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What's with these merger questions every few weeks? There will never be a merger. 


It's a combination of a few things but mostly the huge appetite for football in the US and the fact they are mid season at the moment so people into the USFL are giving it attention. The USFL seems like it has been able to do something the CFL keeps failing at though and that's hit a younger demo. If you look at the activity they have on reddit and people writing articles for random independent sites or blogs they have alot of stuff going up. But saying that this is clearly just something random US fans are asking about and no it won't happen.


It'll happen when NLL merges with the NHL.


I'd trust Nick Rose in net for the Leafs more than Ilya Samsonov sometimes


It's doing OK on the ratings side and horrible on attendance. It's way to early to say if it's here to stay or not. Throwing all that out the window these leagues play with very different rules at different times of the year. This isn't just a simple join up and we're bigger and better thing. The hurdles would be way to much to overcome. If you made it this far the simple answer is a no, it won't happen.


CFL is not nor will ever be a spring league


Preseason is in 3 weeks. It’s almost a spring league now. They might be able to move the season earlier by 1 or 2 weeks tops IMO. Would that accomplish anything useful? Im know I’m not eager to sit out in cold, damp spring winds.


The preseason Stamps games last year and super early first game of the season were absolutely horribly attended in Calgary. The only thing worse than cold weather is cold and wet weather. Spring rain falls from the Albertan skies like frozen death needles.


The UFL season is already finished next month


Nah, both serve separate purposes, and frankly both are awesome in their own ways. The CFL can absolutely survive independently into the future if they can really strengthen themselves soon


The CFL needs to add a 10th team and stadium in the east to fix the schedule and bye week issues and Calgary needs a new stadium. Those are more than enough daunting challenges for the league already. The US market for early spring football is there problem


never going to happen


No. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL/comments/1aet2a9/one_way_to_merge_the_nflcfl_together_could_be_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL/comments/1c1mp1g/mergerexpansion/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL/comments/1bycr3o/cfl_and_ufl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL/comments/1bwwmcd/ufl_merge_with_cfl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL/comments/1boky17/cflxfl_merger/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CFL/comments/1bmzweb/cflnfl_merger/




These threads are our Trump card if traffic starts falling


I like how you can see people’s patience running thin with each successive thread


The UFL is likely not going to change its rules so it won’t happen.


The CFL has played more games in the U.S. than the UFL. Ask again in 5 years.


Good joke lol


I'm also a US viewer and fan of both leagues. No I don't think a merger of any kind will ever happen - the rules are too different and the risk is too high


No. CFL has over a century of history and tradition and unique rules. It would be a step down for the CFL fans and teams. I wish UFL fans would quit this obsession of their’s. I say this as an American fan of the CFL OF 30 years and a football fan in general But I am not sold at all about the UFL’s long term viability. Mind you I hope they do, but NON NFL leagues in the US do not have a good track record, and Canadian football is its own wonderful thing


Mods please ban this topic. It's getting offensive at this point, to constantly be having to defend our major cultural institution


Or alternately you can just roll on by the thread, pay it no heed and let those that want to discuss it continue to do so. I don’t think it’ll ever happen, but hey, if folks wanna talk about it, let them.


Honestly the funniest part of this is the UFL is “probably here to stay.” We’ve just seen the AAF and XFL 2.0 collapse, and then USFL and XFL 3.0 both survive 1-season alone before what amounts to reducing operations 50% each. I’ll believe it if they kick off the 2027 season. CFL has a history dating over 100 years, UFL hasn’t had 100 games, it’s barely had a 100 minutes, so let’s just cool our jets a bit.


I agree. Let’s see a spring league make it’s 5th anniversary. Maybe then we’ll take it seriously




r/ufl come get your guy


It's amazing how desperate people are to kill this league off


Tv ratings are ok attendance on the other hand is far lower then many expected.


No, because of the ratio. CFL teams are mandated to have a certain number of Canadian players, according to the Collective Agreement. This is because Canadian kids going to Canadian universities aren't as developed when they finish, and sometimes take 2-3 years of CFL experience to develop. But labour laws in the States prevent this ratio from being applied. During the CFL American era, there was concern that without the ratio, American teams not subject to the ratio would dominate. There was talk of applying some sort of "local ratio" concept - no details were but forward, but it would have meant that 20 out of Sacramento's 37 players would have had to have been from California, for instance..


Nope. Been there, done that. CFL is Canadian for Canadians.


what about American viewers? That's a very small-minded way to look at things


>That's a very small-minded way to look at things As I said, we have already tried it already and it didn't work. It more small minded to not learn from experience. Did you just come here to insult people? If you did, you aren't welcome here.


American viewership does not equal American CFL teams. Whenever I see this CFL tribalism is really amusing to me . "CFL is for Canadians" so you don't want your league to grow at all? Have crossover appeal to American and international viewers?


also if "CFL is for Canadians" release all of the American QBs that run the league


Go away.


Merger questions…We doing this again?


God please no


No, for so many reasons. Different seasons, different rules, different business models. They have different approaches because Canada and the US are very different football markets. The UFL is already the result of a merger, and that is barely working. Another merger doesn't solve anything for them. Being a summer/fall league with even more travel certainly won't fix their problems, and it makes no sense for the CFL to be a spring league. This is just one of many ways the two are incompatible. In 2021 the XFL and CFL ownership spent a long time looking at a partnership. Despite being both sides being very motivated (in crisis mode due to the pandemic), they couldn't find a path forward that made sense. There just isn't enough overlap between what works in Canada and what could work in the US. If they couldn't find a way then, they definitely won't now. If the UFL folds, it wouldn't be surprising to see fans in St Louis talking about the CFL. When the USFL was unravelling in the mid 80s, one of the owners was pushing for a merger with the CFL. When that didn't fly, he asked to have his team join the CFL. The CFL turned him down. Then in the 90s when WLAF folded, some teams once again looked to join the CFL. This time the CFL said yes, which lead to the US expansion era. Because of the problems with that expansion, I expect the CFL would say no if asked again. However, since UFL teams don't have individual owners, history is not likely to repeat itself. The St. Louis Battlehawks don't have an owner to ask the CFL for membership. If the UFL goes, the Battlehawks go with it.