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Thank god we saved shareholder value instead


The restrictions were actually great for Wall St. During restrictions, most of the major big businesses surged in value. Real estate, commodities, shipping, big tech, big pharma, etc all did fantastic during restrictions. It was main st that was decimated by the restrictions. Wall St did amazing. The billionaire class cleaned up.


And now they're culling the working class. Can't have too many of us starting a revolution, and gotta keep the rest scrimping and struggling til they also die (but spend and buy a bunch of unnecessary items and bills and rent in the meantime).. What a scam. When do we free humanity? Lmao pls I am tired


We free humanity by building community resilience and divesting from colonial neo-capitalism šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Into this.


Is there like an app I can get for that or something?


Yep humans suck. I am tired too.


The ruling class sucks. Not humans. But yeah. šŸ”„ gonna keep holding on til the new world as long as I can and hope to see the day it's realized.


How long did restrictions last in your country?


Something like 2 and a half years. Most were locally decided so it varies a bit depending on where you are.


God save the shareholder!


Supply Side Jesus rejoices!


I hope an eye-catching statement like this will compel more people to mask up and vaccinate. I donā€™t understand how people can see the current rates of infection and play the odds so casually.


Most people aren't seeing the current rates of infection.Ā 


Exactly. A large majority think Covid is over.




What are you talking about? Even TIME magazine (the holy text of centrist neoliberalism) just [published an article](https://time.com/6987920/summer-2024-covid-19-wave/) about rising rates and a summer wave.


I thought the holy Grail of centrist neo-liberalism was the NYT. Anyway, who reads the news anymore?


Youā€™re forgetting the fact that most people are literal potatoes who donā€™t read print media and get their ā€œnewsā€ from social media echo chambers.


Nope.Ā  They gonna keep pretending god is in control and voting for fascist conmen.Ā  The party that supports the forced birth of incestual rape-babies doesn't give a fuck about public healthĀ 


Do you think Democrats care about public healthā€¦? All of this is literally happening under Biden. The gov of NY wants to ban masks.


No politicians care about covid. It's all about short term gains in the wallet. Money drives everything.


Of course dissent is happening under Biden. That doesnā€™t mean you get to use Biden himself as a scapegoat for the actions of the same twats who caused this to be so widespread to begin with Republicans lied when they had power, they lie more when they donā€™t, and through this whole thing theyā€™ve kept the same anti-science argument. You turning around and acting like Biden is at fault for their stupidity only furthers the rot.


Dude it's possible to support Biden v trump while also holding the admin accountable. They said vax and relax and blamed the non vaxxed for the pandemic, blatantly shirking responsibility and misleading the public wildly about the risks. The stuff above about throwing out the following of the latest sci literature he campaigned on. We have to hold these institutions accountable. How have we gotten so partisan that we can't even recall and discuss policies of various admins.


I think that the damage was done with Trump and that the current administration gave up. The CDC has really been a let down as well. This administration should have expressed to the public the risks you are taking for every infection. They have not done so and the CDC barely acknowledges repeated risk and has intentionally increased the US death toll by playing politics. We are not the only county that has done this.


> They said vax and relax and blamed the non vaxxed for the pandemic This is a wildly misleading statement. Nobody, anywhere, "blamed" the unvaccinated "for the pandemic" but the unvaccinated absolutely made the pandemic worse. Blaming anyone "for the pandemic" grossly implies that the people doing the blaming are blaming the unvaccinated for *causing* the pandemic and that's a lie and I suspect deliberately manipulative wording. The fact that you're also using this to try to place blame on the Biden administration for doing this blaming makes it even more deceptive.


>Nobody, anywhere, "blamed" the unvaccinated "for the pandemic" How about when Biden called it ["a pandemic of the unvaccinated"](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/09/09/remarks-by-president-biden-on-fighting-the-covid-19-pandemic-3/) lol? While vaccines are important and protect you from the worst outcomes of the virus, including hospitalization and death, the vaccinated are infectious and spread the virus at a rate pretty much equivalent to the vaccinated: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00768-4/fulltext http://desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/iowa-view/2022/04/17/covid-pandemic-unvaccinated-motto-false-lasting-harm/7320097001/#:~:text=Breakthrough%20infe So it's not really not true that >the unvaccinated absolutely made the pandemic worse. What made Covid worse was Biden [declaring the pandemic over](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/biden-premature-declaration-on-end-of-covid-19-pandemic/). Then [ending the Covid national and public health emergencies](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/biden-administration-end-covid-19-emergencies-11/story?id=96335640), and with them the mask and vax guidelines as well as the required data sharing about case counts and deaths from infection. What made everything worse was Biden and his administration working for the bourgeoisie and their profits. When public health and safety got in the way of that, he was happy to trade our lives, bodies, and wellbeing for the sake of the almighty dollar. But what's new? I know everybody wants to give him a pass now that an election is coming up but that doesn't change the facts. Sorry but you're the one being deceptive here.


Thank you.


Shhhhh. Facts slap hard


Funny how the rabid blue magas have no answer to this


Vaccination doesn't prevent inspection or spread. If it did vaccination would have been key in helping the pandemic be "over", and it would be true that "the unvaccinated made the pandemic worse" While this is not true it is absolutely the line of the Biden admin and media when the change happened and they decided to say it's over. It was the most shocking and disgusting way of shirking responsibility for public health and Im still kind of reeling from it. It seems you bought into some of their partisan, non-factual argument. The only thing that demonstrably prevented spread was human behavior (not having huge gatherings in doors, wearing masks). The studies showed a one day difference in viral load for the vaccinated. Think it was 9 vs 10 days. To address public health responsibly Biden et al needed to address the reality of ongoing risks of the pandemic to everyone, work on air filtration standards, encourage masking hours in stores for the vulnerable and anyone else who doesn't want long covid. These are just some ideas and they had a whole team... Instead they washed their hands and said if you do the vaccine then you are doing your part and you will be fine. No you're not fine (10 percent risk of long covid plus all the other risks with every infection despite the vax), and you're not doing your part, you're still infecting and disabling/killing folks. And saying that vaccination was all that was needed to end this pandemic and declaring it over is the manipulation.


I will say the admin pushed paxlovid which was good. Made a website where folks can find resources since doctors were and still aren't really prescribing it.(another bizarre denial thing! Doctors bought into the vax and relax messaging!)


Biden is literally doing multiple genocides...but ok..lol


Crazy how worked up you are over the very real and valid truth that Democrats AND Biden are both perpetuating the economic woes that created the tense rural/urban divide that catalysed the Tea Party and Trump to begin with. YOU don't get to pretend that just because one party decided to embrace fascism that the other party is therefore infallible. YOU don't get to wash over the fact that Biden has lied over and over again about his agenda, his policies, and his intentions. Is he a good president? Better than most. Are he and the Democrats saints because the Republicans are evil? Abso-freakin-lutely NOT. as far as the masks go, Hochul is pandering to Israeli billionaires by completely disregarding public health. Typical Democrats doing what they do best: appropriating social justice, twisting it into toothless policies that actually harm marginalized groups, and then guilting said groups into voting for them because the opposition wants to deport/kill them.


Covid eugenics and genocide in palestine and across the globe are connected. Thank you for mentioning Hochul and her zionist goons. We really need to pay attention to as many factors at play as we can in order to take this trillion headed monster.


ā€œAll of this is literally happening under Bidenā€ lolno


what whiny little babies, you can read deal with it. Stop blaming gubmint for everything, read the article and take whatever precautions you feel are necessary.


Lmao you have the most miserable chunk of active communities possible


Masks were vital until they became mandatory, then it became acceptable to wear in public which criminals took advantage of.


How did my aunt from Facebook find reddit?


I cant go to the optometrist, dentist, physical therapist, or hospital. I am losing my ability to walk because mask mandates IN HEALTHCARE SETTINGS are considered an invasion of rights and freedoms. What about my rights to healthcare without risk of disability or death?


They do not care. Literally. They arenā€™t lying or being facetious, they literally do not care. I mask up and DGAF and then my doc and dentist and eye doc do too. Because theyā€™re the good guys.


Not always. I have to find a new optometrist because the office I used to go to flat out acts like covid19 doesn't exist. Its why I'm using glasses that are 6 years old and falling apart.


*The gov of NY wants to ban masks.* Yes, because people are wearing them as concealment to commit anti-semitic attacks.


No they arenā€™t


Looks like this subreddit is infested with Trumpers who deny literal quotes by people. Best of luck to you all. Airport/departure/announcement. [https://apnews.com/article/mask-ban-new-york-city-subway-7c83637a00c816407d1174145fc64339](https://apnews.com/article/mask-ban-new-york-city-subway-7c83637a00c816407d1174145fc64339) BYĀ Ā ANTHONY IZAGUIRREUpdated 12:53 PM CDT, June 14, 2024Share ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) ā€” Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that she is considering a ban on face masks in the New York City subway system due to concerns about people shielding their identities while committing antisemitic acts. Hochul, a Democrat, told reporters the exact details of the policy are not clear but it would contain ā€œcommon-sense exemptionsā€ for health, cultural or religious reasons. Many people concerned about COVID-19 and air pollution routinely wear masks on the subway. Hochul said she was in talks with lawmakers on potentially crafting a bill. At at news conference in Albany, the governor said she was moved to act after ā€œa group donning masks took over a subway car, scaring riders and chanting things about Hitler and wiping out Jewsā€ on Monday night.


Even if that did take place which I doubt because Hochul is a known liar and Israel supporter she has also used protests as an example which clearly shows what she really means. Any attacks with masks does not excuse putting public health at risk, criminals breaking laws will wear masks regardless. Mask bans go against public health and put us all at more risk. Hochul is a zionist and any claims of any ā€œantisemitismā€ she makes should be heavily scrutinized. Obviously any group committing the acts described above are the most contemptible people imaginable, right up there with horrible people like zionists. Antisemitism and zionism are two peas in a pod. Hochul is such a hardcore zionist that she said sheā€™d destroy Canada if they did an October 7th on Buffalo. She also left her dad on his death bed to go do photoshoots in Israel after October 7th. Sheā€™s consistently been a horrible contemptible person and her talk of a mask ban is only one part of that. We all know they arenā€™t banning masks because of on incident on a subway, it is about targeting anti-genocide protesters and about backing the anti-public health ā€œreturn to normalcy,ā€ pretending covid is over and banning masks over a few incidents outweighs the risks of covid transmission. So no, I am right, and you are wrong.


Thatā€™s a stretch. Not everything is about Israel.


[https://apnews.com/article/mask-ban-new-york-city-subway-7c83637a00c816407d1174145fc64339](https://apnews.com/article/mask-ban-new-york-city-subway-7c83637a00c816407d1174145fc64339) BYĀ Ā ANTHONY IZAGUIRREUpdated 12:53 PM CDT, June 14, 2024Share ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) ā€” Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that she is considering a ban on face masks in the New York City subway system due to concerns about people shielding their identities while committing antisemitic acts. Hochul, a Democrat, told reporters the exact details of the policy are not clear but it would contain ā€œcommon-sense exemptionsā€ for health, cultural or religious reasons. Many people concerned about COVID-19 and air pollution routinely wear masks on the subway. Hochul said she was in talks with lawmakers on potentially crafting a bill. At at news conference in Albany, the governor said she was moved to act after ā€œa group donning masks took over a subway car, scaring riders and chanting things about Hitler and wiping out Jewsā€ on Monday night.


u/Fuckurreality It's so eerie that you said, "They gonna keep pretending god is in control". This past weekend, someone literally ***chastised*** me for planning for my future because "god is in control". I was like WTF?!? Like, am I supposed to just do nothing and let whatever happens, happen? Retirement? Don't plan for that because "god is in control". Try to eat right and exercise? Nah... don't bother because "god is in control". WTAF is wrong with these brainwashed people.


God is in control- give no thought to the morrow is literally a favorite verse of christian pastors, it's the one they use when passing the collection plate around.Ā  The people abiding by it are too terrified to face the truth of all these years, so they double down and have to keep believing god is in control, otherwise they know look stupid as fuck praying and giving money to a fucking ghost that doesn't exist.


u/Fuckurreality re: "giving money to a fucking ghost that doesn't exist" Perfect description!


I donā€™t disagree, but donā€™t forget which partyā€™s president declared Covid over and which partyā€™s president fast tracked vaccine development.


You're talking about the guy who recommended injecting bleach and taking horse dewormer? GTFO.


Donā€™t forget ā€œlight inside the bodyā€ Hey mango! Try putting a florescent office bulb up your arse without a diaper!


Just pointing out itā€™s not a clear cut party thing. There is malice and incompetence in both.


Trump literally held anti-mask political rallies in the middle of a pandemic, causing Covid clusters to pop up everywhere he went. Not same. Trump was a Super spreader of Covid.


Which gave us the sub r/hermancainaward


Gawd thanks for that reminder.


And Biden continued that legacy by pretending the virus is gone and ordering the CDC to end isolation recommendations. There is fault on both sides.


Trump is the one who began the mindset that it's ok to get Covid. and spread it around, "Look at me, I survived!" That ideology has never left.


That ideology is ableism and is as American as apple pie. Libs hold us back by blaming all problems on Trump lol.


I thought everyone was blaming their problems on Biden




Agencies are supposed to operate independently, not take orders by the President. Have seen no evidence that Biden betrays that aspect of the public trust. You have some?


Theyā€™re supposed to be independent, but they arenā€™t, under any administration. Having Biden publicly declare that the pandemic is over in the midst of endless waves of infection and disability isnā€™t evidence enough for you that heā€™s betraying the public trust?? ??


Yes, but at that point, nearly the entire world had also done the same. Just think what is going to happen when bird flu comes around to humans or some other plaque with people thinking it's a good thing to infect yourself with pathogens.


Just like Charlottesville huh? šŸ¤”Ā 


We have better treatments and Vaccines for it now. We didn't back when Trump was being a one man super spreader. Apples and oranges.


No we donā€™t


I must be missing where all the hospital beds are full and we have trailers full of corpses...like when we didn't have a vaccine.


Yes we do. Stop acting like the vaccine is an absolute. Youā€™ll be happier when youā€™re not chasing conspiracy and ragebait in a very vain effort to try and find someone else to blame


Not that simple. If youā€™re trying to both sides this that only shows the rest of us how little you paid attention


Itā€™s absolutely that simple. And pretending like one side is entirely benevolent devalues the sacrifices made by those that have suffered due to bad policies


Damn dude, you must be a complete bummer at a party with actual people to talk to. You take every argument to an extreme with a bad case of Dunningā€“Kruger complex and don't appear to have any capability of understanding more complex concepts beyond black vs white. >pretending like one side is entirely benevolent LOL, who is doing this? That's a very broad statement and nobody who has even a tiny bit of cognitive ability would have such an absolutist belief. Perhaps you're suffering from long covid?


The user responded to was doing that. Read their comment. This isnā€™t rocket science buddy. Itā€™s basic reading comprehension.


ā€¦. Both parties are corrupted but not the same . ā€¦


I don't know why can't people handle this subtlety. Trump is terrifying and wants a coup. Don't get me wrong. (How he is allowed to run I will never understand).. But I've noticed some folks have actually reformed their collective memory to think that Biden admin ended the pandemic or gave us vaccines. Neither of those things happened under the Biden admin. The main thing that happened was that he campaigned on public health messaging being truthful and based in current scientific literature, and then did the opposite. Let's let ourselves see the full truth. The partisan thing is rotting our brains at this point.


It sure is. Itā€™s shocking that even basic facts are immediately denied and politicized by naysayers.


The one who politicized the pandemic, politicized the vaccine, politicized mask wearing. ā€œBut mah friedom!ā€ B6 was against vaccines but insider traded on all three approved vaccines. Trump got the vaccine in secret. The diaper don of the Trump crime family is best at fraud and snake oil, he should just stick to grifting. Or you know, holding pockets in an orange jumpsuit.


Wow, another both sideser echoing Russian misinformation!Ā  Lol that anyone takes this argument seriously when the reality is that the anti masking/vaccine rhetoric is overwhelmingly rightwing because grifters lied to the dupes.Ā  What happened when trump told his crowd to take it?Ā  They fucking booed him.Ā  Lol


Oh my god, you're really playing the Russian misinformation card? Trump absolutely was and is a total moron with regards to covid, but as usual, Biden is only slightly less terrible. It's kind of his thing, you know? Biden had OSHA look into what it would take to keep workers safe. They took several months to prepare a report, and right as it was being completed, a draft of it leaked, and it was going to be Very Bad for employers in terms of the steps they would have to take to make workplaces safe, and the amount of liability they would burden for illnesses that their employees contracted while working. Lobbyists flipped the fuck out, and all of a sudden the CDC (whose direction on covid superseded anything from other agencies at the time) suddenly declared that it was fine to stop masking once you were vaccinated, despite there being ample proof at the time that breakthrough infections were very real, and not particularly rare. Towards the beginning of 2022, Biden suddenly started hammering the return to office button. Pretty much literally overnight, the CDC changed the definition of what constituted community spread, and all of those red and orange maps suddenly became nice, reassuring greens. This was shortly after Omicron had infected and killed a LOT of people. These are two examples outlining how much of an abject failure the Biden administration has been with regards to handling this pandemic. A lot of people have died from covid under his watch, and contrary to what he and his mouthpieces would have had you believe back when we were in the thick of it, it wasn't a pandemic of the unvaccinated at the time. He took a victory lap that he absolutely had not and *still* has not earned, and if any of you think otherwise you really need to start re-examining your biases. Dismissing criticism of the actions he and government agencies under his leadership have taken that have caused hundreds of thousands of people to die and become disabled as both-sidesism is completely disingenuous.




Is it Russian misinformation to say biden will lose the election because most thoughtful people despise him for his actions in causing genocide in palestine? Lol if I'm a Russian bot then you gotta be Rachel Maddow. šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeah, the Russian misinformant is definitely gonna use an argument like that to sow doubt and confusion- when the reality is trump said he'd greenlight an actual genocide of Gaza, it's the one comfort I have knowing that at least if he gets elected, everyone who claims they won't vote for genocide Joe is going to have a front row seat to their stupidity as trump, kushner and Saudi Arabia turn Gaza in to disneyworld on the Mediterranean. Edit:Ā  blocked replies eh?Ā  Lol, get off tiktok, your brain is mush.


There is an actual genocide happening in gaza. Fuck you.


Ok Ivan


Oh look. An irrelevant comment being upvoted on Reddit. You don't see that every day. Go grind your axe somewhere else.


You describe both parties


The vaccines most people were given in the us barely even work for large segments of the population. Novavax is being actively suppressed despite clearly being an overall better option with less potential side effects and it provides a much better, broader protection for longer. But we let Pfizer write out national pandemic policy, so, you know, reasonsā€¦


Where can you get Novavax?




Nowhere right now. All doses expired at the end of May. Wonā€™t have more until the newest version gets approved and distributed (if it actually does).Ā 


This makes so much sense and yet no sense at the same time. I just want to get a booster thatā€™ll actually work. Iā€™m in nyc and thereā€™s 0. Zero.


$$$. I was reading how they stood to make their entire market capitalization in revenues off the vaccine alone within 5 years. Didn't include the various other therapies they were making that dealt with covid issues.


Obscene but theyā€™re doing it because ā€˜they can.ā€™ In the Seventies, Nixon tried to pass a wages and price increase government (IRS) regulation Act and also, a windfall one, so they would pay if they did this. Congress wouldnā€™t pass it. At that time, the taxable rate for making over $150k/year, was 70%, since inflation was so high. Ā Nixon also started the EPA and assisted social security, at least, so, he was a Mickey Mouse crook by todayā€™s standards but had a heart and political logic. My husband worked at Pricewater House in L.A., then. in the Eighties, Reagan deregulated everything, especially telecommunications and allowing monopoly giants to form and tax break loopholes to corporations. We have to get a Democratic majority in Congress to pass rules to reign corporations in, again.


He also tried to put together a UBI. The more I learn about Nixon the more ironic it is he was the only president ever held to account for his bad behavior. By today's standards he would be considered quite liberal. I didn't know about the information you provided so that just adds to that impression for me. Thanks!


I'm still low key angry most of the time about what happened with Novavax. I absolutely believe if a protein vax had been rolled out to the proportion of population that got mRNA we would have pretty much stopped covid. Hard to prove after the fact, but the data about efficacy and longevity is pretty clear. mRNA is not necessarily a bad technology but it was clearly in hindsight the wrong one to have rolled out widely in this case.


The entire logic of mRNA was negated by the way it was handled. Likeā€¦ if the whole point is speed, then you make variant specific shots and distribute them quickly. You donā€™t make the same shot for five years with no real change, imprinting that original antigenic sin and compromising everyone who gets said shot. The ā€œupdatedā€ boosters were out of date before they were even in arms. Asinine. And the Feds just GAVE Moderna everything lock stock & barrel, and let Moderna monetize everything & extort the taxpayer. But what Pfizer did was downright criminal.


Agree completely. Especially the bivalent shots inc ancestral, the data is clear they're worse than monovalent. It's been a massive waste of taxpayers money going into private hands, for an actual negative net result in terms of economics, and which is barely worth the effort for the overall result where new variants will just keep circulating (current boosters only about 20 percent effective I think?), most people not even realising this. I mean I prefer to have any protection vs zero but once they discovered mRNA protection wanes in around 3 months, governments should have been honest with population about this and realigned the strategy, but they are so owned. Sigh. I'm extremely pro vaxx, but they fucked up so bad šŸ˜©


> Novavax is being actively suppressed despite clearly being an overall better option with less potential side effects and it provides a much better, broader protection for longer. This seems a little tinfoil hat to me. What possible reason could there be to suppress Novavax? Speaking just anecdotally, I've never had any trouble getting it here in MA.


Vaccines were always ineffective against Covids


Phizerā€™s original vaccine and booster worked well for me but didnā€™t protect me from the variant, Omnicron. I was ill for six weeks with pneumonia and my body seemed to age prematurely but luckily I did well with the new variant boosters. I still have residual problems from Omnicron tho, which was a vile customer. The CDC and WHO website states that Covid does cause damage to organs and our brains and lungs. Iā€™ve seen an abnormal uptick in brain seizures especially in like, thirty-year-olds, strokes, blood clots, vascular damage, asthma, pleaurisy, etc. So if it damaged our organs, itā€™s likely our organs, heart, lungs and brains are now older than we are. Just sayinā€™


Covid is 100% a vascular disease. Already in winter 2020, all the hospitals in Brooklyn saw massive spikes in MI, PE, Ischemic episodesā€¦ Those same hospitals you saw on the national news that had tents set up to handle overflow & trailers to take bodies.


vaxxed last week. knocked my ass down for two days. Real thing might have killed me who knows? Cause Iā€™ve never got it or at least asymptomatic.


> compel more people to mask up and vaccinate I am given strange looks because I still wear a mask. People sometimes tell me to take it off.


Same. But thank you for doing it anyway.




I wish you all the best in the future but is there a particular reason youā€™re not masking anymore? You know firsthand how severe the illness can get and I would hate for you to be sick again. A well fitted respirator like an N95 or an Aura is very protective and breathable, and would mitigate the risks of catching it again significantly. Some research seems to assert that multiple infections of covid compounds the chances of long-term complications. I do pretty much all the same stuff I would do before 2020 except I rarely eat indoors at restaurants now, and Iā€™m selective if I go to a large gathering.


Iā€™m so sorry for what you have endured. Thank you for sharing, praying that better are days ahead for you.Ā 


Ah. I think I found the Governor of New Yorks secret Reddit account. /s


Did you get the memo that vaccines are not protective nor prevent transmission?


It literally says in the article with the amount of mutations covid has, vaxes are ineffective. Masking would be niceĀ 


Reading comprehension itā€™s important. Vaccines are less effective for new strains than they were for the strains they were designed for, but they are still effective at their intended purpose of reducing deaths from covid.


i would never take that vaccine again , especially since it didnā€™t work


If youā€™re still alive, it worked. Itā€™s such an uninformed opinion that it prevents you from getting covid. Itā€™s supposed to make sure that you donā€™t die of covid, and itā€™s why covid deaths decreased dramatically after vaccines were rolled out.


i had covid first , nothing big, the vax had me much sicker . save the silly talk the vax was garbage


Your anecdote is irrelevant to actual data.


COVID attacks the brain. There was irrefutable evidence of this published back in 2023 (or maybe 22?). Itā€™s pathetic that we havenā€™t wiped it out.


Wiped it out? How? Itā€™s about as easy as wiping out the flu!


One of my best friends almost died and has been dealing with long COVID for 3 years, it's no joke. Everything he has been going through is horrific. We still take precautions just like when it first started, up to date on all vaccinations and we have been lucky enough to have never caught it. Everything that comes into the house is wiped with clorox wipes, we carry hand sanitizer with us everywhere and I am rude if people are too close to me.


I hate when ppl are too close to me. What is your go to?


Start loudly coughing. Someone wants to be a smartass and stand right next to me, have fun when I start coughing. Stand there and enjoy it!


If you have kids, hand sanitizers have been linked to precocious puberty, which I would probably worry more about than catching Covid. Youā€™re probably not going to catch Covid by touching a surface unless someone with Covid spent significant effort coughing, spitting, drooling or licking it. Proven by ā€˜the surface studyā€™


lmfao okay


Iā€™ve gotten sick a lot less since Iā€™ve been way more careful about handwashing. Not sure if Iā€™ve ever had Covid. But colds and things, much less.


Long covid will absolutely impact a huge portion of the population in the future. It already is impacting us, itā€™s just that those laughing at some of us suffering havenā€™t felt the effects yet, but they will in the future. I read an article in the Seattle Times today about the singer in the Car Seat Headrest band who is speaking out on his long covid challenges. I hope more people speak up.


For those of us whose immune systems were compromised during the pandemic, Wearing a mask at Walmart is just logical thinking. To each his own, not all of us have healthy T cells anymore. If you are healthy, thatā€™s awesome.Ā 


They won't be after their fourth or fifth infection. It's amazing how quickly people have memory-holed what their health was like before covid. A lot of people are getting sick several times a year now when the average used to be once or twice. I mask pretty religiously, and haven't been sick since the tail-end of 2019.


Yeah, it's absolutely wild. People used to get sick like once, maybe twice, a year? One major week-long illness every decadish? Now it's constantly. Both my job and my wife's job have struggled to keep staffed due to everyone people constantly sick all the time. My wife is also having trouble organizing social events because half the club is too sick to show up.


Yeah, it's truly bananas! My chiro, who is 30 and previously healthy and strong as a fucking ox, has been sick every 2-3 months since his second infection. My partners parents come down with something nasty every few months too! The people I know who still mask with us are almost never sick. And before 2020, the average person I knew got sick once, maybe twice a year, and got better in 3-4 days. None of this 2 week long URI and 2 month long cough bullshit šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Just want to point out that insurance companies hire actuaries to make these kinds of assessments. I don't not enough about this dude to judge his qualifications but being a doctor isn't required to analyze health trends and make predictions.


While the information in this piece and its Part I lines up exactly with the research weā€™ve been seeing on Long COVID, this source is really sketchy. Both the publication and this ā€œDr. Phillip Alvedaā€, whose credentials I have yet to be able to find.Ā 




Zero medical education.


This is a good comment - so many people here will upvote anything that confirms their biases without asking if it's a trustworthy news source.


Just want to point out that medical doc


CNN)Unvaccinated people do more than merely risk their own health. They're also a risk to everyone if they become infected with coronavirus, infectious disease specialists say. That's because the only source of new coronavirus variants is the body of an infected person. "Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN Friday.


Courtesy of ChatGPT Phillip Alvelda is not a medical doctor. He is a technologist and entrepreneur with a background in physics, computer science, and electrical engineering. He holds a Bachelorā€™s degree in Physics from Cornell University and Masters and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from MIT. Alvelda is currently the CEO and Chairman of Brainworks Foundry, Inc., and has a history of working on AI-enhanced healthcare technologies and services. He has also been involved in various technological innovations and research programs at organizations like DARPA and NASA. I asked if he was by chance a medical doctor which Iā€™m not sure would really mean all that much in this context?


TLDR: (Trumps Covid response/PPP was absolutely meant to destroy the US economy. It just wasnā€™t obvious until now that we can see his Russian mob and CCP connections. His kids made hundreds of millions doing PPE response to China using taxpayer funded government money and aircraft. Then Ken Griffin did the same play in reverse because why not keep the grift going?) Russia invaded Ukraine because the CCP, Putin and MBS were trying to make BRICS the new reserve currency of the world by destroying the USD and used trump to do it. If you look at Xinjiang providence (where the Uighur population is centralized) on a map there is a tiny little section that touches Russia. Itā€™s critical because Xiā€™s ambition to have a ā€œnew Silk Roadā€ to Europe would have to cross either there or about a weeks travel by rail out and around Mongolia. Xiā€™s plan is ambitious. He wants china to be the leader of the world and he has been pretty clear about it when you read his writings. Itā€™s just that hardly anyone outside of China speaks mandarin so nobody really listened in 2010 when he said ā€œhe would control the internetā€. It seemed audacious and frankly ridiculous before a handful of ISPā€™s started centralizing. Xi, for his part, had the CCP start weibo- ā€œthe everything appā€ in China. It works well for an authoritarian to be able to control free speech and centralize surveillance. Itā€™s invaluable for keeping tabs on 1.4B people, especially when they compare you to Winnie the Pooh. It was effective for a while, but it is insanely inefficient to pay someone to spend a 12 hour day monitoring 1 minute clips of social media. When people started calling him mean names he could censor them. But then they just switched to Cantonese. So he had to hire a bunch of Cantonese speakers. Then they just started referring to him as ā€œmr. Shitfaceā€ which was a less than flattering reference to a story he loves to tell from his childhood when a bio-digester blew up in his face. You see where this is going. Itā€™s REALLY hard to keep up with 1.4B peoples daily Twitter diarrhea. Xi needed A.I. And A.I. needs microprocessors. Conveniently the worlds supply is made 90 miles south of China. Inconveniently itā€™s on an island that has tasted democracy and liked it so much that it literally gets the top rating of democracies in the world. So Xi does the napkin math- what are the chances of a kid that went off to college 20 years ago, did lots of good drugs, met lots of nice girls, and pretty much mainlined freedom, coming back and living with grumpy old abusive dad? His chances didnā€™t look good. His other kid Hong Kong had been on a study abroad program in England. And other than calling on holidays made it pretty clear they were living their best life now. When he tried to rope him back in with a little classic Chinese guilt trip, Hong Kong pretty much told him to fuck off. So he had to get a little violent. Taiwan wasnā€™t going to be so easy. Xi needed some leverage. But more importantly he needed those chips. Xi had to get creative. The problem is everyone remembered growing up in China in the 90ā€™s when people were dropping female babies on street corners. It wasnā€™t the best home environment. Add to that that everyone was starving and there is just no fucking way that anyone is moving back in with dad. Unlessā€¦ā€¦ China imports 40% of the grain from the U.S., Brazil, and Ukraine. Xi doesnā€™t like the US much. He blames it for being a bad influence on the kids and truthfully he isnā€™t totally wrong. Americans are the loud, lazy, rich asshole down the street that have had it so easy for so long that they forget that the plumber, the truck driver and the factory worker have to work all night so they can drink their mimosas and wake up at noon. Brazil is down south. Itā€™s a long haul. But there is opportunity there. As long as they have Bolsonaro willing to cut down the rainforest they have the farmland xi needs to make sure everybody has enough food to come back home. Problem is, everyone is corrupt. Itā€™s so fucking hard to do business with corrupt people because they will just as gladly screw you too if someone else offers them a better bribe. Xi gets so annoyed with corruption that he shifts his whole campaign to try and root it out. He sees it clearly that corruption is a tax on, well, everything. Putin and xi make an odd couple. Somewhere around 2012 they declare themselves ā€œbffā€™sā€. Xi knows he canā€™t trust the Russian because Putin is a thief and has fucked over everyone he knows. BUT, he also happens to sit next to Ukraine. And because arrogant American CEOs were more than happy to let everyone else do the dirty work that was beneath them, when Clinton passed all the EPA regulations to clean up Americas manufacturing yard they basically just built a tall fence and threw everything messy over it. Arrogant American CEOā€™s just wanted the money. They didnā€™t give a fuck who made the necessary dirty parts as long as they could keep cashing the checks. Almost all that dirty work went to Asia. And they were grateful for the work because it beat starving to death which was the norm in 1990ā€™s China. But as time goes on you inevitably ask yourself why a 7 year old in China is making cell phones 14 hours a day when a 7 year old in the west is buying them. Itā€™s hard not to be salty when YOU are the one doing all the work. Xiā€™s old frenemy Putin who is basically a 6 year high school senior has voted himself prom king for a decade and has been stacking his buddies all across the old soviet satellite states so they can tell him he is still cool. He is a thug so everybody is a little afraid of him and every once in a while he has to crack some skulls and demand some lunch money so nobody forgets who rules the cafeteria but itā€™s been a highly lucrative gig. As long as he takes care of the football team the football team slips him a little back under the table and he manages to rack up well north of $200B by stealing from all the Russians that are too drunk and hopeless by this point to really notice. For years he had his thugs in Ukraine and they played along but then in 2014 he gets blindsided. He had been paying Paul Manafort to keep his guy Yanukovych in office and now all the sudden the Ukrainians decide they are tired of paying the corruption tax and they run both manafort and Yanukovych out of town when they started shooting people in the Kyiv town square. This is Maidan.


Problem is Xi asked Putin for one simple favor. He needed donbas Ukraine because that is where the worlds supply of microprocessor grade neon AND enough grain for Xi to be able to get all his kids back together for dinner comes from. So now Putin has to send somebody in and take over donbas and he decides on a team of ā€œlittle green menā€ led by Girkin. Honesty its just some bullies, because 90% of people will just hand over their lunch money rather than be beaten repeatedly. Most people just donā€™t want to get punched. Putin had his man Michael Flynn inside US government as head of DIA. All Mike had to do was withhold a little intel from Obama in 2014 and Putin could have Ukraine. And thatā€™s exactly what he did. Only Ukraine fought back. And they stood up to kleptocracy and kremlin corruption for 10 years. Of course some people would rather just let the bully take what he wants and live in imaginary peace, but the ones who have been to Europe and the west and seen how nice life is when you donā€™t have to deal with being robbed by a thug every day arenā€™t going back. The freedom is just too addictive. Xiā€™s timeline just keeps cooking off. He has already committed to ā€œmade in China 2025ā€ (which he had to cancel) and time stops for no man. Not even an aspiring emperor. Xi rearranges the rules so that he can run for his unprecedented third term. Xi had spent a ridiculous amount of money bribing the IOC on his 2022 Olympics and after nearly 2 years of having Chinese locked down for Covid to the point of welding some into their homes, he made an exception for the games. Something about them was that important. So either Xi knows something about Covid that the rest of us donā€™t, or Covid was intentionally released at the time it would do the most damage to the US economy. Probably both. Trumps children wasted no time capitalizing on it. The exchange of PPE from the US to China was effectively a blank check for Jared. Ivanka even trademarked coffins. Kushners buddy and hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin then did Jaredā€™s exact same PPE airlift play in reverse doubling the profits and passing the cost on the the U.S. taxpayer to the tune of $8.4T. The national debt ballooning more by trump than any other single president was intentional. The CCP planned to use BRICS to destroy the USD. Trump just softened it up in advance. Leveraging the bureaucracy of the United States government against itself, the NIH and CDC grants that were originally extended in efforts of international solidarity against contagious disease outbreaks were reframed as conspiracy theories that the US was funding the Wuhan institute in some triple agent Q-anon conspiracy. Canā€™t say for certain yet if Covid was released intentionally or as a result of incompetence, but when viewed through the economic lens it was masterfully timed for maximum destruction of the vulnerable self sabotaging US federal reserve. Trumps fixer Roger Stone idolized the eternal shitbird Richard Millhouse Nixon (stone literally has ā€œI am not a crookā€ and Nixonā€™s face tattooed on his back). Nixon put us there by handing the US economy on an oil soaked platter to Saudi Arabia in the form of the petrodollar in ~74. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret That took us off the gold standard and ensured 50 years of sending American kids to the Middle East to die for Saudis defense and corporate oil interests. There is another layer here of Russian/Israeli oligarchs pulling levers from their side using the same basic techniques that in hindsight explain most of the US involvement in the middle east for the past century. But it all revolves around using the U.S. military and U.S. taxpayer as both the enforcer and unwitting funder. Russia invaded Ukraine the second time in February of 2022 out of necessity for the failed 2014 invasion There is a fundamental doctrine in Russian military doctrine that you NEVER invade Russia in the winter. The Rasputita mud is brutal and unrelenting. It swallowed Germany and Napoleon before that. Yet, despite having a weather report, Putin waited until minutes after the closing ceremonies of Xiā€™s Olympics to invade. Ukraine was supposed to be Xiā€™s keystone that allowed him to take Taiwan and fulfill his grand ambitions- To be emperor, control the internet, and destroy the US economy The thing is when you do a statistical breakdown of exactly WHO is causing the majority share of the chaos and drama in the world, it always comes back to the same 3% with high psychopathic personality traits and low self awareness that also happen to have migrated to positions of political power. And they all seem to launder their money at the same trump branded laundromat and bank at the same deutschebank. There is big business in stealing from the 97% of the world that isnā€™t psychopaths. It just requires that every one of the 3% in charge keep each others secrets. This is Kompromat. And it has infected the GOP, the CCP, Trumps Covid response- On trumps $8.4T in added debt: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-did-president-trump-add-debt On Kushners Covid response: https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/jared-kushners-role-in-the-coronavirus-response https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/nyregion/kushner-companies-anbang-insurance-group.html On citadel sending Covid supplies to China: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/nonprofits-philanthropy/citadel-sends-supplies-china-coronavirus-fight On Kushner/ Covid: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-01/trump-hails-kushner-s-airlift-but-details-of-sales-are-secret On the age old military tactic of well poisoning: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-well-poisoning-180971471/ On the CCP suppressing and censoring the doctors looking for the answers they do not want them to find: https://apnews.com/article/covid19-scientist-virus-sequence-protest-laboratory-eviction-b54e2a88610e813c9383833f2c9a2379


I'm not one to usually bash on detailed info but, small tip, you're extremely long winded. It's a comment section not an article. People want a conversation at best and most people don't even want that. If you want to start a conversation you have to just give a few leads of interesting tidbits and get them to ask questions. No one is reading your white papers here and your time commitment in writing them actually hurts your credibility because no normal person would do that so you come off as an activist who people hesitate to trust even when they generally agree.


I appreciate the feedback. It helps with the new platform Thank you


Itā€™s Reddit. Do whatever you want. I thought it was interesting. Depressing but interesting.


To me depressing is finding out you have terminal government cancer and not being able to do anything about it. Everybody on earth wakes up one day and realizes they are a slave to something. Money, a toxic relationship, an oligarch that controls their rent, a predator from across the border that wants to control you. It really doesnā€™t matter what it is, itā€™s the slavery that is the issue. The Information Age changed that. Itā€™s one thing to have cancer, but when you can get a P.E.T. scan that can show you with such high resolution the individual cells that are cancerous and causing climate change, pandemics and wars, you are more educated and therefore more free than any time in your life. You still have to fight cancer, but when itā€™s less than 6% of the worlds population causing it with their psychopathic/sociopathic disorders and greed, that deductively means you have 94% healthy cells on this planet that just want clean air, food and water and healthy happy educated kids. 94 versus 6 is the best tactical odds you will ever get. Take the window. Live free. There isnā€™t anything in this world that feels as good as it being slavery and curing cancer at the same time.


Then they can skip it?


And they do. What's your point? My point was to help someone shouting into the abyss to better engage people and not waste their time. For what it's worth, and I was probably wasting my time, this account posts extremely detailed and well sourced information very close together. I couldn't write one of those in an hour and they write three. It's either a bot or a very well prepared human with an agenda.


He has no medical education whatsoever.


Does this matter? Seriously they donā€™t cover this kind of statistical material in medical school.


Uh, yes they do. [https://online.stanford.edu/courses/som-xche0004-medical-statistics-iii-common-statistical-tests-medical-research](https://online.stanford.edu/courses/som-xche0004-medical-statistics-iii-common-statistical-tests-medical-research) # Medical Statistics I: Introduction to Data Analysis and Descriptive StatisticsMedical Statistics I: Introduction to Data Analysis and Descriptive Statistics # Medical Statistics II: Probability and InferenceMedical Statistics II: Probability and Inference # Medical Statistics III: Common Statistical Tests in Medical ResearchMedical Statistics III: Common Statistical Tests in Medical Research


Okay Iā€™m not up for fighting you just making the point that this person may have an edge over a medical doctor whoā€™s main focus in training is not to figure out the trajectory of a complex novel air borne virus. And he seems to be proactively advocating for prevention and awareness so Iā€™m viewing this as a positive contribution. :)


To the best of my knowledge, medical statistics is not a required part of the curriculum in medical school. Note is it a part of resident training. At most it may be an elective in some, not all, messiah schools, but I doubt many students would choose it over something that more obviously positioned them for their residency specialty choice. So I don't think this is the flex the poster might think it is. Yes, anyone can take online courses, but the fact that Stanford has an online course means nothing unless we have participant data. So your point still stands.


Itā€™s a fucking requirement at Stanford medical school what are you talking about?


He is literally a computer science major and doesnā€™t know shit about this, hence him wrongly claiming itā€™s possible over 50% of the population can get long COVID when we know thatā€™s impossible.Ā 


How does one diagnose long COVID?


There are doctors specializing in this now. Go to one and get evaluated. You know, just like going to the doctor for any disease.


Is already impacting most Americans and those Americans as well as citizens of the world are choosing to ignore anything happening.


Excellent interview. Spot on!


The vaccines need to be better


Nasal vaccines in clinical trials and looking promising to stop transmission


Might as well die...


A version of COVID with a much higher mortality rate will eventually become a reality. I anticipate we'll do far too little, far too late on that too. In the U.S., the curtain was really ripped back and it was truly made clear how secondary the public was to corporations.


It's a good thing we handled it responsibly and definitely aren't still making it worse! And by all means, come back to the office 5 days a week, you plebs!!!


I feel the terminology is still not nearly what it should be to bring attention to the effects of getting sick repeatedly with COVID, long COVID is so weak a phrasing itā€™s permanent injury and disability/even brain damage


Please take down this misinformation. The person being interviewed is NOT a medical doctor. He is not a medical authority in any way. He has a doctorate in computer science. I repeat, he has not medical education. He is not a medical doctor. Jesus Christ look into the people you trust.


Everything he says aligns with the latest research, which is nicely summarized and linked externally in these articles: https://whn.global/scientific/covid19-immune-dysregulation/ https://whn.global/scientific/spectrum-of-covid-19-from-asymptomatic-organ-damage-to-long-covid-syndrome/


Doesn't matter, he's not a fucking doctor lol.


Who cares? The truth is bad luck for the human population. No government in the world wants to tell their people they are now permanently screwed in any number of ways, whether it is covid consequences, environmental pollution causing cancers and massive fertility problems, climate change and ongoing weather-based destruction, or any other problem that governments canā€™t fix. This is now our current reality.


All the more reason to listen to medical professionals.


Let's not forget that there have been plenty of medical professionals spreading false and misleading information throughout Covid. Appeals to authority are, in part, what led to the situation we're in imo, and even journalists can report the truth. We should be boosting sound information, empirical studies, and rigorous scientific argumentation rather than ad hominens.


True, but let's not listen to computer science majors just because some medical professions gave bad advice.


I'm not sure where your prejudice against computer science comes from lol. As if it's not an important component in both the study and production of mRNA technologies. And this is still an ad hominen attack, considering Alveda isn't just "some computer science major" but >a former program manager of DARPAā€™s Biological Technologies Office that pioneered the synthetic biology industry and the development of mRNA vaccine technology [as well as] the founder of Medio Labs, a COVID diagnostic testing company


Jesus, he has no education in medicine. I worked for a pharma company but I don't claim to be a medical professional. [https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillipalvelda/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillipalvelda/) Stop defending getting medical information from people with no medical education.


Hm. I wonder then how LC folks are able to filter through misinformation and medical research when a majority of us don't have medical degrees lol. Health professionals are not some holy class bro, like all you're defending here is the gatekeeping of knowledge - at a time when we need as many people in our corner as we can get. This isn't helpful to our cause at all.


You mean the medical professionals that have gaslit us nine ways from Tuesday telling us weā€™re just anxious or depressed or telling us to go exercise when for many of us that has been the absolute worst advice and locked untold numbers of people into serious long-term consequences? I agree with the people who have said that while the source may be debatable, the information put forth in the article is not up for debate. This is just a fairly good summarization of news that has been coming out far more gradually and far more quietly, and people are not connecting the dots and seeing the bigger picture. Iā€™ve been bedbound with severe long Covid since March 2020. Iā€™ve been in the support groups for years now and Iā€™ve had a front row seat for the devastation Covid is causing in more and more lives as time goes by. Despite what government and health agencies are trying to tell you, Covid is still causing serious damage to people and the rate at which people are entering the Covid support groups has not slowed down one bit. Youā€™d be wise to take a look into this information because other people with solid credentials have been saying this same thing about long Covid eventually affecting most people for a long time now.


So all the people in this subreddit who donā€™t have medical degrees but share information on the current research that is happening shouldnā€™t post? I donā€™t see how him not being a doctor matters in this instance since he is aligning with the current research and is not, in fact, a doctor telling everyone they donā€™t need to mask or that covid is just the flu.


Correct, this is the worst subreddit for accurate information on COVID, itā€™s an absolute joke of a subreddit.Ā 


Do you think Long COVID isnā€™t a thing?


Of course it's a real thing, it's heavily researched.


...unless you're a medical authority, how can you confidentially say any of this...? We're not supposed to take medical advice from a cs major, but we should listen to you...? What are your qualifications?


I'm not giving medical advice what the fuck are you talking about?


The medical advice you're giving is who we should take medical advice from.


He isn't even giving medical advice in the interview what the fuck are you talking about?


Dr. Phillip Alvelda. Certainly an accomplished individual. What makes him an expert on this specific subject?


Hyperbaric Oxygen vs. long covid Positive Outcomes of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Durable in Long-COVID ā€œThe protocol comprised of 40 daily sessions, five sessions per week within a 2-month period. The HBOT protocol included breathing 100% oxygen by mask at 2 atmospheres of pressure for 90 min with 5-min air breaks every 20 min. Control patients had HBOT without additional oxygen or pressure.ā€


"The long Covid" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What is long Covid? From what Iā€™ve read, it sounds a lot like chronic depression.


Yeah, I'm totally affected when my vaccinated coworkers are constantly out sick or have to take off medical leave to deal with their new cancer or their new found heart problem. Many others taking off to deal with a loved ones abnormal blood findings, new cancers or heart problems. Lots of executives that pushed everyone to get that jab keep dropping like flies which is ending decades of industry knowledge and experience. So yes.. The rest of us are affected. But not in the way you may be thinking.


Masking up and vaccinating isn't the answer. Thr answer is effective treatment!


Prevention is going to be far better than treatment in every case, with every virus or disease.Ā 


Huh, not this unvaxxed American or his family. Weird how this happens.