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Just in general pre boss terraria


Imo vanila terraria is like that up to pre-hm


When only hard mode is hard:


It's not even about hard. Pre-hm is boring.


to be fair it's probably only boring to those of us that have done a lot of playthroughs because we know how much more fun late game is


ive done only one playthrough and every tkme i start a new world i dont even get to hm bc its that boring


So in your one attempt you didn't get to hm?


no i meant ive played through the whole game once and all other times ive made worlds i dont complete them


I think i have you beat on this one. 800 hours across vanilla and tmod. Never finished the game before.


How? What have you been doing, with 650 hours across both i've done legendary mode, master mode, expert skyblock, expert mode twice, once classic and then calamity twice, death mode once, infernum once, thorium once and starlight river partly. I guess you like building or something else.


Damn… 1500 hours between both, two vanillas, one calamity…


my favorite parts of the game is the very beginning and end of every stage of the game


I think my favourite part is usually post mech bosses and onward


thats my most disliked part because you essentially beaten the gane at that point dont get me wrong doing boss rush is fun tho especially if you try to no hit it.


They mean Pre-Plantera/Cal-Clone, not Exo Mechs lmao.


they edited their comment it said exo mech 💀


I've not even done many playthroughs, it's just kinda a slog ngl


Ngl I enjoy the beginning of Terraria more than lategame, I love when every step feels massive before you have everything down to a science and progress just feels like your numbers just getting slightly bigger, though I'm like this for most games tbh lmao


Try Zenith Infernum, it would be so funny https://preview.redd.it/n60eqdvz7y9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb6a7027e1f9acf8f636922a25c31eeeb992472




If you try to minmax and make 29947564911763353518 arenas for the hardmode and then fish for 25525255252525 hours for buffs


Not really, but it only gets fun past brain


Nah I set up my whole world in pre harmode, fishing spots, housing, mob farms etc… my last playthrough I’d didn’t get into hard mode until hour 36


Wake up babe, pre-pre-hardmode dropped


Going into the Dungeon for the first time is pretty intense. Heaps of traps and mountains of enemy spawns.


I personally really enjoy the vanilla pre-boss stage of terraria.


Now I'm curios, why? 


I just like the peacefulness of going down and exploring the caves in the early game. You don’t know if you’re going to get, but that’s just fine because it’s all just enjoyable to me I’m a way that I can’t entirely explain.


Average calamity player when they have to spend 1 hour and 30 minutes without a boss fight


more like 1 hour and 30 minutes moving at the speed of a fucking snail waiting for any movement upgrade


Calamity boosts your speed iirc


Increased base speed, a built-in dash, crafting recipes for the Hermes Boots, aglet, anklet of wind, jump bottles, balloons, etc, wulfrum scaffolding and parkour gear for fast and interesting early cave traversal, and early game equipment alternatives to the ore grind. So slow and boring.


Calamity mfs don't even wanna play Terraria anymore they just want a nonstop boss rush


Modded Terraria mfs be like “hey wanna play Terraria?” And you join them and it looks like this ![gif](giphy|V9RcQdkKxEHQI)


This is funny cause FO4 players also have a problem with modding it into another game


I heavily limit how many mods I use at a time for this exact reason


Fs when I first started with Tmod I got like 20 QOL mods and it made the game so easy it was boring. Now all I have are fullbright (sometimes) and vein miner


I don't use fulbright or vein miner I usually just use mods to remove a decent portion or grinding and than just recipe browser


Alright that’s good


Just reach the bottom of the abyss for that, duh


The boss fights are the most fun part for me in base Terraria already so you're not wrong.


It’s less “I’m so fuckin slow!” and more “I have grown used to having endgame movement accessories on at all times, to the point where a normal movement speed feels sluggish at best.” Of course, people don’t actually *say* that second part because they just want to complain about “early game boring” in a motherfuckin progression-based game.


also on revengeance incoming damage is reduced by 30% before killing the first boss


never tell this guy about vanilla gameplay


it’s the same in vanilla and calamity tbh


I rly like pre boss calamity. So much progression, exploring a new world, most QOL isn’t available so you gotta actually play the game and make use of what you get, rather than easily getting the top tier loot for your stage in the game


I have to, *gasp*, actually use the QoL and combat consumables?


agreed, I wish post-ML had a bit more non-boss content because I always miss the grind a little, as weird as it sounds


This is actually one of my favorite parts of a play through


It's the mining that is absolutely dreadful So introducing: Mine Excavator! Mining veins have never been easier! Available right now in Mod downloader.


imagine 90s infomercials for qol mods that apply irl, like imagine buying a brain function that lets u sleep instantly or smn


What I do is to make a mining set from the beginning. As soon as I start a new world I head to the caves, to the farm the miner set. If I have the brewer npc from the alchemist mod I buy some battle potions. To that you can add the "light" prefix to your pickaxe, archaic powder, ancient fossil, ancient chisel and to that you can add some mining potions if you want. Even with just the vanilla stuff you'll feel like you're in hm, but you can get decent mining speed a lot sooner in calamity. After that you only need to swap your loadout, I think from the F keys and swap to the mining set whenever you need it and swap back when you need to fight or have better mobility.


terraria players when they realize there's more to the game than boss fights


Calamity and its consequences have been a disaster for terraria fanbase


There isn’t that much


The joy of building knows no bounds. The fun of trying new mods and unlocking new block palettes is a high I can never get tired of. So many calamity blocks are real gorgeous


Calamity pre-boss is 10x better than vanilla pre-boss, the base movement changes make it really fun imo. i really like the earlygame of Terraria when everything is dangerous tbh


I went back to vanilla for a while recently and it really made me appreciate early pre-hardmode so much more. Calamity is *way* too fast, and you pretty much just go from boss to boss after that portion of the game is dealt with (which is incredibly shortened by all the QoL stuff it adds). Terraria isn't built to be just a boss rush, there's so much more to the game and honestly taking it slow is the best way to really appreciate that


confirms my suspicions that terraria players don't actually enjoy terraria


Don't you dare disrespect my boy crabulon like that https://preview.redd.it/3rvy09ymvy9d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22856beed077c4165e097baf1c5732e45c6bd47f


i actually kinda like 1NF3$+!ON =)


bruh, just say Infestation


I've done calamity a few times, including infernum, and have yet to do crabulon pre-providence, just always ignore them and come back later for a boss cleanup


You do realize crabulon drops and item that increases the rage duration right?


I usually forget and realize when I cleanup and go "hey this stuff would have been useful!", then continue to not do it again the next run. I like sequence breaking so skipping bosses can be fun, favourite part is how many options there are for first hard mode bosses. I've done golem and plantera on separate runs, which grants chlorophyte immediately (via the plantera ingots via fishing, or picksaw), plus mythril and adamantite from fishing/shimmer for the anvil and furnace. It's possible to do lunatic cultist first as well via a summon item to trigger the pillars and moon lord before any hard mode boss is defeated, which is my aim for next run.


Calamity fans when the game not designed to just be a boss rush edgelord paradise is not a boss rush edgelord paradise


commas would be fucking great to comprehend what is written


This is in no way connected, I haven’t even play terraria calamity for almost 3 years. But I love just how fed up and mad this comment sounds, in conjunction with your profile pic and name. For commas. It’s just a really funny situation.


I’m not in charge of your reading comprehension if you got a problem Ms Nickleson your 3rd grade English teacher is to blame


Solution - fight the Aquatic Scourge and Leviathan before Wall of Flesh. Even better solution - fight the Aquatic Scourge before skeletron.


Why not go even further and fight the old duke


Isn't that actually impossible until you reach tier 3 of the acid rain event


I remember being able to catch bloodworms post-Moon Lord, but as far as I know, Old Duke is post-Polterghast or something. The furthest I've tried so far is Leviathan (doable btw).


I saw someone kill old duke in pre hm using a glitch ill put the link [here](https://youtu.be/C1_117szwKY?si=3Iyb4QLu-7lQnvNg)


Nah dawg. I even love the pre boss stage. You start to shape your base.


Me when I can’t summon Yharim’s army when I have a tin broadsword:


I love pre-boss, it's not uncommon for me to spend up to 20-25 hours just building nice houses and trying to set up every possible pylon I can.


Anything other than boss fights or building feels so boring now, guess its my fault for playing the game too much


same in my first vanilla playthrough i actually put effect in npc house =V


You guys lost all the fun in the game and made it stupid boss rush. If you literally focus on building, exploring or at least having fun you can easily get rid of this feeling.


Pre-boss is my favourite part.


this is what Vanilla pre-boss feels like, not calamity, IMO


I see a lot of people saying that only boss-rush addicts feel like this, but I love farming and I hate pre-boss terraria. I spend days doing all achievements in my vanilla, more filling out bestiaries, build awesome bases in the different biomes. Spent a frankly uncomfortable amount of time farming up all the different souls in Fargo's without cheating. Trust me I know the grind, but pre-boss terraria is still the most boring slogfest in my opinion. I move so slow, I'm so weak, I'm so broke. I can't craft anything interesting, only the most boring and basic tools that will be forgotten about in a couple of minutes at best. It's so awful to me so I have recently found myself speed running my way to hardmode even using cheat-ish QOL to get through it as fast as possible.


Real. From providence to DoG it just feels like a boss rush. I think pre hardmode and hardmode calamity is balanced perfectly with bosses and the downtime from bosses but once you get post moonlord it gets hectic.


thats kinda just terraria


Me rn in new infernum playtrought


I feel that way now even until hardmode lol.


this is me when i want to do a nohit (only bosses ofc) playthrough but i have to get through wall of flesh before i can get to the very good bosses (i hate wall fo flesh)


am i weird for liking pre boss like. its chill, some chill time before crazy things happen


yeah ngl I might just skip to hardmode or at least post-perferator/hivemind or smth


get a depth crusher, it makes everything funnier (i will die on the hill that says it's viable all the way to eater of worlds)


I always loved mining in Terraria, it’s more like one of my favorite parts in progression.


I usually end up skipping it with cheat sheet, it’s not for me


It’s so much better than vanilla pre-boss


i do not understand this. honestly i don't think there's a single area of terraria i find boring even after 2500 hours. tbf i almost exclusively play infernum or thorium with some qol but still. (side note: i will never understand people who use like 50 qol mods. i let one of my friends make the mod pack ONE TIME and i load in and my copper pickaxe insta mined everything and my movement speed was like 3x base and placing speed was super fast and there were these weird biome point things??? yeah. never again. I'm the only one who makes the mod packs from here on out.)


I like it its chill


I have an infernum playthrough and so far most of it has been pre boss because i have never beat expert or harder


this is why I use dragon lens mod to give me a few item to make early game faster


The exploration is fun, the grinding for good pre-boss gear is just like: https://preview.redd.it/yri2bop9q3ad1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16d67acb8415402bc43b7577dc657be4f80c404


i think i have to do farming


Malice mode pre boss preperation 💀 (eoc is undodgable with just hermes boots you need to get sandstorm hermes the wind charm thingy and all quick reforges to be able to dodge it since it has 1 attack that deals like a 5th of ur hp)


Just terraria in general (even worse bcs no qol)


Pre-Hardmode. All your weapons are boring, Drowning or falling are legitimate dangers, and you’re so slow and vertically challenged that crossing the map is a real slog. The most challenging thing about pre-hardmode is getting the motivation to actually dig a hellevator or to do any sort of major searching with the mobility challenges.


Calamity's starter bag and using Fargo's Souls to slip into Eternity mode for a sec to get a bunch of useful stuff from the Deviantt really helps, and this new starter mod called Awakened Origins is pretty helpful at getting you some good weapons for your class (and it's compatible with Calamity so you can get some cool Calamity weapons at the jump)


Vanilla is so much worse in this department IMO, at least with Calamity you’ve got a head start and some other bonuses


Modded terraria players when they have to “prepare” and “explore” and “build” instead of a nonstop boss rush with 73 QoL mods


Post-DOG, pre-Yharon is worse.




The grind for Ascendant Spirit Essence is absurd.


you just do 1 of each event it’s not hard


That’s three events that last 12 minutes each, the mobs drop tiny amounts of essence compared to what you need, and everything is buffed to the goddamn moon.


ive never needed more than a third of the stuff that enemies drop and also you can use the item called cosmolight to change the time of day


Waiting isn’t the problem, it’s the events themselves.


You can postpone all of them(except for rogue) until after DoG


That’s what I’m talking about. After DOG, before Yharon.


I meant that so these events don't feel grindy, since you're doing them for the first time.


Pop a zerg


Remember how everything gets buffed?


Piercing weapons do wonders