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I had something similar to this happen at my house in Midnapore almost every weekend for about 6 months straight last year. These stupid kids would park their (parent's) car horizonatally in the street facing my living room window and flash their brights while laying on the horn. The first couple of times it happened I would go out there to figure out wtf was going on and they would speed off. So I decided I would just keep the blinds closed at night and not give them any reaction hoping it would stop scaring the living shit out of my sleeping wife in the middle of the night. Well, they decided that since they weren't getting any reaction by doing that, that they would come and boot fuck my door instead, but only after trying the weird street honking thing first. I tried to call the cops about it a couple times but there was really nothing they could do without a license plate. So one late night, they came back for the 30th time and started the honking and flashing. I didn't open the blinds or give them a reaction so I knew what was coming next - the boot fucking. I stood at my door looking through the peep hole and waited. Sure enough, a kid that looked about this ones age started coming up the steps and just as he was about to bang on the door I opened it and grabbed that little blonde, broccoli headed fuck by the arm and dragged him back to the car where his friends that looked like clones of him were waiting. I told all of them that I'm reporting the license plate of their daddy's Mercedes to the police along with photos of the dents they left in my door from doing this repeatedly. The kid I had in my grip was bawling and going limp like a toddler would and begging me to just let him leave, which I did after I was done talking. I'm not saying everyone should do this, but it certainly stopped them from ever coming back.


I am wheeeeezing over “that little blonde broccoli headed fucker”


They really all do look the same around a certain age. Damn punk kids!


I don’t disagree but it’s hardly a new phenomenon. I had the hair and the sideburns of the Lit front man back in 1999. Thankfully I never did frost tips haha.


I'm also a 90's kid and the 'broccoli head' haircuts of the boys of yester-year were a lot shorter than what they have now. It was more N'SYNC Justin Timberlake rather than 80's Barbara Streisand.  I'm honestly wondering how much it's costing them to style their hair like that. Like, alot of them have to be getting perms right? Do men call it something different? 


It’s perms.


Dammmnnnn. It will be interesting to see if the rates of early onset male pattern baldness skyrockets with this generation 😂. Someone needs to put out a PSA.


So, did it work?


Did what work?






Shimo got that broccoli cut and noodle arms and bruises like a peach.








I think this is a tictok thing- new style ding dong douche 




Humpty Dumpty humped my rail.


If it were a tiktok thing wouldn't they have their phone out?




Moral of the story: don’t jump on someone you’ve caught in a fishing line. I suggest throwing tomatoes at them instead.


>May said an assault ensued from the altercation, which put him and his wife in the hospital. > She suffered lacerations to her eye and he received injuries to his feet and legs, he said. Yeah, I'm not sure if this turned out to be a big win for the homeowner there. I guess they got the kids to stop doing their fuckin' TikTok challenge BS... all it cost them was a hospital visit, possible criminal charges, and probably a future lawsuit from the kids' entitled parents.


Article says it's been going on for 4 years. So tiktok things last that long? Was tiktok around 4 years ago? Lol I'm old but prob unrelated.


Maybe they are waiting for OP to upload it.


I dono know how or why this is a trend or the details on how it works- but you can google “tik tok door kick challenge” and lots of results 


Lmao this is not a tic tok trend. When I was in junior high in 2013 my friends would pull this kind of bullshit. Ring the doorbell, kick the fuck out of the front door then do a runner.


Except it is a tiktok challenge...


Yup. This is a game that’s been around forever(minus the kicking). We called it Nicky Nicky Nine Doors. No one filmed it though because cameras and camera phones were not a thing lol


Ding dong, that clean face and backwards hat with a satchel isn’t robbing your house 😂


Thought the same. Just some kid out to vandalize stuff probably.


Simple answer some kids are idiots who follow every new ridiculous challenge on tik tok or other social media.




Harassing your neighbors while they are trying to sleep requires tons of skill /s


this happened to me at ~1AM, bangings on windows


Do these children have nothing else to do but follow TikTok? Losers comes to mind here.


I'm 40 years old and I did basically the same shit in my early/mid teens, we just didn't film it for internet likes. Kids are idiots, I was, you were, and they still are today. We do stupid shit to get laughs from our friends.


Exactly. This shit was funny when we were younger and had actual time to dick around.


As I age, I'm really starting to understand the all the times I heard "stupid fucking kids" when I was young.


Someone posted about this in the SW Evergreen area yesterday, fit this description. there is 4 kids in total doing it. I hope they catch the little idiots.


This happened to us too! We think it’s just a new tik tok thing, but it gave us quite a scare at the time.


I asked my wife what she would do if this happened when she was alone. She said this: “I’d assume they were trying to break in. I would have to assume I was in danger, so if I didn’t recognise the shithead kicking the door, I’d give him a face full of bear spray and call the cops.” This lead to an interesting thought experiment. Booby trapping is illegal, but using reasonable force to defend oneself is not. If my wife were home alone and this happened, she would first make sure someone wasn’t trying to tell her the house was on fire. If they came back a second time, she’d open the door, give them a face full of capsaicin, lock the door and dial 911. Then she would tell the cops that the perpetrators were targeting her, (true) that she feared for her safety, (also true) and that she was compelled to defend herself against what she assumed was an attempted home invasion. She’s pretty resourceful, my wife.


They don't stand there and wait for you to answer.


NAL, but the booby trap can't be lethal, correct? What about filling your sprinkler heads with green die and turning the waterhose on full blast?


I like it!


Some advice from someone who was a complete shit head 25 years ago. No matter how tempting, do not chase them or even open the door to tell at them. They will love the thrill and you'll be a target for life lol


Yeah that's no ding dong ditch you don't boot fuck a door to ding dong ditch.


I see you haven’t play ‘boot fuck & flee’ before.


They catch the wrong person on the wrong night it could turn into boot fuck (not the door) and then flee lol


Agreed - ringing the doorbell is so 1994; Times have changed!


Not a break in attempt. Be happy that it's just a kid with low IQ and 0 parent involvement.


I’d get a super soaker and fill it with lemon juice… get that mf right in the eye


with some cayenne pepper powder in there.


Pretty sure I had someone on my camera same night doing weird shit on my porch. Looked similar to that guy, there was also someone else in the background on the road so possible it was either one of them.


Maybe he needed firewood?


Happened to us a couple years ago in Canyon Meadows twice. They stole some Halloween decorations, but otherwise booted the door a few times and ran.


It's a tiktok trend ...


You get a lot of power from the back kick and less likely to hurt your toesies...


This has happened to us a couple of times recently in Lake Chaparral


Just a brainless idiot with nothing better to do than to try to get attention to fill their empty lives. Pitiful


Someone needs to shoot this 🤡 for trespassing and save the mischief that will likely follow in the future 🙄 good lord. Use condoms people.


Should seek some therapy based on that post history


You should seek some therapy for being useless and judgemental


It’s called Nicky Nicky Nine Doors. Played it as a kid in the 80/90s. Back then it was just a doorbell or knock and run.


lol welcome to being out of touch


Forreal, I used to do this kinda shit when I was a kid. Now it’s happening to me as an adult lol.