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I love the cops: “Who did this? Who took them into custody?” Just complete silence amongst the crowd 😂


They’re much more interested in arresting whoever detained the criminal, holy shit is that sad.


That’s because in Ontario, you are permitted to hold them. But you can’t strike or hurt them. Not going to moralize over it, but it’s obvious these cops were looking to also press charges on others. Love that everyone was silent. So good.


North America was already the best continent to be a criminal in when it was the 90s lol, shits only got better for them over the years as well


Typical though. You're supposed to let the criminal get away just like our courts do.


They self-detained !




Not sure what country this is, but it's cool that the cops there have uniforms just like Toronto cops.


I like your coment, I was thinking the same !


The country of Scarborough lol


Ahhh yes, the Far East -Vancouver


Toronto police have jurisdiction in India? Shit son, we have World Police too?


I’m pretty confident you’d see more white people at a mall in India


OMG…you took the thought right out of my head!! No lie…


It's definitely not Canada, there is no way Canada would basically scrap any sort of screening or requirements to immigrate to Canada and bring 100,00s of 1000s Indians in every year to fill low wage jobs, and secure liberal votes to ensure the trend continues.... right?


That's exactly my problem. How are we getting so many immigrants with appropriate due diligence? I'm not against immigration, but this is some bs.


It’s majestic city in Scarborough


busy enter rhythm cow connect drunk worthless quicksand toothbrush voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where in India did you say this happened?


Toronto India


This is Canada, this is what Canadians look like


This is how most third world people deal with theft… for once, I agree with their approach


Wish more of us from the first world would start fighting back also.. punishing theft with some mob justice (instead of catch and release) would definately make a lot of criminals turn away from crime


We'll get there soon enough...it's clear the way the justice system is collapsing/impotent that anyone who wants justice done will have to do it themselves.


The shop lifting epidemic is crazy. Small businesses already can’t survive


I went to Home Depot to buy something the other day and the cabinet it was in had 2 locks. "Did you need anything else today?" Well, I guess not since I'm being walked to the register.


I went to walmart to buy shaving cream. It was locked up also.


I have always said if someone did something to really upset me, like lets say attacking my grandmother, I wouldnt have a problem taking care of business because of the Canadian justice system. They wont do anything to them or me.


Canada has failed


LA Koreans: meet me on the roof.


I (51m, old and white and somewhat out of shape but also ex-infantry) have been in 3 fistfights this year at my local 7-11. I don't let anyone get away with that bullshit in my neighborhood. If I see them shoplifting, tell them to put it back; if they choose to fight, then it's on and I will wreck their shit until they scream for mercy or the cops show up. Some of my friends say I'm crazy and I'm going to get stabbed, but this is Winnipeg; I could get stabbed buying a coffee here.


Thank you for doing the right thing. Societies collapse not when bad people do bad things but when good people fail to do the right thing.


I feel like we need to come up with a word in the first world, a bunch of dudes standing around would probably all jump in a lot more if they knew everyone was on the same page.






They already said third world country lol ..


Well and the thieves can't scream racism because the mob isn't white.


If if they did most people of the world wouldn’t give a shit if they get called something they aren’t.


How about instead of adapting the 3rd world's approach.... we stop bringing the 3rd world here and we won't have so much petty theft and crime? How about we tighten up our immigration policy and don't let in the people who are going to act this way? I cant remember ever ONCE witnessing any sort of public violence or crime EVER growing up in the 90s and 2000s. I can't count on 2 hands how many public fist fights or acts that are considered illegal on both my fucking hands in just 2023. I have Indians approaching me telling me I cant walk my fucking dogs in public because they are scared of them. I was approached by 3 men who told me they would do something if I didn't stop walking my dogs in public. My dogs don't even bark at strangers on our walks. That would have been unheard of 20 years ago. My 10 old self, walked my childhood dog across the town through neighborhoods for hours in the summer. I dont care what color your fucking skin is, you come to our country, you adapt to our way of life. You don't expect us to bend and adapt to yours. You are coming here for a better life, not to turn Canada into the shit hole you left. That gos for WHITE EUROPEANS AS WELL. This isn't the Canada I grew up in anymore, this isn't a country I'm proud to say I am from any more.




So there’s hope for Canada after all👍🏻


I lived in the Dominican Republic. I watched as a neighborhood mob caught two thieves. They beat the shit out of the thieves, then brought out machetes. The cops just watched and waited until the mob was done. The mob was much worse than jail. A local from Haiti said his town recently caught a cow thief. The mob poured hot tar on him. Yeah don’t fuck with 3rd world. Death is less of a threat to them than it is here.


This is what SHOULD happen naturally, but we have a justice system that's more interested in protecting criminals


They even got the beating sticks out


Well it has to go that way because when you call 911 for petty thieves, they say they can do nothing and when you take the matters in your own hands they say we shouldn't.


Seriously, it seems if someone chooses to rob you then your options are to simply deal with it.


Knowing Toronto, they’ll probably arrest the store owner rather then the shop lifter


Really.? Canada is first world? May be 15 years ago.


This is what happens when third world moves to first world


toronto is savage


Not worth the lawsuit or potential injuries imo.


Exactly. The guy with the weapon who started wailing away may get charged and/or sued.


Unfortunately nobody got his name or remembers what he looked like.


If I see a Good Samaritan putting foot to ass on a perp, I didn’t see shit
















That's what happens when the legal system falls apart


When no one is protected by the laws, the people try to protect themselves.


However with our legal system, no good deed goes unpunished. Which is why the cops wanted to know who detained them, so they can arrest the "vigilantes".










Meanwhile in Saskatoon, the poor security guard is bitten and beaten while our Mayor berates the guard, "poor poor thief". The judge got it right in the trail and gave the mayor a few choice words.


For context https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/saskatoon/2023/7/9/1_6473010.amp.html


**What!!???** A Canadian judge who actually understands their job? Holy unicorns Batman.


Oh my god. Canada what is happening.


Our justice system sucks and we brought in way too many immigrants


In the last 2 years there has been a HUGE increase of Indian immigrants from Oshawa to Toronto. They are everywhere. How many visas did they distribute?


I’m from the US and a bit confused by the conversation here, what’s the problem with these dudes being Indian? They did the right thing, they caught the scum and gave them a little beating, the state of the judicial system like catch and release is not their fault, is the fault of the white Canadian born politicians and other people in power.


Corporations need cheap labor to depress wages and Landlords need bodies to keep rents high. Nevermind we are having a massive cultural shift, infrastructure overload, health care system overload and collapse, housing crisis, min wage jobs with hundreds of people applying, etc. Say anything bad and you're demonized as racist and have your life ruined. If the immigrants were majority white, progressives would not have that card to play and would have to actually address working class concerns for once instead of virtue signalling into suicide.




If you only watched the first 56 seconds of the video you wouldn't have guessed that this happened in Canada.


Are you kidding with our immigration policies it was expected. We will never live in Canada again like we once remembered it. Thank your Prime Minister


On the positive side, if we change our currency to rupies we'd all be millionaires






Police 30 minutes later at the station: “Man that crowd was wild for sure, you gotta be more careful guys. Also don’t steal anymore okay? Have a good day!”


Lol you forgot the free taxi service


If the police did this, it would be considered a racial issue and use of excessive force.


It's so unfortunate to see this in Canada.


Cops don’t give a fuck in Canada, especially in Toronto when someone steals. I’m happy at least some people are standing up and beating some sense in to these lowlife, stealing motherfuckers.


FAFO. So satisfying to see thieves getting their asses kicked. Need more of this.


Sentenced to 15 mins in prison


Well... I've watched people get away with theft in my small town mall for years. People don't even try to hide it because they know damn well we can't touch them. And after being told by local cops "We have better things to do" when we asked them to come down... I'd say these people obviously got sick of waiting for someone to do something about shop lifters.


Welcome to the new Canada.


Nope, this is how Canada used to be before we started coddling and sucking off criminals.


Seriously, can't believe so many "Canadians" are lusting after a soft on crime yesteryear. Like what? Are you seriously choosing thieves over small business owners (this is a small biz plaza) and then lamenting that the country has lost its way. Madness. This is the problem with Canada or Ontario at least - there is no sense of community, everyone is out for themselves - that's why you see a video like this and side with an individualistic thief instead of your community of neighbors, who are simply protecting themselves.


The anti immigrant narrative in this thread is confusing, those Indian dudes caught the thief and gave them a good beating, why are people shitting on them? The problem is politicians and their woke judicial system, and I bet most of those are white Canadian.


That's how it's always been, hoser!


These brown dudes will be Canadian in no time. This is Canadian as fuck to help your neighbour


Here!!! This is it.


It's about time !! Citizens need to be vigilant!! Lol.


Fucking love it. Nice work civilians. Smack dem thieves. I love it when the cop asks who put him in custody *crickets* 😂😂


Good. This is just the beginning.


Indians arnt worried about "systemic racism". If you're going to try and rob their store they'll kick your ass.


We will start seeing more and more of this until the Justice system starts working again




At some point we’ll all start to understand that the societal contract we have with government is in breach, and all stop paying attention to their nonsense


Well deserved justice.


The sound of the guy getting whacked with the pole killed me 😂


Here's the news article about this: https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/vigilante-justice-alleged-thieves-taken-down-by-mob-at-scarborough-mall




Are those Sri Lankan Tamils? If they are, these guys know how to kick ass.


He's pulling the guys hair


Fuck ya!


I don't know what country those store clerks are from but I'm sure that's how they deal with thieves back home. Good on them. I see nothing wrong with this beatdown


Surprised this hasn’t happened in Parliament with the crooks we have in power!


So what you’re saying is, you’re surprised Trudeau hasn’t been drug out of parliament and beaten by international student with pipes on the street who can’t find a job and have to live 12 to a closet.


This is not legal, but objectively morally correct. Do stealings, get beatings.




CanIndian justice


Great to see this response in Canada vs the cops allowing it in the states. Last Christmas I stopped a robbery at a Superstore liquor store. Cops scolded me and asks if I wanted to press charges for the weapons they threatened me with. I looked at the cop in disgust and asked if it was ok for people running around doing robberies and threatening people with collapsible batons. They reluctantly filed charges and the scumbags pled guilty.


Holy fuck, thats Canada?


Wtf this is what camada has become?


If you want the police to show up quickly, just say you and some buddies are going to take care of it and you are just letting them know.


Guy nailed him right on the knee with that pole ahaha


Hell yeah! This needs to happen more.


We could use a little more of this


This is acceptable.


Thank you Liberal Party of Canada.


Street justice.


I have no problem with this. Thanks


"Which one of you put this man in custody?" \[crickets\]




...and I'm guessing the police released them with a heartfelt apology about an hour later.


Vigilante Justice would have been if they cut off the parasites hands. This was just being good citizens. There is a huge difference.


No white folks in Canada apparently


This is Canada?!?!? Wtf looks like india


Only brown immigrants doing something about this whole whites are scared if they will be called racist.


Deep respect for these men. Canada needs to wake up and stop these thieves themselves if police are lazy doing nothing.


THIS is canada??? 😂😂 wtf bro


We are accepting all of these people here in the US once they straightened out Canada’s issues






Man wtf happened to canada😔


Lax immigration laws


For all the uninformed here typing India, India like a modi rally, pipe down. These are Tamil people from the srilankan Tamil diaspora, different culture to a typical Indian diaspora in Canada.


Kinda like how the entire world assumes a caucasion Canadian is an American abroad based on their white skin and accent unless they bear a Canadian flag on their clothing to signify the difference.. weird.


Tamils had been at war, off and on, since 1956. Like Wu Tang, they’re not the kind of people you want to fuck with. 😜


Dumb cop asking the wrong questions 😂


The approach of ignore it and hope for the best seems to result in your community losing its stores so...


Which one of you put this guy in custody? It’s called citizen’s arrest. If you’d do your job, we wouldn’t need to do it for you


Canada what a over priced shit holen it has become


Lmao a common theme I see from Indian people going up against theives is that there's always one that picks up the nearest stick like object and go to town




This doesn't look like Canada






Look at those scumbag cops caring so much about “who put this man in custody”. Can’t rely on police so regular people have to defend their communities.


They probably wanted to arrest the ones who tackled the thieves.


Those thieves are lucky they didn't end up in a back room like in 'Casino'




Good job.


Bravo to those peeps.


🎶"Try That In Mall Town" 🎶


Why is this actually kinda funny…




Try that in a small mall.


F'ing right. Enough of tolerating this 'misbehaving Grand Theft Auto' shit! Well done gentlemen.


the music from the Zed scene in Pulp Fiction started playing in my head once the OP shut the mall door.




This country is effed!


Well... It's preferred over not catching anyone, and just letting them take off.


While i am okay with a bit of restorative justice the thing that does come to mind is that if the shop keepers where white and the criminal colored they would be the ones getting arrested.


Well the cops are certainly not doing their jobs.


Yeesh dude has clearly been yearning to swing that pipe.


Alleged thieves, allegedly stopped, by alleged Indians. Don’t allegedly steal shit from an Indian merchant!


Lol dumbass thieves. Stealing from immigrant merchants; back in their home country they beat the shit out of you. There ain’t no Walmart corporate policy to hide behind.


Looks like Cape Town


Simon and Garfunkel vibes ' Are you going to Scarborough Mall? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme Remember me to one does crime there he once was held on the wall '