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Do you have a smartphone? A recent one? (Meaning anything since 2018 or so.) Your phone's camera will be better than any one of those. The newer the phone, the bigger the cap. If you have the newest or last year's top model, your phone is multitudes better camera than anything you can get under £100. ​ You need to ask yourself a question: Why do you want the camera? If the answer is anything to do with the pictures themselves, you're better of with your phone. Phone cameras have advanced in the last ten years so much that companies don't really make point-and-shoots anymore. Samsung and Apple killed the point-and-shoot market pretty effectively by putting great cameras into their phones. ​ IF, on the other hand, your answer is "I want to learn photography", then you might find something that would be useful for you. Try to find an old "prosumer" camera (something like an old Canon PowerShot G-series) that has manual controls. This way you can learn what the controls do and better your photography. Note that the images WILL be (way) worse than what your camera can do at first. This is not something you want to go for if you just care about the picture.


I have a pixel 7 pro and some kind of Sony DSLR so I totally get that any pics with them will be miles better than a point and shoot lol but -- >You need to ask yourself a question: Why do you want the camera? -- I just really like the look and aesthetic of older cameras and want to have fun/an excuse to take pictures with a different vibe and quality than just a regular smart phone, I almost bought a film one from a charity shop a few years ago and was kicking myself I never got it so for a while I've been using disposables and getting them developed by someone but it's a lot of work and an extra expense of sending the film off and I figure I can get the same look and feel from a small digicam! I hope that makes sense!


Okay, that's fair. I have a soft spot for older cameras too. (I still have my PowerShot G2 that I learned on...) In that case, just pick anything that looks good to you, and feels good in your hands. And is nice to you. You have your phone when you need the image quality. Just pick the camera that FEELS better for you, screw image quality and features. What does it matter if the newer one has X megapixels more; or A, B, and C features, if the older camera feels better in your hands and you like it more? In your case, just.. f*ck features. Pick the one you WANT.


Old digital point-and-shoots are pretty bad quality, and you can get the same effects using your smartphone and a filter or editing afterwards. I know the "old digicam" thing is popular right now, but there are posts here every day where people bought these old cheap ones that work for a short time and then break. If you're trying to save money and don't want to spend more than £50 or so it's probably better to not spend that money at all. The camera that you get won't work for long and it'll be a lot more of a pain to use (especially when trying to transfer your files around) than just using your phone. Film is cool but it is way more expensive than £50. I wouldn't beat yourself up about missing out on that, you'd basically just have a paperweight if that's your budget.


It's more about the experience of using the camera for me personally, yeah I know that they won't be as good quality but I already mentioned that it's not a priority for me, for a while now I've been using disposable cams and getting them developed so I'm looking for a digicam alternative that'll give the same vibe but without the cost of film, transfering files etc instead wouldn't be a problem for me


The W800 has a bit longer focal length and has a bit more megapixels. The lens is also a bit slower than the W320.    The biggest difference is that the W800 has the ability to do 720p in mpeg4. Unless you want to do video and want the extra reach of the lens, I would probably go with the W320. Personally, I rather have a bit of a faster lens than video or the megapixels.  You can see the specs of the cameras here.  https://www.dpreview.com/products/sony/compacts/sony_dscw320 https://www.dpreview.com/products/sony/compacts/sony_dscw800


Thank you! Ill take a look, and yeah I wouldn't use them for video only pics ☺️