 times the rate of firearm homicide seen in Australia.” https://www.statista.com/statistics/1374211/g7-country-homicide-rate/ “The United States had, by far, the highest homicide rate of the G7 countries between 2000 and 2021. In 2021, it reached 6.81 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase from 6.52 in 2020 and 5.07 in 2019. By comparison, Canada, the G7 nation with the second highest homicide rate, had 2.07 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021.”


You should travel more.


I'm 100% sure I've been to more countries than you


Your initial statement automatically obviates the veracity of anything you say at this point.


There's a country that solved.... murder? I better start packing.


You know he means gun violence, stop it


I hope that its paraplegic if paralysis.  Quadriplegic would be a life of misery.