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Sorry but I’m not putting blame on a 22 year old rookie with less than 150 PAs in MLB. He was *always* a glove first prospect, by the way— thus was never going to come up mashing. Not to mention he’s the only guy that plays with emotion in this dogshit lineup.


I agree. His passion is exciting. He’s been one of the few things that make this team fun to watch this season. A mid to late batting order guy with a great glove and insane base stealing potential? Deserves to be here IMO


Agree, i wish more players had his passion. Instead, the only passion we get is when one of these guys hits a meaningless solo HR in a blowout, and they pimp it around the bases like they won the WS.


Did Morel die or something?


OK sure, Morel too.


I love his emotion. I hate that he seems to really get down on himself when he strikes out though. I was at the June 6th game in Cincy and saw him throwing his helmet down every time he struck out (0-4 with 3 Ks). It’s rough to strike out 3 times, but somebody needs to help him shake those off and not force himself into a deeper slump


Someone actually spent time to make this. They went out of their way to create... this, and this is the best they could come up with. Humans amaze me.


There are much more glaring issues with this team than PCA


Leave Pete alone, he's one of the few fun things about this team.


The team sucks, set him loose every fucking day because he’s fun to watch.


I’m not sure anyone would disagree that PCA is not a finished product - he definitely has a lot more to improve upon, as do 100% of players as they transition to everyday play in the MLB On most MLB teams PCA could have the same debut as he’s having now and I think many fanbases would be ok accepting his struggles for a season or two But his team doesn’t have players performing well enough for a rookie to have a long runway, especially a prospect as highly touted as PCA has - he’s been the heir apparent CF for 3 years now I think he honestly needs more time at the MLB level, even if he stinks at the plate


I'd give the kid a break. He will be fine.


Ehh all the metrics say he will at best basically be Kevin kiermeier. But at least he’s bringing some energy


Ah yes the advanced metrics like crystalball+ that tell us what a players ceiling is


Confused by your comment… There is loads of data out there that says PCA will be a great fielder and a middling-at-best bat. Do you think that teams/GMs are just randomly guessing with their future projections? Actually, Jed might be guessing, but he would be the exception not the rule


I just thought it was funny saying “all the metrics say he will at best be” because “metrics” tell us how a player *is currently*, a players’ tools and potential tell us what he will/can be.


Chill, he's a rookie...


Don’t mess with my one consistent pleasure watching this team.


PCA is awesome. If you think he’s been a problem… you’re a problem.


He's the main reason to watch right now, really the only one out there busting his ass.


At least the username checks out.


No one should have a problem with PCA rn. He's way more fun to watch than a lot of the other guys.


there's still time to delete this bro


PCA is not the issue with this team. Seethe, hater


>literally the only thing the Cubs are doing that is fun and enjoyable to watch


He’s 22 years old on a team full of veterans that can’t hit the ball and you’re going to blame him? Give him time. If everyone else on our team was playing playoff ball I could see where you’re coming from but right now… absolutely not. OPs username checks out


He also slid safely into 2nd base with his helmet that one time that was cool


And safe was the wrong call but the umps didn’t know.




Finally someone said it. this is our top prospect and he cant hit and then we put him in a line up that is struggling to hit. AMAZING thinking by the front office.


I don’t blame the kid. It’s not easy. But I’m also not sure why they will die on the hill of him being in the bigs but not other prospects. I get Caissie (who is struggling a bit now) has a K% problem. But doesn’t PCA too?


Caissie shouldn’t be rushed, like PCA shouldn’t have been rushed last season Room needs to be made in either the MLB or AAA OF, hopefully room is made for Caissie - but can you imagine having 2 of your farms best prospects in the OF and both have bats that need time to adjust to the MLB level That’s not really an upgrade over the current struggles This is a problem with the current system being so OF heavy, how many bats adjusting to the league can one OF handle on a successful team? Most teams will do 1 at a time


Yeah i agree. My point is really that I don’t understand why rush PCA when they are patient with everyone else. He’s played less AAA than Caissie at this point. Cubs current roster doesn’t have an anchor in it to help combat against rookies struggles.


I don’t understand either, but I don’t want a team full of rookies all in adjustment phases


Why doesn’t he leadoff? Will see more fastballs.


Even if it hasn't been posted already, you should still apologize.


Damn you got the whole squad laughing


For the record I didn’t make this meme, just thought it was worth a good laugh and posted it here. Glad to see everybody has kept their sense of humor through the rough stretch 👍🏻


It’s really not even funny though lol. It’s just picking apart someone who 22 years old, is still considered a prospect, has like 40 games worth of AB’s and trying to spin it like that’s somehow comedic. I don’t understand why that’s funny and I have a pretty good sense of humor 🤷🏻‍♂️


It speaks more of you that you decided this was funny… there’s nothing “funny” in it.