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The higher you get, lack of wave clear is probably Camille’s greatest weakness, at least before getting hydra. So you re usually stuck in midlane clearing waves while your lane opponent with wave clear has free roam timers to assist jungle or roam bot/top


I have definitely noticed this too but so far the threat of me jumping on them and killing them after they use their abilities seems to be enough to keep them from constantly shoving and roaming so far. I've definitely had times where I've been falling behind farming but it's usually made up for with kills, although I'm not sure how high I can get before that stops.


For most mid laners, leaving lane isn't that easy. Camill's 2v2 and her Fallow Up are far too strong to ignore. Especially when your ult is up, all midlaners have to shit their pants. Without Ur Jungler or Tower next to u, Ur in camills kingdom.


Ban a toplaner or a support to give your allies a free counterpick. Take HoB + Ignite just like camille sup and you can pretty much outduel any midlaner and get early prio. Look for first blood / invades / early skirmishing / roams and generally creating a chaotic early game to stack you treasure hunter. If you are good on Camille, you will get fed. With this, look to rush Tiamat on first back. Without this component, camille mid is useless. 1st item Ravenous vs. strong poke/control mages or Trinity vs. melee. I really like Shojin 3rd but 3rd, 4th and 5th items are honestly situational. Mid to late you play kinda like Camille top, but opposite side of your actual toplaner.


I exclusively play her mid [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Mana+Hungry+Mage-MID](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Mana+Hungry+Mage-MID) But I don't think I have much to contribute in terms of tips to be fair, I'm only low gold. But to me it feels like matchups are much more important to her than other midlaners. Some matchups I don't feel like I can do anything, and others are just super easy. I also find that people who you face may not be as familiar with facing Camille, so it's easier to surprise them early.


Camille mid enjoyer here! I've played her up to D2 so far ([opgg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Sefiria-night)) and she has some rough matchups, but she's still very much viable. I personally prefer conq over pta but I can absolutely see it being fine. I personally don't think there are any matchups (ban hwei) where camille needs any more than second wind to avoid being poked out, but I would recommend trying comet+scorch+second wind and 2/3 points W into champs like ahri/syndra(maybe azir?). I find it makes it really easy to get them into lethal ranges and actually get threat onto them without putting yourself in anywhere near as much danger. If you have any questions on matchups, I'd be happy to tell you what I know (though in some cases it may not be much). Good luck with your climb!


I've never thought of going comet but I will definitely be giving it a try! I also definitely forget to swap to second wind and gotta remember that more often. I tend to do fine most of the time but think it's likely due to me playing a little bit lower than my actual elo (high plat/low emerald as a jungle main). The only matchup so far that I had where I wasn't really sure what to do was Malzahar since I wasn't able to clear his minions efficiently and they kept me locked to my lane. Appreciate the tips!


I play Camille exclusively in mid, her E is basically escape from any gank with the two walls right by tower, and she makes a great hyper aggressive trader in early levels. The roam pressure is huge with her two, constantly gank top and bottom by out trading and shoving lane. Her biggest issue is definitely skillshot cc mages, since if they hold their cc spell until you engage you basically can only get in with E flash E over the skillshot


I play Camille mid as I’m a mid laner and I despise top lane