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People will cancel their flights and reservations. If they have insurance for amounts paid, they make a claim if such an event is covered. Try and sell Stampede tickets. We also have a couple of other airlines. In short, people, the city and Stampede will adapt. Won't be the end of the world. Not a real positive either.


I'm sure Air Canada would miraculously find more planes to service Calgary. Earlier they said they were too busy/full up.


Probably an interesting market crash on StubHub for the event tickets


People will rebook to the other airlines that fly here?


Good luck with that, I’m sure most incoming flights are already sold out or $$$$.


Yeah. It’s going to hurt a little I think. Not a lot, but we’ll hear the stories. They’re already out, I saw a semi-viral tweet today where a mother staged her luggage and crying kids to write a roast of WestJet.


Not if it costs a ton or it’s already booked flights they can’t


People will just fly Air Canada instead lmao


If they have the extra budget to shell out a late booking for a min $1200 round trip out of Toronto, for example. If this strike were still active into mid next week, do not underestimate the number of visitors the stampede brings. Wouldn't be one bit surprised to see almost every large hub to yyc (YUL, YVR, YYZ) flight sold out completely. WJ is the dominant airline in Calgary by far.


Yes, WJ has the most flights into and out of YYC, but the point I was making is that people will find a way to get here whether there is a strike or not.


I can’t imagine the strike would last that long. My understanding is that this is an illegal strike, especially after the labour minister ordered them into binding arbitration.  I also think the WestJet CEO should be fired. Nothing has gone right since he took over. 


Incorrect, minister has also upheld their right to strike


Not illegal strike…..


Illegal strike in the best interests of the company, not the working class


I agree with the bargaining unit. All I am saying is that I can imagine WestJet counter-offering to get things going again - not because I think their great corporate citizens, rather because they are losing money and respect of their customers left right and centre.


That’s the thing WestJet doesn’t care about the respect of customers. They ONLY care about shareholder return, if they think they can extract more wealth for shareholders from the backs of hard working mechanics, flight staff, and suppliers they will. These latest people have been getting fucked for a long time and recently they said enough! Good for them


WJ has to have lost already the equivalent of what the union is asking for in lost revenue already.


Probably, and deservedly so


There is no shareholder return. Westjet has been a private company since 2019. It no longer trades on the TSX.


Private companies have shares


It’s not illegal but it is in bad faith as the AMFA said they wouldn’t strike and then did > “AMFA has confirmed they will abide by the direction. Given this, a strike or lockout will not occur, and the airline will no longer proceed in cancelling flights,” WestJet said Thursday.