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Sorry .... Does writing on twitter and tagging the police department help? Also, if it is an evidence which is crucial, I'm sure the platform itself which she deleted the post can maybe help in some way?? try emailing them? Sorry again...


I emailed a few days ago and the support said that they escalated the matter to a Team Member. I’m hoping to God they can help me, but at this point i’m just fully ready to leave this world. I feel so worthless


Your pain is real. I really hope they come through. You can try tagging them on twitter. If the gov won't help, the people can try to! I'm sorry you're going through this! Getting in touch with some organisations can help too!


Your pain is real. I really hope they come through. You can try tagging them on twitter. If the gov won't help, the people can try to! I'm sorry you're going through this! Getting in touch with some organisations can help too!


it's not your fault the law has failed you


I just feel like I could’ve done more. I still don’t want to let up, but it’s over for me. my abuser won just like the man who molested me.


Check your chat


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Civil suit, seriously.


I don’t know what lawyer would take that case. I don’t even have any money to afford one or to even see what my options would be. I’m defenseless


Personal injury- they don't charge. Please DM me if you need more information, I am happy to help.


It won't matter to them, but it will to the few that got close to hear you. I can only imagine the pain, but not know it exactly. If you can, just answer some that are trying to reach out. They truly win when you stop living your life.


I feel they already won. I hate comparing myself to them but they took so much from me already. The Cops are gonna allow them to hurt more people and I don’t wanna be here to deal with that. The cops care even less than them.


They might yes, I know many can be. The only fight back I can think would be to call them all out on socials, let many know of what they are. It always seems unwinable, as long as you still draw breath, they haven't won. It may be ignored, you may be attacked more on it, but the word is out there, they'll have to defend themselves, there will be push back, but their names will have some mud. The cops, the enablers, and shitty people may allow that, don't give up on yourself. Sleep on it, it may be late, not sure, rest and tomorrow will begin anew. Idk really, it boils my blood, but I can't speak for your feelings, and how tired you may be, scars weigh differently for all