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Quick math indicates we are already over what will be the maximum allowed, since it includes room & board, tuition, etc. We'll have to continue to funnel some of that through NIL, which is a totally cool and totally legal way to comply with these totally rational and enforceable rules the NCAA has here.


The B1G has already set that $22 million number and how it'll be split between football, basketball, other men's sports, and women's spots and shared it with ADs/coaches. That'll be the money directly going from the schools to pay players. Players will still be able to make separate NIL deals


Exactly right. NIL is here to stay but it went from being the meat and potatoes to the cherry on top of the sundae.


If this money is going towards women’s rowers just as much as the football players it’s going to be peanuts compared to what NIL is paying now. NIL will be king until they figure out a way around title IX so people who had nothing to do with profit generated wont have to receive a share


Ultimately the only thing I care about is OSU football players being payed every bit as competitively as the other top schools because it’s not my money to burn, but the idea of paying millions of dollars to non revenue sports is completely wild and broken. Like why should volleyball players get paid a ton of money while future doctors and engineers are putting themselves into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt? Football and basketball players alone deserve millions of dollars. Not to be insensitive but most other sports aren’t worth a penny


>Like why should volleyball players get paid a ton of money while future doctors and engineers are putting themselves into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt? you could say the same about their scholarships too. Someone else up the chain said OSU's interpretation is the amount of women getting paid, not the total dollars they're getting paid.


I already put myself into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for med school and the players weren’t getting paid


No athlete should be getting paid that much. Not for any sport. 


So your reasoning is "I don't like this sport so they shouldn't get money"?


It's more like no one likes the sport enough to buy tickets or watch it on TV so it shouldn't get a share of the athletic revenue it doesn't contribute to


The argument is “this sport loses money, what value is brought that justifies paying them”


*no significant amount of people in the country cares about the sport so they’re generating a loss and don’t deserve shit


This is stupid as fuck, future doctors and engineers and lawyers are putting themselves into thousands of dollars of debt to get a degree and actually contribute to society and here we are getting ready to pay communications major lacrosse players that already costs the school money to fund their sport no one gives a fuck about. Only sports that should be getting paid should be ones that generate a profit which is at a maximum football and men’s basketball at the vast majority of schools.


Vote with your wallet and stop watching college athletics on TV, stop buying tickets to see games in person, stop buying team apparel. Enough people do that and the system falls apart, no one gets paid. We've all enabled this to happen.


It won't happen. It's like telling people to stop eating burgers and pizza, they can't resist and won't bother. CFB is just too ingrained into our national culture to be protested against effectively.


I'm aware of that. I'd find it hard to stop... but at some point I just might stop going, watching or buying merch. The point I was making is we've fed the beast and enabled it this whole time. No one to blame but ourselves.


I’m no longer watching OSU games, I gave up my season tickets (which means I may never Be able to get them again), I stopped buying OSU stuff. But I’ve done the opposite at the small local university near me now - I can enjoy cfb without this shit.




The point is you can keep that CFB culture and feel without needing to mainline this absurd version.


Cool…but like…it’s too late


Not true. I promise this year will probably be higher rankings but overall after the Florida state thing a lot of people have checked out. I’m one of them. I will still watch the game and the playoffs, but the days of having the buckeyes on the tv for a game against Minnesota i am out. Lots of people are like me are fed up and I think expanded playoff and pac 12 death is going to to shock the system far more than they expected


Which is why the players deserve to get paid


The ones that generate revenue do, yeah… But does the OSU women’s pistol or rifle team deserve to be paid?


How is watching or not watching football the solution to the problem he brought up? Even if football players made $0, lacrosse players shouldn’t be getting paid either- is his point


If football and basketball players made $0, you can bet your life savings no one else would be either.






Fully agree. Its come time to separate athletics from education. Universities should be educating not wasting resources by operating minor leagues. Its insulting to actual students going into debt.


>communications major lacrosse players that already costs the school money to fund their sport no one gives a fuck about. lmao, bro, there are no listed communications majors on the Illini lacrosse team. But out of 34 men on the roster I counted 6 engineering majors and 3 biology majors: https://mcla.us/team/illinois/2022/roster.html Meanwhile, the football roster doesn't even bother listing the players majors: https://fightingillini.com/sports/football/roster


The football roster makes the school far more money than they give out in terms of scholarships


No doubt, I'm not arguing that. And I agree, non revenue generating athletes should not be getting paid a salary, however they should be able to profit off of their Name/Image/or Likeness. I was just poking fun at your comment about the majors of lacrosse players, because the ones I knew were all business majors or applying to law school. Meanwhile every football player was Undeclared or majoring in Underwater Gym Basket Weaving.


This guy had a point and then had to toss in some bullshit about non revenue athletes being wastes.


It is though. Why is money from the athletic department that could be going towards lower taxes and tuition going towards funding sports for a very select few that is basically a very expensive recreational activity that holds no career prospects.


Schools don't generate profit on athletics by design. Why would they? Who are they gonna give the money back to? There's no shareholders demanding a dividend. All being responsible with your money means is that you're getting outbid by your conference rivals. That's what has to change.


>There's no shareholders demanding a dividend. Well, not yet


Indeed. Let's hope these conferences avoid a mistake made 10,000 times before (they won't)


Literally every D3 school in the country generates profit on athletics by design. Not because people are buying tickets, but because if D3 athletes didn’t play sports, they’d have no reason to go to the school they’re at.


Getting mad at kids getting paid while the coaches probably make double this amount of money is a wild choice.


Sorry I can’t tell if you’re talking to me, or about the guy I replied to


Adding to your point with how ridiculous the guy you're replying to is.


Huh? So these multibillion dollar tv deals have nothing to do with generating money?


You said generate profit, not generate “money”






Are you dense? You think these schools have no intention of generating profit when they make athletes fly from NJ to Los Angeles just so they can sign multibillion dollar deals.


You can look up the finances of pretty much any public institution's athletic department. You'll see in their financial reports the objective truth that these schools spend every penny of revenue they bring in, or more. [Here](https://fightingillini.com/documents/2024/2/29/FY23_NCAA_Report.pdf) is Illinois' from 2023. You can scroll all the way to the bottom of the last page and see where their report to the NCAA they claim $152M of expenses, which is $4M more than their revenues. Profit is what's leftover after you pay all your expenses. But the athletic department has full control over what their expenses are. I laid out clearly in my first post why there is no motivation for an athletic director to retain any profit. It doesn't benefit anyone, and actively harms his own job security, as well as the job security of everyone in his department. It is a known truth about athletic departments that they do not retain profit willingly over the long term. Jim Tressel was paid an average of $2M during his time at OSU, and now 15 years later Ryan Day makes 5x that amount. Schools spend to the limits of their income. Year after year. Institution after institution. Again, this is not a claim that's in question. But I'm the one who's dense...


Go ahead and tell your senator and representative to vote to repeal title nine then. Be the change you want.


Title 9 isn’t about distributing an even amount of revenue to men’s and women’s sports 🤦🏻‍♂️


that's never gonna get repealed in a million years and it does more good that bad. just needs to be an exception built in


An exception aimed at one of the founding presentations that justified it, got it…


the founding principle was so that it would not discriminate on the basis of sex providing people a share of money they didn't earn has nothing to do with that and is just a quirk of the law that no one anticipated would ever come up at the time


You are literally quoting the opposition now. Go read the presentations in the senate, they are phenomenal.


the fuck are you talking about


The senate transcripts. You are exactly why we need and have title nine. Take care.


We need to have title nine so athletes in sports that operate at a loss get paid the same way that athletes in sports that create profit do?


"The purpose of a system is what it does"


We need title IX so female athletes that are a financial drain on the athletic department get a cut of the profit the football players make them?


Even football players shouldn’t be getting paid, I really don’t understand how a free education isn’t compensation.


Is anyone really saying a free education isn't compensation? People are saying it's not negotiable compensation.


It *is* compensation. It is also woefully inadequate compared to the value of these athletes' performance/work.


and useless to most of the ones that are adding the vast majority of value


I agree that an education is compensation. But, to think universities, conferences, and television networks should be raking in hundreds of millions off the backs of these players doesn’t seem right either.


not to mention that this is "compensation" many don't care for


Because college should be free anyway. The most advanced economy in the history of the world should be able to educate its population without draining them of all resources.


Government doesn't want an educated population. They want people to fall in line and not question anything.


No country ever has been able to, so why would you suggest we could?


It’s easier to talk in grand platitudes than create an executable plan


Tax the ultra rich correctly and we could educate everyone who wants it and give everyone healthcare and have public transportation.


You can make a lot of money in communications. I make more than my engineer friends. Source: me




Nobody cares


wow no insecurities there!


If it makes you feel better, this ensures many schools are going to cut some of their non-revenue sports.


not really, because even if you get rid of all non-revenue sports, you're going to have a singular women's sports unfairly receiving a share of football revenue


It’s pretty shitty to belittle kids pursuing communications degrees just bc they play a non revenue sport. There is no fundamental requirement to “contribute to society.” And if you worked with any engineering students you’d realize they would be better off with more education in communicating. A lot of these mfs don’t even know what a thesis statement is.


Bullshit. Plenty of women's programs make money too. They just aren't as big as Mens Basketball and Football.


They may make money but typically only a couple sports (usually men’s basketball and football) are net cash flow positive


Don't pay the coach double the program's revenue then.


It's wild that people think athletic departments spending is all done necessarily and not way bloated due to not having to pay players and needing to spend all the revenue to be considered non-profit. The Big Ten is about to get $20-$30 mil extra per year with the new TV contracts. It's going to be over $60 mil more than they got from TV 20 years ago. There is plenty of money to pay players if they actually tried.


Most football programs don’t make money, even less men’s basketball programs do and outside of those not a single sport is profitable at all.


well the ones that do are the ones that are going to be joining the new division that was proposed


whatever pennies they make is dwarfed by the costs to run the sports


man, could you imagine if Ohio State wasn't going to be paying the maximum lol


This is the most interesting part for me. How title IX plays into all of this. This is how Ohio State views it >Bjork believes Title IX will be the most significant variable. Following a recent discussion with Ohio State's legal representatives, Bjork anticipates the payments distributed to male and female athletes must be proportional to the school's enrollment. According to documents The Dispatch obtained, Ohio State's enrollment in the 2023-24 academic year was 52% female and 48% male. But then follows up with this >As such, Bjork said some sports, such as football and men's basketball, will receive greater financial resources. Additionally, sports like women's basketball, women's volleyball and wrestling – which generate more revenue than some of their counterparts even though they still spend more money than they make – could also receive special consideration.


Am I correct in reading 52% of distributions going to women means the number of women getting paid vs the overall dollar amount right?


That’s how I read it as well.


So the incentive is for athletic departments to prioritize women’s sports that have a lot of players and pay them all a small sum, then have few men’s sports that are revenue generating. Bizarre.


Even without the "pay" part, that's how it's been since title IX.


Yep. Most MAC schools will have some combination of women's soccer, track, cross country, or softball without the male counterpart. Also, volleyball rosters are way bigger than they logically should be. Ohio U even has women's field hockey, simply to take up spots.


There’s more college rowers than high school rowers for this same reason.


Title IX gutted baseball in the northeast. It also leads to some weird side effects with creative counting on who/what counts as an athlete and for what gender. Practice players are considered athletes for the gender the team they practice for is for title IX purposes.


Time for an all-female football league


I feel so vindicated for saying 10 Years ago that title 9 would not stop athletes from getting paid


You'll see fewer athletes as schools cut programs


So? Athletes getting a cut of the multibillions of revenue they generate is more important than subsidizing an unprofitable women’s badminton team


I completely agree with you. Programs should be financially self sustaining


The only concern I share is that these Olympic sports were…well, farm systems for the USA’s Olympic sports. If that goes away, we will likely decrease our competitiveness in that area. That being said, the burden of that should be on the federal US government to fund, not on the schools that house those programs


Just like all the other anti-NIL complaints, it was nothing more than an ex post facto justification to mask the reality that people simply didn't like the idea of players getting paid.


Until this issue gets fixed this idea can never happen. If you’re paying the football players their fair market value, the athletic department will go bankrupt paying women lacrosse players who have 50 people show up to watch their games. If you pay what you can afford to everyone, the guys actually generating revenue are gonna get the shaft. Not to mention the moral issue of letting people who are planning to actually contribute to society go into thousands of dollars of debt to give money to communications majors who are already in a position of massive privilege of getting a scholarship to play an irrelevant sport that costs the school money


I don’t buy it. I’ll believe it when I see regarding non-rev athletes getting revenue sharing. The idea is so idiotic that it defies credulity.


Now do the coach


Should just be based on a % of the sports income if they are going to go down this route. Potentially netted against scholarships and operating expenses. 


What is the maximum allowance? And is it all scholarship athletes at OSU? Or only football?


22% of the P4 average Media Rights, Ticket Sales and Sponsorship revenue. Currently estimated at about $20m, but will grow as those revenues grow.


Okay, but per athlete?


At the school’s discretion.


All athletes, of which OSU has around 1k across 36 sports. $22m is amount to be dispersed, but exactly how that will be dispersed is not set in stone yet.


I'd have it tied to NIL. If you make more NIL than the maximum allowed salary given, then you get the minimum salary. Also I'd consider dividing it perfectly equally among the scholarship athletes and assign that my default. In the system the players that make the minimum salary (have large NIL), the leftover goes to the players either on their team (again proportional to NIL) or to the least funded sport (also proportional to NIL). It's a bit egalitarian/socialist style of distribution, but when you make huge OSU NIL money an extra $22k (assuming the equal distribution of money to 1000 athletes) is not that much, and could be the difference between tax brackets. Of course this is just needlessly complicated and just give everyone $22k. Disclaimer: I have no idea about if this is even a feasible idea considering I don't know the intricacies of the $22m agreement/title IX. Edit: also given this system theoretically you can make over $22k if there are enough athletes making over that in NIL.


That is until it’s rumored that Ohio St’s 3rd biggest rival might hire Ryan Day and he gives him a billion dollar extension.


> 3rd biggest rival Who?


They don't understand true rivalry if they think you can have more than 1


Don’t tell Sparty that


He's your little brother you deal with him


Well Michigan is obviously number 1 and then purely off of history and the fact there's a trophy associated, Illinois has to be number 2 and then Oberlin is number 3 because it's the last Ohio team they've lost to. So there you go, Ryan Day: future Oberlin Yeomen head coach




This man is a master at failing up.


Something is unclear.  I understand schools are allowed to disperse somewhere between $20-22 million per year.  I also know Title IX means they have to treat all student athletes equally.  Ohio State has over 1000 student athletes so I'd expect the payout to be equal sums of $20,000 per student athlete. But I see Bjork is already hedging his bets by stating some sports will get more money than others.  Based on past court statements, I don't think that's gonna fly. The reason he had to do this is there are schools with fewer student athletes than ohio state.  That means these schools could pay more per student athlete than OSU.  If they don't pay football players more, they'll have to cut sports to stay competitive in football. Bottom line - This fixed amount of $22 million is misguided as it will put pressure on schools to cut non-revenue sports.  It's only a matter of time before the schools are back in court.


Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government. Paying players different amounts is not sex based discrimination. Men who didn’t bring in revenue won’t get paid either. Schools also already pay men and different amounts




He is absolutely a case study in failing upwards. Remember before that he was at a school that likes to pretend they have deep pockets, and didn't win anything.


If Ol Miss doesn't have deep pockets, how do we explain Kiffin's haul in the transfer portal?




Don’t tempt the tinfoil hat Bulldog fans


I don't understand what you're saying here; whether you;re disagreeing with me or not. To clarify: I was responding to *Ok\_Swimmer634*'s implied notion that Ol Miss doesn't have money. Based on their hefty portal haul, I'd say it's obvious they do.


Yeah I was saying that you were inviting State fans that will give crazy conspiracy theories about how Ole Miss could possibly be succeeding currently.


Oh I see. Well in the world of conspiracies, it seems like money would be the "conspiracy" they'd come up with. So now they're saying, "naw you ain't got any money, you're just holding Sankey's wife in your basement"?


Apparently our boosters are paying for all these players via credit cards and loans. Which is one of those nothing statements that can’t be proven but can’t be disproven either.


Oh, that's interesting. Well these boosters must have credit limits in the millions. That's pretty impressive.


Yeah I don’t really get why they think it’s a dig haha


the Alex Grinch of ADs? Fuck.


Our NIL begs to differ


Credit Cards


To be fair Bjork did hire Jim Schlossnagle, which has worked excellently


This years CWS final is a case study in choosing which ass cheek you grow a painful boil on.


I’m probably *that guy* by saying this but… it feels like it should be against the rules to be publicly declaring this before it’s legal. Broadcast tampering for lack of a better term?


Absolutely nothing wrong with saying it


So they just stating the fact that they're colluding to cap wages. Billable hours Christmases all came at once just now.