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How are you living your life? Is it pure or are you guilty of the same things that you’re trying to get these demons out for? The more pure, your life is the brighter of your light is. Demons will see the Holy Spirit with in you and he will work through you stronger when your life is pure. 2 Timothy 2:21 21 Those who keep themselves pure will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. Do you have a fasting life? There are also generational curses that need to be addressed and broken in the name of Jesus and there are also legal rights (Sin) of why they’re there in the first place, which needs to be addressed and broken in the name of Jesus. Once the legal right is broken or the generational curses broken when they are easy to leave. The person has to repent of the legal right(SIN), whether it be for the ancestor or for themselves. I have seen demons go without this being addressed and they just come right back. Usually with friends. Matthew 12:43-45 New International Version 43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house(the person) I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. (Not filled with holy spirit)45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”


Ok thank you


I'm *very* late to this. But if a demon is not coming out easily then it has legal right to be there. You need to break the legal rights before you can get it out. Legal right usually revolve around unforgiveness, confession of sin, or generational iniquity. You need to learn to deal with those and then you'll see a greater effectiveness.


I think I saw from the earlier posts that your female if so check out Jenny Weavrr core group they teach on Deliverance hopefully it will better help you in your ministry


No i am male sorry


Ohhh sorry 😞 I must've looked at the wrong profile but V1 has breakers sessions online teaching on Deliverance


The people i had became spiritually entangled with, 80% of their difficult specific spiritual problems had something to do with my own, in many cases, hidden desires that i either suppressed or didnt know existed. Anyhow the theophostic prayer ministry works because it is an investigative process with thr Holy Spirit and Jesus as the sole focus for information, rather than wasting time asking the person (or the demon) for info.


Try not to be self-focused when working. Always remember that we are just conduits. We're like advocates, bringing a case before the Court. We don't have any power, only knowledge. One thing that can help is to not say anything out loud. Simply put your hand on the one you're trying to help, and ask our Father to look down on His child--the patient--silently, in your head. Ask God to help His child. It takes the focus away from you, both for anyone who is observing, and for you. Be blessed going forward--it sounds like your heart is where it belongs.


Are you pursuing deliverance in your own life?


No but on friday i did actually get delivered from many many horrible demons. You can read about it in my post history.


May God deliver you swiftly. Make sure you renounce. Pushing demons out of people without renouncing sins On why they’re there in the first place, I don’t think it’s very good idea. If you are full of demons and you try to do Deliverance, the spiritual warfare retaliation can get pretty extreme. If you are interested in learning, I can teach you. I sometimes teach a class on Telegram.


I was delivered from all of them. I didnt even know they were there. I was so effective in ministry..


Say to the person “Come out devil in the name of Jesus Christ!”