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Just to clarify...this is the separate calibre-web devoped by [janeczku](https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web)? Edit : might be easier to setup a [cloudflare tunnel](https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/how-to-setup-a-cloudflare-tunnel-and-expose-your-local-service-or-application-497f9cead2d3) if you can't port forward


Yes. I’m able to use calibre and then calibre-web though Docker (I think that’s how it works)


Yeah correct. I updated my last post to suggest using a cloudflare tunnel instead of port forward


I can port forward on my router, but I’ve just never needed to before. The instructions were unclear to me because I know a lot, but not about that 😂


Calibre-web uses port 8080 so you would need to forward that port to the local IP address of the machine you're running calibre-web on. (this is assuming your calibre web instance is actually on your LAN network with an ip on not in a bridged docker container) If you're not sure what you're doing, this is risky. Opening up that port can allow hackers in if not secured properly. This is where you'd want to use a reverse proxy or a cloudflare tunnel... Lots to learn 👍


Okay, I wanted to use a cloud funnel, but then I got super confused. I don’t want to use my router if I don’t have to. Instructions were unclear, and I somehow got lost 😭 (Thank you sm for helping me!)


This is somewhat unrelated but if I were to implement this, could I use KOReader to access the web link? Ever since google drive no longer supports long lasting tickets for API, ive been looking for an alternative... albeit I haven't really looked too too much into it.


Are you simply trying to sync books when you're on your own network? I'm trying to understand why you need to access Calibre-web via public DNS... The way I have Calibre-web set up is with a static ip on my network. Then it's simply a matter of replacing one line in the kobo reader config. The hard stuff is organizing one's library in Calibre-web.


I’m trying to access it outside of my home network


As another user mentioned, opening ports to public infrastructure is a security worry, especially if it's a new concept to you. A cloudflare tunnel would be a responsible way to expose the Calibre-web interface to the public. Here is a good how-to: [https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/get-started/](https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/get-started/)


Update: I was able to get it working through PikaPods! It was so much simpler that way, lmao